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Re: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?

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Kihun: ivermectin is used for "ecto" parasites, which are what we have. That is what mites are, ecto-parasites. ivermectin also kills many other worms internally, except for tapeworm. you are right, killing the mites is a multi-faceted approach.

I believe that Kihun has sarcoptic mange mites, as stated in his email, about buying a used car and the previous owner of the car does animal rescue. His story sounds very much like mine, except that I do not see black specs with the naked eye. And, yes, sarcoptic mange mites will infest a human and will multiply on humans, just as bird mites and rodent mites do.

The menthol crystals in the car are helping alot, thanks to everyones help on here, and thanks to savemyskinforme. And I kind of like the smell of it. I am using a candle warmer in there, attached to an extension cord. This method is much safer than using the co2 in the car and so much cheaper.

My dehumidifier is working nicely, but I am not using it in the car. I am using it in the kitchen and bedroom.

I am thinking about purchasing another car, so I can switch out 30 days on and 30 days off, and see if that helps.


From: kihunonline <kihunonline@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 3:17 PM

I think Mel is one of the most experienced persons w/ iver. If my memory is correct, Mel has taken it for 2 years now without side effects?I don't think Iver alone will solve your problems but it will help kill/purge your internal parasites. If you do this while you treat your environment/ car, you'll have much success. Treating body but not env will re-infest the body. Treating env but not treating body will re-infest the body...Yeah, it's a tough road. Hang in there. I have iver on order (8 weeks worth) and waiting for it to come in.> >> > Hi,> > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three months> > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with> > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've talked to> > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm going to> > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if> > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me if> you> > have any information about this? Thank you!!> >> > HM> >>

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I think all the mites got together and had a party, and they created my mite.

From: kihunonline <kihunonline@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 4:47 PM

I don't know what I have Mel... sigh... A website says this about sarcoptic mange mites:"Mite infections on humans are self-limiting (ie they go away on their own) as the mite is not able to complete its life cycle on the "wrong" host. The condition is extremely itchy, though, while it lasts. The mites are most active where skin is warm (in bed and where clothing is snug)."HA YEAH RIGHT! I've just come to the point where I dismiss these scientific claims of mites being unable to live on/in humans...I don't itch so it's a mystery. Can't wait for iver to come in tho.> > >> >

> Hi,> > > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three > months> > > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with> > > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've > talked to> > > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm > going to> > > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if> > > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me > if> > you> > > have any information about this? Thank you!!> > >> > > HM> > >> >>

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what's different about mine is that they don't last very long in the environment, like Rita's mites do. Like when she kept those chairs in a room for 8 months, took them out and sat on them, and wa-la, bites..... but, they do seem to last a while in my car. I can leave this computer alone for like 20 days, and it's good to go, no mites. yes, lots of stinging bites. not so much itching, but every once in a while an area will itch like crazy. so, yes, we had a dog next door who was very sick with parasites. my 4 pets all got her mites, and then me. i gave up all my pets, but i still continued with this, for a full year, then i took my next door neighbor's dog from them, but it wasn't that dog. that dog they put to sleep and this is a younger dog, healthy. they were not caring for her. but she has my mites

now. but she seems happy. she gets ivermectin and lots of baths. lots of people see those fibers you are talking about. I can see a few when i view with my pocketscope. the mites are much smaller than specs of dirt. Do yours last a long time in the environment?


From: kihunonline <kihunonline@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 6:31 PM

Hi Mel, so do you have an idea of what you might have? Since our stories are similar, do you think you have sarcoptic scabies, not bird/rat mites? The specks I can see always exhibit key characteristics. To the naked eye, they appear white or black. Upon closer examination w/ a microscope the white speck looks is the infamous "lint fiber" thingy but it's not a ball of just white fiber. There's always a strand of black/navy colored fiber that's wound up with or goes through the white fiber. jill has pics on her site that is exactly this. The black specks I see, sometimes look like some debri but most times are navy versions of the white specks upon closer examination. They are balls of fiber. Weird. Many morgellens folks describe this although I never caught anything ever coming out of me. I do feel bite and stings.If you purchase a used car, make sure it is free and clear!!!!!! My

nightmare started with that car. I wish I can just go back to the that day I found it on craigslist and change it so that I never found it.> > >> > > Hi,> > > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three > months> > > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with> > > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've > talked to> > > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm > going to> > > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people

if> > > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me > if> > you> > > have any information about this? Thank you!!> > >> > > HM> > >> >>

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Bessie. There are lots of people who get cured of scabies with ivermectin. What they do is use ivermectin, along with a topical. As long as they are careful about their environment, they are able to do it. But, the older you get, the more difficult it is to eradicate. Especially, if you have an immune deficiency. Also, the mites get immune to a med if you use it too much. Also, from what I have found, if you have human scabies, it is easier to get cured. Any other mite, it's more difficult. If there are more hosts in your home, again, that makes it harder. it gets complicated when you are old, you have pets, or lots of kids, and lots of things that are infested, and not enough energy to keep up with everything. It's hard to get anyone to help you. Hard to identify the mite. And

then there's Morgellons, bird mites, rodent mites. There are other meds which can be taken, too. Not just ivermectin.


From: Bessie Glavas <bessieglavas@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 6:38 PM

Hi, Misty -Welcome to the club no one wants to join!I tried Stromectol for 2 weeks last year and seemed to get worse; certainly made me feel sick. I'd like to hear a bit, if you wouldn't mind, about the two people who were helped - how long were they bothered and how long did they take the meds? How long have they been over it? It's good to hear all sides.Thanks,Bessie>> Hi,> I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three months > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've talked to > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm going to > talk to my doctor. However,

I'd like to talk to more people if > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me if you > have any information about this? Thank you!!> > HM>

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i used that borax protocol on my dogs. one dog got sick, the other dog, her hair turned from black to red... lovely... that guy is from earthclinic.com, and there are many posters who have used this borax/hydrogen peroxide solution and it has worked for their pets. this worked for his dog that had demodex mange.

I think hydrogen peroxide itself will kill mites. it surely stings, alot.

bill says he puts borax in his boots with a bit of water to kill mites and fungus on his feet. and borax with your bleach/water is good to kill mites on floor, cracks and crevices, etc. use borax on car carpet and seats. it helps. some.


From: savemyskin4me <savemyskin4me@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 9:14 PM

Mel,Ah shucks, any thing I can do to help :)If what Kihun has is sarcoptic mange mites, he should go back andread Frito's recent post about Borax (her message was titled "Borax")in it he will find a recipe for killing mange mites on dogs usingborax and hydrogen peroxide. It could be very useful to him.I wonder if Fenbendazole (also a wormer) would be more useful thanivermectin? Mel has a FenBen protocol on her site.Kihun, a question, have you experienced the "swarming" and nightbiting that other people talk about? I think that is one way thatmange mites might differ from rat or bird mites. I don't know forsure, I would have to do more research, but I think they stick closer to the host than rat or bird mites, so your enviroment mightnot be the nightmare that some other people talk about. Is this the case? > > >> > > Hi,> > > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three > months> > > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with> > > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've > talked to> > > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm > going to> > > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if> > > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me > if> > you> > > have any information about this? Thank you!!> > >> > > HM> > >>


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I have been a busy bee. Just wanted to let everyone know that I have not forgotten you all. Just ars kickin. My efforts are really paying off. To

update I will bring up pet stuff as I have seen some pet Q and A going

on although I have not read all 3 hundred emails in my box. "Uhh, she

said box." J/k Bevis and Butthead flash backs.Anyway, I had good

luck with pets and long term ivomec if it is coupled with daily baths,

lice combing, sheering, and DE. The other thing I have had to do is

clean the litter pans frequently. New microwaved litter every night

with DE in it and bleached cages once a week as this will apparently

catch at least one life cycle once a week. I got that info from an

article on rodent mites. Which by the way does state that lice are

animal specific. However, mites are host specific. Wish I had been able

to send it but, I found it so quickly and could only browse the thing

for a few moments before my PC play time was over. Anyway, the ratties are doing much better and so am I because of the regimen. The vet staff says to keep them on the ivomec a month after all crawling has stopped to be safe. At

this point I am thinking that once we have completed getting this out

of our environment the rats and I are in the clear. Just a speculation

but, I think that once you are highly infested it is more efficient to

knock them out by removing as many possible nesting places as possible

even if you have dehumidifiers. For one, yes the animals make

it hard to treat but its not just them. I have begun to notice how this

all feeds into a viscous cycle the closer I am to being rid of it. The

animals, the environment, and our

selves are feeding the loop that's obvious. But I think just like with

me the rats are really still getting it from the environment just as I

and then more get back into it after hosting. Its just a back and

fourth. The animals only make it as hard as the environment allows or

so it seems in my case.My rats get less crawly with their protocol and so I am not crawling from picking them up any more. But I will still

get it from the environment. If I implement the lint roller on my self every time I

feel any crawlies and all this business begins to feel like its pretty

well at its end. What

has really brought me to this thinking however, is having got rid of

lots of stuff. I have left them with only danger zones hang out in and

now things have improved like crazy. Once they are stuck with just dry

rooms, the walls, the carpet, furnishings that can be wiped down each

day and baked clothing they are just inevitably doomed or so I have

begun to find. If that doesn't get them the baths and lint rolling will

do the job.The lint roller has become my scepter. It too has really thrown them

through a loop. Seems that after I lint roll there aren't enough to re infest me with so many crawlies. Almost nothing any more. Ack, all this reasoning after throwing things out as a last resort. We got rid of the futon and things improved even further. Since then we have thrown out

most of our clothing.Not wanting to take any chances with this lint

stuff as it also seems to crop up in morgs, I have thrown out most old

clothing and got new stuff but only enough stuff that it is always washed and treated. Unfortunately,

one big challenge is work. I may need to get a new job as the very

source that has given me this is still in proximity of my work space. I

will be home on the weekend and have very little problems if any and

then once the work week starts I am back to being bitten. Out side the

building is worse then in the office but, come mid after noon there are

always two are three bites. Damn birds.I just make sure I lint roll before I go I leave work so not to re infest the car and home.Funny,

I when you think about getting rid of the mites its the same with birds

too. You have to get the adults, young, eggs and nests to get rid of

them. Supposedly, You can only kill these bugs in two stages. However,

I think that by throwing out nesting materials accept for regularly

cooked ones and manscaping myself and the rats it is probably covering

that egg stage that they are supposed to be so indestructible in.J.

From: savemyskin4me <savemyskin4me>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mitesDate: Monday, December 1, 2008, 9:14 PM

Mel,Ah shucks, any thing I can do to help :)If what Kihun has is sarcoptic mange mites, he should go back andread Frito's recent post about Borax (her message was titled "Borax")in it he will find a recipe for killing mange mites on dogs usingborax and hydrogen peroxide. It could be very useful to him.I wonder if Fenbendazole (also a wormer) would be more useful thanivermectin? Mel has a FenBen protocol on her site.Kihun, a question, have you experienced the "swarming" and nightbiting that other people talk about? I think that is one way thatmange mites might differ from rat or bird mites. I don't know forsure, I would have to do more research, but I think they stick closer to the host than rat or bird mites, so your enviroment mightnot be the nightmare that some other people talk about. Is this the case? > > >> > > Hi,> > > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three > months> > > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with> > > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've > talked to> > > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm > going to> > > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if> > > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me > if> > you> > > have any information about this? Thank you!!> > >> > > HM> > >>


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Thanks Bob. I hope yours is paying off too. How are you doing?J.From: <bobbyboyd99@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 7:43 PM

Yeah J! been wondering how you were doing. Glad it's all positive

news. Keep it up...your hard work has paid off!


> > > >

> > > > Hi,

> > > > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for


> > months

> > > > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with

> > > > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've

> > talked to

> > > > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm

> > going to

> > > > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if

> > > > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact


> > if

> > > you

> > > > have any information about this? Thank you!!

> > > >

> > > > HM

> > > >

> >

> >

> >


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Thats great that it getting better. I doubt that you are that scary with out man fur. Probably just not use to it yet. Keep up the good work. We are going to win this war you know.J. From: <bobbyboyd99@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 7:59 PM

Pretty good. I'm a few weeks behind you on getting rid of stuff. Just

have about three days more of work then the house will be pretty much

free of most nesting material. My mite load is low, the baths keep it

down, just no knockout. My house is too big with too many danger

zones still, so my hot spots get me now and then. I'm trying three

weeks of ivermectin, 12 mg, once a week, to see if it helps. I've

been slacking on the tea tree bath, which I think really helped you.

Overall pretty good and under control. And I finally manscaped almost

everything, lol, scary site in the mirror!



> > > > >


> > > > > Hi,


> > > > > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for


> three


> > > months


> > > > > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things



> > > > > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've


> > > talked to


> > > > > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method.



> > > going to


> > > > > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people



> > > > > possible who have used this method. Would you please



> me


> > > if


> > > > you


> > > > > have any information about this? Thank you!!


> > > > >


> > > > > HM


> > > > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >


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I just started this to bob. I did form my knees down tonight lol I hope none of my friends see this.From: <bobbyboyd99@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 10:59 PM

Pretty good. I'm a few weeks behind you on getting rid of stuff. Just

have about three days more of work then the house will be pretty much

free of most nesting material. My mite load is low, the baths keep it

down, just no knockout. My house is too big with too many danger

zones still, so my hot spots get me now and then. I'm trying three

weeks of ivermectin, 12 mg, once a week, to see if it helps. I've

been slacking on the tea tree bath, which I think really helped you.

Overall pretty good and under control. And I finally manscaped almost

everything, lol, scary site in the mirror!



> > > > >


> > > > > Hi,


> > > > > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for


> three


> > > months


> > > > > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things



> > > > > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've


> > > talked to


> > > > > two people who have gotten rid of them with this method.



> > > going to


> > > > > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people



> > > > > possible who have used this method. Would you please



> me


> > > if


> > > > you


> > > > > have any information about this? Thank you!!


> > > > >


> > > > > HM


> > > > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> >


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An exterminater said put out glue traps for 20 days, then mail them to him and

he will look at them with a micron microscope & dicern a course of action . If

you are not local he will arrange it with a local exterminater he said and have

it done.

I saw him on the TV show dirty jobs & called him.

His name is Breatherton in Louisiana

Company name Vexcon.

1 poster tried it. Mr Breatherton said it would take 2 months of applications

of one super nasty poison.

The poster is chemical sensitive, so they opted not to proceed.

Remember it is a bug it will die. Flood it with soap & clog its shericals it

breathes from, wait a few days & do it again. then wet vac it up & soak the

home in borax to poision it. It is a bug it will die. Consistant application of

Dawn soap 1 cup & 1/2 cup of borax & 4 cups of water will poison anything .

It lives in the grass so it might get tracked in again. if so re-applly. And if

it gets on the skin :soak it off for 30 mins per day 2 times a day 1 cup borax &

5 gallons of water for 30 mins for 3 days then

1 cup epsom & 5 gallons of water for 30 mins for 7 days, then back to borax for

1 day then back to epsom for 7 days. Keep the bath water soapy with dawn 1/8 cup

per bath. otherwise they crawl back on at the waterline.

Bugs are weak , God is strong , He will help ask Him. God is Love.

Jesus is Lord of all

God bless you,


yemilyg wrote:

> My memory is that this med has worked for people on the site, but


> temporarily. You might want to put Ivermectin into the search box, but

> be prepared to struggle through a lot of repetition!

> ES



>> Hi,

>> I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three months

>> now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with

>> Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've talked to

>> two people who have gotten rid of them with this method. I'm going to

>> talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if

>> possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me if

> you

>> have any information about this? Thank you!!


>> HM



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  • 4 weeks later...

s.ross01 I was wondering what does ans how long you were taking the ivermectin? thanks tommyFrom: mymistyhorse <mymistyhorse@...>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mites Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 12:50 AM

Hi s.ross01,

Thank you for replying to my question. I'm so sorry to hear you've

suffered so much and lost so much, especially your fiance. Just

curious, if the Ivermectin worked before have you considered taking

it again & this time staying home & treating your environment at the

same time?

Also, I'm curious did your son get treated with Ivermectin? And, how

long were you on it? People I've talked to have been on it 4-6 weeks

while living at home & treating their environment. It seemed to work

for them.

I would say I'm 80% better at this time. But I just got a

prescription for the Ivermectin today. Hope it'll take care of the

20% left to go.

A few things have made a tremendous difference for me: eating tons of

citrus (oranges, lemons) & a little Apple Cider Vinegar with

the "mother" daily to get my PH correct, ESP botanicals, alternate

taking baths in essential oils, salts or vinegar. I also like the

Dr. Bronner's soaps (Peppermint & there is a Tea Tree Oil).

As for my enviroment these are the things I saw the most improvement


1st - Fogging with Cedarcide. I noticed a huge difference after

each fogging, but did not get rid of completely.

2nd - Spraying with Neem Oil. I bought a 2 gal pesticide sprayer

from farm supply store. I spray it everywhere like all floors,

baseboards, furniture (leather & cloth) and clothes in the closet.

Sometimes I go crazy and spray the walls & air too. Careful, it is

slippery on hard surfaces. I ordered Neem in bulk on line. If

memory serves I think you can get a gallon for arround 80 bucks. You

only have to use a little - it goes a long way. I think you mix 4

teaspoons/gallon to spray (I would put in extra since I like to go

overkill). Sometimes I add a little tea tree oil to the mix. This

is not an instant kill. It confuses them and they forget to

eat/breed. I found a study online where it was tested on chicken

farms and proved extremely effective at killing bird mites. (someone

on this site recently mentioned the same report I saw) In addition,

neem oil is a wonderful natural pesticide against many many bugs. As

a bonus, we add neem oil to our baths sometimes. Its found in most

natural scabies treatments. It kills the scabies mite & bird mites!!

I would spray the house with neem then fog with Cedarcide. We would

then leave for 5-6 hours. Did this about every 4-7 days. 4 days

seems the best. When I fogged/sprayed I would get crazy. I would

spray and fog the couch on the top & then turn it over and do the

same to the bottom. What is nice about the sprayer is you have a

wand and can spray under everything and in every nook & crevice.

3rd - Getting rid of mattress and going to air mattress. Huge,

Huge difference. Even though I had wrapped the mattress in vinyl, I

kept finding holes in the plastic.

4th - If you are spraying the neem and introducing water, you will

need to have a dehumidifier going. I like to go overkill & I have

two running at all times for a 1,500 sq foot house.

5th - Of course, the regular laundry every day thing and ritual


I've also done something called the "Master Cleanse" (I've done it

twice). It is cheap and very effective. I did this when I didn't

think I had the strengh mentally or physically to keep going. I got

my energy back, lost weight, felt so good on it & the bug levels

improved. If you want more info, I'm happy to email the book and my


Thank you for sharing your story. I'm happy to know the Ivermecitn

has helped someone else. Hope my info will help you!


> >

> > Hi,

> > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three


> > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with

> > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've

talked to

> > two people who have gotten rid of them with this mthod. I'm going


> > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if

> > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me

if you

> > have any information about this? Thank you!!

> >

> > HM

> >


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Hello Hannah.

Ivermectin was, and has been an enormous help. I took some last night. And, yes, my son has been treated as well, though not nearly as often as I treat myself. I have preferred using lice shampoo on him.. But, I figure that since they have not only attacked and infested me, but also him, two other adult men, as well as their homes and offices, taking Ivermectin all by myself would be a waste of time. So, I, my son, my ex, and another man have taken or are taking Ivermectin. We all see a huge difference.

Children can be treated too as long as they weigh more than 14 kg.

I was extremely cautious, especially at first, as I read that typical treatment involves a "once a year" protocol. But after being reinfested, after having been freed of these things for a little more than a month, (very stupid on my part), I read that one can retreat if an infestation is particularly bad. I read and read and read.

Apparently, there are some doctor prescribed protocols that have had patients retreat four and five times for Norwegian Scabies over the course of a couple of months without any side effects... Now after having taken Ivermectin numerous times (alone), and not having had any immediate deleterious impact to my person, I am more inclined to believe that it is less potentially dangerous than I once thought.

One can read all about ivermectin prescription regimens online. One can read all about its efficacy.

However Ivermectin is foreign to the human body and related to the pesticide avermectin. It does have some impact on our physiology, I would imagine, even if minor. It is true that over time small and large insults, in addition to the aging process, will cause injury to us.


Yeah, Ivermectin will most likely cause you no side effects if taken according to direction and if taken properly with the washing/drying, vacuuming, spraying, treating, etc. etc. may well fix the problem. I sure hope that it does. in addition to "the regimen" will end my infestation misery soon, so daily life might become something I can look forward to again.




Following oral administration of ivermectin, plasma concentrations are approximately proportional to the dose. In two studies, after single 12-mg doses of STROMECTOL in fasting healthy volunteers (representing a mean dose of 165 mcg/kg), the mean peak plasma concentrations of the major component (H2B1a) were 46.6 (±21.9) (range: 16.4-101.1) and 30.6 after dosing. Ivermectin is metabolized in the liver, and ivermectin and/or its metabolites are excreted almost exclusively in the feces over an estimated 12 days, with less than 1% of the administered dose excreted in the urine. The plasma half-life of ivermectin in man is approximately 18 hours

following oral administration.

The safety and pharmacokinetic properties of ivermectin were further assessed in a multiple-dose clinical pharmacokinetic study involving healthy volunteers. Subjects received oral doses of 30 to 120 mg (333 to 2000 mcg/kg) ivermectin in a fasted state or 30 mg (333 to 600 mcg/kg) ivermectin following a standard high-fat (48.6 g of fat) meal. Administration of 30 mg ivermectin following a high-fat meal resulted in an approximate 2.5­ fold increase in bioavailability relative to administration of 30 mg ivermectin in the fasted state.


Ivermectin is a member of the avermectin class of broad-spectrum antiparasitic agents which have a unique mode of action. Compounds of the class bind selectively and with high affinity to glutamate-gated chloride ion channels which occur in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells. This leads to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane to chloride ions with hyperpolarization of the nerve or muscle cell, resulting in paralysis and death of the parasite. Compounds of this class may also interact with other ligand-gated chloride channels, such as those gated by the neurotransmitter

gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

The selective activity of compounds of this class is attributable to the facts that some mammals do not have glutamate-gated chloride channels and that the avermectins have a low affinity for mammalian ligand-gated chloride channels. In addition, ivermectin does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier in humans.

Ivermectin is active against various life-cycle stages of many but not all nematodes. It is active against the tissue microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus but not against the adult form. Its activity against Strongyloides stercoralis is limited to the intestinal stages.

I wish you the very best with these little bloodsuckers.


From: mymistyhorse <mymistyhorse>Subject: Re: Has anyone used Ivermectin or Stromectol to get rid of these things?bird mitesDate: Thursday, January 1, 2009, 12:50 AM

Hi s.ross01,Thank you for replying to my question. I'm so sorry to hear you've suffered so much and lost so much, especially your fiance. Just curious, if the Ivermectin worked before have you considered taking it again & this time staying home & treating your environment at the same time?Also, I'm curious did your son get treated with Ivermectin? And, how long were you on it? People I've talked to have been on it 4-6 weeks while living at home & treating their environment. It seemed to work for them.I would say I'm 80% better at this time. But I just got a prescription for the Ivermectin today. Hope it'll take care of the 20% left to go.A few things have made a tremendous difference for me: eating tons of citrus (oranges, lemons) & a little Apple Cider Vinegar with the "mother" daily to get my PH correct, ESP botanicals, alternate taking baths in

essential oils, salts or vinegar. I also like the Dr. Bronner's soaps (Peppermint & there is a Tea Tree Oil).As for my enviroment these are the things I saw the most improvement from:1st - Fogging with Cedarcide. I noticed a huge difference after each fogging, but did not get rid of completely.2nd - Spraying with Neem Oil. I bought a 2 gal pesticide sprayer from farm supply store. I spray it everywhere like all floors, baseboards, furniture (leather & cloth) and clothes in the closet. Sometimes I go crazy and spray the walls & air too. Careful, it is slippery on hard surfaces. I ordered Neem in bulk on line. If memory serves I think you can get a gallon for arround 80 bucks. You only have to use a little - it goes a long way. I think you mix 4 teaspoons/gallon to spray (I would put in extra since I like to go overkill). Sometimes I add a little tea tree oil to the mix. This

is not an instant kill. It confuses them and they forget to eat/breed. I found a study online where it was tested on chicken farms and proved extremely effective at killing bird mites. (someone on this site recently mentioned the same report I saw) In addition, neem oil is a wonderful natural pesticide against many many bugs. As a bonus, we add neem oil to our baths sometimes. Its found in most natural scabies treatments. It kills the scabies mite & bird mites!!I would spray the house with neem then fog with Cedarcide. We would then leave for 5-6 hours. Did this about every 4-7 days. 4 days seems the best. When I fogged/sprayed I would get crazy. I would spray and fog the couch on the top & then turn it over and do the same to the bottom. What is nice about the sprayer is you have a wand and can spray under everything and in every nook & crevice.3rd - Getting rid of mattress and

going to air mattress. Huge, Huge difference. Even though I had wrapped the mattress in vinyl, I kept finding holes in the plastic.4th - If you are spraying the neem and introducing water, you will need to have a dehumidifier going. I like to go overkill & I have two running at all times for a 1,500 sq foot house.5th - Of course, the regular laundry every day thing and ritual cleaning.I've also done something called the "Master Cleanse" (I've done it twice). It is cheap and very effective. I did this when I didn't think I had the strengh mentally or physically to keep going. I got my energy back, lost weight, felt so good on it & the bug levels improved. If you want more info, I'm happy to email the book and my suggestions.Thank you for sharing your story. I'm happy to know the Ivermecitn has helped someone else. Hope my info will help you!Hannah> >> > Hi,> > I'm a new member. Been battling some sort of mite(?) for three months> > now. Has anyone had success in erradicating these things with> > Ivermectin or Stromectol (internal wormer medication)? I've talked to> > two people who have gotten rid of them with this mthod. I'm going to> > talk to my doctor. However, I'd like to talk to more people if> > possible who have used this method. Would you please contact me if you> > have any information about this? Thank you!!> >> > HM> >>

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