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Fw: Save Raw Almonds

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Save Raw Almonds

Like many, AAHF was appalled by the recent USDA decision thatall raw almonds sold as of September 1, 2007 would have to bepasteurized (including organic almonds) while still be labeledas ?raw?. Watch the PSA that our interns put together:

The new protocols require all raw almonds grown and sold inNorth America to be pasteurized, thereby killing off any waywardbacteria. How? By quick-steaming the nuts, or spraying them withpropylene oxide (PPO), a chemical so nasty that it was banned byboth the National Hot Rod and American Motorcycle RacingAssociations, where it had been used as a fuel before beingdeemed too dangerous. PPO is also a carcinogen. For these andother reasons, most countries, including the EU, ban importednuts treated with PPO.

We have joined with the Organic Consumers Association and theCornucopia Institute among other groups to make a change.

We are currently working with Congress to address this issue andrequesting the USDA to do a minimum 180-day suspicion for a fullreview and to reopen public comments. We will also be asking foran organic exemption as well as truth in labeling.

Take action today: http://ga4.org/ct/v7AYqL61Tzn1/

You can take action on this alert either via email (please seedirections below) or via the web at:http://ga4.org/campaign/raw_almonds/wnx5x3g2oid7655?

Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this.http://ga4.org/campaign/raw_almonds/forward/wnx5x3g2oid7655?

We encourage you to take action by December 31, 2008

Save Raw Almonds

INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPOND VIA THE WEB:If you have access to a web browser, you can take action on thisalert by going to the following URL:


INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPOND VIA EMAIL:Just choose the "reply to sender" option on your email program.

Your letter will be addressed and sent to:Your Congressperson Your Senators

----THIS LETTER WILL BE SENT IN YOUR NAME----Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],

As one of the millions of Americans who eats almonds, I wasappalled by the recent USDA decision requiring that all rawalmonds sold as of September 1, 2007 have to be pasteurized(including organic almonds) while still allowing to be labeledas "raw". [The final almond pasteurization rule, Almonds Grownin California; Outgoing Quality Control Requirements, waspublished in 72 Federal Register 15021 (March 30, 2007) (to becodified at 7 C.F.R. 981.442(B)).]

This ruling is not so much for safety but rather appears to befor liability protection for large growers, particularly becausethe last outbreak was traced back to the largest almond orchardin California.

In 2001 and 2004 two outbreaks of salmonella poisoning weretraced back to almonds. According to the Center for DiseaseControl's documents, a total of 33 people were hospitalized; noone died and millions of pounds of almonds were recalled.

The industry's federal marketing order, the Almond Board ofCalifornia (ABC), took action immediately after the 2004outbreak. Under zero pressure from the public (and with about asmuch input) they voluntarily created, and then asked the USDA tomandate, an action plan that went into effect on September 1,2007. Not much effort was made to engage the public and toreceive their feedback.

The new protocols require all raw almonds grown and sold inNorth America to be pasteurized, thereby killing off any waywardbacteria. How? By quick-steaming the nuts, or spraying them withpropylene oxide (PPO), a chemical so nasty that it was banned byboth the National Hot Rod and American Motorcycle RacingAssociations, where it had been used as a fuel before beingdeemed too dangerous. PPO is also a carcinogen. For these andother reasons, most countries, including the EU, ban importednuts treated with PPO.

I would like you to address this issue and request the USDA todo a minimum 180-day suspicion for a full review and to reopenpublic comments. I furthermore urge you to request an organicexemption to pasteurization and for truth in labeling and nopasteurized almonds should be allowed to be labeled as "raw".

Thank you for reviewing this issue and I look forward to hearingyour feedback.


Sincerely,Irena Franchi


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