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Re: [SymphonicHealth] The story of homoeopathy and how it has flourished (fwd)

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From: " Angel MCS " <jap2bemc@...>

Whether you beleive in it or not....it works and it's not mind over


I use homeopathy, know homeopathic trained practitioners and yes homeopathic

remedies are effective if the correct remedy is chosen for the individual.

I often use homeopathic remedies under 30C (usually in the 1X-12X) for acute

conditions like insect bites, etc which are " one size fits all " ; however for

chronic illnesses and serious conditions one must have a knowledge of

homeopathy. Often someone experimenting with OTC purchased homeopathic

remedies will have no response (wrong remedy chosen, or incorrectly

handled/stored) or an aggravation (worsening of symptoms) or they will

neutralize the remedy.

Usually potency under 30C is benign, however aggravations can occur. As

with everything, just because it's natural doesn't mean its safe or will

work. We need to find out what is appropriate for the individual and match

the remedy/protocol to the individual not a one-size-fits all. This applies

to food, medicianl herbs, supplements, Rx and OTC drugs.

One of my favorites (I'm a bug magnet, any insect will be attracted, find me

and I react more than normal) is a gel called " Sting-Stop " made by

Boericke & Tafel. As soon as I'm bitten will dab just a little on the bite,

within a few minutes will neutralize the reaction. I couldn't be without it

and have bought for my family members as a gift. The potency is all a 1X

which is the lowest potency in homepathy next to the Mother Tincture which

is similar to an herbal tincture but in a 1 to 10 ratio rather than

traditional herbal tincture of either 1:1 fresh or 1:5 dried material. To

give you an idea, it contains 3 herbs in a 1X potency. One, Urtica dioica

is commonly called stinging nettles. Stinging nettles will sting, even the

slightest contact with stinging nettles will cause hours of discomfort (I

know, I grown it as a medicinal plant in my back yard). Yet, this

homeopathic remedy to stop stinging contains Stinging Nettles in a dilluted


There are homeopathic companies preparing and selling only to licensed

practitioners homepathic remedies which have been used clinically with

excellent results. However, training must be first had in order to use and

prescribe these remedies. One such company has some excellent products for

endotoxins for those with multiple chemical sensitivities and also

mold/fungi; however they are not administered/prescribed without first

taking a comprehensive assessment of the patient and then preparing the

patient for the remedies. All is done in logical, clinical order.

Hope this helps a little,



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I was given a homeopathic medicine for apergillus called pleo nig I

believe. However doctor said when giving it to me she wasn't sure if

she should since I haven't gotten rid of the aspergillus problem in my

house and that gave me pause so I never took it. I just got it

recently but most admit to not understanding homeopathy but want to.

I am read up on treatment given at Dallas Evironmental Clinic. They

advise people going there to read it and I think they use a lot of

homeopathy there so was thinking of reading that.


> I use homeopathy, know homeopathic trained practitioners and yes


> remedies are effective if the correct remedy is chosen for the



> I often use

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From: " barb1283 " <barb1283@...>

> I was given a homeopathic medicine for apergillus called pleo nig I

> believe. However doctor said when giving it to me she wasn't sure if

> she should since I haven't gotten rid of the aspergillus problem in my

> house and that gave me pause so I never took it. I just got it

> recently but most admit to not understanding homeopathy but want to.

> I am read up on treatment given at Dallas Evironmental Clinic. They

> advise people going there to read it and I think they use a lot of

> homeopathy there so was thinking of reading that.


Barb, thanks for sharing. First, homeopathic remedies (other than the

simple, classic standards) are given many names by different manufacturers.

Out of curiosity your bottle (I assume it's in a liquid form) should list

the manufacturer and also all the ingredients.

Most important your doctor should not have given you this remedy since she

is not familiar with its proper use. What I would suggest is for you to

contact the doctor again concerning this remedy and ask her to determine

proper usage. You should not have to research this yourself. The doctor

needs to become educated in the proper use of homeopathic remedies before

she dispenses to her patients and that education will come from the company

that manufactured the homeopathic remedy as well as YOUR current physical

condition and your environmental factors.

Please remember homeopathy is very complicated; old, classic remedies like

apis for bee stings, ledum for puncture wounds, arnica for bruises and

healing after surgery are single ingredients, have same names, well tested

and safe and a good introductory book on homeopathy will suffice. With

complex and chronic issue such as we have and " new " non-classic homeopathic

preparations (classic homeopathy was always one product at a time be it an

herb, vegetable, animal, etc) an individual is really unable to research

each peculiar complex remedy. My gosh, there are so many " new " homeopathic

complex formulas on the market it's impossible to keep up with them and too

often, especially on the web, too much is being sold without proper

instruction. Today many different substances are being made into

homeopathic formulas with various potencies and one has to be educated in

the appropriate use. An internet search would not be helpful. It is the

doctor's responsibility not yours!



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Very true...

But the tried and true established manufacturers you can be assured of

product safety.

Also, if they have a licensed homeopath who is overseeing the production

and development of products is a sure way that they are not a ..for lack

of a better term...fy by night.

Dolisos, Energique, MEdrial, Washington Homepathics, Boerk are well

established and highly touted companies.

The combo remedies can help especially when someone can not fully identify

what remedy they need.

Not even a highly trained homeopath can get the right remedy at the first

try everytime. But those who can determine a persons constitutional type

makes it a lot easier.


On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Healthier4all wrote:

> Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:27:27 -0500

> From: Healthier4all <Healthier4All@...>

> Reply-


> Subject: Re: [] Re: [symphonicHealth] The story of homoeopathy

> and how it has flourished (fwd)





> From: " barb1283 " <barb1283@...>

> > I was given a homeopathic medicine for apergillus called pleo nig I

> > believe. However doctor said when giving it to me she wasn't sure if

> > she should since I haven't gotten rid of the aspergillus problem in my

> > house and that gave me pause so I never took it. I just got it

> > recently but most admit to not understanding homeopathy but want to.

> > I am read up on treatment given at Dallas Evironmental Clinic. They

> > advise people going there to read it and I think they use a lot of

> > homeopathy there so was thinking of reading that.

> >

> Barb, thanks for sharing. First, homeopathic remedies (other than the

> simple, classic standards) are given many names by different

> manufacturers.

> Out of curiosity your bottle (I assume it's in a liquid form) should list

> the manufacturer and also all the ingredients.


> Most important your doctor should not have given you this remedy since

> she

> is not familiar with its proper use. What I would suggest is for you to

> contact the doctor again concerning this remedy and ask her to determine

> proper usage. You should not have to research this yourself. The doctor

> needs to become educated in the proper use of homeopathic remedies before

> she dispenses to her patients and that education will come from the

> company

> that manufactured the homeopathic remedy as well as YOUR current physical

> condition and your environmental factors.


> Please remember homeopathy is very complicated; old, classic remedies

> like

> apis for bee stings, ledum for puncture wounds, arnica for bruises and

> healing after surgery are single ingredients, have same names, well

> tested

> and safe and a good introductory book on homeopathy will suffice. With

> complex and chronic issue such as we have and " new " non-classic

> homeopathic

> preparations (classic homeopathy was always one product at a time be it

> an

> herb, vegetable, animal, etc) an individual is really unable to research

> each peculiar complex remedy. My gosh, there are so many " new "

> homeopathic

> complex formulas on the market it's impossible to keep up with them and

> too

> often, especially on the web, too much is being sold without proper

> instruction. Today many different substances are being made into

> homeopathic formulas with various potencies and one has to be educated in

> the appropriate use. An internet search would not be helpful. It is the

> doctor's responsibility not yours!


> Rosie




> --

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I second that! My BioSET practitioner has me adding homeopathic

remedies to the 3/4 gallon of water I have to drink every day.

> Whether you beleive in it or not....it works and it's not mind over

> matter....



> 11 April 2005

> The story of homoeopathy and how it has flourished

> Snake-oil or cure-all? 250 years after the birth of its founder, the

> scientific controversy still rages, but its sales are rising quickly.

> nce investigates a medical phenomenon


> 11 April 2005


> Some call it snake oil, some believe it is the 21st century's

> cure-all: 250 years after the birth of Hahnemann, the system of

> medicine he founded, homoeopathy, is still the focus of scientific

> controversy.


> Yet despite being mocked and ridiculed by the scientific establishment

> from the start, it flourishes today as one of the leading branches of

> complementary medicine, with millions of adherents across the world.


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