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Worldwide Epidemic and Growing....Use Caution when out in public!!!

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Pandora's Bugs (Microscopic Itching Mites Epidemic

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Biting Microscopic Mites Spreading Across the World ( The Pandora Bug )

Pandora’s BugThe

sole purpose of this informative paper is to convey to the reader a

startling fact that I have been observing in my world travels. Whether

or not you believe what I am about to say, though I know it to be true,

is up to your own eyes and intellectual instinct to discern. The only

thing I wish to gain is to make as many people as possible aware (i.e.

through the internet) of a new breed of insidious microscopic mite that

is spreading from person to person around the globe at an alarming

rate. I call this, as of yet unknown, microscopic mite the Pandora Bug.

Like the Greek story of Pandora’s famous cursed crate, this bug is

spreading from person to person and is acting like it is something that

has escaped from her apocalyptic “box”. They seem to be a mutated or

recently evolved type of mite that has gained the ability to thrive on

their human host as they spread across the world. Have you been

itching, scratching your face excessively lately; especially at night,

and have been experiencing seemingly mysterious outbreaks of acne on

your face, chest, back and shoulders? You may have already been, like

myself, unknowingly infected and are even know searching for an answer

to your mysterious, but real malady.NO, this is not the same

type of microscopic bug that lives and coexists on our bedding, pillows

and sheets harmlessly that we have all heard about in the past, but

something possibly new and definitely spreading across the globe

rapidly. It is the one that has been keeping you awake at night and

like during the day it is causing you to incessantly scratch the

nagging itch of your eyebrows, the corners of your eyes and mouth,

finding it especially irritable at the area of your nose particularly

around the end of your nostrils and also causing you to scratch the

tips of your ears….. SOUND FAMILIAR??Before I proceed with the

seeming scenario from some post apocalyptic science fiction story (I

wish it were!) take a moment to simply look around you now and wherever

you go after reading my message thoroughly. Watch the person next to

you on the bus, train, plane etc. as they itch in places and in ways

and in a manner that only a short time ago would have seemed totally

unfamiliar. Take careful notice while they scratch and rub their face

and wipe at their noses almost unconsciously and then stare down at

their fingers, trying to find the culprit in an abstract sort of

bewilderment. You may be inclined to believe that people have always

had this itch, or put it down to allergies, but just reflect on the

fact that it should be extremely unusual that so many people should be

scratching (sometimes feverishly) at their eyes, ears, nose and mouth

and some also suddenly find themselves breaking out with acne all of a

sudden after many years have passed since puberty. I mean the whole

world can not be acting like they just did a line of cocaine as they

dig in their nose feeling a sensation therein akin to a particle of

itch powder had just entered it. Or you may also want to dismiss it as

some sort of allergy; just wait till the winter of 2005-2006 comes and

they find the problem only growing steadily worse much to their dismay.

Allergies do not cause acne to suddenly and persistently break out on

your chest, back and shoulders! Nor do they cause a rash around your

waistline. I have never heard of an allergy that bounces around your

face and body at night, leaving you feeling like an invisible feather

is dancing across your skin as you have spend many repetitive restless

nights laying in bed awake from a bug induced insomnia.I first

became acquainted with this “plague” of man some 5 years ago when I

encountered them in an Amsterdam, Holland hotel room in the centre of

town, when I found I had gotten infected through the bedding. I’ve been

battling them and seeing their effects spread across the globe ever

since. It seems that it originated somewhere in a once isolated region

and has been spreading from the East of Europe steadily westward, all

the way to North America. Affecting places as far apart as Raleigh,

North Carolina in the U.S all the way to Sophia, Bulgaria.From

what I have been able to determine by my semi-scientific analysis is

that they are somehow related to the Demodex mite and that they are

microscopic (4 or 5 in a single hair follicle) and therefore are not

easy to get rid of because they can live on paper, cloth, as easily as

fabric; literally every surface in your house. Somehow it has recently

gained the ability to jump from human host to human host literally just

by sitting near an infected individual (using its extremely small size

to transport itself as it literally free floats to other who can become

infected) or unknowingly sitting on an infected surface in an affected

area. How this has happened, I do not pretend to know. I do know that

simply using all kinds of soaps and over the counter pesticides does

not seem to be able to end the problem with myself and the growing

number of others I have talked to who are infected. They seem to live

subcutaneously deep in the pores of the skin, for when you sweat you

feel as though a lot of your sweat pores, especially on your face are

clogged. Like the Demodex mite (though I believe them to be different,

but related in nature) they seem to be able to thrive in the very

fabric of your clothes and furniture and use the human host to

transport themselves from one place to another. Planes carrying

tourists all over our increasingly interconnected globe are spreading

the mite (from my own personal observations) from such places as Cork,

Ireland; London, England; Amsterdam, Holland; all the way to Sofia,

Bulgaria (the worst second only to Amsterdam of all that I have seen)

and even in the United States. I've noticed them in various states

along the East and West Coast and they seem intent on moving inward

into the heartland of Mid-America. They are spreading and increasing

their populations along the way exponentially. What city, even if they

knew, would want it known that if you visit there you should expect

extended visits to the dermatologist for treatments far more

complicated than the simple removal of head lice. Even as I sit here in

a bar in Amsterdam, I can see people all around me itching like

nobody’s business totally unaware of what the true cause could be.

Pubs, restaurants, malls, hotels…….etc…Literally every place you go

could be infected. I am sure there is someone besides myself that has

witnessed by feeling them about their person, if this if so PLEASE

contact me at (pandorasbugs@...).FURTHER>>>>Facts that I have been able to determine so far:1.) The mite (or said organism) is invisible to the naked eye.2.)

The more densely populated the area the quicker and more readily the

bug spreads and multiplies. People, unintentionally, spread it to their

families, friends and co-workers.3.) It causes severe itching to

the face: chin, eyebrows, eyes in general and especially causes

irritation to the nostrils and tips of the ears.4.) This mite, just

like the Demodex mite, seems to be genetically programmed to breed at

night. Those infected are not able to get a good night’s sleep5.) They seem to break down your immune system.(Precursor of the bird flu????)6.) They cause accelerated hair loss, even for women.Sound familiar?Have you ever walked into a bar, pub or restaurant, night club etc.To

feel an almost immediate irritation to your nose and the inner lining

of your nasal cavity, as if the place was “hot” with some unseen

itching sensation that seems to dance across your skin, only abated;

never totally subsided…. Their minute size making it feel like some

unseen hand is dotting your face with a single strand of human hair.

This is the “Pandora” bug at work…My own research into this

emerging health problem (for they do seem to detrimentally affect their

human hosts) causes me to believe that perhaps this bug has always

existed, but was probably limited in its ability to spread by such

factors that I can only begin to imagine. Somehow they have recently

gained the ability to spread and increase their numbers in a world

where global travel has become commonplace. From my studies into the

related Demodex mite and my own observations they can cause respiratory

and immune system problems as well as acne and hair loss when they are

left unchecked, which allows them to cover the infected host in

constantly increasing numbers. They can also keep you awake at night,

causing the individual to toss and turn trying to contend with the

mysterious itching that causes them eventually to be groggy and

irritable the next day.This mite ( whatever its real scientific

name, if it indeed already has on) may even have the ability to wreak

havoc across the globe as it quickly spreads from person to person and

place to place at a time in our history that is already politically,

socially, economically and environmentally unstable enough. Far

fetched!? I wish it were so, but I have seen that it is not so.I

was recently riding in a bus in Bulgaria coming from the city of Sophia

headed for the far eastern town of Varna located on the Black Sea. The

bus driver was driving around a fairly sharp corner in the mountains

while I observed his reflection in the rear view mirror above his head.

With a puzzled expression, he felt the sudden uncontrollable urge to

itch almost violently at his nostrils even though it meant that he had

to take his hand off the steering wheel in the process. He literally

almost caused the bus to veer into the path of an oncoming vehicle as

our vehicle momentarily crossed the centreline. All aboard the bus

witnessed the effects of this bug and almost suffered a terrible

tragedy in the process. Everyone craned their necks to get a better

view of what had caused the bus driver to behave so strangely. His

initial reaction for benefit of himself and the passengers was one of

sheer bewilderment as he simply stared at his hand as if he was looking

for some tangible evidence of what had itched the inner lining of his

nose so drastically and suddenly that he had endangered the lives of

all those aboard the bus.This caused me to further expand on

this using it as a base for formulating other possible cause and effect

scenarios from the real world that may be taking place:Can a race

car driver afford to take his helmet off in the midst of a race after

feeling a sudden and uncontrollable itching sensation somewhere on his

face?Do commercial jet pilots have the time to take their hands off

the controls at the last moment before landing as they feel an intense

itch at the corners of his eyes and around the bottom of their nose?It

could even be perceived that it could be affecting some of the troops

in the field no matter their location or which region of the world it

is that the conflicts are taking place. The reasoning behind this

includes the fact that they are the least able to wash their clothes,

bedding and themselves while they are in the field engaged in battle.Can

soldiers afford to remove their protective gear of breathing masks as

they feel the itching bite of the bug? The same applies to the soldier

drawing a bead on the enemy only to find that they must first attend to

the profuse itching need located around said regions of the face and

even under the chin and about the neck. Etc. One could imagine

countless scenarios related to intense scratching and itching while

engaged in combat.The mind boggles at how many different ways

it is affecting our world as this parasitic mite spreads and

multiplies, especially as it is for the most part unknown by the

individual as to what is the cause of their condition that is being

left unchecked and only growing worse.I have found that only

with a militaristic regime of wiping down all the exposed surfaces in

my house with a disinfectant based cleaner, and by washing my clothes

and bedding almost religiously am I able to keep their populations in

check about my person. Though just plain soap and water by itself does

not seem to rid you of the problem, it seems to allow them to not feel

their affects as acutely. Could this be that a shower may wash away the

microscopic bugs that are on top of the skin and not nestled deep

within the individual’s pores? My own experience with the problem has

taught me that I can keep the problem down to minimum on myself by

showering twice a day and putting on fresh clothing. The trouble now

seems that even if you were able to rid yourself of them completely,

you will only get infected again when you visit the many places that

they have already spread to. All my efforts thus far have not rid me of

this tenacious bug. Over the counter foggers and sprays for killing

bugs seems to have little or no effect. The mites seem to be able to

live even in the very pages of a book. Could they possibly be related

to the paper mite family? Carpets, as well as other fabric based

surfaces, seem to be especially good breeding grounds for them and I

vacuum the rug everyday trying to keep their population down in my home

as much as possible. This mysterious bug also has the ability to live

for long periods of time away from its host, almost as if it just used

humans simply as a mode of transport; with the ability to thrive just

about everywhere it is spread to.Please research this all on

your own as you are undoubtedly now already doing in your endeavours to

figure out what all your recent and seemingly mysterious itching has

been about lately. I have found little information currently exists on

this subject, hence my effort to inform others through this blog. Maybe

it is better for you to simply dismiss my message as a hoax or some

kind of paranoia or mental phobia. I wish I could, but I have seen its

effects on others and have felt them myself. This is really happening

and is only going to get worse if left unchecked. Please feel free to

contact me regarding this matter via my web address.Looking forward to hearing from others who are witnessing what I am, so just as to keep my sanity,World TravelerM.B. Cashmanpandorasbugs@... (feel free to contact me for advice or to inform me further)

posted by M.B. Cashman at 12:32 PM


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Name: M.B. Cashman Location: Netherlands

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Biting Microscopic Mites Spreading Across the Worl...


July 2005

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