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Re: Week in review (another one bites the dust)... Praise Report

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In a message dated 10/7/2006 10:40:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, 6@... writes:

Wow good job on getting all that exercise in. I wish I could be that way and have that much will power to exercise. It seems like I do it one day and then I don't do it for a while. I always feel better after I exercise and I am always proud of myself when I have exercised. You would think I would do it more often. I am going to try and set a schedule up (flexible one).

Flexible is the best answer. If you get up and don't want to walk, do a video or something. I really do push myself to go to Curves 3x a week - if I caved in, I would never go - my mind reels with excuses to not go.... the walking isn't by choice. I don't have a car right now, so Mon-Fri I am on the bus and walking to work and all my errands. Yes, even Curves - that is why sometimes I say I go to Curves and then walk home - it's like a mile and a half from my house, so not bad... then, one day of the weekend my mommy loans me her car to do my big errand running and grocery shopping...

I sure bet you have to pee a lot huh? I need to do the same and start drinking more water. You are such an insperation!

Yeah - watch me run! LOL - that's ok, a better trade off.... at least I don't work somewhere that says you can never use the restroom often. (I have worked places like that - I am like unless you are paying for my bladder infections, etc I am going so get out of my way)...

It is okay to eat stuff once in a while that isn't on your food list. Wow they gave you a double quarter pounder with cheese? That is a big sandwich.

Yeah - I wanted a fish sandwich, which isn't "bad" at only a little over 300 calories and 9 or 13 g of fat (it is the carbs that kill you on that if you are counting these things) - but the burger had over 700 cal and 40+ g of fat - YIKES!! I am glad I am not a point counter - I just was looking at the nutritional value differences since I ate what they gave me....

Wow sounds like you are doing really well on your tests. That’s awesome! I'm happy for you. I hope you get what you want. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

Thanks - I just want to get closer to my goal of being in the legal field sooner or later. I have a little over a year left for schooling....

I would love to be on cloud nine for a little while at least. So I am living on cloud nine vicariously through you. LOL.

LOL - your day will come!! All things in their due time!!

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I'm going to reply within your e-mail. Week in review (another one bites the dust)... Praise ReportWell.... let's see.... the fact that I have made my exercise goals this week (Curves 3x and walking 3x) is great news. I am not sure yet, but I might aim to get in to Curves tomorrow again, for a 4th time :-) Then, I can walk or do a video Sunday for the off day - Wow good job on getting all that exercise in. I wish I could be that way and have that much will power to exercise. It seems like I do it one day and then I don't do it for a while. I always feel better after I exercise and I am always proud of myself when I have exercised. You would think I would do it more often. I am going to try and set a schedule up (flexible one). Water - ok - I tried to add a glass each day this week to be 9 a day and for the most part got there... I sure bet you have to pee a lot huh? I need to do the same and start drinking more water. You are such an insperation! Eating: ugh - ok, not as bad as I am thinking.... I did have that "double quarter pounder with cheese" from the other night when McDs messed up my order - but that wasn't too awful, I didn't over eat and stuff. Today - that was another story. Remember on TW the goal is to eat within hunger/fullness and not go overboard. Well, for me my comfort level is 3-5 on a 0-10 scale. Anything above 5 is stuffed to me anymore.... we (my team at work) got to go on a picnic today and I was stuffed. :'( Tomorrow's a new day - next time, I will plan better and not eat my snack in the morning or less even still at lunch.... It is okay to eat stuff once in a while that isn't on your food list. Wow they gave you a double quarter pounder with cheese? That is a big sandwich. I went through the drive through this morning and they gave me the wrong order. I looked at it and then honked my horn to get there attention because they closed the window already. They took the sack back and after a few minutes gave me another sack. Once again the order was totally wrong. So once again I honked my horn. Finally on the third try they gave me the right order. OH!! I almost forgot. My county test? :-D Remember I took the 1st test, just a blanket civil service test - had to have 70% I think to move on.... went and took the 2nd test last week, which was more hands on and typing stuff - see how you could do 'the work' and they said that score was 40% of our grade combined with the first one.... doesn't make sense, how 70+40 come together, but I think I see what they are saying - we had to have 70 to move forward but it only counts for 60% of the combined grade. Well, remember everyone moved forward to the 2nd test so that was 40-50 folks re-testing again and I said I would be happy to be in the top 50% which meant I wanted to be 1-25 in standing, remember?? OhMyGosh - are you ready for this?? Da da da dahhhhh.... I got 83.96% for my score and I am in position #9 - wooohoooo the TOP 10!!!! Yay!! This means I am guaranteed to move to the first round of interviews - Praise God and thanks for all your prayers, hugs and well wishes!! Wow sounds like you are doing really well on your tests. That’s awesome! I'm happy for you. I hope you get what you want. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. Ok, going down off the cloud now - everyone have a great weekend. You have a great weekend too, and there is no need to come down off of cloud nine. Enjoy it while you can. I would love to be on cloud nine for a little while at least. So I am living on cloud nine vicariously through you. LOL. from MO.

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>>I have made my exercise goals this week (Curves 3x and walking 3x) is great news

That's great! TODAY I am gonna start back on exercise!

>>Water - ok - I tried to add a glass each day this week to be 9 a day and for the most part got there...

I have upped mine to 10 and get there most of the time. YAY us!

>>I didn't over eat and stuff

That's a big one for me. I gotta work on that. Glad you did well with it.

>>I got 83.96% for my score and I am in position #9 - wooohoooo the TOP 10!!!! Yay!! This means I am guaranteed to move to the first round of interviews

HURRAY!!!!!! I knew you could do it!

Blessed be,

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