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Re: delusory parasitosis - - not.

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The more I fight these critters, the more I'm starting to think what

I'm fighting are not mites. Maybe collembola? I have seen those

balls of lint though - if only someone knew what they were!



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> Collembola found in scrapings from individuals diagnosed with

delusory parasitosis

> 07/12/04, Needham, MA - Each year, thousands of Americans

complain to their physicians about itching, stinging, biting and

crawling sensations on or under their skin. Many believe they have

head lice or scabies, though they are often referred to

psychiatrists or prescribed anti-psychotic medications.

> Medical/Research professionals can click here to apply for access

to the

> original microscopy images published in the 'Collembola Report'

> Now, a new clinical study indicates that many of these people do

have something in their skin: Collembola, also known as springtails.

> Ninety percent of those who participated in the study were found

to have Collembola, which are ubiquitous in nature and minute in

size, according to the study conducted under the auspices of the

National Pediculosis Association (NPA) in Needham, Mass., and the

Oklahoma State Department of Health.

> The findings are reported in the new edition of the Journal of

the New York Entomological Association (full article, images,

video and other information located here), headquartered at the

American Museum of Natural History.

> Most of the study participants had been diagnosed with delusory

parasitosis, a presumed psychiatric condition among people who

believe they are infested with an insect or parasite.

> But the new findings bolster the contention of many patients that

they " actually have something crawling on or under their skin and

are not delusional, " said the journal article.

> Categorized as hexapods, with six legs, antennas, and no wings,

Collembola feed on algae, fungi, bacteria and decaying matter.

> During the past few years, 1,500 people have contacted the NPA to

report the crawling sensations and related symptoms. The study

focused on 20 of these people -- and skin scrapings revealed that

all but two of them had Collembola.

> Researchers used special imaging techniques to discover the

Collembola, which are extremely well hidden and easy to miss.

> " Collembola as a common denominator in people diagnosed with

delusory parasitosis calls for more research to better understand

the relationship between Collembola and humans and the critical

need to help those who suffer with this condition, " said NPA

president Deborah Altschuler, one of six researchers who authored

the article. " We believe the study breaks the century-old logjam

that the sensations of crawling, stinging, and biting are only

imagined. "

> Collembola predominately dwell in soil and litter, preferring wet

or damp surroundings. They sometimes congregate in large numbers

under leaky kitchen or bathroom sinks, swimming pools or in the

soil of potted plants.

> Little is known about the health effects of Collembola, or how to

prevent or treat them as a problem for human skin.

> The NPA encourages medical professionals, sufferers or anyone

with information on these or similar symptoms to share information

by visiting the NPA's Reporting Registry.

> Besides Altschuler, authors of the article included Oklahoma

State Health Commissioner Crutcher, Romania-based

researchers Neculai Dulceanu, and Cristina Terinte, Beth Cervantes

of NPA and Louis Sorkin of the American Museum of Natural History

in New York.

> ________________________________


> Other Press Releases From The NPA


> J. New York Entomol. Soc. 112(1):87–95, 2004 4 COLLEMBOLA





PHD4 AND LOUIS N. SORKIN, BCE5 1National Pediculosis Association,

50 Kearney Road, Needham, Massachusetts 02494; 2 3 Commissioner

of Health, Oklahoma State Department of Health, 1000 NE 10th

Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73117; Department of Parasitology,

University of Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania; Department of

Pathology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania; and

5Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural

History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024-

5192 Abstract.—Twenty individuals diagnosed with delusory

parasitosis participated in a single site

> clinical study under the auspices of the National Pediculosis

Association (NPA) and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The

objective of this study was to determine if there were any common

factors in skin scrapings collected from this population. These

individuals, whose symptoms were originally attributed to lice or

scabies, were part of a larger group reporting symptoms of

stinging/biting and/or crawling to the NPA. Multiple skin scrapings

from each person were microscopically examined. Any and all fields

of view that appeared incongruous to normal human skin were

digitally photographed. When the photographic images were initially

evaluated, no common factor was identified. However, more extensive

scrutiny using imaging software revealed evidence of Collembola in

18 of the 20 participants. Key words: Collembola, springtail,

stinging, biting, crawling, Arthropoda, Hexapoda, Entognatha,

pediculosis, human skin, lice and scabies.

> Delusory parasitosis, also known as Ekbom's Syndrome (Ekbom,

1938), is a presumed psychiatric condition ascribed to individuals

who are convinced, in the absence of any empirical evidence, that

they are infested with an insect or parasite (Novak, 1988;

Poorbaugh, 1993; Webb, 1993a). These individuals experience

itching, stinging/biting, and crawling sensations on or under their

skin, which are often associated with excoriations, discoloration,

scaling, tunneling or sores. Their conviction that they are

infested is reinforced by their observation of particles described

as sparkly, crusty, crystal-like, white or black specks and/or

fibers. Typically, these individuals have consulted extensively

with general physicians, dermatologists, and entomologists (Kushon

et al., 1993) who could not find physical cause for their

complaints. Despite findings ruling out lice, scabies or other

medical causes, patients refuse to accept the diagnosis of

> delusory parasitosis (Koblenzer, 1993; Webb, 1993b), become

extremely focused on eradicating the pests, and further compromise

their skin by frequent scratching, excessive cleaning, and the

application of various remedies such as prescription pesticides for

lice or scabies, household cleaning products, and organic solvents

or fuels. The symptoms are debilitating and the sufferer's distress

is compounded by the lack of a concrete physical diagnosis. Vol. 112


sufferers have reported symptoms to the National Pediculosis

Association (NPA), as well as to the Oklahoma State Department of

Health, similar to those described by Traver in reporting her own

infestation (Traver, 1951). In response to the compelling nature of

these reports, the NPA agreed to conduct a controlled research study

of skin specimens in cooperation with the Oklahoma State Health

Department. Twenty individuals

> diagnosed as having delusory parasitosis and ten non-symptomatic

controls volunteered to participate in this effort. The clinical

portion of the study was conducted at a single site during three

weeks. Doctors with experience in the skin scraping method of

specimen collection obtained and microscopically examined samples,

and all anomalous findings were photographed. Procedures were

instituted to preclude contamination, such as reported by Poorbaugh

(1993). STUDY DESIGN Study Locale. The clinical portion of this

study was conducted at the Oklahoma State Department of Health,

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma between June 28 and July 20, 2000. Study

Participants. Twenty symptomatic participants were selected from the

hundreds of individuals who had previously contacted the NPA

regarding an unknown condition possibly associated with lice and/or

scabies but for which these parasites had been ruled out. Their

physicians subsequently diagnosed them as

> suffering from delusory parasitosis. These volunteers were

accepted on the basis of their willingness to travel to Oklahoma

City at their own expense, complete questionnaires regarding their

symptoms and medical history, and submit to multiple skin

scrapings. Ten controls, randomly selected from employees of the

Oklahoma State Health Department, were also enrolled. All

participants signed a waiver of liability and understood that this

was an initial research effort. Intake Evaluations. Intake

consisted of having symptomatic participants complete a

selfadministered questionnaire that was similar in content to

the ``not-lice'' survey posted on the NPA website

(www.headlice.org). Body diagrams of ventral and dorsal surfaces

were marked to identify common areas of lesions. Two participants

had symptoms without lesions or dermatitis at the time of the

trial. Specimen Preparation. Trained personnel prepared all skin

scrapings. Prior and

> subsequent to scraping the skin with a disposable scalpel,

symptomatic areas and areas at or around lesions were cleansed with

gauze and alcohol. Immediately after being obtained, the scraped

material was transferred to a fresh microscope slide with a drop of

sterile water, coverslipped and isolated. Between 15 and 35 slides

were prepared and examined for each subject. Scrapings were

obtained from non-symptomatic controls from regions of the body

where most lesions were noted on symptomatic participants.

Specimen Photography and Data Tracking. All slides were viewed using

an Olympus BX60 Dual Viewing Microscope. The images that appeared

incongruent with normal healthy skin were photographed using a SPOT

RGB digital camera and SPOT software version 3.0. Each image was

assigned a unique identifier and the magnification of the image was

recorded. Images were sized by comparison with images of a B & L

micrometer with marks for 0.1 mm and 0.01 mm

> that were taken at 1003, 2003 and 4003 magnification with the

same camera and software used in the clinical study. Initial

microscopy was non-blinded; i.e., the clinicians examining and

photographing the slides knew that they were from either the study

participant or control group. 89 SPRINGTAILS AND DELUSORY

PARASITOSIS (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 RESULTS Over 300 microscopic fields

from study participants who complained of stinging/biting and/ or

crawling sensations in their skin appeared incongruent with normal

skin and therefore were photographed for later scrutiny. Pollen,

conidia or spores, hyphae, mycelium or fibers, or what appeared to

be clumped skin or cellular debris were identified during the first

six months of image analysis. One or two-cell algae, nematodes, or

what appeared to be insect eggs, larvae or embryos were also

identified. Although everyone in the group had at least one of the

above findings, none of the findings were a common

> factor in every subject, making it necessary to continue looking

for a common denominator. Because Collembola had been reported from

individuals experiencing these symptoms (Dasgupta and Dasgupta,

1995; Frye, 1997; et al., 1962), they became the focus of

subsequent image analysis. Identification of Collembola in

scrapings from symptomatic study participants required intensive

scrutiny of the photographs and was initially very difficult. Most

Collembola were enmeshed in accumulations of exuviae. Eggs ranged

from 20 to 100 microns in diameter. The size of most Collembola

noted was 50–300 microns in length, suggesting a predominance of

nymphs as opposed to adults. To ensure reliability of results,

researchers verified at least two sightings before a subject was

considered to have positive Collembola findings. However, scrapings

from 10 of the subjects showed an abundance of Collembola. Evidence

of Collembola was found in images of

> scrapings from 18 of the 20 individuals that had been diagnosed

as delusional. Of the two participants without lesions or dermatitis

at the time of the trial, one had images positive for Collembola.

Examples of some of these findings and the photographic fields in

which they appeared are provided in Fig. 1–3. Each image was

obtained from a different study participant. Fig. 1:

Photomicrograph of debris that demonstrated at higher magnification

the presence of Collembola. Two examples are highlighted and

enlarged in Fig. 1a. Fig. 2: A clearly recognizable Collembola

(approximately 100 microns in length) is resting on top of the

debris in the lower right. Fig. 3: Provides an example of

Collembola enmeshed in debris. Collembola were present in ninety

percent of the study participants who complained of stinging/biting

and/or crawling sensations on or under their skin. Microscopic

examination of scrapings of control subjects appeared to be

> consistent with normal skin and therefore no photographic images

were taken. More than 1,500 individuals registered with the NPA

(data on file) as having stinging/biting and/or crawling sensations

that they initially attributed to lice and/or scabies.

Approximately half of these individuals described three or more

abnormalities in skin appearance and observed two or more different

types of skin particles. The demographics and symptoms of these

individuals and the study participants were compared (see Table 1).

DISCUSSION The findings of Collembola in images of scrapings from

18 of the 20 symptomatic study participants supports their

contention that they actually have something crawling on or under

their skin and are not delusional. The images were reviewed by

entomologists and the presence of Collembola verified and

identified as representative of the families Isotomidae and


> SOCIETY 90 Fig. 1. Debris that demonstrated at higher

magnification the presence of Collembola. 91 SPRINGTAILS AND

DELUSORY PARASITOSIS (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 Fig. 2. Collembola in debris

in lower right. The study was designed to minimize any possibility

of sample contamination in the skin scrapings. All scrapings were

done at a single site by clinicians skilled in the skin scraping

method of collection. Microscopic evaluation of skin scrapings from

the ten non-symptomatic controls showed nothing incongruous with

normal skin and were therefore not photographed. This supports the

contention that the methodology employed adequately protected

against sample contamination during collection. A ``classic''

report of arthropod infestation was reported by Traver (1951) in

which the author described an infestation by a mite species on her

person. Traver (1951) has been referenced by various authors who

gave validity to her infestation. Subsequently,

> papers were presented during the Symposium: Delusions of

Parasitosis. 18 November 1991 refuting her findings and attributing

them to equipment contamination. The mite was identified by Fain

(1967) as the common house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssus.

The directive to photograph all images associated with abnormal skin

was critical to identifying Collembola in the skin scrapings. The

fields contained fungal mycelium, or what appeared at first glance

to be cellular clumps or debris. The Collembola were extremely well

hidden in the exuviae and therefore easy to miss. It was only after

intense scrutiny that they were recognized. In addition, because

the Collembola were not always intact or completely in focus, they

were difficult to discern. Given these challenges, it is easy to

appreciate why there have been only a few previous reports of

Collembola in human skin. Vol. 112(1) JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK


> Collembola enmeshed in debris. Collembola were identified in

skin scrapings submitted to the Entomology Branch of the National

Center for Infectious Diseases in 1995 (pers. comm.) by an oncology

nurse diagnosed as having delusory parasitosis. Subsequently, there

have been additional reports that provided evidence of Collembola

in skin from one or more individuals diagnosed with similar

symptoms (Dasgupta and Dasgupta, 1995; Frye, 1997). Because the

samples were self-collected and contained a number of other

anomalies, including fungi spores and filaments, foreign fibers,

plus an assortment of ``organisms,'' the finding of Collembola was

regarded as intentional or unintentional sample contamination. In

the current study, in which pains were taken to avoid sample

contamination, there were over 300 anomalous findings in skin

scrapings from the 20 symptomatic study participants and none from

controls. These findings included pollen,

> conidia or spores, hyphae, mycelium, algae or fibers, clumped

skin or cellular debris, an occasional nematode, and what appeared

to be insect eggs, larvae or embryos. These collective anomalies

point to the compromised skin of most of the symptomatic study

participants, and could directly or indirectly (through an immune

or allergic response) produce sensations of stinging/biting and/or

crawling, as well as some of the other symptoms. Collembola are

abundant in wastewater and contaminated environments making them of

growing ecotoxicologic importance (Hopkin, 1997). Generally, they


(COLLEMBOLA) 2004 Table 1. Reporting Registry Data QTY

Symptomatic Study Participants n ¼ 20 % Background 3 17 2 11 7

0 0 9 2 8 1 0 10 10 20 18 16 Sex male female Age 66 or

over between 41 and 65 between 26 and 40 25 or under unknown

General health before onset of symptoms excellent

> very good good fair poor Others with condition in household

outside household Treatment attempts over the counter

prescription home-remedy Specific abnormalities lumps on head,

scalp hair breaking off eyes watery, itchy genital symptoms 16

13 13 12 Description of symptoms 18 20 16 Skin sensation

crawling stinging/biting itching Skin findings crystals sparkly

particles crusty particles sticky particles white specks black

specks fibers hair, dust one or more of above 17 15 15 10

15 18 18 16 20 15% 85% 10% 55% 35% 0% 0% 45% 10% 40%

5% 0% 50% 50% 100% 90% 80% 80% 65% 65% 60% 90% 100%

80% 85% 75% 75% 50% 75% 90% 90% 80% 100% 93 Larger

Symptomatic Population n ¼ 1681 % QTY 29% 71% 491 1,190 2%

23% 48% 23% 3% 42 394 804 391 50 45% 30% 18% 5% 2%

751 510 300 90 30 43% 33% 715 562 31% 29% 18% 526 484

296 43% 27% 33% 38% 720 458 559 632 83%

> 79% 94% 1,393 1,327 1,574 30% 25% 31% 19% 36% 36%

29% 26% 66% 511 423 529 314 602 600 485 441 1,116 JOURNAL


more of above three or more of above Skin appearance sores rash

scaling discoloration scarring tracks one or more of above two

or more of above three or more of above algae, fungi and bacteria.

In fact, a fungal infection appears to be a prerequisite condition

before collembolans can gain access into the abdominal cavities of

cabbage maggot flies Delia radicum (Griffiths, 1985). Some species

of Collembola are known plant and mushroom pests and one species

has been taken from dried milk powder (, 1996). Typical

collembolan habitats are moist environments with high humidity and

abundant organic debris. These conditions are present in the

lesions in symptomatic study participants; it is possible

Collembola found in lesions are

> opportunistic and that fungal infections or allergic reactions

to pollen, fungi, spores or other organisms may contribute to or be

responsible for the symptoms these individuals experience.

Collembola do not need to be human parasites in order to be present

in the skin scrapings. Photographs were taken of all scrapings

showing anything inconsistent with normal skin. After identifying

these anomalies as pollen, spores, etc., more extensive scrutiny

revealed the presence of Collembola. Since it was the pollen,

spores, hyphae, fiber and other microorganisms that prompted the

photography, it is not known if Collembola (without any pollen,

spores, etc.) could have been present in the control group. The

population studied in this trial was a subset of over 1,500

individuals registered with the NPA as experiencing crawling and/or

biting/stinging sensations in the absence of lice or scabies. This

general population shares many of the characteristics

> of those who participated in the study. Although the

questionnaire utilized was self-administered and had its

limitations, it is reasonable to postulate that a percentage of

this more general population may very well have similar findings to

the 20 symptomatic individuals who participated in this study. More

research is required before the true prevalence and importance of

Collembola in humans can be ascertained. The authors would like to

acknowledge Ferris J. Barger for his help with microphotography and

Dr. BethAnn Friedman and Jane Cotter for manuscript preparation.

QTY Symptomatic Study Participants n ¼ 20 % 100% 95% 20 19

90% 60% 80% 75% 80% 80% 95% 95% 95% 18 12 16 15 16 16

19 19 19 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Vol. 112(1) Larger Symptomatic

Population n ¼ 1681 % QTY 48% 36% 802 604 59% 51% 38% 32%

40% 35% 83% 64% 46% 990 856 639 541 668 585 1,398 1,084


> (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 LITERATURE CITED Dasgupta, R. and B.

Dasgupta. 1995. A treatise on zoophily in Collembola with a summary

of knowledge on origin and evolution of parasitism in saprophagous

forms of animals. Journal of Bengal Natural Ekbom, K. A. 1938. Der

prasenile Dermatozoenwahn. Aus. Derm. Krankenhause Beckomberga,

Angby Fain, A. 1967. Le genre Dermatophagoides Bogdanow 1864. Son

importance dans les allergies Frye, F. L. 1997. In search for the

haphazardly elusive: a follow-up report on an investigation into

History Society 14: 53–60. (Stockholm) Vorstrand: Chefarzt Dr. 7.

Wiesel, pp. 227–259. respiratoires et cutane´es chez l'homme

(Psoroptidae: Sarcoptiformes). Acarologia 9: 179–225. the possible

role of Collembolans in human dermatitis. Veterinary Invertebrate

Society Newsletter 13: 12. Griffiths, G. C. D. 1985. Hypogastrua

succinea (Collembola: Hypogastruridae) dispersed by adults of the

cabbage maggot, Delia radicum

> (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), infected with the parasitic fungus,

Strongewellsea castrans (Zygomycetes: Entomophtoraceae). Canadian

Entomologist 117(8): Hopkin, S. P. 1997. Biology of the Springtails

(Insecta: Collembola). Oxford University Press, New York.

Koblenzer, C. S. 1993. The clinical presentation. Diagnosis and

treatment of delusions of parasitosis— Kushon, D. J., J. W. Helz,

J. M. , K. M. K. Lau, L. L. Pinto and F. E. St. Aubin. 1993.

Delusions 1063–1064. 48. x þ 330 pp. a dermatologic perspective.

Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 6–10. of

parasitosis: a survey of entomologists from a psychiatric

perspective. Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 11–

15. Novak, M. 1988. Psychocutaneous medicine: delusions of

parasitosis. Cutis 42(6): 504. Poorbaugh, J. H. 1993. Cryptic

arthropod infestations: separating fact from fiction. Bulletin of

the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 3–5. , H. G.

> 1966. Insect pests. Part 1. Springtails. Modern Maintenance

Management 18(9): 19–21. , H. G., J. S. Wiseman and C. J.

Stojanovich. 1962. Collembola infesting man. ls of the Traver,

J. 1951. Unusual scalp dermatitis in humans caused by the mite

Dermatophagoides (Acarina, Webb, J. P. 1993a. Delusions of

parasitosis: a symposium: coordination among entomologists, Webb,

J. P. 1993b. Case histories of individuals with delusions of

parasitosis in southern California and Entomological Society of

America 55(4): 428–430. Epidermoptidae). Proceedings of the

Entomological Society of Washington 53(1): 1–25. dermatologists and

psychiatrists. Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 1–

2. a proposed protocol for initiating effective medical assistance.

Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 16–25. Received

18 August 2003; accepted 15 February 2004.


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and Their Effect On the Human Body

Mold 101 by

Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1

Industrial Toxicologist/IH &

Doctor of Integrative Medicine

Presented to

World Saftey Organization

17th International Environmental Safety & Health Conference

& Exposition

November 3 - 5, 2003

Conference Theme:

"Safety & Health In the Changing Environment."

Request for Copies of Paper from the

WSO International Journal

Ms. Debbie Burgess, Administrative Manager

World Safety Organization – World Management Center

106 West Young Avenue, Suite G

P.O. Box 518

Warrensburg, Missouri 64093

Phone: (660) 747-3132

Fax: (660) 747-2647

E-mail: wsowmc@...

Conference Agenda Coordinator

Mr. Skip Chandler

2003 WSO Conference

Mycotoxins and Their Effect On the Human Body

Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D. & Doctor of Integrative Medicine

140 Wigwam Place, Maitland, Florida U.S.A. 32751

Phone: 407-695-1033 Fax: 407-628-1551



mycotoxin is a highly toxic principle produced by molds or fungi. One

type, the aflatoxins, is a member of the tricothecene group produced by

the fusarium fungus. This has been identified in samples of the

so-called "yellow rain" in Southeast Asia, where it is said to have

been the cause of many deaths among war refugees. Its presence there is

subject to some conjecture, since the fusarium fungus cannot germinate

in the humid environment of that area. There is substantial evidence

(blood tests, autopsies, and contaminated gas masks) that the former

U.S.S.R. have used such lethal agents in Afghanistan, just as many

other countries have used these lethal agents throughout the dawn of

history. The human body once exposed to a mycotoxin runs a triple risk

to its toxic effects. The triple risk factors are direct toxic effect

of the mycotoxin, acquisition of mutated RNAi

from the mycotoxin's parent fungus and creation of an internal biofilm, which will harbor a toxic soup of disease.



represent an important class of xenobiotics (in terms of morbidity),

which cause renal injury in humans and food animals.1 They are not the

indigenous microorganisms of man. The flora and fauna indigenous to man

are often referred to simply as normal flora. In this context, "flora"

denotes all microscopic life forms and "normal" becomes a statistical

term. One must not equate normal with nonpathogenic, for many organisms

found on and in the body can pose problems under conditions such as the


1. Deterioration of the host's defense mechanisms.

2. Relocation of microorganisms, when an organism finds its way to

another area of the body previously uninhabited by it.

3. A disturbance of the "normal flora."


floras are commonly referred to as amphibionts, ranging from commensals

to pathogens. The amphibionts are obligately parasitic on man and other

animals but are not obligately pathogenic. They are encountered at

least as often in the absence of disease as in its presence. The

indigenous microorganisms may flourish in the general region of tissue

damage and contribute to the disease state as opportunists, rather than

primary etiological agents. Thus, these organisms may be implicated

although Koch's postulates would not necessarily hold true.2

Amphibiont Sites


a rule, few or no microorganisms are found in the following anatomical

locations: blood, larynx, trachea, nasal sinuses, bronchi, esophagus,

stomach, upper intestinal tract, upper urinary tract (including the

posterior urethra), and posterior genital tract (passage above cervix

included). However, in studies with animals, notably dogs and rabbits,

microorganisms from the mouth and throat regions and from the lower

intestine were found in the blood and other tissues after these animals

were subjected to various types of physical or mental stress and

trauma. In particular, Clostridium perfringes (one of the causative

agents of gas gangrene) has been isolated from the "healthy" tissues of

these animals.

The regions of the body that

constitute the major habitats for indigenous microorganisms include the

skin and contiguous mucous membranes, conjunctivae, upper respiratory

tract (oral-pharynx included), mouth, lower intestine, external

genitalia, anterior urethra, and vagina. It will become apparent that

each habitat has certain characteristics, which allow a different

overall range of microorganisms to thrive. These differences can be

categorized into the following three types of environment:

1. Extremely high levels of both moisture and nutrients, as in the lower

intestines and the mouth.

2. A high level of moisture and a low level of nutrients, as with mucous membranes.

3. A low level of moisture and a moderate level of nutrients, as on the skin.

Other variables include availability of oxygen, pH, temperature, and relative exposures to contaminants and ventilation.

Numbers of total aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in certain anatomical regions:

Lower intestine – approximately 100 billion microorganisms per gram of fecal matter.

Mouth – approximately 1 billion microorganisms per ml of saliva.

Nose – approximately 20,000 microorganisms per ml of nasal washing.

Skin – approximately 1 million microorganisms per cm2; this value is dependent upon the skin surface tested.

Development of the Indigenous Flora


of the indigenous flora begins with the normal birth process, since the

infant has been bathed during the ingestion period in a sterile

amniotic fluid. As the baby passes through the birth canal it begins to

pick up organisms, many of which may remain with it for its lifetime.

Additional microorganisms are acquired by the infant as a consequence

of coming into contact with the air of the environment and with

hospital personnel. Such organisms may be transient in nature, or may

become permanent members of the flora.


numbers of bacteria have been cultured from the mouths of infants

within 6 to 10 hours of birth and in the feces within 10 to 20 hours.


human body has various anatomical organ areas, each anatomical area

varies in relation to pH, oxygen content, nutrients, and moisture as

well as bactericidal factors, thus different organisms will

predominate. While the amphibionts persist in their respective

locations, saprophytic as well as many parasitic microorganisms are

destroyed or excreted. These locations can change as a consequence of

changes brought about by the maturation process of the individual,

e.g., hormonal regulation, alteration in dietary

habits, chemical exposure, IAQ buildings, AIDS and chemotherapy.


indigenous fungi are primarily saprophytes of soil, which show

preference for a parasitic habitat. Because of their primary

saprophytic role, it may appear questionable to call them amphibionts.

However, according to Rosenbury, an amphibiont may be considered to be

any organism, which is ". . . encountered in one or more typical

indigenous locations frequently, and distinctly more frequently, than

in the adjacent environment." On this basis, and according to the

propositions that an organism routinely isolated from the body in the

absence of disease may be indigenous, fungi are included, even thought

they rarely indigenous to the human body.2,3



are single cell living forms of life, which inhabit the land, air, and

waters of our planet, earth. They are everywhere in our environment,

soil and home.

They are more highly developed than

bacteria and viruses. They are composed of many more species than are

found in other microorganisms. It is estimated that there are over

500,000 different species.

Fungi have been on earth

several billion years and, quite remarkably, have had little genetic

change over that period of time. They are survivalists. They can change

their form from rapidly growing to no growth for thousands of years,

such as seen in their living spores which have been found in Egyptian

tombs. They secrete and make a poisonous toxin called a mycotoxin.


fungi cells can only bee seen under the microscope but a colony of

these cells makes a visible presence in the form of mushrooms, toad

stools and molds on food and other habitats.


plants, animals and humans are alive and well, the fungi around us are

unable to overcome the natural defense mechanisms which higher forms of

life possess. But once death overtakes the living, the fungi are the

principle undertakers and managers: they reduce all that have ever

lived into the

molecules from

which they were assembled. Biologists call this the carbon cycle while

theologist call it "from dust to dust."4,5


there is one exception to this simple balanced equation of life and

death and that is that the fungi can attack the living while they are


At its most simplistic perspective, one has

many fungi entering the intestinal tract, the nose and lungs, and

organs exposed to the world at large. We generally do not develop an

infection from these intruders. However, a person might contract a

fungal infection such as "athlete's foot" or a "ring worm" on the skin.


the opposite extreme is the patient with AIDS who faces

death-threatening major fungal infections because that person's immune

system has lost its effectiveness against fungi. In between the

extremes are fungal infections associated with diseases such as

diabetes, cancer and other conditions including cross infections

amongst humans.

Forturnately, the average person

does not succumb to a serious fungal infection such as Candida albicans

(yeast) and average life into the 70's.

All humans

are colonized by Candida albicans and normal healthy persons do not die

from this organism. This organism plays a very little role in causing

human diseases. It has been known to have tremendous elevated growth

patterns in individuals who have been diagnosed as being multichemical

sensitive or acutely poisoned from exposure to hazardous materials,

such as urethane, carbamates, nitrogen mustards and other compounds. It

is interesting to note that these same chemicals are known to be

extrinsic mutagenic agents in both fungi and human genes.6 This type of

extrinsic mutagenic activity by chemicals is also known as a "directed

mutation."7 (See Table 1-1.)

Mycotoxins may be

friends or foe. There are as many as 1,000 compounds, classifiable as

mycotoxins, where studied by the pharmaceutical industry as potential

antibiotics in the 1930's and 1940's only to be discarded as being too

toxic for higher life forms to be of value in treating bacterial

diseases in humans. Little, if any of the discarded data was published.

Yet, what these

toxicity studies actually documented was the existence of a large number of

fungal-derived toxins, which caused serious, target organ injury in various animal models.


in retrospect, what was being seen was the pathology produced by the

mycotoxins, in order to understand this toxicity, one only has to look

at what some of these mycotoxins, used as medications, causes in humans:


mycotoxin cyclosporin used for transplantaiton cases cancer and

atherosclerosis, complete with hyperlipidemia in ALL humans who have

received it. Many others develop gout and other diseases.


a friend, the study of such fungal metabolites gave us penicillin at

the beginning, which was replaced by a chemical cyanamide man made

compound from 1945 to present day. Quite later on cyclosporin, the most

potent immuno-suppressant transplantation drug, lovastatin, and the

other "statins", which have revolutionized the treatment of

hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis. The latter group is quite

interesting in that they were initially developed as anti-fungal agents

which just happened to have an effect in lowering blood levels of low

density lipoproteins (commonly refereed to as "bad cholesterol").


members of this group of drugs are joined by another anti-fungal

antibiotic, griseofulvin, which is also a remarkably efficient

anti-atherosclerosis drug. All of this goes a long way to confirm the

fungal etiology of atherosclerosis. This appears to be a quite valid

conclusion since all of the other effective anti-cholesterol and/or

anti-atherosclerotic therapeutic modalities share nothing in common

except that they possess anti-fungal and/or anti-mycotoxin activity.

Diseases of unknown etiology, which respond to anti-fungal-effective

drugs, suggest the probability that they have a fungal origin,

particularly when there is no other proven explanation as to how the

drug is working. Table 2-2 provides a number of human diseases, which

so respond and suggest a fungal or mycotoxin origin.



grow all over this planet. They are found in the soil, on trees and in

water. Their spores travel throughout the lands by the winds from the

four corners of our world. Biosensor testing conducted by the U.S.

military has

resulted in increase

populations of Aspergillus niger on homes, trees and other materials in

various areas of the United States of America.8


the last decade, starting in the 1990's, research has implicated many

toxin-producing fungi, such as Stachybotrys, Penicillim, Aspergillus

and Fusarium species, to indoor air quality problems and building

related illnesses. Inhalation of mycotoxin producing fungi in

contaminated buildings is the most significant exposure, however,

dermal contact form handling contaminated materials and the chance of

ingesting toxin containing spores through eating, drinking and smoking

is likely to increase exposure in a contaminated environment. Recent

advances in technology have given laboratories the ability to test for

specific mycotoxins without employing cost-prohibitive gas

chromatography or high performance liquid chromatography techniques.

Currently, surface, bulk, food and feeds, and air samples can be

analyzed relatively inexpensively for mycotoxins.


that have been damaged by water or have had improper constructions of

ventilations systems have become infected with fungal overgrowth and

biofilms, which resulted in bacteria, algae and fungi growing together

as a communal colony with microtubules connecting to each other to

exchange nutrients. Thus, creating the most toxic forms of mycotoxins,

endotoxins, and exotoxins with the potential of forming DNA plasmids in

mycoplasma, with mutated RNAi sub-mutated forms of fungi genes.9, 10


most toxic forms of fungi, mycotoxin is coming from our food itself,

which is characteristically present in stored and fermented food.

Pesticides used on cereals as a fungicide, such as benomyl have

potentated the mycotoxin in selective genes. In 1987 at Yale

University, Karl Hager and Mike Plamann performed a very important

study, which was based on the plasmid pH303 and its derivatives

integrated at his-3 by a single crossover. When introduced to benomyl,

the mutant allele of his-3(1-234-723) was present in the genome, and

its mutation was mapped to be somewhere downstream of the Sall

restriction site. A cloning will occur at a higher transformation

frequency using linear than using circular DNA, and the transformation

frequencies are independent of the mating type of the host.11


food is loaded with fungi, then the myctoxin concept is fully operative

and the disease-producing potential is more than obvious.


important question of how much fungal colonization of food exists is

answered by most recent reported mycological study of some quite

representative foods; corn kernels, peanuts, cashews nuts and copra

(dried coconut). Table 3-3 demonstrates the remarkable degree of fungal

colonization of the interior of corn kernels and peanuts.12


who eat these foods are ingesting both the toxicogenic fungi and their

mycotoxins. These fungi are capable of surviving in the intestinal

stream where they may continue to produce their toxins.


animals fed fungal colonized/mycotoxic feed are not only at risk of

developing mycotoxicoses, their meat and their fat, constitute another

vehicle for human exposure to excessive mycotoxin intake. Animal fat is

increasingly being documented to be a major risk factor for a number of

human cancers and atherosclerosis. It must be noted that fat, stores

polycyclic organic xenobiotics and they are highly lipid soluble. They

concentrate in fat depots, which results in low plasma levels and

extended half-lives. These same compounds are known to cause distinct

mutations. When cattle were accidentally fed contaminated feed in

Michigan by PBB's in 1973, these compounds became stored first in fat

deposits of the cows and then, via milk fat, bioaccumulated in fat

stores of the people of Michigan, where PBB's can still be detected.

While there is no known effect of PBB's at the storage site, this store

is a potential hazard since mobilization during starvation or other

stress could lead to efflux into the bloodstream with subsequent

redistribution and toxicity. Similarly, patients treated for acute

exposure to organophosporous pesticides may be released from the

hospital and later suffer a relapse due to mobilization of the

insecticide from fat stores.13

Mycotoxins have been

documented to cause a number of specific types of diseases and very

specific organ lesions both in animals and in humans. Table 4-4

provides a summary of some of this documentation.




is one of the most potent carcinogens known to man and has been linked

to a wide variety of human health problems. The FDA has established

maximum allowable levels of total aflatoxin in food commodities at 20

parts per billion. The maximum level for milk products is even lower at

0.5 parts per billion. Primarily Aspergillus species fungi produce




is primarily produced by species of Penicillim and Aspergillus.

Ochratoxin is damaging to the kidneys and liver and is also a suspected

carcinogen. There is also evidence that it impairs the immune system.

T-2 Toxin


Toxin is trichothecene produced by species of Fusarium and is one of

the more deadly toxins. If ingested in sufficient quantity, T-2 toxin

can severely damage the entire digestive tract and cause rapid death

due to internal hemorrhage. T-2 has been implicated in the human

diseases alimentary toxi aleukia and pulmonary hemosiderosis. Damage

caused by T-2 toxin is often permanent.



is a toxin associated with species of Fusarium. Fumonisisn is commonly

found in corn and corn-based products, with recent outbreaks of

veterinary mycotoxicosis occurring in Arizona, Indiana, Kentucky, North

Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. The animals most affected

were horses and swine, resulting in dozens of deaths. Fumonisin toxin

causes "crazy horse disease", or leukoencephalomalcia, a liquefaction

of the brain. Symptoms include blindness, head butting and pressing,

constant circling and ataxia, followed by death. Chronic low-level

exposure in humans has been linked to esophageal cancer. The American

Association of

Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) advisory levels for fumonisin is horse feed is 5 ppm.

Vomitoxin or Deoxynivalenol (DON)


chemically known as Deoxynivalenol, a tricothecene mycotoxin, is

produced by several species of Fusarium. Vomitoxin has been associated

with outbreaks of acute gastrointestinal illness in humans. The FDA

advisory level for vomitoxin for human consumption is 1 ppm.



is also a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium molds. Zearalenone toxin is

similar in chemical structure to the female sex hormone estrogen and

targets the reproductive organs.



is a nephrotoxin produced by Penicillium and Aspergillus species. Renal

damage, vasodilatation, and bronchial constriction are some of the

health effects associated with this toxin.


Alternariol cytotoxic compound derived from Alternia alternata.

Satratoxin H


H is a macrocyclic tricothecene produced by Stachybotrys chartaru,

Trichoderma viridi and other fungi. High doses or chronic low doses are

lethal. This toxin is abortogenic in animals and is believed to alter

immune system function and makes affected individuals more susceptible

to opportunistic infection.


Gliotoxin is an immunosuppressive toxin produced by species of Alternaria, Penicillium and Aspergillus.



is a mycotoxin produced by Penicillium, Aspergillus and a number of

other genera of fungi. It is believed to cause hemorrhaging in the

brain and lungs and is usually associated with apple and grape spoilage.



is a nephrotoxin and a hepatotoxin produced by Aspergillus versicolor.

This toxin is also considered to be carcinogenic. Other mycotoxins

include – Penicillic acid, roquefortine, cyclopiazonic acid,

verrucosidin, rubratoxins A and B, PR toxin, luteoskyrin,

cychlochlorotine, rugulosin, erythroskyrine, secalonic acid D,

viridicatumtoxin, kojic acid, xanthomegnin, viomellein, chaetroglobosin

C, echinulin, flavoglaucin, versicolorin A, austamid, maltayzine,

aspergillic acid, paspaline, aflatrem, fumagillin nigragilin,

chlamydosporol, iscotrichodermin and many more. As previously discussed

there are many mycotoxins that can cause adverse health effects and

even death in humans. These synergistic effects of exposure to multiple

mycotoxins simultaneously are very poorly understood. Even more poorly

understood are the by-products of mycotoxin degradation, particularly

under the influence of strong oxidizing agents such as sodium

hypochlorite and/or ozone, agents frequently used or misused by

hazardous materials personnel or remediation remediators in industry.

More research is required in this field to better understand the

relationship of fungal contamination, relative humidity, temperature

and ventilation in fungal growth in buildings and on building

substrates as they relate to disease.14



exponential growth, many fungi release low molecular weight, volatile

organic compounds (VOCs) as products of secondary metabolism. These

compounds comprise a great diversity of chemical structure, including

ketones, aldehydes, and alcohols as well as moderately to highly

modified aromatics and aliphatics. Cultural studies of some common

household molds suggest that the composition of VOCs remains

qualitatively stable over a range of growth media and conditions.

Furthermore, the presence of certain marker compounds common to


species, such as

3-methylfuran, may be monitored as a proxy for the presence of a fungal

amplifier.14 This method has been suggested as a means of monitoring

fungal contamination in grain storage facilities. Limited evidence

suggests that exposure to low concentrations of VOCs may induce

respiratory irritation independent of exposure to allergenic

particulate. Volatile organic compounds may also arise through indirect

metabolic effects. A well-known example of this is the fungal

degradtion of urea formaldehyde foam insulation. Fungal colonization of

this material result sin the cleavage of urea from the polymer,

presumably to serve as a carbon or nitrogen source for primary

metabolism. During this process formaldehyde is evolved as a

derivative, contributing to a decline in Indoor Air Quality.12



fungi, mycotoxins, and their VOC's are at a level of detection within

the human body that is very hard to determine at relatively low costs.

Tissue samples of blood, urine and even direct organ/tissue biopsy will

determine the presence of a fungi, mycotoxin and/or their VOC's. To

kill fungi and remove other substances it is necessary to look at a

variety of treatment modalities. Current, anti-fungal formulations have

been developed to address specific fungal infections. In many cases it

is very hard for the healthcare provider and physician to determine

what species of fungi was present that created what specific mycotoxin,

which is a billion dollar revenue to the pharmaceutical industry.


AIDS patient's fungal infections has been observed in tissue biopsy

reports to be growing within the tissue and this causes great health

risks to the patient. The use of far infrared as a treating modality

can address the electromagnetic spectrum in micron and micrometers

(nano level), which would be an ideal choice, in treating fungal

infected patients. The far infrared segment of the electromagnetic

spectrum occurs just below, or "infra" to, red light as the next lowest

energy band. This band of light is as the next lowest energy band. This

band of light is not visible to human eyes but can be seen by special

cameras that translate infrared into visible colors. We can, however,

feel this type of light, which we perceive as heat. The sun produces

most of its energy in the infrared segment of the spectrum. Our

atmosphere has a "window" in it that allows infrared rays-in the 7 to 14 micron bands, with peak output at 10 microns.


tissues normally produce infrared energy for warmth and tissue repair.

Tissue production of infrared energy is associated with a variety of

healing responses. At times the infrared energy in our tissues may

require a boost to higher level to ensure the fullest healing possible

for tissue repair. Body tissues that need an infrared boost selectively

absorb infrared rays, after boosting a tissue's infrared energy; the

remaining rays pass onward harmlessly. This phenomenon is called

"resonant absorption." Our bodies radiate infrared energy through the

skin at 3 to 50 microns, with most output at 9.4 microns. Our palms

emit infrared energy too, from8 to 14 microns. Palm healing, an ancient

tradition in China, has used the healing properties of infrared rays

for 3,000 years. Yogis in India also employ palm healing and

recommended it especially for relieving eyestrain.


MPS Capsule from MPS, Inc. Seoul, Korea, which generates far infrared

energy from special carbon fibers manufactured by Daiugin and high gem

graded jade balls with far infrared proprietary technology; may be a

future solution for individuals suffering from fungal infections. Its

dome generates temperatures as high as 165oF and the spinal column area

as high as 148oF. These temperatures are known to kill fungi and

release VOCs that have a lower melting point, like benzene at 81oF.15,


The use of activated charcoal has been recognized

by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in their text, Recognition

and Management of Pesticide Poisonings, 4th Edition, in absorbing

volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are the same type of compounds

found in fungal metabolites.17 Activated charcoal is made from burnt

coconut husk. It is able to absorb at a minimum 35 % of the VOCs found

in the intestinal tract from reabsorbing into the blood stream. It does

not absorb in other areas of the body were VOC's may accumulate, such

as in the lungs, brain, liver and fat. Research conducted at the Korean

Atomic Institute have shown that Kuh Sung YLS-95 (Trade Marks Bio-Oaky

& Oaky Smoky) a liquid yielding high plant infrared, which is made

from oak wood charcoal vinegar is highly effective in significantly

reducing carbon tetrachloride in rats and ethanol in humans within one

hour after exposure.18



could test the validity of how poisonous mycotoxins are by eating a

handful of poison mushrooms, a species of fungus. However, it would be

less fatal to realize that many forms of fungus produce mycotoxins,

which are chemical substances that are toxic to man and other life

forms. In addition, fungi produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs),

which may bind to fat within in your body and cause internal

re-exposure to the toxic effects of these compounds. Current,

integrative technologies in the health care area have produced far

infrared MPS Capsules and Kuh Sung YLS-95 (Trade Mark Bio-Oaky

& Oaky Smoky) that will kill fungus and neutralize VOC's in other

tissue organs within the human body respectfully. These technologies

may be the answer to current biological weapons of mass destruction and

the risk of exposure to biological pesticides by killing these

microorganisms at micron (0.000,001) and nano (0.000,000,001) levels

within our human body. Cellular detoxification and its remediation are

on the break of a new horizon through terahertz, far infrared and

subnano technologies.


===============> >> > > > URL for this page:> > > > http://www.headlice.org/news/2004/pr071204.htm> > > > > > > > ========================> > > > > > SM HeadLice.Org Hot Spots: > > -- select a destination -- Homepage Quicklinks for Parents > Frequently Asked Questions News & Events 's Project Catalog & > Special Offers Free Downloads Free Critter Card™ Offer LiceMeister > Comb The NPA's No Nit Policy NPA Video Theatre Send an E-Card Site > Search Reporting Registry Comment Browser Skin Scraping/Collembola > Research > > > > > > Collembola found in scrapings from individuals diagnosed with > delusory parasitosis> > 07/12/04, Needham, MA - Each year, thousands of Americans > complain to their physicians about itching, stinging, biting and > crawling sensations on or under their skin. Many believe they have > head lice or scabies, though they are often referred to > psychiatrists or prescribed anti-psychotic medications.> > Medical/Research professionals can click here to apply for access > to the> > original microscopy images published in the 'Collembola Report' > > Now, a new clinical study indicates that many of these people do > have something in their skin: Collembola, also known as springtails.> > Ninety percent of those who participated in the study were found > to have Collembola, which are ubiquitous in nature and minute in > size, according to the study conducted under the auspices of the > National Pediculosis Association (NPA) in Needham, Mass., and the > Oklahoma State Department of Health.> > The findings are reported in the new edition of the Journal of > the New York Entomological Association (full article, images, > video and other information located here), headquartered at the > American Museum of Natural History.> > Most of the study participants had been diagnosed with delusory > parasitosis, a presumed psychiatric condition among people who > believe they are infested with an insect or parasite.> > But the new findings bolster the contention of many patients that > they "actually have something crawling on or under their skin and > are not delusional," said the journal article.> > Categorized as hexapods, with six legs, antennas, and no wings, > Collembola feed on algae, fungi, bacteria and decaying matter.> > During the past few years, 1,500 people have contacted the NPA to > report the crawling sensations and related symptoms. The study > focused on 20 of these people -- and skin scrapings revealed that > all but two of them had Collembola.> > Researchers used special imaging techniques to discover the > Collembola, which are extremely well hidden and easy to miss.> > "Collembola as a common denominator in people diagnosed with > delusory parasitosis calls for more research to better understand > the relationship between Collembola and humans and the critical > need to help those who suffer with this condition," said NPA > president Deborah Altschuler, one of six researchers who authored > the article. "We believe the study breaks the century-old logjam > that the sensations of crawling, stinging, and biting are only > imagined." > > Collembola predominately dwell in soil and litter, preferring wet > or damp surroundings. They sometimes congregate in large numbers > under leaky kitchen or bathroom sinks, swimming pools or in the > soil of potted plants.> > Little is known about the health effects of Collembola, or how to > prevent or treat them as a problem for human skin. > > The NPA encourages medical professionals, sufferers or anyone > with information on these or similar symptoms to share information > by visiting the NPA's Reporting Registry.> > Besides Altschuler, authors of the article included Oklahoma > State Health Commissioner Crutcher, Romania-based > researchers Neculai Dulceanu, and Cristina Terinte, Beth Cervantes > of NPA and Louis Sorkin of the American Museum of Natural History > in New York.> > ________________________________> > > > Other Press Releases From The NPA > > > > J. New York Entomol. Soc. 112(1):87–95, 2004 4 COLLEMBOLA > (SPRINGTAILS) (ARTHROPODA: HEXAPODA: ENTOGNATHA) FOUND IN SCRAPINGS > FROM INDIVIDUALS DIAGNOSED WITH DELUSORY PARASITOSIS DEBORAH Z. > ALTSCHULER,1 MICHAEL CRUTCHER, MD, MPH, FACPM,2 NECULAI DULCEANU, > DVM, PHD (DECEASED),3 BETH A. CERVANTES,1 CRISTINA TERINTE, MD, > PHD4 AND LOUIS N. SORKIN, BCE5 1National Pediculosis Association, > 50 Kearney Road, Needham, Massachusetts 02494; 2 3 Commissioner > of Health, Oklahoma State Department of Health, 1000 NE 10th > Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73117; Department of Parasitology, > University of Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania; Department of > Pathology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania; and > 5Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural > History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024-> 5192 Abstract.—Twenty individuals diagnosed with delusory > parasitosis participated in a single site> > clinical study under the auspices of the National Pediculosis > Association (NPA) and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The > objective of this study was to determine if there were any common > factors in skin scrapings collected from this population. These > individuals, whose symptoms were originally attributed to lice or > scabies, were part of a larger group reporting symptoms of > stinging/biting and/or crawling to the NPA. Multiple skin scrapings > from each person were microscopically examined. Any and all fields > of view that appeared incongruous to normal human skin were > digitally photographed. When the photographic images were initially > evaluated, no common factor was identified. However, more extensive > scrutiny using imaging software revealed evidence of Collembola in > 18 of the 20 participants. Key words: Collembola, springtail, > stinging, biting, crawling, Arthropoda, Hexapoda, Entognatha, > pediculosis, human skin, lice and scabies. > > Delusory parasitosis, also known as Ekbom's Syndrome (Ekbom, > 1938), is a presumed psychiatric condition ascribed to individuals > who are convinced, in the absence of any empirical evidence, that > they are infested with an insect or parasite (Novak, 1988; > Poorbaugh, 1993; Webb, 1993a). These individuals experience > itching, stinging/biting, and crawling sensations on or under their > skin, which are often associated with excoriations, discoloration, > scaling, tunneling or sores. Their conviction that they are > infested is reinforced by their observation of particles described > as sparkly, crusty, crystal-like, white or black specks and/or > fibers. Typically, these individuals have consulted extensively > with general physicians, dermatologists, and entomologists (Kushon > et al., 1993) who could not find physical cause for their > complaints. Despite findings ruling out lice, scabies or other > medical causes, patients refuse to accept the diagnosis of> > delusory parasitosis (Koblenzer, 1993; Webb, 1993b), become > extremely focused on eradicating the pests, and further compromise > their skin by frequent scratching, excessive cleaning, and the > application of various remedies such as prescription pesticides for > lice or scabies, household cleaning products, and organic solvents > or fuels. The symptoms are debilitating and the sufferer's distress > is compounded by the lack of a concrete physical diagnosis. Vol. 112> (1) JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 88 Hundreds of > sufferers have reported symptoms to the National Pediculosis > Association (NPA), as well as to the Oklahoma State Department of > Health, similar to those described by Traver in reporting her own > infestation (Traver, 1951). In response to the compelling nature of > these reports, the NPA agreed to conduct a controlled research study > of skin specimens in cooperation with the Oklahoma State Health > Department. Twenty individuals > > diagnosed as having delusory parasitosis and ten non-symptomatic > controls volunteered to participate in this effort. The clinical > portion of the study was conducted at a single site during three > weeks. Doctors with experience in the skin scraping method of > specimen collection obtained and microscopically examined samples, > and all anomalous findings were photographed. Procedures were > instituted to preclude contamination, such as reported by Poorbaugh > (1993). STUDY DESIGN Study Locale. The clinical portion of this > study was conducted at the Oklahoma State Department of Health, > Oklahoma City, Oklahoma between June 28 and July 20, 2000. Study > Participants. Twenty symptomatic participants were selected from the > hundreds of individuals who had previously contacted the NPA > regarding an unknown condition possibly associated with lice and/or > scabies but for which these parasites had been ruled out. Their > physicians subsequently diagnosed them as> > suffering from delusory parasitosis. These volunteers were > accepted on the basis of their willingness to travel to Oklahoma > City at their own expense, complete questionnaires regarding their > symptoms and medical history, and submit to multiple skin > scrapings. Ten controls, randomly selected from employees of the > Oklahoma State Health Department, were also enrolled. All > participants signed a waiver of liability and understood that this > was an initial research effort. Intake Evaluations. Intake > consisted of having symptomatic participants complete a > selfadministered questionnaire that was similar in content to > the ``not-lice'' survey posted on the NPA website > (www.headlice.org). Body diagrams of ventral and dorsal surfaces > were marked to identify common areas of lesions. Two participants > had symptoms without lesions or dermatitis at the time of the > trial. Specimen Preparation. Trained personnel prepared all skin > scrapings. Prior and> > subsequent to scraping the skin with a disposable scalpel, > symptomatic areas and areas at or around lesions were cleansed with > gauze and alcohol. Immediately after being obtained, the scraped > material was transferred to a fresh microscope slide with a drop of > sterile water, coverslipped and isolated. Between 15 and 35 slides > were prepared and examined for each subject. Scrapings were > obtained from non-symptomatic controls from regions of the body > where most lesions were noted on symptomatic participants. > Specimen Photography and Data Tracking. All slides were viewed using > an Olympus BX60 Dual Viewing Microscope. The images that appeared > incongruent with normal healthy skin were photographed using a SPOT > RGB digital camera and SPOT software version 3.0. Each image was > assigned a unique identifier and the magnification of the image was > recorded. Images were sized by comparison with images of a B & L > micrometer with marks for 0.1 mm and 0.01 mm> > that were taken at 1003, 2003 and 4003 magnification with the > same camera and software used in the clinical study. Initial > microscopy was non-blinded; i.e., the clinicians examining and > photographing the slides knew that they were from either the study > participant or control group. 89 SPRINGTAILS AND DELUSORY > PARASITOSIS (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 RESULTS Over 300 microscopic fields > from study participants who complained of stinging/biting and/ or > crawling sensations in their skin appeared incongruent with normal > skin and therefore were photographed for later scrutiny. Pollen, > conidia or spores, hyphae, mycelium or fibers, or what appeared to > be clumped skin or cellular debris were identified during the first > six months of image analysis. One or two-cell algae, nematodes, or > what appeared to be insect eggs, larvae or embryos were also > identified. Although everyone in the group had at least one of the > above findings, none of the findings were a common> > factor in every subject, making it necessary to continue looking > for a common denominator. Because Collembola had been reported from > individuals experiencing these symptoms (Dasgupta and Dasgupta, > 1995; Frye, 1997; et al., 1962), they became the focus of > subsequent image analysis. Identification of Collembola in > scrapings from symptomatic study participants required intensive > scrutiny of the photographs and was initially very difficult. Most > Collembola were enmeshed in accumulations of exuviae. Eggs ranged > from 20 to 100 microns in diameter. The size of most Collembola > noted was 50–300 microns in length, suggesting a predominance of > nymphs as opposed to adults. To ensure reliability of results, > researchers verified at least two sightings before a subject was > considered to have positive Collembola findings. However, scrapings > from 10 of the subjects showed an abundance of Collembola. Evidence > of Collembola was found in images of> > scrapings from 18 of the 20 individuals that had been diagnosed > as delusional. Of the two participants without lesions or dermatitis > at the time of the trial, one had images positive for Collembola. > Examples of some of these findings and the photographic fields in > which they appeared are provided in Fig. 1–3. Each image was > obtained from a different study participant. Fig. 1: > Photomicrograph of debris that demonstrated at higher magnification > the presence of Collembola. Two examples are highlighted and > enlarged in Fig. 1a. Fig. 2: A clearly recognizable Collembola > (approximately 100 microns in length) is resting on top of the > debris in the lower right. Fig. 3: Provides an example of > Collembola enmeshed in debris. Collembola were present in ninety > percent of the study participants who complained of stinging/biting > and/or crawling sensations on or under their skin. Microscopic > examination of scrapings of control subjects appeared to be> > consistent with normal skin and therefore no photographic images > were taken. More than 1,500 individuals registered with the NPA > (data on file) as having stinging/biting and/or crawling sensations > that they initially attributed to lice and/or scabies. > Approximately half of these individuals described three or more > abnormalities in skin appearance and observed two or more different > types of skin particles. The demographics and symptoms of these > individuals and the study participants were compared (see Table 1). > DISCUSSION The findings of Collembola in images of scrapings from > 18 of the 20 symptomatic study participants supports their > contention that they actually have something crawling on or under > their skin and are not delusional. The images were reviewed by > entomologists and the presence of Collembola verified and > identified as representative of the families Isotomidae and > Entomobryidae. Vol. 112(1) JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL> > SOCIETY 90 Fig. 1. Debris that demonstrated at higher > magnification the presence of Collembola. 91 SPRINGTAILS AND > DELUSORY PARASITOSIS (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 Fig. 2. Collembola in debris > in lower right. The study was designed to minimize any possibility > of sample contamination in the skin scrapings. All scrapings were > done at a single site by clinicians skilled in the skin scraping > method of collection. Microscopic evaluation of skin scrapings from > the ten non-symptomatic controls showed nothing incongruous with > normal skin and were therefore not photographed. This supports the > contention that the methodology employed adequately protected > against sample contamination during collection. A ``classic'' > report of arthropod infestation was reported by Traver (1951) in > which the author described an infestation by a mite species on her > person. Traver (1951) has been referenced by various authors who > gave validity to her infestation. Subsequently,> > papers were presented during the Symposium: Delusions of > Parasitosis. 18 November 1991 refuting her findings and attributing > them to equipment contamination. The mite was identified by Fain > (1967) as the common house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssus. > The directive to photograph all images associated with abnormal skin > was critical to identifying Collembola in the skin scrapings. The > fields contained fungal mycelium, or what appeared at first glance > to be cellular clumps or debris. The Collembola were extremely well > hidden in the exuviae and therefore easy to miss. It was only after > intense scrutiny that they were recognized. In addition, because > the Collembola were not always intact or completely in focus, they > were difficult to discern. Given these challenges, it is easy to > appreciate why there have been only a few previous reports of > Collembola in human skin. Vol. 112(1) JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK > ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 92 Fig. 3.> > Collembola enmeshed in debris. Collembola were identified in > skin scrapings submitted to the Entomology Branch of the National > Center for Infectious Diseases in 1995 (pers. comm.) by an oncology > nurse diagnosed as having delusory parasitosis. Subsequently, there > have been additional reports that provided evidence of Collembola > in skin from one or more individuals diagnosed with similar > symptoms (Dasgupta and Dasgupta, 1995; Frye, 1997). Because the > samples were self-collected and contained a number of other > anomalies, including fungi spores and filaments, foreign fibers, > plus an assortment of ``organisms,'' the finding of Collembola was > regarded as intentional or unintentional sample contamination. In > the current study, in which pains were taken to avoid sample > contamination, there were over 300 anomalous findings in skin > scrapings from the 20 symptomatic study participants and none from > controls. These findings included pollen,> > conidia or spores, hyphae, mycelium, algae or fibers, clumped > skin or cellular debris, an occasional nematode, and what appeared > to be insect eggs, larvae or embryos. These collective anomalies > point to the compromised skin of most of the symptomatic study > participants, and could directly or indirectly (through an immune > or allergic response) produce sensations of stinging/biting and/or > crawling, as well as some of the other symptoms. Collembola are > abundant in wastewater and contaminated environments making them of > growing ecotoxicologic importance (Hopkin, 1997). Generally, they > feed on decaying matter, SPRINGTAILS AND DELUSORY PARASITOSIS > (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 Table 1. Reporting Registry Data QTY > Symptomatic Study Participants n ¼ 20 % Background 3 17 2 11 7 > 0 0 9 2 8 1 0 10 10 20 18 16 Sex male female Age 66 or > over between 41 and 65 between 26 and 40 25 or under unknown > General health before onset of symptoms excellent > > very good good fair poor Others with condition in household > outside household Treatment attempts over the counter > prescription home-remedy Specific abnormalities lumps on head, > scalp hair breaking off eyes watery, itchy genital symptoms 16 > 13 13 12 Description of symptoms 18 20 16 Skin sensation > crawling stinging/biting itching Skin findings crystals sparkly > particles crusty particles sticky particles white specks black > specks fibers hair, dust one or more of above 17 15 15 10 > 15 18 18 16 20 15% 85% 10% 55% 35% 0% 0% 45% 10% 40% > 5% 0% 50% 50% 100% 90% 80% 80% 65% 65% 60% 90% 100% > 80% 85% 75% 75% 50% 75% 90% 90% 80% 100% 93 Larger > Symptomatic Population n ¼ 1681 % QTY 29% 71% 491 1,190 2% > 23% 48% 23% 3% 42 394 804 391 50 45% 30% 18% 5% 2% > 751 510 300 90 30 43% 33% 715 562 31% 29% 18% 526 484 > 296 43% 27% 33% 38% 720 458 559 632 83%> > 79% 94% 1,393 1,327 1,574 30% 25% 31% 19% 36% 36% > 29% 26% 66% 511 423 529 314 602 600 485 441 1,116 JOURNAL > OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 94 Table 1. Continued. two or > more of above three or more of above Skin appearance sores rash > scaling discoloration scarring tracks one or more of above two > or more of above three or more of above algae, fungi and bacteria. > In fact, a fungal infection appears to be a prerequisite condition > before collembolans can gain access into the abdominal cavities of > cabbage maggot flies Delia radicum (Griffiths, 1985). Some species > of Collembola are known plant and mushroom pests and one species > has been taken from dried milk powder (, 1996). Typical > collembolan habitats are moist environments with high humidity and > abundant organic debris. These conditions are present in the > lesions in symptomatic study participants; it is possible > Collembola found in lesions are> > opportunistic and that fungal infections or allergic reactions > to pollen, fungi, spores or other organisms may contribute to or be > responsible for the symptoms these individuals experience. > Collembola do not need to be human parasites in order to be present > in the skin scrapings. Photographs were taken of all scrapings > showing anything inconsistent with normal skin. After identifying > these anomalies as pollen, spores, etc., more extensive scrutiny > revealed the presence of Collembola. Since it was the pollen, > spores, hyphae, fiber and other microorganisms that prompted the > photography, it is not known if Collembola (without any pollen, > spores, etc.) could have been present in the control group. The > population studied in this trial was a subset of over 1,500 > individuals registered with the NPA as experiencing crawling and/or > biting/stinging sensations in the absence of lice or scabies. This > general population shares many of the characteristics> > of those who participated in the study. Although the > questionnaire utilized was self-administered and had its > limitations, it is reasonable to postulate that a percentage of > this more general population may very well have similar findings to > the 20 symptomatic individuals who participated in this study. More > research is required before the true prevalence and importance of > Collembola in humans can be ascertained. The authors would like to > acknowledge Ferris J. Barger for his help with microphotography and > Dr. BethAnn Friedman and Jane Cotter for manuscript preparation. > QTY Symptomatic Study Participants n ¼ 20 % 100% 95% 20 19 > 90% 60% 80% 75% 80% 80% 95% 95% 95% 18 12 16 15 16 16 > 19 19 19 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Vol. 112(1) Larger Symptomatic > Population n ¼ 1681 % QTY 48% 36% 802 604 59% 51% 38% 32% > 40% 35% 83% 64% 46% 990 856 639 541 668 585 1,398 1,084 > 772 95 SPRINGTAILS AND DELUSORY PARASITOSIS> > (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 LITERATURE CITED Dasgupta, R. and B. > Dasgupta. 1995. A treatise on zoophily in Collembola with a summary > of knowledge on origin and evolution of parasitism in saprophagous > forms of animals. Journal of Bengal Natural Ekbom, K. A. 1938. Der > prasenile Dermatozoenwahn. Aus. Derm. Krankenhause Beckomberga, > Angby Fain, A. 1967. Le genre Dermatophagoides Bogdanow 1864. Son > importance dans les allergies Frye, F. L. 1997. In search for the > haphazardly elusive: a follow-up report on an investigation into > History Society 14: 53–60. (Stockholm) Vorstrand: Chefarzt Dr. 7. > Wiesel, pp. 227–259. respiratoires et cutane´es chez l'homme > (Psoroptidae: Sarcoptiformes). Acarologia 9: 179–225. the possible > role of Collembolans in human dermatitis. Veterinary Invertebrate > Society Newsletter 13: 12. Griffiths, G. C. D. 1985. Hypogastrua > succinea (Collembola: Hypogastruridae) dispersed by adults of the > cabbage maggot, Delia radicum> > (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), infected with the parasitic fungus, > Strongewellsea castrans (Zygomycetes: Entomophtoraceae). Canadian > Entomologist 117(8): Hopkin, S. P. 1997. Biology of the Springtails > (Insecta: Collembola). Oxford University Press, New York. > Koblenzer, C. S. 1993. The clinical presentation. Diagnosis and > treatment of delusions of parasitosis— Kushon, D. J., J. W. Helz, > J. M. , K. M. K. Lau, L. L. Pinto and F. E. St. Aubin. 1993. > Delusions 1063–1064. 48. x þ 330 pp. a dermatologic perspective. > Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 6–10. of > parasitosis: a survey of entomologists from a psychiatric > perspective. Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 11–> 15. Novak, M. 1988. Psychocutaneous medicine: delusions of > parasitosis. Cutis 42(6): 504. Poorbaugh, J. H. 1993. Cryptic > arthropod infestations: separating fact from fiction. Bulletin of > the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 3–5. , H. G.> > 1966. Insect pests. Part 1. Springtails. Modern Maintenance > Management 18(9): 19–21. , H. G., J. S. Wiseman and C. J. > Stojanovich. 1962. Collembola infesting man. ls of the Traver, > J. 1951. Unusual scalp dermatitis in humans caused by the mite > Dermatophagoides (Acarina, Webb, J. P. 1993a. Delusions of > parasitosis: a symposium: coordination among entomologists, Webb, > J. P. 1993b. Case histories of individuals with delusions of > parasitosis in southern California and Entomological Society of > America 55(4): 428–430. Epidermoptidae). Proceedings of the > Entomological Society of Washington 53(1): 1–25. dermatologists and > psychiatrists. Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 1–> 2. a proposed protocol for initiating effective medical assistance. > Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 16–25. Received > 18 August 2003; accepted 15 February 2004. > > > > --> > send> > this page to a friend -- > > The> > National Pediculosis Association,®Inc.> > A Non-Profit Organization> > Serving The Public Since 1983.> > > > The National Pediculosis Association > > is a non-profit, tax exempt> > organization that receives no government or agency funding.> > Contributions are tax-deductible under the 501c(3) status.> > © 1997-2008 The National Pediculosis Association®, Inc.> > All images © 1997-2008 The National Pediculosis Association®, Inc. > > > > Willow> > > > > > > > Willow Invites You to:> > http://www.myspace.com/willowmorningsky> > > > and my teen idol grandson:> > http://www.myspace.com/tannerrichie1> >>

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This is exactly what the establishment has been hiding

Morgellons -

A Nano-911 Foreign Invader

By Hildegarde Staninger, PhD, RIET-1

Integrative Health Systems, LLC

415 3/4th N. Larchmont Blvd

LA, CA 90004

323-466-2599 323-466-2774 (fax)

All Material © 2007 Hildegarde Staninger


Presented at the

National Registry of Environmental Professionals

2007 Annual Conference, September 6, 2007, San ,




There is an environmental disease on the horizon that

will affect more humans and the environment than any one person will know.

Its environmental impact will be far greater than DDT, PCBs and asbestos

have ever been. It is called Morgellon's: A Nano-911 Foreign Invader. It

has many names ­ fiber disease, mystery disease, delusional parasitosis

and unknown dermatological skin disorder, to name a few. It is silent,

smart, glistening ­ powered by its own transitional metal battery.

And when it strikes its victim it feels like a piece of burning broken

glass as it pierces the skin. Smaller than any of the 150 pieces of a virus

(known as virons), it is invisible to the naked eye. So silent is it, only

the one who has been invaded knows its true nature. Marked with the seal

of man-made, self-assembling nano-size materials they can be used in forming

drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, biomaterials, artificial nerves, artificial

brains, pseudo skin and molecular electronics. Yes, it was patterned after

nature's many wonders, but it is still one hundred percent man-made. The

nano-brew has been let loose from its scientific flask casting its woes

upon an unsuspecting innocence.

Introduction to Chemical Foreign Invaders

Plants, humans and other animals are constantly exposed

in their environment to a vast array of chemicals that are foreign to their

bodies. These foreign chemicals, or xenobiotics, can be of natural origin

or they can be man-made. In general, the more lipophilic (fat loving) compounds

are readily absorbed through the skin, across the lungs, or through the

gastrointestinal tract. Constant or even intermittent exposure to these

lipophilic chemicals could result in their accumulation within the organism,

unless effective means of elimination are present. Indeed, chemicals can

be excreted unchanged into urine, bile, feces, expired air, and perspiration.

Except for exhalation, the ease with which compounds are eliminated from

the body largely depends on their water solubility. This is particularly

true for non-volatile chemicals that are eliminated in urine and feces,

the predominant routes of elimination. Lipophilic compounds that are present

in these excretory fluids tend to diffuse into cellular membranes and are

reabsorbed, whereas water soluble compounds are excreted. Therefore, it

is apparent why lipophilic xenobiotics could accumulate within the body;

They are readily absorbed but poorly excreted.1

Fortunately, animal organisms have developed a number

of biochemical processes that convert lipophilic compounds to more hydrophilic

metabolites. These biochemical processes are termed biotransformation and

are usually enzymatic in nature. It should be stressed that biotransformation

is the sum of the processes by which a foreign invader such as a chemical

is subjected to chemical change by living organisms (Figure 1 ­ 1).

This definition implies that a particular chemical may undergo a number

of chemical changes. It may mean that the parent molecule is chemically

modified at a number of positions or that a particular metabolite of the

parent compound may undergo additional modification. The end result of

the biotransformation reaction(s) is that the metabolites are chemically

distinct from the parent compound. Metabolites are usually more hydrophilic

than the parent compound. This enhanced water solubility reduces the ability

of the metabolite to partition into biologic membranes and thus restricts

the distribution of the metabolites to the various tissues, decreases the

renal metabolite(s), and ultimately promotes the excretion of the chemical

by the urinary and biliary fecal routes.

Morgellons is a disease that affects humans and animals

with a minimum of 93 or more symptoms. Humans experience different colored

fibers growing out of their skin with the presence of lesions that ooze

a gel like material or may have the feeling of hot burning glass ripping

through the underside of their skin as a needle. Toxicological Pathology

evaluations of specimens taken from a patient who was diagnosed with this

disease and was having a knee replacement operation revealed that the specimen

contained silica and silicone.2 Further analysis of these specimens using

Micro Raman technology revealed that the fibers that grew out of this same

patient were composed of a two part polyester, like a plastic straw within

a straw with a head that was made up of silicone (Figure 1 -2 & 1-3).

Polyester is a definite man-made material. It is "nylon" by another

name. Nylon is a compound that is a lipophatic compound, just as silicone.

In addition, high density polyethylene fibers were found in a different

patient's heel of their foot. (Figure 1-4). The difference in these compounds

and ones that are man-made in a chemical factory are that they have a size,

which is measured at a "NANO" level.

Nano is nine decimals below the zero or 0.000,000,001.3

It is smaller than the width of a human hair. How can something so small

be so harmful to humans?

Well this is were size counts Big Time. The nano material,

which has many forms such as smart dust, nano gels, quantum dots, nano

tube, nano wire, nano bots, nano horns are all part of the growing field

of nanotechnology. If something is so small that it does not stimulate

the immune system to react to its foreign invasion of the cell new cellular

toxicological reactions will occur. Collectively these materials were found

in specimens taken from the same patient who had the knee replacement operation.

The individual had blue fibers that would not burn at 1,400 degrees F and

harden gels that made lesions. The callus-like scab had cat-like claws

on its underside. These specimens went through Toxicological Pathology

and it is true, a picture says a thousand words (Figure 1-5).

No matter what the biological agent, chemical or foreign

invader, the body is geared up to protect itself and remove the toxic material.

The body is not ready for a nano foreign invader because one can not see

it at any level. Normally the body would go through biotransformation and

remove this toxic material from the body through biotransformation, but

not in the case of Moregellons, which seems to have a mind of its own as

it riddles the body with its fibers and continuous self- replication.

Normal Compounds vs Moregellons through Biotransformation

A number of enzymes in animal organisms are capable of

biotransforming lipid-soluble xenobiotics in such a way as to render them

more water soluble. These enzymatic reactions are of two types; phase I

reactions, which involve oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis, and phase

II reactions, which consist of conjugation or synthetic reactions. Although

phase I reactions generally convert foreign compounds to derivatives that

are more water soluble than the parent molecule, a prime function of these

reactions is to add or expose functional groups (e.g.,

- OH, - SH, _NH2, - COOH). These functional groups then

permit the compound to undergo phase II reactions. Phase II reactions are

biosynthetic reactions where the foreign compounds or a phase I ­ derived

metabolite is covalently linked to an endogenous molecule, producing a

conjugate. In these cases, the endogenous moieties (e.g. glucuronic acid,

sulfate) usually confer upon the lipophilic xenobiotic or its metabolite

increased water solubility and the ability to undergo significant ionization

at physiologic pH. These conjugated moieties are normally added to endogenous

products to promote their secretion or transfer across hepatic, renal,

and intestinal membranes. The transport mechanisms that have developed

recognize the conjugating moiety. Thus, the excretion of conjugated xenobiotics

is enhanced by their ability to participate in transport systems that have

evolved from the conjugated products of endogenous molecules.4

The relationship between phase I and phase II reactions

is summarized in Figure 4-1. The fate of a particular chemical is determined

by its physical/chemical products. Volatile organic compounds may be eliminated

via the lungs with no biotransformation. Those with functional groups may

be conjugated directly, whereas others undergo phase I reactions before

conjugation. As implied, biotransformation is often integrated and can

be complex. Because of this complexity, imbalances between phase I and

phase II reactions or dose-related shifts in metabolic routes are often

causes of chemical-induced tissue injury.5

Organ and Cellular Location of Biotransformation

The enzymes or enzyme systems that catalyze the biotransformation

of foreign compounds are localized mainly in the liver. This is not surprising,

since a primary function of the liver is to receive and process chemicals

absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract before they are distributed to

other tissues. Liver receives all the blood that has perfused the splanchnic

area, which contains nutrients and other foreign substances. Because of

this, the liver has developed the capacity to extract these substances

readily from the blood and to modify chemically many of these substances

before they are stored, secreted into bile, or released into the general

circulation. Other tissues can also biotransform foreign compounds. Nearly

every tissue tested has shown activity toward some foreign chemicals (Figure

1-6). Extrahepatic tissues are limited with respect to the diversity of

chemicals they can handle, and thus their contribution to the overall biotransformation

of xenobiotics is limited. However, biotransformation of a chemical within

an extrahepatic tissue may have an important toxicological implication

for that particular tissue.6

Subcellular Localization of Biotransformation Enzymes

Biotransformation of foreign compounds within the liver

is accomplished by several remarkable enzyme systems. These can chemically

modify a wide variety of structurally diverse drugs and toxicants that

enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, the skin, or injection. The

phase I enzymes, those that add or expose functional groups, are located

primarily in the endoplasmic reticulum, a network of interconnected channels

present in the cytoplasm of most cells. These enzymes are membrane bound,

since the endoplasmic reticulum is basically a contiguous membrane composed

of lipids and proteins. The presence of enzymes within a lipoprotein matrix

is critical, since lipophilic substances will preferentially partition

into a lipid membrane, the site of biotransformation. 7

When liver is removed (in the laboratory) and homogenized,

the tubular endoplasmic reticulum breaks up and fragments of the membrane

are sealed off to form micro vesicles. These are referred to as microsomes,

which can be isolated by differential centrifugation of the liver homogenate.

If the supernatant fraction that results from centrifugation of the homogenate

at 9000 x g (to remove nuclei, mitochondria, and lysosomes as well as unbroken

cells and large membrane fragments) is subjected to centrifugation at 105,00

x g, a pellet highly enriched in microsomes is obtained. The resulting

supernatant fraction, which contains a number of soluble enzymes, is referred

to as the cytosol. This cytosol contains many of the enzymes of phase II

biotransformation. Many of the important biotransformation enzymes are

referred to as cytosolic or microsomal to indicate the subcellular location

of the enzymes.

The microsomal enzymes that catalyze the phase I reactions

were characterized primarily by their ability to metabolize drugs. Thus,

much of the literature refers to these enzymes as the microsomal, as the

microsomal enzymes will convert drugs to more polar products, but they

also act on the numerous chemicals. Therefore, the word biotransformation

is preferred to drug metabolism, since it conveys the more universal nature

of the reactions. In addition, if delineates the normal process of metabolism

of endogenous nutrients form the biotransformation of foreign chemicals.7

Detoxication ­ Toxication

Inasmuch as both phase I and phase II enzymes convert

foreign chemicals to forms that can be more readily excreted, they are

often referred to as detoxication enzymes. However, it should be emphasized

that biotransformation is not strictly related to detoxicaiton. In a number

of cases, the metabolic products are more toxic than than the parent compounds.

This is particularly true for some chemical carcinogens, organo-phosphates,

and a number of compounds that cause cell necrosis in the lung, liver,

and kidney. In many instances, a toxic metabolite can be isolated and identified.

In other cases, highly reactive intermediates are formed during the biotransformation

of a chemical. The term toxication or bioactivation is often used to indicate

the enzymatic formation of reactive intermediates. These reactive intermediates

are thought to initiate the events that ultimately result in cell death,

chemically induced cancer, teratogenesis and a number of other toxicities

(Figure 1-7).

Moregellon affected individuals have the opposite reactions

of phase I and II, because they experience specific physical parameters

such as low body temperature, high blood pressure, urine conductivity high

(20 -21), gels, fibers and fluorescents on the body as nano tattoo fluorescent

shapes. All tell a tale of being injected with a burning glass needle through

their skin as they suffer from severe itching.


Nanotechnology presents new opportunities to create better

materials and products. Already, nano material containing products are

available in U.S. markets including coatings, computers, clothing, cosmetics,

sports equipment and medical devices. A survey of EmTech Research of companies

working in the field of nanotechnology has identified approximately 80

consumer products, and over 600 raw materials, intermediate components

and industrial equipment items that are used by manufacturers. Our economy

will be increasingly affected by nanotechnology as more products containing

nano materials move from research and development into production and commerce.8

Nanotechnology also has the potential to improve the

environment, both through direct applications of nano materials to detect,

prevent, and remove pollutants, as well as indirectly by using nanotechnology

to design cleaner industrial processes and create environmentally friendly

products. However, there are unanswered questions about the impacts of

nano materials and nanoproducts on human health and the environment, and

the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or "the Agency")

has the obligation to ensure that potential risks are adequately understood

to protect human health and the environment. As products made from nanomaterials

become more numerous and therefore more prevalent in the environment, EPA

is thus considering how to best leverage advances in nanotechnology to

enhance environmental protection, as well as how the introduction of nano

materials into the environment will impact the Agency's environmental programs,

policies, research needs, and approaches to decision making. Currently,

the only regulation that addresses to evaluate the environmental risk of

nano materials/technology is the City of Berkley, California.9

Some examples of this technology that applied to a private

research study addressed the composition of the fibers used current terminology

to address the researcher's findings.10

Carbon nanotube injectors ­ a nano carbon nanotube,

conjugated with streptavidin-coated quantum dots. Developed by Xing Chen,

Andrax Kis, Zetti, and Carolyn Bertozzi fromt eh University of California

at Berklely. Unique feature is its ability to deliver genes.

Nano motor - Carlo Montemagno of Cornell University made

a molecular motor less than one-fifth the size of a red blood cell. The

key components are protein from E. coli attached to a nickel spindle and

propeller a few nanometers across, which is powered by ATP, the energy-intermediate

that the body itself uses to power all living activities. But this molecular

motor works with the efficiency of only 1 to 4 percent, comparing poorly

with those in living organisms that could work at close to 100 percent


Nanobombs - Researchers in Michigan have designed smart

"nanobombs" that are said to evade the immune system, to hone

in on diseased cells to kill them or deliver drugs to them.11

Nanoelectrosensor - Electronic devices that can tell

cells to make specific hormones when the body needs them, and electricity

generators that self-assembling inside the cell. 11

Nano-pharmaceuticals ­ Another idea is to interact

directly with cells, so they can be harnessed as pharmaceutical factories

to produce drugs on demand. Milan Mrksich, chemist at the University of

Chicago, plans to hook up cells to electronic circuits by tethering them

to a carpet of molecular arms. Carbon chains between 10 to 20 atoms long

attached to a gold-plated glass plate with sulphur atoms. The strands are

packed so tightly that they have to stand upright on the surface. That

creates a thicket of free sticky molecular ends to capture and manipulate


Quantum dots, nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes (in microelectronics)

and other throw-away nanodevices may constitute whole new classes of non-biodegradable

nano-junk and nanosmog, environmental pollutants that could make cancer-causing

asbestos seem tame.11

The prospect of adverse immune reactions has already

been pointed out. Scientists have yet to develop artificial materials that

don't cause at least some problems when inserted into the body, starting

with silicone breast implants.11 Nanoscale devices are worse. As

an advisor to the European Union on problems of public perceptions

of medical technologies says, "The human body is best designed to

repel or attack things the size of a cell." Worse yet, the devices

could clog up our immune system for good.

And if so small as to not stimulate the immune system

at all, "What will be the effects upon the cellular membranes, organelles

or the nuclear material (DNA) or its membrane. If the nano material is

made up of DNA plasmids of fungi, bacteria or viruses will this new material

mix and bind to our own internal cell constituents?

Nano and the Enviornment

In the NIOSH white paper on Nano Technology, it specifically

states that the nano material is so small that it will not do any harm

to living cells. Current studies on the use of nano tubes on rat lungs

have shown that the rats become ill or died after the procedure.12

In Project FMM two individuals who had Morgellons submitted

samples for analysis using scanning electron microscope technology along

with a sample of a chemtrail cottoncandy-like material that fell from the

sky in Texas. The test revealed that the materials in all 3 samples were

various stages of development or degradation of the material within the

host ( and Lily), while the chemtrail sample matched the ladies'. The

samples were over 1,500 miles from each other.13

Our environment has seen the results of chemicals upon

its land, waters and air. DDT and how it almost whipped out the American

Bald Eagle almost 40 years ago was a perfect example of how a chemical

could do harm in the food chain of other animals. Nano materials that are

dumped into the streams and air are a time bomb of environmental problems.

It is important for both scientists and the general public to keep a close

track on the developments of nanotechnology and to distinguish the real

facts of this technology. And determine if it can really improve our lives

without compromising our dignity, integrity and the human race.


1. Amdur, O., J. Doull, and C.D. Klaassen. Casarett

and Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 4th Edition. Chapter

4: Biotransformation of Toxicants by I. Glenn Sipes and A. Jay Gandolfi.

Pergamon Press. New York. © 1991. Pgs. 88 ­ 126.

2. Staninger, Hildegarde. Far-Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR

RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases. National Registry

of Environmental Professionals. Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

NREP, Des Plaines, IL © October 18, 2006,


3. Staninger, Hildegarde. 'Size Matters'

http://www.rense.com/morgphase/sizematters.htm ©

March 2007

4. Dutton, G.J. Glucuronidation of Drugs and Other Compounds.

CRC Press, Inc.. Boca Raton, FL. © 1980

5. Guengerich, F.P. and Liebler, D.C. Enzymatic activation

of chemicals to toxic metabolites. CRC Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 14:259-307.

© 1985

6. Hawkins, D.R. (ed): Biotransformaitons. Vol. 1: A

Survey of the Biotransformations of Drugs and chemicals in Animals. Royal

Society of Chemistry. London. © 1988

7. Weber, W.W. The Acetylator Genes and Drug Response.

Oxford University Press. New York. © 1987

8. U.S. EPA Environmental Protection Agency. External

Review Draft Nanotechnology White Paper. Science Policy Council. U.S. EPA,

Washington, D.C. December 2, 2006, http://www.epa.gov/osa/nanotech.htm

9. City of Berkley, California County Commissioner's

Meeting. Testimony of

Dr. Spencer and other public citizens on the risk


nanotechnology to the environment. (City developed an

ordinance/regulation to evaluate the risk to the environment


nanotechnology.) Berkley, California © 2006, http://www.seektress.com/berkeley.htm

10. Staninger, Hildegarde. Project: Fiber, Meteroite

& Morgellons. Phase I and II. http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm,

© March 2007.

11. Ho, Mae-Wan. Nanotecnology, a Hard Pill to Swallow.

http://www.i-sis.org.uk/nanotechnology.php © July

16, 2007

12. Lam, et. al. Pulmonary Toxicity of Single-Walled

Carbon Nanotubes in Mice 7 and 90 Days after Intratracheal Instillation.

Toxicol. Sci. 77:126-134 © 2004

13. Staninger, Hildegarde. Project: Fiber, Meteroite

& Morgellons. Phase I and II. http://www.rense.com/morgphase/phase2_1.htm

© March 2007

14. Environmental Defense Fund & Dupont. Brochure:

NANO Risk Framework. (www.dupont.com & www.environmentaldefensefung.com




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================> >> > > > URL for this page:> > > > http://www.headlice.org/news/2004/pr071204.htm> > > > > > > > ========================> > > > > > SM HeadLice.Org Hot Spots: > > -- select a destination -- Homepage Quicklinks for Parents > Frequently Asked Questions News & Events 's Project Catalog & > Special Offers Free Downloads Free Critter Card™ Offer LiceMeister > Comb The NPA's No Nit Policy NPA Video Theatre Send an E-Card Site > Search Reporting Registry Comment Browser Skin Scraping/Collembola > Research > > > > > > Collembola found in scrapings from individuals diagnosed with > delusory parasitosis> > 07/12/04, Needham, MA - Each year, thousands of Americans > complain to their physicians about itching, stinging, biting and > crawling sensations on or under their skin. Many believe they have > head lice or scabies, though they are often referred to > psychiatrists or prescribed anti-psychotic medications.> > Medical/Research professionals can click here to apply for access > to the> > original microscopy images published in the 'Collembola Report' > > Now, a new clinical study indicates that many of these people do > have something in their skin: Collembola, also known as springtails.> > Ninety percent of those who participated in the study were found > to have Collembola, which are ubiquitous in nature and minute in > size, according to the study conducted under the auspices of the > National Pediculosis Association (NPA) in Needham, Mass., and the > Oklahoma State Department of Health.> > The findings are reported in the new edition of the Journal of > the New York Entomological Association (full article, images, > video and other information located here), headquartered at the > American Museum of Natural History.> > Most of the study participants had been diagnosed with delusory > parasitosis, a presumed psychiatric condition among people who > believe they are infested with an insect or parasite.> > But the new findings bolster the contention of many patients that > they "actually have something crawling on or under their skin and > are not delusional," said the journal article.> > Categorized as hexapods, with six legs, antennas, and no wings, > Collembola feed on algae, fungi, bacteria and decaying matter.> > During the past few years, 1,500 people have contacted the NPA to > report the crawling sensations and related symptoms. The study > focused on 20 of these people -- and skin scrapings revealed that > all but two of them had Collembola.> > Researchers used special imaging techniques to discover the > Collembola, which are extremely well hidden and easy to miss.> > "Collembola as a common denominator in people diagnosed with > delusory parasitosis calls for more research to better understand > the relationship between Collembola and humans and the critical > need to help those who suffer with this condition," said NPA > president Deborah Altschuler, one of six researchers who authored > the article. "We believe the study breaks the century-old logjam > that the sensations of crawling, stinging, and biting are only > imagined." > > Collembola predominately dwell in soil and litter, preferring wet > or damp surroundings. They sometimes congregate in large numbers > under leaky kitchen or bathroom sinks, swimming pools or in the > soil of potted plants.> > Little is known about the health effects of Collembola, or how to > prevent or treat them as a problem for human skin. > > The NPA encourages medical professionals, sufferers or anyone > with information on these or similar symptoms to share information > by visiting the NPA's Reporting Registry.> > Besides Altschuler, authors of the article included Oklahoma > State Health Commissioner Crutcher, Romania-based > researchers Neculai Dulceanu, and Cristina Terinte, Beth Cervantes > of NPA and Louis Sorkin of the American Museum of Natural History > in New York.> > ________________________________> > > > Other Press Releases From The NPA > > > > J. New York Entomol. Soc. 112(1):87–95, 2004 4 COLLEMBOLA > (SPRINGTAILS) (ARTHROPODA: HEXAPODA: ENTOGNATHA) FOUND IN SCRAPINGS > FROM INDIVIDUALS DIAGNOSED WITH DELUSORY PARASITOSIS DEBORAH Z. > ALTSCHULER,1 MICHAEL CRUTCHER, MD, MPH, FACPM,2 NECULAI DULCEANU, > DVM, PHD (DECEASED),3 BETH A. CERVANTES,1 CRISTINA TERINTE, MD, > PHD4 AND LOUIS N. SORKIN, BCE5 1National Pediculosis Association, > 50 Kearney Road, Needham, Massachusetts 02494; 2 3 Commissioner > of Health, Oklahoma State Department of Health, 1000 NE 10th > Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73117; Department of Parasitology, > University of Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania; Department of > Pathology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania; and > 5Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural > History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, New York 10024-> 5192 Abstract.—Twenty individuals diagnosed with delusory > parasitosis participated in a single site> > clinical study under the auspices of the National Pediculosis > Association (NPA) and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The > objective of this study was to determine if there were any common > factors in skin scrapings collected from this population. These > individuals, whose symptoms were originally attributed to lice or > scabies, were part of a larger group reporting symptoms of > stinging/biting and/or crawling to the NPA. Multiple skin scrapings > from each person were microscopically examined. Any and all fields > of view that appeared incongruous to normal human skin were > digitally photographed. When the photographic images were initially > evaluated, no common factor was identified. However, more extensive > scrutiny using imaging software revealed evidence of Collembola in > 18 of the 20 participants. Key words: Collembola, springtail, > stinging, biting, crawling, Arthropoda, Hexapoda, Entognatha, > pediculosis, human skin, lice and scabies. > > Delusory parasitosis, also known as Ekbom's Syndrome (Ekbom, > 1938), is a presumed psychiatric condition ascribed to individuals > who are convinced, in the absence of any empirical evidence, that > they are infested with an insect or parasite (Novak, 1988; > Poorbaugh, 1993; Webb, 1993a). These individuals experience > itching, stinging/biting, and crawling sensations on or under their > skin, which are often associated with excoriations, discoloration, > scaling, tunneling or sores. Their conviction that they are > infested is reinforced by their observation of particles described > as sparkly, crusty, crystal-like, white or black specks and/or > fibers. Typically, these individuals have consulted extensively > with general physicians, dermatologists, and entomologists (Kushon > et al., 1993) who could not find physical cause for their > complaints. Despite findings ruling out lice, scabies or other > medical causes, patients refuse to accept the diagnosis of> > delusory parasitosis (Koblenzer, 1993; Webb, 1993b), become > extremely focused on eradicating the pests, and further compromise > their skin by frequent scratching, excessive cleaning, and the > application of various remedies such as prescription pesticides for > lice or scabies, household cleaning products, and organic solvents > or fuels. The symptoms are debilitating and the sufferer's distress > is compounded by the lack of a concrete physical diagnosis. Vol. 112> (1) JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 88 Hundreds of > sufferers have reported symptoms to the National Pediculosis > Association (NPA), as well as to the Oklahoma State Department of > Health, similar to those described by Traver in reporting her own > infestation (Traver, 1951). In response to the compelling nature of > these reports, the NPA agreed to conduct a controlled research study > of skin specimens in cooperation with the Oklahoma State Health > Department. Twenty individuals > > diagnosed as having delusory parasitosis and ten non-symptomatic > controls volunteered to participate in this effort. The clinical > portion of the study was conducted at a single site during three > weeks. Doctors with experience in the skin scraping method of > specimen collection obtained and microscopically examined samples, > and all anomalous findings were photographed. Procedures were > instituted to preclude contamination, such as reported by Poorbaugh > (1993). STUDY DESIGN Study Locale. The clinical portion of this > study was conducted at the Oklahoma State Department of Health, > Oklahoma City, Oklahoma between June 28 and July 20, 2000. Study > Participants. Twenty symptomatic participants were selected from the > hundreds of individuals who had previously contacted the NPA > regarding an unknown condition possibly associated with lice and/or > scabies but for which these parasites had been ruled out. Their > physicians subsequently diagnosed them as> > suffering from delusory parasitosis. These volunteers were > accepted on the basis of their willingness to travel to Oklahoma > City at their own expense, complete questionnaires regarding their > symptoms and medical history, and submit to multiple skin > scrapings. Ten controls, randomly selected from employees of the > Oklahoma State Health Department, were also enrolled. All > participants signed a waiver of liability and understood that this > was an initial research effort. Intake Evaluations. Intake > consisted of having symptomatic participants complete a > selfadministered questionnaire that was similar in content to > the ``not-lice'' survey posted on the NPA website > (www.headlice.org). Body diagrams of ventral and dorsal surfaces > were marked to identify common areas of lesions. Two participants > had symptoms without lesions or dermatitis at the time of the > trial. Specimen Preparation. Trained personnel prepared all skin > scrapings. Prior and> > subsequent to scraping the skin with a disposable scalpel, > symptomatic areas and areas at or around lesions were cleansed with > gauze and alcohol. Immediately after being obtained, the scraped > material was transferred to a fresh microscope slide with a drop of > sterile water, coverslipped and isolated. Between 15 and 35 slides > were prepared and examined for each subject. Scrapings were > obtained from non-symptomatic controls from regions of the body > where most lesions were noted on symptomatic participants. > Specimen Photography and Data Tracking. All slides were viewed using > an Olympus BX60 Dual Viewing Microscope. The images that appeared > incongruent with normal healthy skin were photographed using a SPOT > RGB digital camera and SPOT software version 3.0. Each image was > assigned a unique identifier and the magnification of the image was > recorded. Images were sized by comparison with images of a B & L > micrometer with marks for 0.1 mm and 0.01 mm> > that were taken at 1003, 2003 and 4003 magnification with the > same camera and software used in the clinical study. Initial > microscopy was non-blinded; i.e., the clinicians examining and > photographing the slides knew that they were from either the study > participant or control group. 89 SPRINGTAILS AND DELUSORY > PARASITOSIS (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 RESULTS Over 300 microscopic fields > from study participants who complained of stinging/biting and/ or > crawling sensations in their skin appeared incongruent with normal > skin and therefore were photographed for later scrutiny. Pollen, > conidia or spores, hyphae, mycelium or fibers, or what appeared to > be clumped skin or cellular debris were identified during the first > six months of image analysis. One or two-cell algae, nematodes, or > what appeared to be insect eggs, larvae or embryos were also > identified. Although everyone in the group had at least one of the > above findings, none of the findings were a common> > factor in every subject, making it necessary to continue looking > for a common denominator. Because Collembola had been reported from > individuals experiencing these symptoms (Dasgupta and Dasgupta, > 1995; Frye, 1997; et al., 1962), they became the focus of > subsequent image analysis. Identification of Collembola in > scrapings from symptomatic study participants required intensive > scrutiny of the photographs and was initially very difficult. Most > Collembola were enmeshed in accumulations of exuviae. Eggs ranged > from 20 to 100 microns in diameter. The size of most Collembola > noted was 50–300 microns in length, suggesting a predominance of > nymphs as opposed to adults. To ensure reliability of results, > researchers verified at least two sightings before a subject was > considered to have positive Collembola findings. However, scrapings > from 10 of the subjects showed an abundance of Collembola. Evidence > of Collembola was found in images of> > scrapings from 18 of the 20 individuals that had been diagnosed > as delusional. Of the two participants without lesions or dermatitis > at the time of the trial, one had images positive for Collembola. > Examples of some of these findings and the photographic fields in > which they appeared are provided in Fig. 1–3. Each image was > obtained from a different study participant. Fig. 1: > Photomicrograph of debris that demonstrated at higher magnification > the presence of Collembola. Two examples are highlighted and > enlarged in Fig. 1a. Fig. 2: A clearly recognizable Collembola > (approximately 100 microns in length) is resting on top of the > debris in the lower right. Fig. 3: Provides an example of > Collembola enmeshed in debris. Collembola were present in ninety > percent of the study participants who complained of stinging/biting > and/or crawling sensations on or under their skin. Microscopic > examination of scrapings of control subjects appeared to be> > consistent with normal skin and therefore no photographic images > were taken. More than 1,500 individuals registered with the NPA > (data on file) as having stinging/biting and/or crawling sensations > that they initially attributed to lice and/or scabies. > Approximately half of these individuals described three or more > abnormalities in skin appearance and observed two or more different > types of skin particles. The demographics and symptoms of these > individuals and the study participants were compared (see Table 1). > DISCUSSION The findings of Collembola in images of scrapings from > 18 of the 20 symptomatic study participants supports their > contention that they actually have something crawling on or under > their skin and are not delusional. The images were reviewed by > entomologists and the presence of Collembola verified and > identified as representative of the families Isotomidae and > Entomobryidae. Vol. 112(1) JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL> > SOCIETY 90 Fig. 1. Debris that demonstrated at higher > magnification the presence of Collembola. 91 SPRINGTAILS AND > DELUSORY PARASITOSIS (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 Fig. 2. Collembola in debris > in lower right. The study was designed to minimize any possibility > of sample contamination in the skin scrapings. All scrapings were > done at a single site by clinicians skilled in the skin scraping > method of collection. Microscopic evaluation of skin scrapings from > the ten non-symptomatic controls showed nothing incongruous with > normal skin and were therefore not photographed. This supports the > contention that the methodology employed adequately protected > against sample contamination during collection. A ``classic'' > report of arthropod infestation was reported by Traver (1951) in > which the author described an infestation by a mite species on her > person. Traver (1951) has been referenced by various authors who > gave validity to her infestation. Subsequently,> > papers were presented during the Symposium: Delusions of > Parasitosis. 18 November 1991 refuting her findings and attributing > them to equipment contamination. The mite was identified by Fain > (1967) as the common house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssus. > The directive to photograph all images associated with abnormal skin > was critical to identifying Collembola in the skin scrapings. The > fields contained fungal mycelium, or what appeared at first glance > to be cellular clumps or debris. The Collembola were extremely well > hidden in the exuviae and therefore easy to miss. It was only after > intense scrutiny that they were recognized. In addition, because > the Collembola were not always intact or completely in focus, they > were difficult to discern. Given these challenges, it is easy to > appreciate why there have been only a few previous reports of > Collembola in human skin. Vol. 112(1) JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK > ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 92 Fig. 3.> > Collembola enmeshed in debris. Collembola were identified in > skin scrapings submitted to the Entomology Branch of the National > Center for Infectious Diseases in 1995 (pers. comm.) by an oncology > nurse diagnosed as having delusory parasitosis. Subsequently, there > have been additional reports that provided evidence of Collembola > in skin from one or more individuals diagnosed with similar > symptoms (Dasgupta and Dasgupta, 1995; Frye, 1997). Because the > samples were self-collected and contained a number of other > anomalies, including fungi spores and filaments, foreign fibers, > plus an assortment of ``organisms,'' the finding of Collembola was > regarded as intentional or unintentional sample contamination. In > the current study, in which pains were taken to avoid sample > contamination, there were over 300 anomalous findings in skin > scrapings from the 20 symptomatic study participants and none from > controls. These findings included pollen,> > conidia or spores, hyphae, mycelium, algae or fibers, clumped > skin or cellular debris, an occasional nematode, and what appeared > to be insect eggs, larvae or embryos. These collective anomalies > point to the compromised skin of most of the symptomatic study > participants, and could directly or indirectly (through an immune > or allergic response) produce sensations of stinging/biting and/or > crawling, as well as some of the other symptoms. Collembola are > abundant in wastewater and contaminated environments making them of > growing ecotoxicologic importance (Hopkin, 1997). Generally, they > feed on decaying matter, SPRINGTAILS AND DELUSORY PARASITOSIS > (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 Table 1. Reporting Registry Data QTY > Symptomatic Study Participants n ¼ 20 % Background 3 17 2 11 7 > 0 0 9 2 8 1 0 10 10 20 18 16 Sex male female Age 66 or > over between 41 and 65 between 26 and 40 25 or under unknown > General health before onset of symptoms excellent > > very good good fair poor Others with condition in household > outside household Treatment attempts over the counter > prescription home-remedy Specific abnormalities lumps on head, > scalp hair breaking off eyes watery, itchy genital symptoms 16 > 13 13 12 Description of symptoms 18 20 16 Skin sensation > crawling stinging/biting itching Skin findings crystals sparkly > particles crusty particles sticky particles white specks black > specks fibers hair, dust one or more of above 17 15 15 10 > 15 18 18 16 20 15% 85% 10% 55% 35% 0% 0% 45% 10% 40% > 5% 0% 50% 50% 100% 90% 80% 80% 65% 65% 60% 90% 100% > 80% 85% 75% 75% 50% 75% 90% 90% 80% 100% 93 Larger > Symptomatic Population n ¼ 1681 % QTY 29% 71% 491 1,190 2% > 23% 48% 23% 3% 42 394 804 391 50 45% 30% 18% 5% 2% > 751 510 300 90 30 43% 33% 715 562 31% 29% 18% 526 484 > 296 43% 27% 33% 38% 720 458 559 632 83%> > 79% 94% 1,393 1,327 1,574 30% 25% 31% 19% 36% 36% > 29% 26% 66% 511 423 529 314 602 600 485 441 1,116 JOURNAL > OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 94 Table 1. Continued. two or > more of above three or more of above Skin appearance sores rash > scaling discoloration scarring tracks one or more of above two > or more of above three or more of above algae, fungi and bacteria. > In fact, a fungal infection appears to be a prerequisite condition > before collembolans can gain access into the abdominal cavities of > cabbage maggot flies Delia radicum (Griffiths, 1985). Some species > of Collembola are known plant and mushroom pests and one species > has been taken from dried milk powder (, 1996). Typical > collembolan habitats are moist environments with high humidity and > abundant organic debris. These conditions are present in the > lesions in symptomatic study participants; it is possible > Collembola found in lesions are> > opportunistic and that fungal infections or allergic reactions > to pollen, fungi, spores or other organisms may contribute to or be > responsible for the symptoms these individuals experience. > Collembola do not need to be human parasites in order to be present > in the skin scrapings. Photographs were taken of all scrapings > showing anything inconsistent with normal skin. After identifying > these anomalies as pollen, spores, etc., more extensive scrutiny > revealed the presence of Collembola. Since it was the pollen, > spores, hyphae, fiber and other microorganisms that prompted the > photography, it is not known if Collembola (without any pollen, > spores, etc.) could have been present in the control group. The > population studied in this trial was a subset of over 1,500 > individuals registered with the NPA as experiencing crawling and/or > biting/stinging sensations in the absence of lice or scabies. This > general population shares many of the characteristics> > of those who participated in the study. Although the > questionnaire utilized was self-administered and had its > limitations, it is reasonable to postulate that a percentage of > this more general population may very well have similar findings to > the 20 symptomatic individuals who participated in this study. More > research is required before the true prevalence and importance of > Collembola in humans can be ascertained. The authors would like to > acknowledge Ferris J. Barger for his help with microphotography and > Dr. BethAnn Friedman and Jane Cotter for manuscript preparation. > QTY Symptomatic Study Participants n ¼ 20 % 100% 95% 20 19 > 90% 60% 80% 75% 80% 80% 95% 95% 95% 18 12 16 15 16 16 > 19 19 19 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Vol. 112(1) Larger Symptomatic > Population n ¼ 1681 % QTY 48% 36% 802 604 59% 51% 38% 32% > 40% 35% 83% 64% 46% 990 856 639 541 668 585 1,398 1,084 > 772 95 SPRINGTAILS AND DELUSORY PARASITOSIS> > (COLLEMBOLA) 2004 LITERATURE CITED Dasgupta, R. and B. > Dasgupta. 1995. A treatise on zoophily in Collembola with a summary > of knowledge on origin and evolution of parasitism in saprophagous > forms of animals. Journal of Bengal Natural Ekbom, K. A. 1938. Der > prasenile Dermatozoenwahn. Aus. Derm. Krankenhause Beckomberga, > Angby Fain, A. 1967. Le genre Dermatophagoides Bogdanow 1864. Son > importance dans les allergies Frye, F. L. 1997. In search for the > haphazardly elusive: a follow-up report on an investigation into > History Society 14: 53–60. (Stockholm) Vorstrand: Chefarzt Dr. 7. > Wiesel, pp. 227–259. respiratoires et cutane´es chez l'homme > (Psoroptidae: Sarcoptiformes). Acarologia 9: 179–225. the possible > role of Collembolans in human dermatitis. Veterinary Invertebrate > Society Newsletter 13: 12. Griffiths, G. C. D. 1985. Hypogastrua > succinea (Collembola: Hypogastruridae) dispersed by adults of the > cabbage maggot, Delia radicum> > (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), infected with the parasitic fungus, > Strongewellsea castrans (Zygomycetes: Entomophtoraceae). Canadian > Entomologist 117(8): Hopkin, S. P. 1997. Biology of the Springtails > (Insecta: Collembola). Oxford University Press, New York. > Koblenzer, C. S. 1993. The clinical presentation. Diagnosis and > treatment of delusions of parasitosis— Kushon, D. J., J. W. Helz, > J. M. , K. M. K. Lau, L. L. Pinto and F. E. St. Aubin. 1993. > Delusions 1063–1064. 48. x þ 330 pp. a dermatologic perspective. > Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 6–10. of > parasitosis: a survey of entomologists from a psychiatric > perspective. Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 11–> 15. Novak, M. 1988. Psychocutaneous medicine: delusions of > parasitosis. Cutis 42(6): 504. Poorbaugh, J. H. 1993. Cryptic > arthropod infestations: separating fact from fiction. Bulletin of > the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 3–5. , H. G.> > 1966. Insect pests. Part 1. Springtails. Modern Maintenance > Management 18(9): 19–21. , H. G., J. S. Wiseman and C. J. > Stojanovich. 1962. Collembola infesting man. ls of the Traver, > J. 1951. Unusual scalp dermatitis in humans caused by the mite > Dermatophagoides (Acarina, Webb, J. P. 1993a. Delusions of > parasitosis: a symposium: coordination among entomologists, Webb, > J. P. 1993b. Case histories of individuals with delusions of > parasitosis in southern California and Entomological Society of > America 55(4): 428–430. Epidermoptidae). Proceedings of the > Entomological Society of Washington 53(1): 1–25. dermatologists and > psychiatrists. Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 1–> 2. a proposed protocol for initiating effective medical assistance. > Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 18(1): 16–25. Received > 18 August 2003; accepted 15 February 2004. > > > > --> > send> > this page to a friend -- > > The> > National Pediculosis Association,®Inc.> > A Non-Profit Organization> > Serving The Public Since 1983.> > > > The National Pediculosis Association > > is a non-profit, tax exempt> > organization that receives no government or agency funding.> > Contributions are tax-deductible under the 501c(3) status.> > © 1997-2008 The National Pediculosis Association®, Inc.> > All images © 1997-2008 The National Pediculosis Association®, Inc. > > > > Willow> > > > > > > > Willow Invites You to:> > http://www.myspace.com/willowmorningsky> > > > and my teen idol grandson:> > http://www.myspace.com/tannerrichie1> >>

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