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Re: [experience] ImmunoPro plus green clay - the GSH detox pathway revisited

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This is very interesting - especially wrt to your status re. amalgams. Did you

suffer similar

problems to mine with raising the whey dose? Did you start on a similarly

miniscule dose?

I've had awful problems with chlorella and I now suspect it's as much because it

is less 'clean'

in its adsorption of metals as because of an allergy per se. I read, recently,

about combining

it with digestive enzymes; I wonder if doing that with a well-timed clay dose

might work for

me in future.

The breakthrough, for me, has been that I've been so accustomed to trying one

thing at a

time and stopping if there are problems, that I never considered combinations

with things I'd

previously found benign. Now that the blinkers are off I realise that there's

actually daylight

out there ;-D

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How did you guys raise your glutathione? I don't seem to tolerate b12

that well and have to do mini doses of lots of supps, chlorella and

n-ac are awful for me, will not use them. Reading cutler's stuff

explains why to me given my detox issues.

A, don't you think that using chlorella etc with still having

amalagams could bounce the mercury around and make you feel worse or

be dangerous?

Did you have some emergent thing happen while at the dentist? I am

curious how they responded and how you got through it.

Some cfids experts say that chelating before or after amalagams too

risky given detox limitations....I am not sure what I will do at this


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I can't answer for CS, but my theory is that once I can tolerate full doses of


(glutathione), it will take care of my amalgam leakages if/when I move on to

chlorella, etc.

I don't think I'd be tempted to try chlorella again on its own; my previous

experience of it

was horrible.

I, too, tolerate very few supps - but I do use transdermal B12 (and magnesium


plus some internal mag ch.). Bypassing the GI tract, the transdermal method

avoids most

of the usual problems, I find. NAC is awful for me too - worse than ImmunoPro

was before

the green clay revelation.

But yes, I haven't actually 'raised' (past tense) my glutathione yet; I just

have confidence

that, with clay, I have the possibility of doing so. I think the key is to

listen very carefully

to your body - especially the spaced out, malaise feelings (as opposed to


grumbles) and pull back or reduce at the first sign of any trouble. There seem

to be many

differing views about chelating with amalgams; my take on it is that I have to

get out of

this 'Catch 22' situation somehow - and gluathione seems like the safest way.

I'm particularly sensitive to synthetic phenols - as I told the dentist in

question. It was a

long treatment, during which she checked most things with me - but dinnertime


one evening and she suddenly thrust a lump of pure phenol into a cavity without


The truth sunk in when I got home. My reactions, to that point - always delayed

by several

hours after exposure - had been painful and boring but not life-threatening, so

I thought

I'd ride it out. The anaphylactic shock happened 20 hours later, whereupon a

doctor gave

me steroids, despite my husband's insistence that I am equally allergic to them.

I had a

secondary reaction and long-term effects from that too. Things finally calmed

down when

the dentist removed the offending temporary filling, but the level of future

reactions was

set from that point. My faith in medics no longer amounts to much!

All the best,


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yea I would agree those are all key players

for me the trick if figuring out the right combination and amount...no

small feat!!


> I had an extreme reaction to Whey Protein, so initially i only took

a tiny amount daily.

> I then built up to adequate scoops.

> I didnt go anywhere near chelating heavy metals until?I raised

Glutathione levels.


> I am NOW?at a point know where I am 100 % confident I will be better


> My journey has taken a twist and I have discovered?MY missing Key to

getting better.

> Simply put after all the detoxing I needed to get my LYMPHATICS

working again,



> What i did:


> 1)Glutathione/Heavy metals/Liver

flush/Pathogens/Methylation/Fibrin/Gut health

> 2)Lymphatics Massage/Deep Breathing/Rebounding/cardio/sauna

> 3)Fatty acids/Minerals/Mitochondria?




> Regards

> CS


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