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tuckers story(sorry so long)

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Welcome to the group - I'm glad you found us! It sounds like you have done

all the right things so far and have been a very good advocate for your baby.

I think you will be relieved to hear that most of us here have been through

the same or similar experience that you had! The insurance battle is so very

frustrating, but one that is worth fighting. I assume you have filed an

appeal already? There are timeframes in which your insurance company must

respond. Check your policy for wording regarding appeals. If they are outside

the timeframes and have not sent you notice then you may not have to fight

much longer. I would also suggest filing a complaint with your state's

department of insurance against your insurance company. This tends to spur

the company along as they must comply with the dept of ins timelines or they

will incur fines. You should be able to find out about your state's dept of

insurance guidelines on the internet. Most sights have a complaint form that

you can download, fill out and mail in - some will also allow you to fill out

a complaint form online. In the meanwhile document like crazy, search the web

and see if your CT Clinic can help you.

Good luck - it sounds like Tucker is a great little boy and you are a great

mommy. Keep us posted on how the insurance thing is going and let me know if

I can offer any more assistance in that area. (I work in the health insurance

industry - talk about making me unpopular - LOL)

Marci (Mom to )


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hi everyone..first let me say that this is my first time posting and

hopefully i can find this again to repost and respond..heres tuckers


i had a decent pregnancy and labor..the doctors thought that my son

had iugr but when he was born 6lbs 7 oz and 21 in. and full term they

soon changed there mind. then they thought he had a broken collar

bone from the labor..that was wrong..my husband and i soon noticed

the flat spot on the right side of his head but they said that it was

normal...at 3 months it was still flat but the ped said that once he

rolled over and got moving it would go away..at the 6 month checkup

he was still not rolling over and the ped again said to just

wait....so we waited..at 7 1/2 months he rolled over and we thought

everything will get back to normal..at the 9 month mark however it

was increasingly getting flat..finally the ped. said we should see a

specialist..being from a small town the ped. had never seen such a

case..so off we went..the specialist said that it was a very severe

case and the was to correct it was to get the doc band..i cried..MY

SON HAS TO WEAR WHAT?? i worried what people would think..if it would

hurt..how i would react..everything..then we were sent for the

casting that day..i again bawled..this was a horrible day!!..soon

after he got the helment and all my fears went away..tucker didn't

care it was on and i got to be an artist..many times over cause the

paint always came off!!soon after came the insurance..me being 19 i

was naive and didn't know i should call first..i just assumed they

would pay for it..they didn't..the statement said noncoverd..so i

called..they said it was nonproven and expirimental..so i started to

do research and decided i HAD to appeal. i also asked for it in

writing stating why it was noncovered.(wanted the nonproven ect. in

writing.) over 3 1/2 months later and dozens of calls and no paper

received..grrr..so here i sit..my son is now 13 months..4 months with

the band..no insurance payment..no respons from insurance..and my son

growing out of this band..his head is improving and they are saying

buy the end of jan..begining of feb he may be out..but he still has a

little " dent " where the 3 bones combine and they dont think it will

come out without a 2nd band..AAAHHH..HELP...

thank you all for reading tuckers story..sorry so long..

tuckers mom


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Hi :

Welcome to our group. SO many parents have identical stories to

yours, insurance battle and all. I am glad that Tucker was born a

healthy critter and his collar bone was not broken. It sounds like

Tucker has had good success thus far in his DOCband and would most

likely benefit from a 2nd band. Insurance battles are one of the

most talked about subjects in the group. MANY parents are fighting

to get their child's band covered. There are so many differing

excuses insurance companies give. The non-proven excuse is one that

really makes no sense to me. The DOCband is definitely proven, and

it is FDA approved. Have you tried getting the band covered

under " Durable Medical Equipment " ? That is what my ins. company

covered my daughter's band as - they covered 50%.

Keep appealing, do not give up. Have you gone to

plagiocephaly.org ? That is a great parents supports page with

numerous hints for battling ins. companies. Check that out. What

type of ins. do you have?

I hope other parents can give you more useful information for your

ins. fight.

Best of luck.....please be sure to keep us updated on both Tucker's

head as well as insurance.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCgrad


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