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A&WMA Joins EEF's Advisory Group on Indoor Air Quality

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A & WMA Joins EEF's Advisory Group on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Management Under EPA Contract Wed Jun 29,12:25 PM ET


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(PRWEB) - (PRWEB) June 29, 2005 -- A & WMA Joins EEF's - EPA Advisory

Group on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management

IAQ & Mold Tops the Lists of Issues

The Air & Waste Management Association (A & WMA) is announced today

its participation as a member of the Advisory Group convened by the

Environmental Education Foundation (EEF) under a contract from

the Environmental Protection Agency – U.S. EPA " s headquarters.

The purpose of the contract, according to Mudarri, Ph.D.,

Indoor Environments Division of the Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA), " [is to promote EPA " s indoor air quality guidance and

encourage its use as the basis for managing indoor environmental

quality risks. "

According to A. McGinley, Laboratory Director for St. Croix

Sensory of Lake Elmo, MN, A & WMA AB-7 Indoor Air Committee member and

that organization " s representative to the EEF Advisory Group, " The

Environmental Education Foundation's leadership role in indoor air

quality and recognition from the insurance and lending communities

for their water intrusion and mold management program, has now led

to their being awarded a contract by the EPA to expand their program

to include additional IAQ-related items. This expanded program

includes the use of the EPA " s IAQ Building Education and Assessment

Model (I-BEAM) software as an anchor for a total IAQ management

program. A & WMA has worked with the EEF and other industry partners

to refine, rework, and promote the new EEF program now containing

EPA's IAQ Guidelines to establish best IAQ practices and facilitate

implementation of those practices by stakeholders, including

insurance companies, financial institutions, and facilities, in

general. A & WMA has assisted with the process by being a resource for

environmental professionals on IAQ issues, document review, two-way

communication and industry/marketing outreach. "

" IAQ guidelines that the entire industry is behind are industry-

changing, " says EEF Executive Director Troy E. . " With our

program " s adoption by a myriad of industry partners, this is now the

standard for managing indoor air quality in commercial and

multifamily residential buildings. We are pleased at the

contributions and support A & WMA has given to this effort. "

continued, " A & WMA, via Mike McGinley, provided guidance and

recommendations on the full range of issues for environmental

professionals involved in indoor air quality. There were a few

small, struggling trade organizations that popped up over the last

few years to try to represent the IAQ professionals, but none fit

our criteria of a " tier 1 " partner like A & WMA and their 98 years of

providing service to environmental professionals. Additional work is

still yet to be done on refinement of the EPA " s I-BEAM software,

EPA " s draft IAQ Green Building Guidance, and the EEF " s Operations &

Maintenance Plan and Training Module. EEF is excited that the A & WMA

will continue to provide input and assistance in creating awareness

and credibility for EPA IAQ Guidelines and the EEF O & M Plan within

the environmental and IAQ professionals industries. "

" The A & WMA Indoor Air Committee recommends that all facilities have

an effective IAQ Operations and Maintenance plan in place, " said

McGinley " We strongly believe in fostering education and promoting

widespread adoption of IAQ best practices within the IAQ profession

and beyond, and look forward to continuing our work with the EEF to

further develop and disseminate practical guidelines and

implementation strategies. "

A & WMA joins a host of industry leaders on this advisory group. A

complete list of EEF partners and the scope of work for the project

is available from the EEF website at: http://www.enviro-

ed.org/Pages/EPA_letter.html & http://www.enviro-

ed.org/Pages/partner_listad.html .

About A & WMA

The core Purpose of A & WMA is to advance the environmental profession

by providing a neutral forum for knowledge exchange and networking.

ph: 412-232-3444

toll-free: 1-800-270-3444; fax: 412-232-3450; www.awma.org

About Environmental Educational Foundation

The EEF supports and develops programs that measure, mitigate or

eliminate these identified hazards. EEF is partners with many

government and non-governmental agencies and sits as Consultants to

the United Nations on Environmental, Health and Safety issues.


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Environmental Education Foundation



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