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Bones Muscles & Joints part 2

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Fibromyalgia - fibromyalgia is simply the name for a condition of pain in muscle and connective tissue. It does not provide an explanation as to the cause or the progression of the condition. In fact, to the medical community it still is a mysterious condition. I see fibromyalgia as a build-up of toxic material in connective tissue and muscle, which then stimulates an immune system response, causing inflammation, pain and the formation of fibrous scar tissue. This situation is definately linked to adrenal fatigue and can be exacerbated by secondary issues like dehydration, infection and chronic body tissue starvation. The first thing that is essential is a good connective tissue cleanse. We need to tone down the pain, inflammation and scar tissue response, so the diet must be sugar-free and we use Boswellia Complex, Cramp Bark and California Poppy. Then, I provide a comprehensive program of formulas to address the

multi-faceted nature of this condition. Immunity requires Cataplex ACP and Astragalus Complex. Tissue starvation responds to OPC Synergy, Cataplex E, Ginkgo and Myo-Plus. Adrenal fatigue requires Rehmannia or Rehmannia Complex Phytosynergist, Eleuthero and Drenatrophin PMG. The soft tissue mineral balance requires Manganese B12 and Magnesium Lactate. Lupus - this is a devastating and destructive connective tissue condition that is thought to be autoimmune in nature. It is more common in women than men, particularly women in their 20's and 30's. Reducing the inflammation and supporting adrenal function are key aspects of treatment, as well as modulating immune activity to reduce autoimmune symptomology. We believe that this is a body-wide response to a severe stress, an acute infection or high levels of acidic metabolites stored in the space between superficial fascial layers. Lupus requires a highly personalized program of cleansing,

colonics, and herbal formulations such as Boswellia Complex for inflammation, Rehmannia Complex and Echinacea Premium for immune modulation and the connective tissue protomorphagen Biost. Also supporting the adrenal gland is important with intensive formulas such as High Grade Licorice, Drenatrophin PMG and Schisandra. Tendinitis - inflammation of tendons is a common occurance, particularly in repetitive movement situations such as assembly lines, computer entry, violinists, tennis players, golfers and runners. Massage Therapy is essential to remove accumulated adhesions in the adjoining muscles and remove toxic metabolites. We also need to cut the inflammation with Boswellia Complex, Celery Seed and Horsetail. Then we work on repairing the tendon

with Ligaplex II. Bursitis - bursae sacs are located in many of our joints and help to provide a cushioned surface for tendons that are moving across the bone surface. These sacs contain fluid similar in nature to synovial joint fluid that when irritated can become inflamed and painful with movement. I recommend Cal-Amo, Phosfood, Drenamin and Sesame Seed Oil as the basic food concentrate program. Then we add Boswellia Complex, Horsetail, Ginger and Turmeric to reduce inflammation and irritation. Massage and movement reeducation are key components of treatment. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - this is a condition caused by the impingement of the ulnar and median nerve as it passes through the bones and connective

tissue of the wrist. It is very common in massage therapists, computer entry personnel, tennis players with a weak forehand, and even weightlifters. According to the research of Dr. Janet Travell, physician to President Kennedy, the propensity for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is very high in individuals with a deficiency of B6 pyridoxine. For this reason, our core protocol is B6 Niacinamide combined with localized heat applications, Myofascial Release and secondary formulas of St. 's Wort, Ginkgo and Inositol. TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction) - maxillofacial surgery, a blow to the jaw, getting your teeth cleaned, teeth-grinding at night or even the mumps, can all contribute to inflammation, pain and subluxation of the joint that joins your lower jaw to your skull. One of the most unique joints in the body, the TMJ is a hinge that actually slides in and out of socket to allow your mouth to open. The natural position for the lower

jaw is for the mouth to be closed, with the teeth slightly apart. Opening the mouth is the active movement, while closing the mouth is a passive movement. Clenching the teeth is a hyperactive movement that requires intense muscle strength and development. Chronic clenching, particularly during sleep, cause the controlling muscles to become hypertrophied and to actually resist normal opening of the jaw, which causes the joint to move inappropriately in order to open. Over time this wears down the joint and allows hypermobility with opening. Maintaining the mouth in a hyperextended position (open wide), will cause the ligament package that surrounds each joint to become stretched and loose, preventing the joint from moving correctly when opening. You may start to experience popping or clicking with opening. You may even notice when you look in a mirror, that your mouth does not open and close evenly, often swinging to one side with movement. My early myofascial therapy

specialized in TMJ treatment with intensive forms of intra-oral soft tissue therapy to release muscular spasm, restriction and tension around the jaw, combined with formulations for every aspect of TMJ. Parotid PMG helps to reduce swelling in the parotid glands behind the joint, Boswellia Complex reduces inflammation and Ligaplex II balances and restores normal joint capsule function. Support For Ligaments: Dessicated Adrenal and Drenamin - these formulas are designed for adrenal function, as opposed to structure. The adrenal gland is a behind-the-scenes factors in determining the integrity of ligaments, and it also helps to reduce inflammation. Trace Minerals B12 - this is a combination of alkaline ash minerals contained in whole food sources such as peavine juice, alfalfa, bone meal and dried buckwheat.

It is for very weak ligaments, but also helps in cases of joint pain by reducing the acidic environment of the joint space. Collagen C - this formula is a rich source of chondroitan sulfate for collagen formation in joints. It also contains rose hip powder, bone meal, adrenal, echinacea root and buckwheat. It was designed for spinal disc lesions, and ligament weakness along the spine and also weak TMJ ligaments. Glucosamine Synergy - this formula is fast-absorbing combining glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate for joints. Ligaplex I - this ligament formula is for chronically weak ligaments, disc lesions, herniated discs and injury to tendons or ligaments. Manganese B-12 - this chelated mineral formula with carrot powder and bone meal is similar to Trace Minerals B12 but without the iodine. Manganese is essential to support ligament strength and disc integrity. But this formula also can harden bone, making it

essential for all bone issues. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sprains, Strains & Muscle Issues - muscles and bones work together through the action of pulling. By examining the angles of pull, we can see where muscles are pulling too much, even when they should be at rest. This is especially evident in the muscles of posture. Over time, contracting these muscles does not change their length, because they are already semi-contracted, instead only the internal muscle tension increases. This is identical to what happens in isometric or static exercise. These are the muscles that will suffer from fatigue, partly because the static state reduces the pumping action that muscles have when contracting and relaxing. Use of the same muscles over and over will not only cause fatigue, but spasms and fibrosis. Once in this state, a muscle

can resist movement, actually causing a sprain of the joint. Sensors within the muscle and the adjoining tendinous areas control the stretch and tension of a muscle, protecting the muscle from damage. When a muscle is stretched too quickly or too far, a muscle strain will occur. So a sprain involves the entire joint, while a strain is an issue of the muscle specifically. Other muscle issues are fatigue, adhesions, inflammation, pain, and weakness. One of the most damaging approaches to muscles is improper muscle building or overbuilding of muscle tissue. It is important to realize that exercise does not build muscle, it tears muscle down. Following exercise, nutrition and rest are what allow for the muscle to rebuild and strengthen. Otherwise, the muscle will actually begin to absorb nutrition from other tissues of the body, depleting the body as a whole. For this reason, once muscle building ceases, muscle atrophy occurs quickly, due to the depletion of tissue reserves of

nutrients. Take a moment and read about Muscle Function & Injury... Some of my favorite muscle protocols are: Natural Muscle Building Support: Vasculin - supports heart and muscles with B vitamins for nerve conductivity and Vitamin C Complex to increase oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, 4 per day. Wheat Germ Oil Perles - Vitamin E complex for repair, octacosanol for endurance, unsaturated fatty acids, 6 per day when working out, 3 per day when not working out. Calcium Lactate - helps to prevent muscle cramps, strengthen bones and connective tissue, 8 per day when working out, 4 per day when not working out. Protefood - this formula gives you all

eight essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize with ribonucleic acid for protein absorption from blood to muscle tissue, 2 per day. Zypan - with increased muscle building and protein intake, additional hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes are essential, 2 with each meal. Tribulus - increases testosterone precursors and enhances muscle endurance and development, 3 per day. Vitanox - this antioxidant formula helps to prevent free radical accumulation in muscle tissue which can tear down muscle and induce excessive muscle fatigue, 3 per day. OPC-Synergy - the essence of this antioxidant formula is to restore collagen strength and elasticity, which is the key to muscle strength, 3 per day. To increase Kreb's Cycle efficiency and oxidative phosphorylation: Linum B6 - anchors enzymes embedded in the mitochondrial lipid membrane so they

will not be lost due to over-exertion and to maintain high levels of mitochondrial activity, 3 per day. Cataplex G - riboflavin and niacin enzyme precursors combine to power stubborn phases of the Kreb's Cycle, 3 per day. Copper - this essential enzyme cofactor enahnces all the minerals and enzymes active in each stage of the Kreb's Cycle, 3 per day. Cataplex B - these soluble B vitamin factors help to increase nerve motor conductivity, increasing the speed of muscle reaction and reduces the build-up of lactic and pyruvic acids, while increasing metabolism of carbohydrates for endurance sports, 3 per day. Cataplex E - helps to increase mitochondrial activity and oxygenation to muscle cells, 6 per day. For Muscle Pulls: Zypan - to increase the digestion and absorption of essential protein and amino acids for muscle repair, 2 per meal. Ligaplex II - this is the core product to support repair and rebuilding of muscle tissue after injury, 9 per day. If inflammation is present, add Black Currant Seed Oil. Calcium Lactate - this formula helps to ionize minerals for increased muscle efficiency and also relaxes the spasm and restriction common after muscle pulls, 9 per day. Cataplex ACP - increases fluid transfer, removing accumulated edema or inflammatory fluids from the muscle to restore normalized function quickly and effectively, 6 per day. I have many other highly specialized formulas that we provide to help with muscle and soft tissue issues. I can even blend a liquid tonic formulation to incorporate complete health elements for athletes and muscular issues. When combined with essential massage therapy, they provide life, strength, flexibility and vitality for our muscular body. My soft tissue formulas

include: Ashwaganda - this indian herb has been used for thousands of years as an anabolic to increase body strength. Burdock Complex - this is a form of essiac tea popular for blood cleansing during cancer treatment. For athletes, it is one of the greatest formulas to reduce lactic and pyruvic acid accumulation, essential for enhancing muscle and joint recovery. Calsol - this is a vegetarian form of calcium with phosphorus added, excellent for muscle soreness or weakness, muscle cramps, insomnia, and to prevent muscle spasming during endurance events. Cataplex B12 - this formula is for any neuromuscular disorders. Cataplex E - this is a complete vitamin E with selenium, a necessary cofactor mineral which activates Vitamin E in the human body. It increases muscle strength quickly and prevents muscular reactions to stress. This is for you if you have

leg cramps with exercise, chronic connective tissue issues or unexplained muscle weakness. Horsechestnut Complex - this combination of Butcher's Broom, Horsechestnut and Ginkgo Biloba is to tonify the veins and reduce sprains, strains and edema. It is perfect if you wake up in the mornings with muscle soreness from ischemia or if your legs are restless during the night. Licorice, High Grade - this herbal extract acts as natural cortisol in the body reducing inflammation and reducing scar tissue formation in muscle tissue. Ligaplex II - this is a must-have maintenance for elite athletes. It reduces muscle spasm and supports muscle, bone and ligaments. It prevents athletic injuries and muscle degeneration. It can reduce hiatal hernias and bulging discs, as well as carpal tunnel issues. It is by far the best long-term support for the athletic body. Magnesium Lactate - magnesium is the most important ingredient in

natural rehydration. It reduces tissue injury and inflammation, reduces muscle cramping and will provide maximum rehydration when the capsules are opened and mixed in water. Manganese B-12 - not only is manganese essential for ligament support and to prevent ligament injury, but it is key to build muscle tissue. Myo-Plus - the perfect formula for muscle weakness, atrophy or flaccidy, particularly during recovery from injury. Myotrophin PMG - this complex is for any loss of muscle integrity, particularly muscle tears. Rehmannia Complex Phytosynergist - this formula has a natural steroidal effect and is specifically for acute inflammatory conditions. Tribulus, Bulgarian - this is the secret formula traditionally used in Bulgaria for weight lifters to increase testosterone levels and enhance athletic performance. It dramatically increases muscle development and provides a strong testosterone precursor

effect within the body. Please note that ONLY the Bulgarian tribulus terrestris will have this effect. Wheat Germ Oil - this is one of the best, natural foods that will increase oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, reducing muscle cramps and capillary fragility. http://www.theherbaladvisor.com/Treatment%20Plans/bones.htm Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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