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- Dane's mom

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HI & welcome to our group!

I just checked out Dane's pictures and must say what a doll!

Handsome, happy little fella! I can notice his flatness and he does

look to have ear assymetry as well. You are correct, the younger you

begin helmet therapy, the better & faster the improvements will be.

But if you do decide to wait until he's 6 mos., you should still get

very good correction with a helmet or band. It sounds like the PT

for his tort is finally improving, that's terrific! You asked if his

head will go back if he still sleeps on his right side? Do you mean

after he was to graduate from his helmet? It is possible, although

pretty uncommon. It does happen, especially in younger babies.

If you do decide to wait until he is 6 mos old, then keep up with the

repositioning as best you can, I'm sure it's so hard when he has

tort.. But as you mentioned, he likes his exesaucer now, every

little bit helps.

It is also rare for babies to try to pull their helmets off.

Especially if they're younger. My daughter a band after she was 1 &

didn't care one bit. They honestly don't even know they're on their

head (but try putting a snow hat on their head & they get irrate! go

figure!). Babies really adjust well to their new helmets.

Check out www.plagiocephaly.org for helpful repositioning tips &

other plagio help.

Good luck with you decision. Be sure you keep us updated on Dane's

little head :)

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad


> Hello! I am also in the same type of predicament. My son,Dane,is 4

> months old. He has reflux and we were told by the doctors and

> nurses at the hospital to only lay him on his right side. 8 weeks

> later, we found out what bad advice we received. He has gone to pt

> for torticollis for 2 months. We didn't see any improvement until

> the last couple of weeks. He really likes being in his Supersaucer

> and it takes the pressure off the flat spot. He doesn't have

> torticollis anymore, but still prefers the right side. Our doctor

> said if we want the helmet now, she will refer us, but she

> recommends waiting at least until 6 months (she has 5 patients with

> helmets currently so she does agree with the effectiveness). If he

> continues to prefer the right side, if we get a helmet and he


> sleeps like that, will his head go back? His head still looks

> pretty crooked from the top and the back, but the symmetry of his

> face has improved significantly since his diagnosis.

> I am also concerned about waiting. I don't want to wait too long


> he will end up needing it anyhow. Everything I read tells me the

> best time is 4-6 months. I am afraid if we wait, he will be stuck

> in the helmet for a long time. Do they try to pull them off? I

> have a 2 year old and I could see trying to take it off him.

> I posted pictures of his lopsided noggin. If anyone had any


> I would appreciate it!


> Dane's Momma

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