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Hi Group-

Just wanted to report my recent experience with Transfer Point Beta Glucan.


I was using Chisolm's Beta Max until I saw my enviro doc Sherry , who

strongly recommended that I switch to the Transfer Point (AJ Lanigan) product.

When Dr researches a product, she really put the company through it's

paces, as she evidently did with Transfer Point. After all the scientific data

and evidence that they provided to her, she is convinced that it is superior to

all other Beta Glucan Products on the market. So, I talked to my Virginia doc

Hart, and we made the switch.

It just so happened that right around this period of time, we decided that I

should stop taking Chisolm's Immune Factor. ( Around 5 weeks from stopping that

product, my viruses started to reactivate which tells me that the Immune Factor

was definitely helping with the viral end of things). So, by the time I

switched to the Transfer Point Beta 1, 3D Glucan 500 mg 2xday, I was not taking

anything else that is under the umbrella of targeted immune or viral support.

Within 3 weeks of starting the TPoint, something incredible happened. Every

January or so, this cough/flu/bronchial thing starts going around and I am

always one of the first people to get it and the last person to get rid of it.

It would usually take me about 4-5 weeks to really shake off one of these

episodes. This year I got it around the end of January and not only did it not

hit as hard as it usually does BUT the miracle of it all was that I was able to

shake it off in only 10 days!!! That is nothing short of a complete miracle for

me and considering that I was not taking much of anything else specific to my

immune system, I have to acknowledge possible credit to the TPoint Beta Glucan

product. I am now more than 2 months into taking it and noticing all kind of

neat things like if I cut my self, it heals within days instead of weeks. Of

course the only true way of knowing if it is this product would be to stop

taking it, which I have no intention of doing. I am

about 5'10 " and weight around 130 lbs and based upon my weight, I can actually

take 3 caps a day which is what I am sure my doc will increase me to. It will

be interesting to see if an increase to 3 caps per day will garner even more


I can't wait to talk to my doc next week and see if he's ready to also put me

back on the Immune Factor to address all the herpes viruses including the EBV

and his suspicions of Lyme. It will be interesting to see what the combination

of both Chisolm's Immune Factor in combination with this TPoint Beta Glucan

actually does for my symptoms.

So, stay tuned... BTW, please note that I have no interested in Chisolm,

Transfer Point or any other supplement company or product. Simply my




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