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Mold Kills San Diego Family Dog

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Mold Kills San Diego Family Dog

San Diego, CA 92108 May 15, 2005


Action=ReleaseDetail & ID=9041

Mold, Fire, Flood, & Other Topics: Homeowners Insurance Explained

Bubba, an ancient Golden Lab with hip displacea beloved by everyone

in a quiet cul-de-sac located in the heart of America's Finest City,

died today of complications from mold exposure, said Corn,

Bubba's long-time companion and native Sandiegan.

" Bubba knew everybody, " said a distraught Mr. Corn as tears welled

up in his eyes. " He always went up to neighbors as they drove up

onto their driveways after a long day's work, even though his hips

were failing. " Mr. Corn said that the condition was so painful for

Bubba, that at times the pooch moaned in agony, but it never gave up

what it had come to see as its duty to welcome everyone in the

neighborhood with a smile and tail-wagging, even if it was difficult.

But early this morning, when Bubba did not appear at its beloved

companion's bedside to wake him up, as was his practice, Mr. Corn

sensed trouble. " I immediately knew something was up when Bubba

wasn't there by my bedside. " Instead, he found Bubba quietly nestled

on its favorite blanket, in the same position he left him the

evening before when it was time to say goodnight.

" The vet told me Bubba's system was poisoned by mold, a result of a

water pipe that bursted in my kitchen three months ago. I filed a

homeowners claim and I thought that it had all been taken care of,

but that's obviously not the case. "

When asked if he is worried for his own health now, Mr. Corn

replied, " Sure I am. But I gotta bury my best friend first. "

Anyone interested in cheering up Mr. Corn can write to: J.

Corn, P.O.Box 880601, San Diego, CA 92168.

R.A. ez is author of the book entitled, " Mold, Fire, Flood, &

Other Topics: Homeowners Insurance Explained, " available at


ez (ralph@...)


Mission Claims

P O Box 880601

San Diego, CA 92168

Phone : 619-282-0988 x11

Fax : 619-282-0959

Mission Claims

Journalists - Click here for a Review Copy of " Mold, Fire, Flood, &

Other Topics: Homeowners Insurance Explained "

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Explained "

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