Guest guest Posted June 22, 2005 Report Share Posted June 22, 2005 Author: R. Haney ( Date: 06-21-05 07:09 ALL: A while ago Betty lost her husband to what she understands was his prolonged and high-level exposures to pathogenic micro fungi. In understanding her frustration with the legal system, I decided to comment on her post and offer the following as a result of her anguish. I though this might be excellent information for everyone. Remember, human life is far more important to the American way than anything else... we need to return to that code of ethics. My response is as follows: Betty: I wish you would have known about me during your unfortunate ordeal. I am not an attorney nor a medical doctor, but I am an expert environmental health researcher who explains the biochemical process that micro fungi as decomposers use in subtly integrating with human cellular functions to influence serious human diseases (e.g., cancer, lung disease and others) that can eventually lead to death. I recently heard the quote, \ " It\'s not bragging if you can back it up!\ " Ask attorney A. Bonner of Sausalito if I am able to back up what I am saying... his office number is (415) 331-3070. Go to Google and type in \ " Mark Tatum Mucormycosis\ " and tell me if breathing in micro fungi is not a deadly venture! I am totally insensed by anyone; insurance company representative or scientist who truly believes that inhalation of pathogenic micro fungi is not a serious health situation! I have asked anyone in the country who wants to debate me on the subject for several years now, and not one of the cowards have attempted to do so on any national Talk program. Many people, including Opra to Montel have been contacted by several of the experts to wage this vital informational debate, and they are all absolute cowards in my book for failing to act. This makes me both angry and disappointed in what we are witnessing in a country that claims to \ " love thy fellow man.\ " What a joke! This doesn\'t stop with talk shows. People from GlobalTox and Ron Gots, M.D. (of a " Dateline NBC " investigation involving a State Farm Insurance lawsuit titled " Paper Chase " and a judge's " scathing opinion " in that case calling the company that Dr. Gots founded and operated as Medical Claims Review Services in Bethesda, MD, a " completely bogus operation " ), earn a living by pointing out in litigation and in their written medical reports that micro fungi exposures are not necessarily dangerous to human health. I have yet to have any one of them attempt to call me in for a live national debate. GlobalTox has had a relationship to the CDC, the Manhattan Report, and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine report and has testified as such in court. And, GlobalTox is now in a litigation effort against a friend of mine Sharon K (who is known to post on If I am saying anything that is untrue or inaccurate, please, I invite you debate it on a national talk show! This is not because I really care at all to go on national television, but only because I want all of this really brought out in front of the American public so that they too can see what propaganda is being waged, and expose it for what it is, garbage! I also feel that it is the safest avenue for me personally. I would have really appreciated a chance to help you, esp., due to the unfortunate happenstance of your late husband\'s death. This is a true American tragedy and my heart goes out to you. Something about your proposed settlement bothers me. You say, \ " Then tell how mad the judge is going to be if you don\'t settle. Using the judges name to strike fear in the plantiffs hearts...who knows if they are buds?\ " Is that what you were specifically told, and if so, by whom, your attorney or the defense attorney? Isn\'t that \ " coercion\ " ? If so, there may perhaps be a real legal breach that you might want to explore with an attorney who specializes in " legal malpractice. " I am not an attorney, so I cannot advise you on anything, but I certainly can tell you that something is not right, if what you are stating is true. It has been my personal experience that this type of thing does happen, and if judges truly are upset that a particular case doesn't settle and makes it into the courtroom in front of a jury, he or she shouldn't be practicing law. Judges can get as angry as they want, but if their anger should impede justice for American citizens seeking it, why should Americans support any type of system of justice? Isn't this the process that is suppose to hold our Constitution, individual rights, and prevention of lawlessness in check? \ " Coercion is the practice of compelling a person to act by employing threat of force. Often, it involves the use of actual force in order to make the threat credible, but it is the threat of (further) force which brings about the cooperation of the person being coerced. The term usually has a pejorative connotation, implying that such threat or force is unethical.\ " (Wikipedia Encyclopedia) The real question in court or in public that should be asked, based on the prevailing science that is available, is were is the research that states that micro fungi/mycotoxin exposures " do not " cause serious human diseases. From what I have observed in tobacco product use, alcoholism, and hospital epidemiological studies into nosocomial (hospital caused/related) diseases/deaths, and many other forms of study that they most certainly do! This is also true for " green composting " , farming, and other forms of respiratory contact with micro fungi/mycotoxins. Where is all of the reverse research that such exposures are not dangerous to human biological systems? Micro fungi are very famous for one specialty in their ecological niche- they are " primary " decomposers! If you should see a person dying of lung cancer as the cancer is " rotting " away their lungs, as a scientist or medical doctor, are you going to tell us that that is not micro fungi at work as primary decomposers in a state of pathogenic decomposition? Likewise, when a person has died, why do morticians attempt to preserve the body? Like they say on " 20/20 " please, " Give me a break! " I have another question. Why is it that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger ® can call a special election in November 2005 that will cost the California taxpayer more than an estimated $80,000,000 while the California mold bills Senate Bill 732 and Assembly Bill 284 that involve " vital " human health and safety issues continue to sit un-funded and dormant. The problem with this is that they were already signed by Governor (D) nearly three years ago while California governmental officials continued to state that " the California budget problems were preventing their funding). Meanwhile people are continuing to get severely ill and dying while the mechanisms that would insure their proper health care go in search of funding for something that is already law. One last question I have for today is found in a California Research Bureau, California State Library report titled: " Molds, Toxic Molds, and Indoor Air Quality " (2001) prepared at the request of Assembly Member Alan Lowenthal by Ms. Pamela J. . In this document Ms. states, " Why are molds not on the Proposition 65 list of chemical contaminants? " The answer Ms. presents is that, " Proposition 65 requires that the Governor publish a list of chemicals that are known to the State of California to cause birth defects, reproductive harm, or cancer. Given that toxic molds are not classified as chemicals, they do not currently qualify for inclusion for the list. " (Page 10, Para. 2) The list to which Ms. refers is officially titled as the " State of California Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. " (Found at: tml ) At face value, I totally agree with Ms. ' statement micro fungi are not in and of themselves considered chemicals, but rather living cellular species with cellular characteristics and structurally very similar to their human counterparts (unlike bacteria and viruses), in that they are eukaryotic cells. However Ms. ' statement is totally error at second glance. Micro fungi produce chemicals with very dangerous odors that are listed on the Prop 65, Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. At least 9 mycotoxins produced by several of the more pathogenic micro fungi species are on the current listing. In all fairness to Ms. , and I know her personally, a great deal of hard labor and research went into her report. However, an error is an error and California government is responsible to its citizens to respond to the law. This is not the same for the California Attorney General's Office. In speaking to a high ranking assistant to the Attorney last year, I was told that County Code Enforcement Officers are not regulated under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. The general rule of thumb for most Code Enforcement agencies is that, " If it is not observable it is un-reportable! " Excuse me? The California Attorney General's Office can completely eliminate Federal chemical regulations and then grant county employees immunity from State regulations? Something is not right? Number one, the mycotoxins listed are chemicals not microbes, and further more chemicals cannot be seen by the naked eye. Therefore they have to be investigated in an environment to be found with certainty. It definitely is a job of County Code Enforcement agencies to investigate and protect the health and safety of citizens. Also, the plaques that indicate chemicals according to Prop 65 are used in an environment and are known to cause cancer and birth defects do not adequately warn the public of which chemicals they are being exposed to. This is totally inadequate. We really need the laws of SB-732 and AB-284, and NOW! It is really intriguing that one mycotoxin secondary chemical, " oxalic acid " produced by many pathogenic micro fungi species is not on the listing! This is peculiar because oxalic acid (though not produced by the human body but organically metabolized by it) is a very dangerous mycotoxin, produced by many micro fungi. Interestingly though, oxalic acid, used to create cleaning and bleaching products is industrially produced in very large quantities from the species dangerous micro fungi species Aspergillus niger. Oxalic acid is strongly and directly correlated with breast cancer and lung cancer! How? Oxalic acid integrates with calcium to form oxylate crystals- the same oxylate crystals medical doctors are observing for in lung and breast cancer diagnosis. Also interesting is that California is one state that is vested in the production of large amounts of cleaning and bleaching chemicals. Could there be a reason that oxalic acid is not listed? After all, its merits have been known since at least the mid-1950s. Interestingly enough, the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational and Safety Administration states the following about oxalic acid, " Oxalic acid is a hazardous chemical because it is a strong acid and a precipitant of blood calcium. Prolonged skin exposure can cause dermatitis and contact with the dust or vapor severely irritates the eyes and respiratory tract. Severe exposure or ingestion causes such symptoms as vomiting, coughing, pain, and even death. " (Found at ) It is time for all of this nonsense relating to health and safety for environmental contact and inhalation to move into a more important process than that of litigation. It is time for research to focus on the health and safety of people first and foremost, and unfortunately governments have to recognize the problem as a " critical " issue and find low cost medical assistance and treatment processes to make environments safe and accessible. It is time to also, stop shoving everything under the carpet so to speak, and be honest with the American public. Together we can use American intellect to improve our prevention tactics and provide for healthier environments. Betty, we are grieving with you and we are going to do something about it as people start to listen. God Bless you and your continuing quest for improved health. R. Haney EnviroHealth Research & Consulting, Inc. E-mail Address: _Haney52@... Website: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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