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Health e-Tips - Squashing the big fat bug


October 10, 2007

This doctor said, "You can just about get rid of cancer in 21 days"

Believe it or not, that's what a Midwestern cancer doctor with 20years of experience told me in an exclusive new interview. She knowsbecause she used the same therapies to beat her own "terminal" cancer,and then became a doctor to share the joyful secrets with others. Herclinic defeats cancer with natural methods ONLY - no surgery, noradiation, no chemo. And she proved her breakthrough again and again,not just on "easy" cancers but on the toughest cases. You can seekhelp at her clinic or at one of 15 other outstanding US clinics in mybrand new guide. Click below:



Dear Reader,

Catching a cold is no one's idea of a good time. But most of us haveaccepted them as a pretty harmless nuisance and just do our best toavoid them as much as possible. It turns out, though, that what wethought was a harmless case of the sniffles might have put us at riskfor something much more deadly: obesity.

In August, researchers from Louisiana State University releasedfindings from a study they'd done that links a common virus strain toincreased fat cell production. The virus, called adenovirus-36 orAd-36, is the culprit behind about 5 percent of all respiratoryinfections (including colds, pneumonia, and everything in between).While the researchers knew from previous studies that nearly 30percent of obese people vs. just 11 percent of normal weight peoplehave been infected with Ad-36, they expanded on this information withtheir discoveries.

The Louisiana State researchers found that infection with thisparticular virus can trigger stem cells to turn into something calleda "pre-fat cell." They also found that these virus- induced pre-fatcells hold more fat than regular pre-fat cells.

The next phase of research will focus on determining why some peoplewho have been infected with the Ad-36 virus are able to escape theseobesity-related effects.

In the meantime, though, I have to admit I'm a bit wary of thisfinding and the big splash it made in the media. While I'm certainlynot denying the link the researchers uncovered, I am concerned thatthis will add to the blame-dodging mentality so many Americans havewhen it comes to weight loss (i.e. "Those extra pounds aren't my fault-- a virus caused them!").

But just because there's more information about potential factorsinvolved in obesity doesn't mean you should sit back and wait for thenext weight loss "magic bullet," which will likely be some sort ofvaccine against the Ad-36 virus. (We all know how reliable vaccinesare, after all.)

Whether or not scientists ever figure out how to cope with thisparticular aspect of obesity, there are steps you can take startingtoday to keep the effects of this epidemic from interfering with yourlife and future. Of course, the problem is, the steps I'm talkingabout are ones that take time and effort -- two things that,unfortunately, too many people are unwilling to invest in theirhealth.

While they may not be as easy as we'd all like, following a healthydiet and making exercise a daily priority are really the best ways tocombat obesity.

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*Small dose, big benefits*

Q: I recently subscribed to Nutrition & Healing and was surprised tosee that you recommend lithium as something that everyone should takeon a daily basis. I thought lithium was something that was only usedin severe mental disorders. Also, isn't it rather dangerous?

JVW: Most people only know lithium as something used to controlmanic-depression. And, at high doses it is very effective for thispurpose. Someone with a bipolar disorder may take as much as 900-1,800milligrams a day of lithium carbonate. At these levels, lithium isonly available with a prescription, and patients must be monitoredclosely to guard against overdose and toxicity.

However, taking lithium as a brain-boosting supplement doesn't requirenearly that high of a dose. For over 30 years, I've been recommendinglow doses in the range of 10 to 20 milligrams from lithium aspartateor lithium orotate daily. For the first few years, I monitored mypatients' blood levels very closely, but when I never found anyproblems at these doses, I decided such testing was unnecessary. I doadvise my patients to take extra quantities of essential fatty acidswhen they add a lithium supplement to their routine, however, just tobe on the safe side.

Still, it is always a good idea to work with a natural medicinephysician when starting something new -- they may also be able to helpyou locate the low dose capsules or tablets to begin with. You cancontact the American College for Advancement in Medicine(949-583-7666; www.acam.org) to find a skilled natural physiciannear you.

Yours in good health, Ross Editor Nutrition & Healing

**************************************************** To start receiving your own copy of the Health e-Tips, visit: http://www.wrightnewsletter.com/etips/freecopy.html Or forward thise-mail to a friend so they can sign-up to receive their own copy ofthe Health e-Tips. **************************************************** Revealed: The long-sought secret of a " Burns Finish".

Introducing the one nutritional supplement that can out-do all theothers. Grounded in good old-fashioned common sense -- Dr. Inglis'new,cutting-edge nutritional supplement is packed with the most potentanti-aging nutrients available. These are the same youthful secretshis patients rely on every day.

Where Dr. Inglis comes from, age is just a number. So stop frettingabout your memory and sharpness, bone health, vision and hearing andfind out how you too can have a " Burns" finish.

Keep reading ...



Sources: "Obesity virus: More, bigger fat cells," WebMD Medical News(www.mywebmd.com), 8/20/07

Health e-Tips readers can now tap into the minds of otherhealth-conscious readers at the new HSI health forum: http://www.healthiertalk.com

Copyright ©2007 by www.wrightnewsletter.com, L.L.C. Health e-Tipsmay not be posted on commercial sites without written permission.

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