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Christi- Re: How the military screwed us over...By Kellie : )

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We were military until the end of October, when my husband got discharged from the Air Force. What happened was (sorry to those who have heard this already) my son, , had been seen in late July by a craniofacial plastic surgeon about his head shape. The doctor thought maybe we should reposition for a month and see if that helps. Well, it did help, plus the fact that he was six months old and started sitting up by himself and not spending so much time on his back. But by the time the dr saw him again, he said we should go ahead with the helmet. So by this time it is the end of August, and we knew that was getting out October 27th, 2001. We told them this, so they knew that we needed to act fast regarding the helmet. We got in the middle of September for the casting, and they were so slow making the helmet, we didn't get it until about the middle of October. Meanwhile, September 11th happened, and what used to be an open post, Ft. , turned into checking every badge and sticker at the gate. When I had my son on the army base, you could just drive on base, there were no MPs at the gate at all. But with it in Threatcon Delta or even charlie, they made it very difficult to get on base. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, with a helmet that needed adjustments every couple weeks, I needed to find out how to get a temporary pass to just go to the military hospital to get the adjustments. The orhotics department told me that they would make the adjustments no matter if we had an id card or not, but it was our responsibility to find a way to get on base.

Well, my husband had started a new job and his training included working 12 hour shifts, so I was left to go deal with the military and try to get a temporary pass. No-can-do. I was sent on a wild goose chase, treated like I am an idiot, asked why my husband wasn't dealing with this, blah blah blah. I had to explain my situation to about 50 different people, all of which told me, "Oh, you need to go here....." And then that person would look at me like I'm nuts when I went there and ask me why I would even remotely think that I needed to go ask them. Oh, I know, why would I even think that Human Resources would handle an issue like this? It was so emotionally draining, and i knew my husband was getting on a civilian insurance company, so after two weeks of being emotionally drained and being treated like an unimportant military spouse, the helmet needed an adjustment and was no longer able to wear the helmet, so it came off and never went back on, and we never stepped foot on the army base again. All of that time waiting for the helmet to be made, and we didn't get anything out of it. However, we never had to fight with Tricare. We were told upfront by the plastic surgeon who evaluated 's head that frankly, this is not a service that Tricare pays for, but it is just something that my particular army hospital was doing on their own. I don't know how or why, but you know when it comes to the Government, they can do whatever they want pretty much, when it comes to money. So they said we were lucky that my husband was stationed at McChord AFB, because it is just about five miles away from Ft. , and the hospital is called Madigan. it is one of the best military hospitals in the country. So they do the helmets for free for the patients. It really is a good deal if you are going to be in for a while, unlike us. I have told a few military people on here that if they could get medical orders or something like that to come to Washington, or perhaps take an angel flight every time you need to travel. Beck knows lots about those.

But anyway, that is my horror story about the military. I'm still not over it. I feel that I was treated pretty badly, as well as my son and my husband, who spent eight years in the Air Force. I think they needed to put the needs of their servicemen first for a change. and I understood about the heightened security issues, but really, what kind of threat am I? A 5 foot 4, 23 year old woman who wants her kid's helmet adjusted? It's just ridiculous. Thank goodness my son has a helmet now through Children's Hospital in Seattle.

You asked about mod podge, and I'm not too sure what it exactly is, but I'm pretty sure it's a sealer of some sort?

Sorry this was so long. I get pretty fired up about this topic!

Kellie, mom of , born 1/17/01, helmeted 1/17/02

Tacoma, WA

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whewww what a horrible experience you have had! Yes I

know exactly what you mean about the heightened

security after sept.11. Ft Bragg, NC is where my

husband is stationed and used to be an open post. ANd

even still now there are mp's at the gates checking

ids and searching cars and making sure you have a ft

bragg sticker on your car. Right after sept 11 I

couldnt get on post at all because the car that I had

we had just bought so we didnt have the registration

for it yet and so we couldnt get the ft bragg sticker

so we couldnt get on post. My husband could get on

post with our other car that is a 2 seater and I have

3 children so that wouldnt work. SO I was stuck for

weeks not going on post for anything when I usually go

there for everything. SO I understand completly on how

upsetting amd what a real pain it must have been to

have to deal with that. ANd I am so sorry you guys had

to deal with that. I agree complety that the

government should care more about the military. I

mean our husbands would die for this country, thats

what they signed up for. If anything ever happened

God forbid my husband would put his life out there for

his country yet the military refuses to pay for

something that could fix our daughter. Its absolutely

rediculous!! That is really amazing that Ft lewis'

hospital does that. I wish Womack here on Ft bragg

did the banding. That would be nice. But no luck for

me I am stuck forking out money I dont have and dont

know where Im going to get the next payment. Plus

driving to Charlotte that is 3 hours away for every

appointment. ANd still batteling Tricare because as

they say its just not a covered benefit. WEll I really

need to get my hands on the book of benefits which I

have never seen in the entire 8 years we have been in

the Army. SO they could tell me that a well baby

check up was not a covered benefit and I wouldnt know

the difference. Here my husband is gone away from me

for 7 weeks because of the military and they wont pay

for something that could help my baby. Whewww let me

calm down and stop before I type so much that you go

blind from reading so much. As you can see I get

pretty fired up as well. Glad to see that you got

different insurance and that you got your son banded

and all is well. Mya will soon get her band with no

help from Tricare and shell be on her way to a rounder

head. Thanks for sharing your story.

CHristi mom to Mya

--- Kelliesmith@... wrote:

> Christi-


> We were military until the end of October, when my

> husband got discharged

> from the Air Force. What happened was (sorry to

> those who have heard this

> already) my son, , had been seen in late July

> by a craniofacial plastic

> surgeon about his head shape. The doctor thought

> maybe we should reposition

> for a month and see if that helps. Well, it did

> help, plus the fact that he

> was six months old and started sitting up by himself

> and not spending so much

> time on his back. But by the time the dr saw him

> again, he said we should go

> ahead with the helmet. So by this time it is the

> end of August, and we knew

> that was getting out October 27th, 2001. We

> told them this, so they

> knew that we needed to act fast regarding the

> helmet. We got in the middle

> of September for the casting, and they were so slow

> making the helmet, we

> didn't get it until about the middle of October.

> Meanwhile, September 11th

> happened, and what used to be an open post, Ft.

> , turned into checking

> every badge and sticker at the gate. When I had my

> son on the army base, you

> could just drive on base, there were no MPs at the

> gate at all. But with it

> in Threatcon Delta or even charlie, they made it

> very difficult to get on

> base. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

> Anyway, with a helmet that

> needed adjustments every couple weeks, I needed to

> find out how to get a

> temporary pass to just go to the military hospital

> to get the adjustments.

> The orhotics department told me that they would make

> the adjustments no

> matter if we had an id card or not, but it was our

> responsibility to find a

> way to get on base.


> Well, my husband had started a new job and his

> training included working 12

> hour shifts, so I was left to go deal with the

> military and try to get a

> temporary pass. No-can-do. I was sent on a wild

> goose chase, treated like I

> am an idiot, asked why my husband wasn't dealing

> with this, blah blah blah.

> I had to explain my situation to about 50 different

> people, all of which

> told me, " Oh, you need to go here..... " And then

> that person would look at

> me like I'm nuts when I went there and ask me why I

> would even remotely think

> that I needed to go ask them. Oh, I know, why would

> I even think that Human

> Resources would handle an issue like this? It was

> so emotionally draining,

> and i knew my husband was getting on a civilian

> insurance company, so after

> two weeks of being emotionally drained and being

> treated like an unimportant

> military spouse, the helmet needed an adjustment and

> was no longer able

> to wear the helmet, so it came off and never went

> back on, and we never

> stepped foot on the army base again. All of that

> time waiting for the helmet

> to be made, and we didn't get anything out of it.

> However, we never had to

> fight with Tricare. We were told upfront by the

> plastic surgeon who

> evaluated 's head that frankly, this is not a

> service that Tricare pays

> for, but it is just something that my particular

> army hospital was doing on

> their own. I don't know how or why, but you know

> when it comes to the

> Government, they can do whatever they want pretty

> much, when it comes to

> money. So they said we were lucky that my husband

> was stationed at McChord

> AFB, because it is just about five miles away from

> Ft. , and the

> hospital is called Madigan. it is one of the best

> military hospitals in the

> country. So they do the helmets for free for the

> patients. It really is a

> good deal if you are going to be in for a while,

> unlike us. I have told a

> few military people on here that if they could get

> medical orders or

> something like that to come to Washington, or

> perhaps take an angel flight

> every time you need to travel. Beck knows lots

> about those.


> But anyway, that is my horror story about the

> military. I'm still not over

> it. I feel that I was treated pretty badly, as well

> as my son and my

> husband, who spent eight years in the Air Force. I

> think they needed to put

> the needs of their servicemen first for a change.

> and I understood about the

> heightened security issues, but really, what kind of

> threat am I? A 5 foot

> 4, 23 year old woman who wants her kid's helmet

> adjusted? It's just

> ridiculous. Thank goodness my son has a helmet now

> through Children's

> Hospital in Seattle.


> You asked about mod podge, and I'm not too sure what

> it exactly is, but I'm

> pretty sure it's a sealer of some sort?


> Sorry this was so long. I get pretty fired up about

> this topic!


> Kellie, mom of , born 1/17/01, helmeted 1/17/02

> Tacoma, WA



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Yes, I do remember the names. The doctor you would need to see at Ft. is Dr. Novia. He is the nicest doctor you'll ever meet! He is a craniofacial plastic surgeon, and he is the one who will prescribe the helmet, and from there you will go to the orthotics department, but I vaguely remember the orthotist's name as Debbie? her name is not important though. The name you need is Dr. Novia. And I just looked for his business card, but after the months, I seem to have lost it. However, he should be easily located through Ft. directories. I have heard of people getting stationed at Ft. because of a medical condition because Madigan is fairly more technologically advanced than other military hospitals.

Good luck to you! I'm glad you contacted a chaplain. They are so good at getting things done when it comes to your family's wellbeing.

Kellie, mom of

Tacoma, WA

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Hi Kellie.

I was wondering if you could remember any of the

doctors names at Madigan hospital on Ft . The

chaplain in my husbands unit was asking questions

about my daughter and what he could do to help so I

started rambling. And I mentioned that I had hear

that the hospital on Ft actually did the helmets

themselves so he for one wanted me to write up

everything that has happened with Mya this far and to

also see if I could find out any doctor names at Ft

lewis hospital because he wants to take all the

information to the commander to see if theres anything

they can do to help us. So anyway thats why I am

emailing you to see if you possibly remember any

names. Thanks,


Mom to Mya

DOC band March 6, 2002

--- Kelliesmith@... wrote:

> Christi-


> We were military until the end of October, when my

> husband got discharged

> from the Air Force. What happened was (sorry to

> those who have heard this

> already) my son, , had been seen in late July

> by a craniofacial plastic

> surgeon about his head shape. The doctor thought

> maybe we should reposition

> for a month and see if that helps. Well, it did

> help, plus the fact that he

> was six months old and started sitting up by himself

> and not spending so much

> time on his back. But by the time the dr saw him

> again, he said we should go

> ahead with the helmet. So by this time it is the

> end of August, and we knew

> that was getting out October 27th, 2001. We

> told them this, so they

> knew that we needed to act fast regarding the

> helmet. We got in the middle

> of September for the casting, and they were so slow

> making the helmet, we

> didn't get it until about the middle of October.

> Meanwhile, September 11th

> happened, and what used to be an open post, Ft.

> , turned into checking

> every badge and sticker at the gate. When I had my

> son on the army base, you

> could just drive on base, there were no MPs at the

> gate at all. But with it

> in Threatcon Delta or even charlie, they made it

> very difficult to get on

> base. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

> Anyway, with a helmet that

> needed adjustments every couple weeks, I needed to

> find out how to get a

> temporary pass to just go to the military hospital

> to get the adjustments.

> The orhotics department told me that they would make

> the adjustments no

> matter if we had an id card or not, but it was our

> responsibility to find a

> way to get on base.


> Well, my husband had started a new job and his

> training included working 12

> hour shifts, so I was left to go deal with the

> military and try to get a

> temporary pass. No-can-do. I was sent on a wild

> goose chase, treated like I

> am an idiot, asked why my husband wasn't dealing

> with this, blah blah blah.

> I had to explain my situation to about 50 different

> people, all of which

> told me, " Oh, you need to go here..... " And then

> that person would look at

> me like I'm nuts when I went there and ask me why I

> would even remotely think

> that I needed to go ask them. Oh, I know, why would

> I even think that Human

> Resources would handle an issue like this? It was

> so emotionally draining,

> and i knew my husband was getting on a civilian

> insurance company, so after

> two weeks of being emotionally drained and being

> treated like an unimportant

> military spouse, the helmet needed an adjustment and

> was no longer able

> to wear the helmet, so it came off and never went

> back on, and we never

> stepped foot on the army base again. All of that

> time waiting for the helmet

> to be made, and we didn't get anything out of it.

> However, we never had to

> fight with Tricare. We were told upfront by the

> plastic surgeon who

> evaluated 's head that frankly, this is not a

> service that Tricare pays

> for, but it is just something that my particular

> army hospital was doing on

> their own. I don't know how or why, but you know

> when it comes to the

> Government, they can do whatever they want pretty

> much, when it comes to

> money. So they said we were lucky that my husband

> was stationed at McChord

> AFB, because it is just about five miles away from

> Ft. , and the

> hospital is called Madigan. it is one of the best

> military hospitals in the

> country. So they do the helmets for free for the

> patients. It really is a

> good deal if you are going to be in for a while,

> unlike us. I have told a

> few military people on here that if they could get

> medical orders or

> something like that to come to Washington, or

> perhaps take an angel flight

> every time you need to travel. Beck knows lots

> about those.


> But anyway, that is my horror story about the

> military. I'm still not over

> it. I feel that I was treated pretty badly, as well

> as my son and my

> husband, who spent eight years in the Air Force. I

> think they needed to put

> the needs of their servicemen first for a change.

> and I understood about the

> heightened security issues, but really, what kind of

> threat am I? A 5 foot

> 4, 23 year old woman who wants her kid's helmet

> adjusted? It's just

> ridiculous. Thank goodness my son has a helmet now

> through Children's

> Hospital in Seattle.


> You asked about mod podge, and I'm not too sure what

> it exactly is, but I'm

> pretty sure it's a sealer of some sort?


> Sorry this was so long. I get pretty fired up about

> this topic!


> Kellie, mom of , born 1/17/01, helmeted 1/17/02

> Tacoma, WA



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