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Now is the time! Your future & the future of your children

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Sharon & Members,

Sharon, I can't thank you enough for all the hard work and research

that you have spent your personal time on, especially trying to

enlighten the rest of us.

We can continue to complain about our condition(s) or we can

actually do something about it and FINALLY join together to take

down the major players out there, that are behind the continuous

release of fraudulent information. All for personal gain. This is

not just an attack on Sharon, this is a suit against every single

one of us and the end results will affect everyone in the country.

We all need to rally WITH you, not behind you. Not only the " common "

person, but ALL professionals dealing with this issue, ie: doctors,

researchers, lawyers, IAQA, etc to bring to light the serious health

effects that many of us have had to endure. These are not rare cases

people, and if they were they wouldn't be racking their little pea

brains to over shadow us. Look into the GlobalTox website and the

industry that backs them, along with the ACOEM and learn what they

are all about.

These are so-called " experts " that are distributing falsified

information that has been paid for by one of the top polical think

tanks. My questions is, these experts that sit in their ivory towers

deliberately misinforming our overworked general physicians that are

seeing the affects firsthand of mycotoxin poisoning on a daily

basis, how many patients has Kelman & Hardin seen? I know the answer

to that, ZERO, ZIP, NADA....... But yet they have all the answers.

The information that you have presented Sharon is well worth the

read and members PLEASE take the time to review this. You have to

realize that if the information that she has accumlated was not

accurate and damaging to them, she would not have been brought into

a FRIVOLOUS lawsuit. Why are they out to get a woman, mother of a

sick child and fellow mold victim, instead of going after the

professionals? Because they can't defend themselves against the

professionals. Nor can they defend themselves against the truth,

which they so kindly ignored or re-wrote to suit their needs.

This is only the beginning and there is already several other things

coming down the pike that I can not go into details just yet, but be

assured THEY are doing everything they can to prevent you from being

diagnosed and treated. They are capable of causing more hardship to

the American public by their actions, so you live in pain (amoung

other things) for the rest of your life. This is appalling that

something like this can happen in America, when we are supposedly

the leaders in technology and medicine.

This is beyond criminal, that our medical community are not more

aware of pathogenic microfungi diseases. Why weren't they taught

this and why aren't they being taught this, even today?

One big argument here in the US is the separation of church and

state, there should also be an argument about separation of medical

proven science and politics.

I'll never forget a conversation I had with the an epidemiologist at

the CDC once she realized what I was aware of. All she could say for

the next half hour was " I am so sorry " .

Sharon, if there is anything here that ALL of us can do besides

contacting our congressmen and demanding that they take action on

this issue, please let us know.

Most sincerely,


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In a message dated 7/16/2005 11:27:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,

tigerpaw2C@... writes:

Sharon, if there is anything here that ALL of us can do besides

contacting our congressmen and demanding that they take action on

this issue, please let us know.

Thank you, KC. What you can do to help me, is just keep bringing all the

misinformation over mold issue, to light. It would really be a benefit if some

of our IAQ professionals who are on the front lines everyday and see how

many sick people there are over this issue would speak out. Right now, most

times they don't warn families of the SERIOUS health threats families are


with. Why? Because the IAQ professionals are not medical doctors. And the

medical doctors who are running the game, say our illnesses do not exist. So

the IAQ pro, even though he KNOWS what's going on, can't speak out without the

risk of liability. These guys have more power than they think they do. If

THEY would make an organized, unified statement, it would help much.

Medical degree or not, they are the educated professionals on the front lines of

the mold issue. Their voices would be respected and heard.

Thanks again, KC. Really do appreciate all of you guys backing me up.


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