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Re: Does anyone know an Enviromental Physician in the Indy area

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Dan and Carmela, interstitial lung disease can be from mold. It is

fungal in origin. Farmers get it from diseased crops. Birdkeepers get

it from diseased bird droppings. He can have a lung biopsy done to

determine what type of fungus he has. There are also very specialized

blood tests by certain labs that can be done to determine the problem.


TOXIC MOLD SURVEY: www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


DC> Hi all,

DC> We have a friend that has been ill for over 11 months now. I spoke with

him yesterday, and for the second time I talked about mold as a possible

problem. All the doctors he has seen have

DC> not been able to figure out what is wrong, they have sought everything from

Pneumonia to who knows what. When I told him they probably gave him

antibacterials or steroids, which can make the

DC> problem worse, he said they gave him a steroid pump, and he quit using it

after two days because he couldn't breathe. He also has mold in his work place.

Now he is going to see a lung

DC> specialist, and I'm afraid they will just diagnose him with something like

institiated lung disease or something, and not isolate the real problem. I'm

about 90% sure he has a mold issue, and I

DC> told him he needs to find a mold specialist to either rule it out

definitively, or to find it and treat it properly. Please help, our local

hospital can't diagnose apendicitis, (sad but true,

DC> but that is another story), their original diagnosis of him was a heart

attack, when they ruled that out, they went with Pneumonia, now they just don't

know what is wrong with him. Sad, you don't

DC> have to pay a mechanic that can't fix your car, but these money-mongers

still want their pay when they admittedly don't know what is wrong.

DC> Does doctor Shoemaker do long distance disgnosis? Does he take new

clients? Is there someone in our area that anyone here may be aware of that my

friend can see? He is so sick and tired of

DC> being sick and tired.

DC> Some of his symptoms are, insomnia, labored breathing, (sometimes

extreme), neurological problems, headaches, etc.

DC> Please anyone, we are so concerned about our friend if he doesn't get

help soon,

DC> Dan & Carmella Dunkin

DC> The Gourd Reserve


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Have your friend get a copy of Dr. Shoemaker's " Mold Warriors " -

www.moldwarriors.com <http://www.moldwarriors.com/> (or purchase one for

him as a gift). In this book there is a " Biotoxin Lab Order Sheet " in the

appendix which Dr. Shoe says you can take to any doctor or lab to get done.

The lab order sheet has all of the markers for determining mold

susceptibility and illness. Dr. Shoe will also interpret the results if the

doctor is not sure, but the book does give different levels to look for.

Your friend can also take the VCS test online (for a small fee) at

www.chonicneurotoxins.com <http://www.chonicneurotoxins.com/> which is

designed to determine if exposure is caused by bio-neurotoxins.

Dr. Shoe does take new patients. You have to call and they will send out a

new patient packet of a bunch of forms you have to fill out - I just got


Good luck. He's lucky to have concerned friends like you!


[] Does anyone know an Enviromental Physician in the

Indy area

Does doctor Shoemaker do long distance disgnosis? Does he take new

clients? Is there someone in our area that anyone here may be aware of that

my friend can see? He is so sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Dan & Carmella Dunkin

The Gourd Reserve

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The first doctor that I saw at Tarrant Co. Infectious Disease told that Mold

can't hurt you. Without looking at my Cat Scan pictures, he diagnosed me with

Histoplasmosis. Which is a disease caused by bird droppings or bats. He stated I

most likely got while I lived in Tenn. I have not been around either bats or

birds. The second time I saw him, he read my test results on my lab work and

found my Immune System dropped to 307, as he called it " frighteningly low " . He

then told me he could be wrong, he was not God and did not know everything.(

Gee...you think?) Since after my third treatment of IVIG at 30 grams per

treatment, they did another blood test to see if I was responding. " Nope " One

level that was 307 only came up a little bit and 3 other areas dropped. I have

now taken 2 more treatments at 42 grams of Immugammogoblin (sp) and not much

change. I am still losing weight and my abdomen area hurts all the time. I have

headaches 24/7, hair loss, memory loss and a lot of other

unpleasant systems.( don't know what happened to my 140 IQ) I cannot stand for

long or sit up for long. I have worked in Law Enforcement for 32 years and could

normally take down a 310 lb. man but now, I cannot fight a butterfly.( I did

take a break from Law Enforcement for awhile as Stage Manager of the OKC

Symphony) My heart goes out to everyone who has the same problems...I know I am

not alone in this. I am going to fight this to the TOP! What really makes me

angry is the treatment of some people who call themselves " Doctors " and have no

idea what the hell to do! Even " if " I had Histoplasmosis before I was exposed to

the Stachybotrys, it does not cause the Immune System to crash. This one doctor

at TCID said I got the Histoplasmosis while I lived in Tenn. I have not lived

there since 1973. If anyone else is having the same diagnosis let me know. The

Cat Scan showed Granulomatous all throughout my body. In 1996 my lungs did not

look like this. Of course having MS and being exposed

to Stachybotrys was not a good thing. ( Now I sound like Martha ) :->

Good Luck to everyone and lets get some action for help! I'll be the first in

line. I now have ZERO INCOME. Will be applying for Food Stamps on Monday. What

happened to my Independence? This really sucks!



Patilla DaHun <glypella@...> wrote:

Dan and Carmela, interstitial lung disease can be from mold. It is

fungal in origin. Farmers get it from diseased crops. Birdkeepers get

it from diseased bird droppings. He can have a lung biopsy done to

determine what type of fungus he has. There are also very specialized

blood tests by certain labs that can be done to determine the problem.


TOXIC MOLD SURVEY: www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


DC> Hi all,

DC> We have a friend that has been ill for over 11 months now. I spoke with

him yesterday, and for the second time I talked about mold as a possible

problem. All the doctors he has seen have

DC> not been able to figure out what is wrong, they have sought everything from

Pneumonia to who knows what. When I told him they probably gave him

antibacterials or steroids, which can make the

DC> problem worse, he said they gave him a steroid pump, and he quit using it

after two days because he couldn't breathe. He also has mold in his work place.

Now he is going to see a lung

DC> specialist, and I'm afraid they will just diagnose him with something like

institiated lung disease or something, and not isolate the real problem. I'm

about 90% sure he has a mold issue, and I

DC> told him he needs to find a mold specialist to either rule it out

definitively, or to find it and treat it properly. Please help, our local

hospital can't diagnose apendicitis, (sad but true,

DC> but that is another story), their original diagnosis of him was a heart

attack, when they ruled that out, they went with Pneumonia, now they just don't

know what is wrong with him. Sad, you don't

DC> have to pay a mechanic that can't fix your car, but these money-mongers

still want their pay when they admittedly don't know what is wrong.

DC> Does doctor Shoemaker do long distance disgnosis? Does he take new

clients? Is there someone in our area that anyone here may be aware of that my

friend can see? He is so sick and tired of

DC> being sick and tired.

DC> Some of his symptoms are, insomnia, labored breathing, (sometimes

extreme), neurological problems, headaches, etc.

DC> Please anyone, we are so concerned about our friend if he doesn't get

help soon,

DC> Dan & Carmella Dunkin

DC> The Gourd Reserve


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