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Mercury Poisoning

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I am so glad to hear that all is going well with you.

Cheers to Good Health


> Just a short note on what I am currently doing. I have moved back to

> Fresno Ca. (where the food comes from), and have restarted my tractor

> business. I have worked up to 8 hours of hard labor, and will slowly

> increase this to 16-20 hours that I am used to soon. I have also gone

> into partnership with a friend and have started a car sales business in

> addition. We will specialize in older mercedes cars. Within a month we

> also hope to start a house painting business using my equipment, and my

> partners oldest son, and a father son combination for a total of three

> people to run the business. I am going to stay out of the painting if I

> can.


> On Tue, 3 Oct 2000 13:56:37 -0700 ltldab1@... writes:


> >

> > This site will give you access to just about ALL the medical

> > information available in the world today. To show how powerful it

> > is click on messages/govinfo/296 click on

> > message #296, and follow the instructions there are hundreds of

> > medical publications available there. Sept. 11, 2000 I have

> > now upped the amount of Chemet that I use to 100 capsules of 100mg

> > of Chemet a week, and I am getting evident results. The metal

> > taste in my jaws is rapidly going down!!!! ALSO I HAVE CHANGED THE


> > messages/govinfo/1

> >



> > ON GUMSARE GONE ( amalgam tattoo ) feel GREAT. STILL WORKING ON


> >

> >

> > I was born 2-14-53, and am 47 now. When I was born I had

> > ichthyosis (extremly dry fish skin). According Taber's

> > Medical Dictionary the condition is hereditary. I always

> > wondered how 3 million years of ancestors would put up with this

> > condition, AND IF IT IS A HEREDITARY CONDITION, why has mine gone

> > away with mercury removal? As I got sicker I was still able to

> > work for 30 years as a fireman, 12 of them at the 3rd busiest

> > firehouse in America, until I finally collapsed. My 75 year old

> > mother has had to take care of me for the last 2 years. I was

> > finally put on morphine (Duragesic patch) and codeine, my pain

> > levels were that great!. I have tried every cure under the sun.

> > Fungus infection; all herbals, diflucan, spornex. Food allergy,

> > Vitamins and supplements. I have been seen by Stanford, and UOP

> > Dental College, and UCSF School of Medicine. In all about 75

> > professor teaching doctors at the three universities, and these

> > are the doctors that teach your doctor how to be a doctor. They

> > did nothing for me, so do not expect your mercury poisoned and

> > ignorant doctor to help you much. I can not tell you ALL of the

> > crazy diagnoses that I have had, but a short list; NICO nurologic

> > induced cavitational osytonecrousis (intense jaw pain), I have lost

> > 11 teeth, bi-polar disorder, OCD, trigeminal nerve pain, oral facial

> > pain, chewing tobacco is the cause,

> > personality disorder, addictive personality, ect. ect., I am

> > brushing my teeth to hard, jaw setting improperly, bruxing

> > (grinding the jaws in sleep), stress migraines, coagalation blood

> > disorder, gentic abnormalities, AUTO- IMMUNE disorder, FMS,

> > arthritis, neurologic problems (what ever that is), ect. ect. For

> > all of these istogenic (DOCTOR MADE) dieases, caused by mercury, I

> > could not believe the NUTTY " treatments " that were thought of.

> > Oxygen therapy, tooth removal, cut up the jaw, bacterial infection,

> > sever nerves, virus, fungus, mouth guards, anti-biotics, tegeratol,

> > high blood pressure medications, vioxx, neurontin, cipro, AND so

> > MANY MORE that I can not remember. Now you may wonder how do YOU

> > get mercury? From the moment of conception the fetus draws mercury

> > from the mother. Your doctor injects mercury in shots and mercury

> > vaccines. Your dentist places mercury in your tooth fillings.

> > If that is not enough mercury is used in 200 OTC medications, from

> > eye drops to nose sprays, ect. If that is not enough of an

> > exposure to mercury, the 2nd most HAZARDOUS and TOXIC substance on

> > earth, (mercury is 2nd only to plutonium), mercury is placed in eye

> > make-up, in wall paint ( this way mercury is gassed off at you all

> > the time), and so many other products. What can mercury do to a

> > human? It can run the gamete from dead infant to the President of

> > the United States. In my case it brought me to my knees in

> > painful bone disintergrating agony. Someone else may only have

> > allergies, or die from mercury, or lower your IQ a few points, or

> > give you autism, or thyroid problems, or migraines, or over active

> > bladder. Any combination or multiples of conditions are possible

> > which are caused by your bodies gentic make up, OR the GENTIC

> > DAMAGE caused to your body by the mercury, and the GENTIC DAMAGE

> > caused to the microbes in our bodies, such as acidophislus bacteria,

> > which we need. Now the question of what to do other than live

> > with your llnesses, and submit to treatments from your QUACK

> > (definition of QUACK is; anyone that places mercury as a medical

> > treatment) The best thing to do is be born from a non-toxic

> > mother, and avoid mercury, I did not have that chance, neither have

> > you. THIS is what I did. A QUACK tried to chelate me with DMSA

> > (chemet succimer) before I had my metal dental work removed, of

> > course I got sicker. After getting morphine I was able to get on

> > the computer and get information, a lot of which I have posted at

> > messages/govinfo , if this address will not

> > work try , type in govinfo at the search

> > function, then go down and click on govinfo, then messages. You

> > will notice that most of what I post are URL's to government

> > information. I use government information because my opinion or

> > your quackie's opinion mean nothing. It is hard for anyone to

> > dispute the facts. ALSO

> > archives/autism treatment is a good site too.

> > You do NOT need a test for mercury, as I said above how could you

> > avoid mercury if you have been injected with it? Have a dental

> > materials test done. (I had two) http://www.peakenergy.com and

> > http://www.ccrlab.com . Each time I had mercury removed from my

> > mouth I took 100mg of chemet, removal was completed on April 10,

> > 2000. After all mercury was removed I started very slow

> > chelation, 100mg of chemet a day spread out through the day. I

> > opened the capsules and rationed the drug out. I also used chemet

> > as a direct application to my jaw NICO bone death areas to draw out

> > the mercury. I would do this for three days and then halt for

> > four days. Some selenium, vitamin C, during chelation. When off

> > chemet very light vitamin use, to replace needed minerals in your

> > body. IN MY OPINION you must do this very slow, because the > >

> > target organs for your body are NOT high blood flow organs which

> > contain mercury (brain liver kidneys), but slow fluid movers uch

> > as inside the eyes, and bones including the jaw. I HAVE NOW CHANGED

> > TO SIX DAYS ON AND ONE OFF. In seven days after removal of ALL

> > metals from my mouth, I am walking two miles or more, and jogging at

> > least one mile. Quite a change from morphine and codeine!

> > > > > LTLDAB1@...




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Please respond to Gayle@...

Mercury Poisoning

I am told that I may have given my son mercury poisoning, tests will prove

this. What a lot of guilt to carry! My question is, is there an article

that describes how the mother might pass this on to her unborn child or

through breastmilk?

Thank you for your valuable time.

Gayle Walkup-Barry

Full-Time Mom, mother of an autistic child

Lincoln County, Arkansas CC; County, Oklahoma CC

OKBITS CO-C ; Grandma's Shoebox



Houston, TX



Genie Angel

Please respond to Gayle@...

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  • 2 years later...
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I would suggest reading 'How We Heal' by on for starters-


then begin on the program, making sure to include plenty of :

Grainfields powder & liquid



Coriander/Cilantro- chelates mercury


Schweitzer Fluid

I would also suggest using a broad spectrum Liver support which included


'Grander' water is very helpfull for pulling heavy metals out of the body-


Doug may be able to get one at a discount for you

Ciao, Chris


>From: Allan Balliett <igg@...>



>Subject: Mercury Poisoning

>Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 19:47:40 -0400


>Hi -


>I see in the new Weston A. Price Journal a protocol for remediating

>mercury overloads. I've recently been diagnosed with mercury overload

>and I've had the symptoms for a very long time. Nice to have an

>explanation, but pretty scarey, also.


>the protocol in the journal, if I remember correctly, involves

>boosting liver function by boosting glutathion levels by modifying

>the diet. I don't recall it making any mention of detox teas or green

>drinks. I'm interested in incorporating all in my approach to getting

>the mercury out (most likely got in as I was macro in the 80's and

>drifted towards eating lots of store-bought fish during that period.


>I'm writing to see if anyone else in the list has remediated high

>levels of mercury or if anyone knows of an expanded protocol for

>doing so.


>My levels are about 6 times higher than one would achieve if they

>were leaching mercury from dental fillings. I may have to have

>fillings removed eventually, but my situation is not one that will be

>noticeably improved by removing mercury fillings.




>-Allan Balliett


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Hi Allan,

Just this week my nutritionist (via Dr. Mercola's office) put me on

what she calls a " protection recipe " for chelating out the mercury in

my system. My hair test came back strong for mercury and arsenic

(lucky me). It sounds like my levels aren't as high as yours, so I

don't know if this is the right thing for you, but I wanted to suggest

it. I'm to eat it 4 days out of the week. I'm just making my first

batch tonight, then I'll get retested for toxic levels in a couple of


Protection Recipe

1 clove garlic

6 sprigs cilantro or parsley

1/4 leek or green onion

4-5 shitake mushrooms

1 tablespoon olive oil or raw butter, or both.

Mix together in a food processor.


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Contact Doug for more info on it and where to get it.. (its worth the



>From: Allan Balliett <igg@...>



>Subject: Re: Mercury Poisoning

>Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:59:14 -0400


>Thanks, Chris.


>What's Schweitzer Fluid? -Allan


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What is the protocol from the Weston Price Journal?

I had my amalgam fillings removed recently because I suspected

a mercury overload problem. Since then I don't have the brain

fog I used to have. I still have nerve damage I believe

from it. I was diagnosed with restless leg and have trouble remaining

asleep at night.

I only recently started eating cilantro on a daily basis.

Should I worry about my fish intake. I have been eating pickled

salmon pretty much daily because it is so good and a good

way to get my raw protein. I have trouble digesting raw eggs

and raw red meat.

What else should help chelate the mercury from nerves? Someone

mentioned coriander, does that work as good as cilantro? Should I be

drinking whey drinks? Is there anyone here that had a mercury

overload that has recovered?

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>Should I worry about my fish intake. I have been eating pickled

>salmon pretty much daily because it is so good and a good

>way to get my raw protein.

- is this a commercially made one or home made? If commercial, its probably


>What else should help chelate the mercury from nerves? Someone

>mentioned coriander, does that work as good as cilantro? Should I be

>drinking whey drinks? Is there anyone here that had a mercury

>overload that has recovered?

Read 'How We Heal' by on (www.d-w-m.com) and then apply it as

best you can.

The Grainfields Products are available wholesale from www.agmfoods.com

I'd use Grains & Greens, RevPlus & BE Liquid in saturation amounts for 2-3

months, then cut back...

Get a Grander Unit from Doug (info at www.grander.com) also, he'll give u a

nice discount.\

Sensitive leaf (Mimosa Pudica) is very good for the nerves, as well as Hops

flowers, scullcap, oat straw, st john's wort, etc

Udo's ultimate oil blend (high in Omega 3, plus many other benificial

compounds) is excellent as well as his beyond greens (high in chlorophyll,

phytonutrients, enzymes, etc)

Ciao, Chris


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Well, the question isn't what good are they, but rather what aren't they

good for...

If i started to explain, i'd be writing for a while. Do some research and

you will be impreesed i promise.

I have been using Grander for about 5-6 years, and whatever i use it for


Plants grow better, animals are healthier, etc , etc

Specifically for Mercury & heavy metals, well, drinking GRander Water pulls

them out, its that simple.

Grander water is being used on radioactive waste very successfully as well.

The book & /or video 'On the track of water's secret' is a bit old now, but

still relevant... i'd start with reading that.

NEXUS magazine did some very good articles a few years back also..see if you

can get them.

As for the cost, i don't know, as i'm in Oz so different currency, but

whatever the cost is, Doug will be able to get you a discount i'm pretty

sure. www.d-w-m.com

Ciao, Chris

>From: Allan Balliett <igg@...>



>Subject: Re: Re: Mercury Poisoning

>Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 06:42:24 -0400


>What good is the Grander unit? How does it specifically remediate

>mercury, etc? What do the small units cost?


>thanks -Allan


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I sending this to all my Webe-pals in the States.


I came across this when looking at Electro Medicine.

Heavy Metals

If you still have a lot of fatigue after Black Box

(Pulser or Zapper) usage then you might consider

getting tested for presence of excess heavy metals in

your body. Analytical Research Labs can do a

laboratory hair analysis of your body's levels of 13

major minerals and 6 heavy metals for $55. Just send

payment plus 2 tbsp. of hair (from the nape of your

neck) in a plain paper container to ARL, 8650 N 22nd

Ave, Phoenix AZ 85021. Included will be an

interpretation of your mineral levels and supplement

recommendations that can slowly correct imbalances.

For an extra $25 they will include a personal diet

plan for you based on the results. Subnormal ratios of

sodium to magnesium and potassium to calcium

definitely cause adrenal & thyroid underactivity.

Also, Tides Of Life (address 2 paragraphs below) can

analyze a hair sample for levels of heavy metals and

chemicals for $35, and levels of gland and organ

toxicity for $70. Research reveals that 40% of CFS

people have heavy metal toxicity (primarily aluminum,

lead, and mercury) and 77% of them show definite

improvement by cleansing it out. Of course, metal

dental fillings should be replaced by composites to

keep from continuing to absorb mercury from them. Hal

Huggins book " Its All In Your Head " tells the correct

way for your dentist to do this to prevent getting a

high mercury exposure during filling removal. To

remove heavy metals you can take Chlorella (tablets or

powder for 3-6 months) and rebalance your mineral

levels. Chemical toxicity can be cleansed out slowly

by taking Blue Green Algae from Klamath Lake, such as

the E3Live Algae.


Post your free ad now! http://personals..ca

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