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Bones Muscles & Joints

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The Perfect Structure: Bones, Muscles & Joints Calcium is one of the most needed, and yet most overrated of all the minerals our body uses. The modern approach seems to be to load the body up with calcium, particularly if the joints and bones are experiencing some kind of deterioration, such as osteopenia, osteoporosis, arthritis or even during menopause believing that less estrogen means bone loss. Take a moment to read more about calcium... In order to produce healthy bones and joints, there are many synergistic components that make up the structures of the skeletal system. Calcium, Vitamin D, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Selenium are some of the more prevalent ingredients that the body uses for bone health. But the muscles also play a

role in the health of our bones. The muscles are what determine the tension and stress placed upon the bones and joints. Muscles also use calcium as the motivating force in contraction. But the type of calcium that is best for muscles may not necessarily be the best for bones. For this reason, much of the calcium we take in, thinking it is for our bones, actually lies embedded in muscle tissue or in the fluid around a joint. There are three steps to calcium levels in the body: intake, absorption and utilization. Intake involves eating foods that are rich in calcium that we can absorb. Although milk products contain large amounts of calcium, we may not be able to obtain our calcium easily in this form. Our digestion may not allow us to break down the milk to obtain the included calcium. Plant sources provide wonderful amounts of calcium, and with many of the synergistic minerals needed to utilize calcium efficiently, but when was the

last time you ate kale? Absorption involves having the proper digestive enzymes to break heavy minerals out of our foods and supplements. Many times our intestinal tract is too alkaline for mineral absorption. This will particularly be true in people who have had acid reflux, acid stomach or chronic yeast infections. Minerals require a more acidic environment for increased bacterial activity, essential for mineral absorption. We may also have a large amount of plaque in our intestinal tract, or constipated material which blocks our ability to absorb minerals. Utilization includes proper circulation of the blood, so the minerals can find their way to the cells of the body. It also means having the correct type of mineral and the correct synergistic components for absorption. Remember the body makes compounds, and uses elements to do it. If we do not have the correct elements, the compounds our body makes may be unstable

or unusable by our cells. For instance, calcium carbonate may be the cheapest calcium to produce, but in our body it is practically unusable, whereas calcium lactate bonds very well with the elements needed for bone growth. The most difficult aspect of mineral use is the fact that the body stores unused minerals, loading up the intestinal tract, liver, joint spaces, muscles and even the brain with large amounts of minerals. Each mineral in an unbonded state has an electrical charge. This challenges our bodies' natural charge and increases the amount of free radical ions loose in our body fluids and tissues. So maintaining the health of muscles, bones and joints is a comprehensive, holistic process that involves your diet, your digestion, your circulation and your exercise routine. The main driving force of calcium balance is the cycle of thyroid, parathyroid, kidneys and digestion. First, high levels of calcium in the

blood stimulates the thyroid gland to release Calcitonin which promotes the depositing of calcium into bones, which decreases the level of calcium in the blood. A low level of calcium in the blood stimulates the parathyroid gland to release PTH or parathyroid hormone which promotes the release of calcium from the bone matrix into the blood and decreases the loss of calcium through the kidneys. PTH also stimulates the kidneys to release Calcitriol which stimulates increased absorption of calcium from foods in our digestive tract which increases blood calcium level. So we depend on the thyroid, parathyroid, kidneys and intestinal tract for calcium balance. So let's begin by taking a look at the typical problems we can experience in our structure of bones, joints and muscles: The Parathyroid Gland & Calcium Balance - the parathyroid gland is located just behind the thyroid gland in the neck and has

essentially one function; to help the thyroid gland to regulate calcium levels in the blood. If the parathyroid is overactive, it can release too much PTH, causing bones to degenerate through loss of calcium from the matrix. If the parathyroid is underactive, it can allow blood calcium levels to fall below normal and many symptoms of calcium deficiency throughout the body will result. Muscles will especially lack calcium, causing general muscle weakness. So any imbalance in the parathyroid can bring about bone loss, degeneration and connective tissue symptoms such as Lupus or Bursitis. We suggest 6 Cataplex F Perles and 1 Cal-Ma Plus tablet per day for hypo-parathyroid and 6 Cataplex D tablets and 1 Cal-Ma Plus tablet per day for hyper-parathyroid. Body Calcium Formulas: Cal-Amo - this is a systemic acidifier, to increase acid-forming salts in the blood stream and enhance

calcium absorption. Cal-Ma Plus - the parathyroid is the gland responsible for the body's ability to handle calcium. Without proper function, calcium can be nutritionally available, but not used. This formula balances parathyroid activity with a glandular concentrate. Calcium Lactate - Muscles rely on calcium for contraction and strength. This formula is essential to fill that calcium need in the muscles and the nerves. Calsol - a water-based vegan calcium, this is especially important for getting calcium and phosphorus into the system during severe illness or body weakness. Cataplex D - Vitamin D does more in the body than you think. This formula enhances the natural effects of Vitamin D by increasing calcium transport from the gastrointestinal tract to the blood and also helps in chronic nose bleeds and cases of delayed healing. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Osteopenia & Osteoporosis - Osteopenia and its' more advanced state, Osteoporosis are conditions where bones may remain structurally sound in size and shape, but they develop cavities or porousness within, causing the bone to be brittle, fragile and easily broken. It seems to be more common in women, leading to the widely accepted idea that estrogen loss after menopause is a major contributing factor. The reduction in estrogen allows an overproduction of osteoclasts, bone cells which degrade bone. This causes an imbalance in the erosion process, and bone is broken down from within. For this reason, one of the core treatment concerns is estrogen balance with Wild Yam Complex, Black Cohosh and Nettle Leaf. For maintaining and restoring bone density, we suggest a combination of high-grade essential fatty acids such as Linum B6, minerals and iron

compounds from food in Fe-Max Iron Tonic and For-Til B12 and calcium-building protocols of Biost, Calsol and Calcifood. Bone Spurs & Stones - if calcium cannot be absorbed into bone, soft tissue areas will become saturated with stored calcium, and the blood will deposit calcium in filtration areas of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder. This is the origin of bone spurs and stones. Lack of calcium absorption is really a two-fold problem: lack of intestinal acidity and lack of catalysts for calcium absorption such as Vitamin D, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Selenium. To increase intestinal acidity, we recommend Cal-Amo tablets and CyroYeast wafers at every meal. For mineral catalyst formulas, Calcifood and Bio-Dent are invaluable. Arthritis & Gout - Arthritis has many faces and many forms, such as Rheumatoid, Osteo and Gout. What they all have in common in gradual degeneration and deterioration of the joints, pain, inflammation and

from a holistic perspective, toxic accumulation. Arthritis is essentially an example of a deficiency in the support system for the collagen matrix. Our cartilage structure is comprised of mostly glucosamine sulfate, which is a chemical compound that is a basis for collagen. Unfortunately, our bodies cannot utilize supplemental glucosamine sulfate. Our bodies need the precursors to form bio-available glucosamine sulfate. We derive this from sulfur-bearing foods, such as eggs, cabbage, kale, broccoli, spanish black radish. Many older people develop arthritis simply from a diet lacking in sulfur-bearing foods. Also if there is any toxicity in the liver, it will have a more difficult time handling sulfur-bearing foods, and extra strain on the liver will cause it to be unable to filter out toxins that are stored in weakened joint spaces. In fact, it takes more than one year of severe deficiencies to use up the storage of mineral calcium present in bones.

Gout may be the most obvious of these, caused by an accumulation of lactic and uric acid primarily in the big toe. Changes in diet are key for arthritis, along with complexes to reduce acidic metabolites in the blood such as Burdock Complex, Phosfood, Nettle, Celery and Trace Minerals B12. Pain management is important with Saligesic (White Willow), California Poppy and Boswellia Complex. Next, we highly recommend our Arthritis & Connective Tissue Cleanse to completely cleanse the joint areas prior to providing all the synergistic components essential to healthy joints. Once the joints are clear, we recommend Calcium Lactate and Cataplex C for all connective tissue patients. We also select one core product around which to build a personalized protocol for joint health: Ostarplex for Osteoarthritis, Rumaplex for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Arginex for Gout. Gout

also requires extensive kidney cleansing for lasting improvement. Food For Bones: Bio-Dent -this bio-available form of calcium has been used since the 1930's to help increase calcium absorption for the teeth and bones. One way to determine if the body has too high a calcium level, is to look for tartar on the teeth. This indicates that the body's tissue calcium level is excessive. Bio-Dent is derived from bone meal, Carrot powder, Licorice root powder, Peanut bran, manganese and essential glandulars. It treats bone deformities, dental problems, spinal lesions, blood dyscrasias and arteriosclerotic changes. Calcifood - Calcifood is powdered bone derivative with enzymes for bone deformities and dental problems. It is

the most complete food for bone development that we provide. Biost - this is our connective tissue protomorphagen which provides a source of bone phosphatase which is essential for bone repair, loose teeth, gum and tooth disease, carpal tunnel syndrome and calcium utilization and osteoporosis and arthritis. Cataplex D - this milk-based whole food complex is specifically for bone growth disorders, particularly with endometriosis or fibroid cases. Cataplex F Tablets - these tablets helps cells absorb calcium from the blood stream to the tissues reducing strain on the parathyroid gland. It is suggested that the F factor may be the missing element that sustains mineral suspensions in the bloodstream. This is essential for people that have thyroid dysfunction. Prost-X - many men may go years with a deficiency in calcium, and usually the first sign of it is a prostate problem, such as benign prastatic hypertrophy or

enlarged prostate. At ISIS, we see this as indicating a desperate need for calcium, and this formula is for exactly that situation, not only in restoring normal calcium metabolism, but also in enhancing a weakened libido. Joint Formulas: B6 - Niacinamide - this pyridoxine niacinamide formula is our basic treatment for Carpal Tunnel based on the research of Dr. Janet Travell, physician to President Kennedy. Her research indicated that a deficiency of pyridoxine was the contributing factor to the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Biost - this is our connective tissue protomorphagen which provides a source of bone phosphatase which is essential osteoporosis and arthritis. Burdock Complex - this is a form of essiac tea popular for blood cleansing during cancer treatment.

One of the great aspects of this complex is its ability to reduce lactic and pyruvic acid accumulation, essential in the treatment of gout and arthritis. Cal-Amo - this product is calcium salt complexes to acidify the blood, particularly important in asthma, arthritis, allergies and bursitis. It is recommended for excessively alkaline systems and for people who are taking large amounts of calcium, but whose joint conditions are not improving. Cal-Ma-Plus - this product contains desiccated parathyroid which helps to increase blood calcium levels by removing excess calcium deposits from soft tissue areas. Also high levels of boron may suppress parathyroid activity. It is excellent for those people who have body tissue that is tender to the touch, joint pain after excercise, joint stiffness and even TMJ pain. Chezyn - this is a chelated organic mineral formula for people who have chronic acid stomach issues and connective tissue

problems from the poor assimilation of food. It is a synergist to vitamin B6. Circuplex - the life of the body is in the blood and the body will sacrifice everything to maintain blood values. This is especially true of the calcium in bone. This formula provides phosphorus, B6 and RNA to help cases of hypothyroidism with osteoarthritis. It is perfect for cold hands and feet with morning stiffness. Copper Liver Chelate - this copper formula contains numerous enzymes which promote collagen and elastin integrity which helps with osteoporosis, joint problems and reducing the activity of free radicals. Ostarplex - this is a complete formula with small amounts of all the products we provide for osteoarthritis and also to reduce calcium carbonate bone spurs. Ostrophin PMG - Ostrophin PMG is for loose teeth and bone or joint symptoms such as arthritis. It is the protomorphagen for bone and is indicated especially for

people with low white blood cell counts and tooth or gum disease. Phosfood - phosphorus has a large part to play in joint health. It dissolves stones and calcium deposits in soft tissue, reduces gout and migraine symptoms and is essential for osteoarthritis. Rumaplex - this is general support for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and long-term calcium support Suzi List Owner health/ http://360./suziesgoats What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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