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Re: New and anxious

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My situation was very similar to yours in that we had enough room to "wait and see" but there was no guarantee after that period hit that would have rounded out. I decided to go against the advice of my ped- mainly because of talking with all of the experienced, been there done that parents here in this group, and I am so glad we did. If people are noticing your daughter's head shape, perhaps you should take matters into your own hands and demand a referral to a specialist- this is what i did. You know your daughter better than anyone, and you can gauge if you feel it has gotten progressively worse or not. For some, repositioning has worked. My son had torticollis- making repositioning a battle- and favored one side as well, this created a flat spot on one side and his ears started to misalign. Facial aysmmetry was very noticeable and we decided this was our best bet. It turned out to be just that, as has a rounded head and no sign of facial asymmetry that others might notice. He started a week shy of 5 months and wore it until approx. 8 months old. Educate yourself and really examine all parts of this complex issue, only you can really determine what is best for your child, band, repositioning, or wait and see approach. Good luck in your decision making!

' Mom

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Hello and welcome to the group. You have definitely come to the right place

for advise and support! There are so many different ways to look at your

situation and,of course, ultimately you have to decide what is right for you,

your baby and your family. I think a visit to a specialist is a very good

idea. I think it would be uncommon for a specialist to automatically

recommend a helmet/band unless he/she felt it was necessary. Even if the

specialist recommends it, it would still really be up to you to make the

final decision. I think it would be a good idea to see the specialist just to

make sure that there is no craniosynostosis present (a more serious condition

in which the sutures in the head close prematurely) and to rule out

torticollis. Then you can listen to his/her advice, absorb the adivce and

information you find here and decide what is best for your family. If the

condition is mild then perhaps aggressive repositiong would help. If it is

moderate or severe then you may wish to give serious consideration to the

helmet or band. Is there facial assymetry or ear misalignment present? If

there is then that might be even more reason to see a specialist and consider

helmet/band therapy. As far as the " correcting itself " comment. Believe me

when I say most people here have heard that exact same explanation and

unfortunately most of us who waited to see if it would correct itself

ultimately regretted the decision to wait. I know I sure did! We started at 9

months with the helmet - we noticed the problem at 3 months. By 9 months the

problem was worse, not better.

I guess bottom line - it would be a good idea to see a specialist and hear

what they have to say. Whatever you decide please know that you will have the

support of this group. Good luck and I hope you will keep us posted on your


Marci (mom to )


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Hi and welcome to the group! Boy does your story sound so familiar to so many of us here! Unfortunately a lot of pediatricians tell us that it will round out on its own once the baby starts sitting up and moving around more. For some people, it does actually work out that way, but for a lot of us it doesn't. Good for you for keeping on your ped about your son's head shape. Just for the pure fact to give you some peace of mind, you should ask for a referral to a specialist. They won't write you the precription for the band or helmet unless they feel it is medically necessary, or unless you demand one, so you don't have to worry about it being an automatic thing.

Good luck, and be sure to let us know what you decide to do. And again, welcome to the group!


Kaylie & Danny (STAR grads)

Phila., PA

kaneko1232002 <kaneko1232002@...> wrote: HI, everyone, I'm new to this group, just signed up because I have a 5 and 1/2 mo. old who has a lopsided head! I've been mentioning it to my family prac. doc. for as long as I've been noticing it, and she keeps saying not to worry about it. People keep noticing it and I'm getting worried, but don't want to be too overanxious since she is so laid back about it, she says it will go away when he is sitting up more and moving around more. We've always laid him on his back to sleep like good parents, and he's always wanted to turn his head to one side, we tried alot of things, like blanket rolls, etc, but he always managed to scootch the way he wanted to. He turns his head the other way without any trouble that I've noticed anyway, just prefers to turn it the one way. Should I press my Dr. for a referral, or is there a chance it will reverse itself. I don't want him to wear a helmet unless he really needs it, I guess, and am afraid if I go to a specialist that's automatic. Any advise?For more plagio info

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