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" If having endured much, we at last asserted our 'right to know' and if,

knowing, we have concluded that we are being asked to take senseless and

frightening risks, then we should no longer accept the counsel of those

who tell us that we must fill our world with poisonous chemicals, we

should look around and see what other course is open to us. "


" My toxicasa (world) is your toxicasa (world). "

Judith Goode

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Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 11:46:34 -0500

From: Ruby <ruby@...>




by Carol Willis


by Carol Willis

© Copyright by Carol Willis, 2004. All rights reserved.


- Introduction

- Vitamins and Minerals

- Traditional Chinese Approach

- Foods

- About Depression with " Leaden " Feeling

- Homeopathics and Flower Essences

- Approaches I DON'T Like

- Obstacles to Cure

- Products I Like

_ For Further Reading


The adrenals, literally ad-renals, i.e. toward the kidneys,

sit on top of the kidneys. The adrenals are strong and

resilient when normal, or can be in various degrees of

depletion or weakness. Weak adrenals correlate to low

energy, lowered resilience, lowered ability to handle

stress, allergies, dark circles under the eyes, lack of

ability to keep up with others. Extreme depletion is

life-threatening. Conversely, threats to life (or

*perceived* threats to life) deplete adrenal reserves.

(There are also situations involving an *excess* of adrenal

hormones, which we will not address here.)


Vitamin-mineral nutrition for adrenal wellness includes:

- VITAMIN C in higher amounts (1000-2000 mg maintenance),

- B-VITAMIN complex (B-50),

- extra PANTOTHENIC ACID (250-500 mg. daily maintenance)

- INOSITOL (IP6) in 1000 mg increments as needed, and

- ZINC (non-chelated), 25-50 mg daily.

For acute needs and as a booster at the beginning of a new

nutritional program, a person could " tank up " by taking more

of the above nutrients for a short time of a few days.

Spread the nutrients out over the day, and take with food.


Adrenals have circadian rhythms associated with them, and

I've found that Vitamin C and B's in the mid-late morning or

as late as Noon, taken with food, is the optimal time.

Additional Vitamin C could be taken later as needed, but

earlier in the day with B-complex gives an ENERGY boost and

makes best use of circadian rhythms.

I consider 1000 mg Vitamin-C to be a minimum, and 1000-2000

mg daily to be an everyday workable amount, going up as

needed, but not overdosing especially chronically as too

much Vit C can be hard on the kidneys. There are times such

as in infection, or as an anti-infections prophylactic an

hour before dental work, or high stress, you may need more

Vit C, in increments of 1000 mg up to 5000 mg. (Here's

where it's useful to have a crystal/powdered Vit C around

for these larger amounts - mix Vit C into juice, smoothie or

applesauce and get a lot of Vit C down quickly and easily.)

The literature sometimes cites more than 5000 mg total per

day, but I urge a conservative and cautious approach,

especially in degrees of renal failure or if there is a

history of kidney stones.


Inositol (inositol hexaphosphate - IP6) is an extremely

useful nutritional support in panic, anxiety, fear, stress,

hot-flashes, and rosacea, and I've experienced all of them.

Inositol is still not widely known about, yet is one of

THE most powerful, effective, and harmless nutrients in the

new millennial kitchen cabinet, especially for the deficient

constitution. In our modern times of stress and terror,

inositol is nothing short of a godsend and miracle at times,

as are homeopathic Aconite 30C and 200C as well. Inositol

can be taken regularly for a while and/or on an as-needed

basis, in 1000 mg increments, and the easiest way to do that

is inositol in powdered form. You can mix it with some

juice or applesauce, or just dump inositol powder directly

on the tongue, mash it around, and chase it down with some

water. The literature cites going up to 12 grams a day, but

in actual practice 3-4 grams total is quite high. 1 gram

can be taken daily and/or as needed. The amounts of

inositol in multiples or B's or stress complexes is too

small if the need is great. Try to try to find a powdered

inositol to get the larger amound and quick delivery

desired, or break open several capsules. I've also

experienced inositol bringing temporarily elevated blood

pressure down 20 points in 10-15 minutes - therefore

inositol is a important nutrient to consider especially if

the person also has anxiety, rosacea, etc.

CAUTIONS on inositol: where inositol breakdown is impaired

such as in diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure,

galactosemia, multiple sclerosis. These cautions are per



or http://www.tinyurl.com/6z831.

Further cautions on inositol for those who are " low histamine plus

high methylators, " from the Carl Pfeiffer school of thought:


I might add that persons who have an " excess constitution, "

or a tendency to mania or the above conditions, may fare

poorly on much if any inositol supplement. Persons with

more deficient constitutions will likely fare better. This is

speculative on my part at present.

[Reference: my article on Excess vs. Deficient Constitutions.]


Zinc mineral helps fortify adrenals. Women need about 25-35

mg/daily, and men 50-75 mg. If a person is severely zinc

depleted, they can " tank up " on 200 mg daily for a week,

then down to 100 mg daily for a couple of weeks, then down

to a maintenance dose. Zinc affects many enzyme processes

in the body, skin, body odor, wound healing, and much more.

It is possible to get too much zinc, so be aware. I suggest

a non-chelated form of zinc. I know what the literature

says about the so-called better absorption of chelated

minerals, but my own experience and that of others I've

talked to is that the more deficient the constitution, the

less ability to tolerate chelated minerals, resulting in

tooth sensitivity, and general kidney-adrenal-bone-nervous

depletion, sometimes quite severe. Conversely, non-chelated

minerals seem to be well tolerated and effective, even the

inexpensive zinc from the drug store. Again, I realize I'm

going against much literature in saying this, but it is my

own experience over many years, underscored by the

experience of enough others I've talked with that I feel

that the subject deserves to be brought out of obscurity and

explored more openly.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ADRENALS are part of

the WATER element and KIDNEY meridian, which also correlate

with the brain and nervous system, bones, teeth, kidneys and

urinary system, hormones. It's a package deal. Useful

clues may be derived from this constellation of elements.

TCM nutrition for adrenals includes:

- kidney yin-tonifier herb combinations, and

- kidney yang-tonifier herb combinations.

- Also spleen yang/chi tonifier herb combinations that may have a

small amount of ginseng (not enough to be stimulating

or aphrodesiac, which could be self-defeating in the case

of depleted adrenals).

- Deer antler velvet, which is a kidney yang tonifier.

" Tonification " refers to strengthening, toning, shoring up the

foundations, and deeply nourishing. Think of healthy muscle

" tone " vs. flabby muscles, as an analogy. Which would you

rather have, hmm?


Extra salt may be useful, especially in cold weather or in

severe depletion. Most Americans are said to use too much

salt, but there are actually many persons who eat all

natural foods and use no extra salt. If the latter folks

are adrenal deficient, some salt added can be useful,

especially in cold weather, which is part of why salty soups

are popular in cold weather. Note: if a person has

a thyroid disorder such as Hashimoto's or Graves disease,

use NON-iodized salt.

TCM says aduki beans, black beans, kidney beans, and black

mushrooms, are nutritionally helpful to strengthen

kidney-adrenal. I'll add root vegetables, especially if

steamed and served hot, such as steamed carrots. And lean

protein sources, especially eggs, fish, lean meats, and

cottage cheese. Did you know that cottage cheese has a LOT

of salt?

Cottage cheese does have a problem in that it's cold, which

kills enzymes and inhibits full digestion. This can be

offset to some extent by seasoning it with black pepper, a

dash of cayenne, and/or ayurvedic herbal seasonings (e.g.

Maharishi Ayur-Veda Vata/Pitta/Kapha Churna's), not eating

it super cold, and taking a half glass of undiluted Concord

grape juice with it to cut the mucous formation. Still, not

an ideal situation. Hard cheese eaten cold suffers from the

same problem, namely mucous formation and undigested food

residues that become obstructive garbage in the nooks and

crannies of the body (the Ayurvedic folks call this " sticky

ama " ).

I personally don't worry about the cholesterol in eggs,

especially for the deficient constitution, as lecithin in

eggs offsets cholesterol. I feel eggs are especially good

for the nervous system, which is correlated to kidney yin

and yang in TCM. A big omlette, scramble, or egg salad once

or twice a week could be a good thing. Some will want to

take digestive enzymes with such a meal.


In " leaden feeling " , the body feels like lead. Leaden

feeling can be related to depression, especially " atypical

depression " which tends to correlate to the deficient

constitution and low adrenal reserve, which in turn may have

elements of low dopamine. We can see the link here via TCM

kidney/water theory -- a key point for integrative medicine.

If a person has a deficient constitution, leaden feeling and

depression can be relieved naturally and sometimes

surprisingly quickly by the adrenal support above, including

the TCM kidney and spleen tonifiers, and strength

training/cardio. (This would NOT be suited to

manic-depression, agitated depression, or the excess

constitution generally, which would require a different


I believe that some additional dopamine will be generated by

the kidney yang tonifier herbs, which gives us an important

TCM clue about the relation of the adrenals, kidney meridian

and water element to the nervous system and

neurotransmitters. This clue may be useful in gently

strengthening and improving quality of life for the

Parkinson's patient.

Dopamine can be additionally boosted from occasional use of

targeted phenylalanine or tyrosine AMINO ACIDS. " Targeted "

amino acids are single amino acids taken between meals, on

an empty stomach, with water, juice or non-protein medium

(i.e. no competing proteins at the same time), as little as

necessary to do the job, in increments of 500 mg. This

allows a specific amino acid to go fairly directly into the

system, with minimal interference. Gelatin capsules or

powder only (i.e. no hard tablets). 500-1000 mg can make a

remarkable difference for some people. Experiment

cautiously to see how 500-2000 mg may work, starting low.

Late morning or midday. This is not something to do every

day. I would actually consider doing this fairly RARELY.

Use as little as needed. Deficient constitutions may be

prone to being a bit deficient in many things, dopamine

included. Dopamine is what makes the body feel light, makes

us want to move, to get into action. Otherwise we feel

leaden and heavy and the thought of getting up and doing

anything becomes overwhelming. Additionally the mind may be

confused and can't focus or get organized with insufficient

dopamine. I have an additional theory that it's loss of

dopamine that creates the phenomenon of TIME going faster as

we age, largely because WE're slower. (Be sure to rule and

correct thryoid problems also if there is leaden feeling.)

THE BIG POINT HERE is that a little dopamine boost can be

useful to jump-start an exercise program, get a tired

sedentary person into motion until the exercise itself

starts generating more energy and neurotransmitters as per

normal, which should not take long. From day 1 at the gym,

neurotransmitters will be humming away, renewed by making

strength training and cardio regular parts of one's

lifestyle two or three times a week. A dopamine boost can

give a depressed person a vision of hope and what's

possible. Or can be useful on a day when a special

performance or clarity is required. Targeted amino acids

cycle out of the body within a few hours or a day.

(CAUTIONARY NOTE: DO NOT take phenylalanine or tyrosine if

you have epilepsy, or are bipolar or manic.)


If a person is very adrenal deficient, this likely

correlates to what homeopathy calls " low vital force. " If a

person has a low vital force, they may not be able to take

the 200C and higher potencies that would tend to foster more

energy and a stronger system generally. Homeopathy may be

very useful to such persons at the 30C and sometimes lower

potencies, and occasionally at a 200C potency (such as

Aconite), but perhaps not for enhancing energy or building

long term adrenal strength. It is my sense that the higher

potencies need a certain basis of adrenal strength in order

to work well. If that adrenal level is not there, high

potencies can exhaust and derange the person, even create a

crisis situation that requires antidoting the remedy.

Addressing and removing underlying family tendencies or

miasms can be helpful in allowing the adrenal function to finally

come up toward normal, especially the suppressed frustration

and anger involved in Carcinosin remedy, where a person " holds

themselves back, " " holds on, " " hunkers down, " and/or is

" overwhelmed by abuse, " " continually overwhelmed by

too much to do, " trapped in a can't-win-for-losing scenario.

In TCM terms, the breath finally connects to the kidneys and

nourishes them, where somehow there was a disconnect before.

30C potencies may be useful in acute crisis or stress that

taxes the adrenals.

Bach and other FLOWER ESSENCES may be helpful to the adrenal

deficient person. One reason for that is that adrenal

deficient persons tend to be more sensitive to vibratory

medicine and very appreciative of the emotional relief and

energy liberation offered by the flower essences. This

energy is largely on an emotional and spiritual level, but

does reach into the physical. Flower essences as a modality

have a unique role to play in the integrative pantheon. One

needs only to experience personally the right homeopathic

remedy or flower essence in a crisis to know what " a

beautiful cure " really is. There is an aesthetic to such a

cure that is just magnificent.


Some chiropractors give adrenal GLANDULARS, desiccated

adrenal or in a liquid form, for " adrenal support, " however

this seems to me like an imprecise version of prednisone,

and may have all of the dangers of prednisone to some

degree. Some people say adrenal glandulars make them angry,

others say they experienced no effect, so I conclude

people's experiences can be all over the map, and adrenal

glandulars are a far-from-precise science at this time. I

have yet to hear anyone say they actually got a stable

positive result with no side effects, and that they were

monitored for bone density before beginning the supplement,

over a long period of taking the adrenal glandulars, and

somewhat beyond that to put the adrenal glandular phase in

context. There is also the issue and possible risk of

mad cow disease (BSE) in using bovine glandulars.

LICORICE single herb is sometimes used to feed the adrenals,

however licorice enhances aldosterone, which can cause water

retention in the tissues, sometimes raise blood pressure,

and not necessarily yield much energy. (In TCM herb

combinations, a small amount of licorice herb is used as a

final ingredient to harmonize a formula, which is a

different usage and intent and usually not a problem, though

the amount of licorice in a TCM formula may need to be

minimized if the person has water retention.)

DHEA hormone is another possibility and may be useful for

men who are deficient in it, but problematic for women due

to facial hair growth. Serum testing should be done

beforehand to see if the person is actually deficient in

DHEA, and deficient for their age. I would not rely on

saliva tests in this case, but if one wants to try saliva

tests, do serum testing also for added perspective, as the

tests can give quite different results and indications.

Saliva tests will usually show the person to be more

depleted than will a blood test for DHEA. Indeed a saliva

test may show the person depleted to an elderly level, while

a blood test may show them normal. Pregnenolone is

sometimes suggested as a precursor and alternative to DHEA,

and may be more suited to women, but in my own experience

pregnenolone was not effective, whereas even the smallest

amount of DHEA (5 mg every other day) produced the facial

hair. The 7 Keto form of DHEA is sometimes suggested for

women as well. I have not talked to any women personally

who have used these for any length of time who were greatly

pleased by them AND had no side effects.

In summary, I'd rather use the strong vitamin-mineral

foundation, the TCM herbs, strength training and cardio, and

the foods.


The other side of nutrition and tonification is avoiding

obstacles to cure, avoiding lifestyle excesses that deplete

adrenals, deplete kidney yin and yang. TCM places great

value on well-managed kidney jing, yin and yang throughout

life. Stress, especially financial stress, war,

interpersonal stress or opposition by others, neglect or

rejection by others, stimulants, excess excitement, staying

up too late, not getting enough quality sleep, not being

able to awaken naturally but rather being startled awake by

alarms, excess cold environmental temperatures, cold drinks,

cold foods, especially iced drinks/foods, coffee (especially

brewed coffee), other strongly caffeinated beverages,

overwork, too much sex, night watching or caretaking of the

ill, and being around abusive, critical, negative, hyperactive,

or impatient persons.


Vitamin C

- Emergen-C, in tangerine, orange, cranberry, or Lite w/ MSM.

- Long's chewable vitamin C - 500 mg.

- Trader Joe's Vitamin C Crystals (powdered for smoothies).


- Twinlabs B-50.

- Now Foods B-50.

Pantothenic Acid

- Twinlabs Pantothenic Acid, 250 mg.


- Thorne Research - powdered inositol in the jar.

- Standard Process Inc. - powdered inositol.


- Long's Drugs Zinc 50 mg. (not chelated)

- Solgar Zinc 50 mg. (not chelated)

TCM Yin Tonifier herb combinations, variations on

the classic Rehmannia Six formula from China:

- Planetary Formulas' Rehmannia Endurance

(especially good for men) (chewable).

- Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP) HY-C

(cooling formula, especially good for women,

in menopause,

or those with hot, inflammatory, autoimmune, or

allergic tendencies).

TCM Yang Tonifier herb combinations, variations on

the classic Rehmannia Eight formula from China:

- Planetary Formulas: Rehmannia Vitalizer (chewable).

- Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP): KB-C.

- Sunrider: Prime Again.

- Planetary Formulas: Schizandra Adrenal Complex (chewable).

- Planetary Formulas: Deer Antler Velvet (chewable).

Additional supporting TCM Spleen yang/chi tonifiers:

- Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP): UC-C.

- Planetary Formulas: Ginseng Revitalizer

(has 6 ginsengs, useful in cold weather)(chewable).

- Planetary Formulas: Ginseng Elixir

(includes bupleurum, use under professional

supervision only)(chewable).

- Nature's Way: Korean White Ginseng.


- Bach Flower Essences: Gorse, Mustard Seed,

Larch, Wild Rose.

- Blue Turtle Natural Essences in AZ: Fireweed essence.


- Twinlabs: Phenylalanine, Tyrosine amino acids

in gelatin capsules.

CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY - just a few remedies among many in

relation to adrenals:

- Aconite 30C and 200C - panic, fear, anxiety, terror,

terrorism. Diarrhea after emotional terror,

having witnessed something terrible, effect of surgery.

At first hint a viral bug, Aconite 200C may head it off.

- Psorinum 30C, 200C - anxiety not handled by

Aconite, chronic, hot steaming sweats or chilly,

smelly, basic life struggle but not crisis,

skin stuff, may have lots of allergies.

- Stramonium 30C - war trauma, young boys' bad

dreams, terrors or horrors, can be wild eyed.

- Opium 30C - sleepy, hot, war trauma, constipation,

as if drugged, tends to go " unconscious " from

trauma, escapist, overwhelmed.

- Moschus 30C - NO adrenal reserves in crisis times,

immediate overwhelm or panic in crisis,

completely drained and incapable, acute remedy.

Profuse watery urination. May feel cold,

even teeth chattering from fear or stress.

Useful in caring for sick relative in crisis.

- Staphysagria 30C - sweet tempered victim of abuse,

issues of anger, pissed off, may have tendency to

cystitis or other urinary tract infections or yeast


- Carcinosin 200C - family history of cancer,

repressed anger, frustration, abused, neglected

overlooked, unappreciated and taken for granted,

repressed emotional expression generally, always

overloaded with work with no end in sight,

anger with a sense of futility, can't win for losing.

- Nat Mur 30C - fearful, shy, introverted, somaticized

stress to the colon (e.g. trapped gas, etc),

stuffed emotions, longstanding silent grief.

- Carbo Veg 30C - " corpse reviver " . In collapsed

states, person may want to be fanned, feels leaden,

quite collapsed as a general state, under-oxygenated

at a cellular level. Can work miracles at times

within an hour or so. Crisis. Acute rescue.


Carol Willis, " Excess vs. Deficient Constitutions " (article),


Korngold and Beinfield, BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH.

Introduction to TCM, 5 elements correlations, etc.

Carol Willis


Septenber 12, 2004Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.








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