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Re: EEF Teams With EPA for Commercial Property Air Quality Co...

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EEF is an organization that was the subject of discussion on the IEQuality

board a few months back. Some over on that board were questioning exactly

what this organization was and what they did. If I remember correctly, it was

because Emma of EEFF was putting out press releases that were more like promos

for this business rather than the subject matter that the release was

supposed to be about. (Burying the lead). I know alot of people were asking

questions, myself included, but I don't believe anyone ever got any answers


EEF. They sound reputable, and I have no reason to believe they are not,

but... does anybody on this board know anything more about them? It was just

really weird.


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Indoor Environment Connections wrote an investigative article about

EEF in the May edition. For anyone interested, contact Steve Sauer,

Editor, at IECnews@....

Carl Grimes

Healthy Habitats LLC


> Hey,


> EEF is an organization that was the subject of discussion on the

> IEQuality board a few months back. Some over on that board were

> questioning exactly what this organization was and what they did. If

> I remember correctly, it was because Emma of EEFF was putting out

> press releases that were more like promos for this business rather

> than the subject matter that the release was supposed to be about.

> (Burying the lead). I know alot of people were asking questions,

> myself included, but I don't believe anyone ever got any answers from

> EEF. They sound reputable, and I have no reason to believe they are

> not, but... does anybody on this board know anything more about them?

> It was just really weird.


> Sharon




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I agree with your concerns. When this was brought up on the other

board. There seemed to be some questions left unanswered which

really got my interest. Who and what is the EEF all about and where

do they stand on this issue? By the information below I really don't

see to where they are addressing our best interest and that is

medical acknowledgement and the severity of many of the illnesses

that many of us suffer from.

I am going to insert some of my personal thoughts and concerns

regarding the EEF to where it may raise more questions in everyone

elses mind and possibly get some answers.

The Environmental Education Foundation (EEF) and the U.S.

> Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have teamed up to form a

> consensus on incorporating EPA's indoor air quality guidance

> information into EEF's mold & IAG management plan, training and

> membership.

...... I am not exactly sure what is taking place here, because there

aren't too many that aware of the EEF and how long they have been in

existance. The article says 20 years and their website says:


Formed in 1992 as a Minnesota non-profit corporation, EEF has, since

its formation, been engaged in the above mentioned mission statement.

...... They also mention of IAQ guidance information, mold and IAG

(?) management plan, training and membership. I thought this was

what the IAQ, IAQA, IESO and a couple others where all about? What

am I missing?

As part of this effort, EEF has created a coalition of major players

> in the construction, building design and property management

> industries to create a best practices in indoor air management.

> Representative from agencies such as the Building Owners &


> Association, Environmental Hazards Management Institute and HUD

> served on the coalition.

...... Aren't these the industries that caused the problems in the

first place? Now we are going to make them out to be the " good

guys " , by doing the right thing that they should have done years

ago. Yes, things are changing, better products are coming out as we

speak, BUT where is the accountablility? I don't see where our best

interests (victims) the ones that have been exposed and that are

suffering right now, to where they are being addressed. When is this

going to start happening? If we had been addressed sooner or the

overall issue, I'm sure there wouldn't be as much liability concerns

as there are today. Nor would there be as many sick people.

By creating air quality guidance that property and facility


> can follow, lenders and insurers can decrease their risk and

> exposure to personal injury or mold-related litigation, which has

> plagued the industry.

...... Oh boy, everybody cover their ass. Who is going to cover ours?

Why isn't the industry more concerned by those that have been

affected? Poor construction, insurance companies manipulating

coverage, (or should I say out and out lying?) Plague the industry??

Plague is right! The health of the population is what should be


" It's an operation and maintenance plan for commercial builders to

> limit their liability of indoor quality issues, " said Troy


> EEF's executive director. " Lenders and insurers now have a plan in

> place that property and facility managers would have to go through

> for approval. "

...... Good plan for the future, how about NOW? This is another non-

profit (for profit) organization? Someone else to stick it to the

little guy and protect big industry. Yeah, I can see where this is

going. Why don't you just ask us all to bend over. At least that

would be quicker. Everything is to protect big industry, what is out

there to protect the consumer? Don't they realize they themselves

are not immune from this type of disaster? Many are considered

as " nuts " . Does that mean everyone that are in public buildings and

private home with a much higher degree of education, such as the

lives that have been destroyed in county and federal courthouses,

police stations, fire stations, physicians offices, governor's

mansion And YES EVEN THE WHITE HOUSE, are also all labeled as

mere " crazies " . Hmmmmmm I've got to think about this one.

It's funny (not) how these non-profit organizations have donations

from big business, but the non-profits that are trying to be set up

to help the victims can't get off the ground because they can't get

funding. How sad is that. It just goes to show you where the real

truth lies. Or so they think. If this was really to help, as in

Jerry McQuire,' " SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!'





> >




> Hey,


> EEF is an organization that was the subject of discussion on the


> board a few months back. Some over on that board were questioning


> what this organization was and what they did. If I remember

correctly, it was

> because Emma of EEFF was putting out press releases that were more

like promos

> for this business rather than the subject matter that the release


> supposed to be about. (Burying the lead). I know alot of people

were asking

> questions, myself included, but I don't believe anyone ever got

any answers from

> EEF. They sound reputable, and I have no reason to believe they

are not,

> but... does anybody on this board know anything more about them?

It was just

> really weird.


> Sharon




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> ..... Aren't these the industries that caused the problems in the

> first place? Now we are going to make them out to be the " good

> guys " , by doing the right thing that they should have done years

> ago.

As a person who watched " CFS " grow from " a few dozen hysterical

complainers " into a worldwide phenomenon while doctors fought

patients and dealt with the epidemic by putting up an

insurmountable " white wall " of denialism and denigration, I always

wondered what it would be like when the objections and intransigence

of doctors were finally be swept away in an avalanche of reality.

Would these doctors feel any remorse? Will they ask themselves how

it was possible that they could have been so wrong?

What will they have to say for themselves?

Now that CFS has reached a point in which asserting that " CFS

doesn't exist " is an admission of extreme ignorance and stupidity, I

am seeing how these stalwart denialist doctors strive to reposition

themselves as " good guys " after all their years of denial and abuse.

They say " I was only being scientific and the evidence had not yet

been established " and amazingly enough, they are getting away with

this nonsense.

Not one twinge of regret for decades of telling seriously ill and

suffering patients that their complaints are " All In Your Heads " .

When I attempted to point out the injustice, I am told that I am

spiteful and vindictive and an evil person.

Not only that, but as for my assertion that the doctors had been

ignoring solid evidence the entire time they were mistreating

patients, the response was " If the doctors didn't reach the

conclusion that CFS was real based upon that evidence, then

OBVIOUSLY the evidence was not compelling enough, so you have no one

to blame but yourself " .

There it is, folks. You were treated like crap the whole time that

the doctors were wrong. And now that it turns out you were right,

it's still all your fault if you weren't pursuasive enough to get

the doctors to believe you.

And if you dare to say how you showed doctors incontrovertible

evidence that nobody but an idiot could fail to recognize,

why, then!, you are spiteful, vindictive, arrogant, bent on revenge,

and a thoroughly evil person.

So I just thought I'd give you a " heads up " on what to expect when

the very people who fought you all the way suddenly turn into " mold

experts " and " good guys " .

You still get to be wrong, and considered a troublemaker if you

dare to speak your outrage that the perpetrators of all this

injustice can so easily slither out of the the slightest bit of

culpability for their misdeeds.


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