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Though not yet having as rough a time as you, I thought I'd relate my

problems sensitizing to everything I eat. The symptoms I experience

are: gas, throat swelling, burning through

both exits, increased permeability and LPS translocation (evidenced by a

worsening of

ankylosing spodylitis), and compromised digestion resulting in weight

loss. A large part of the weight loss seems to be the result of a

decrease in stomach acid. My theory on this is the sensitization causes

an acidification of the intestines which the body then compensates for

by lowering gastric acid production.

I trace these problems back a couple years when I began sensitizing to

drugs and herbs, the result of which was a complete negation of the

intended therapeutic effect of the substance. For example, if I

sensitized to clonazepam I'd be able to take a dozen or so tablets

without any effect. Then last spring I started sensitizing to foods. I

was able to manage this well enough with a rotation diet up until a

couple months ago. In the last few weeks, though, I've been mostly

sensitizing on the first day of rotation, but the reaction is minimized

for now if I continue to rotate. I've even had to start rotating my

waters, which is something I've never even heard of, and baffling too as

I don't yet have a pronounced case of MCS. But rotating waters enabled

me to put back on another ten pounds. This might be worth a try for


For me the problem has progressed alongside my inability to

vasoconstrict and maintain blood pressure. This became apparent when

I'd consume garlic one day and sensitize to whatever I ate for the next

two. The same would follow if I took an epsom salt bath or had

caffeine. All of which stress the adrenal medulla. My cortisol has

been fine (tested a month ago), but my DHEA has been low or rock bottom

for years. I tested catecholamines about six months ago and they came

back within the normal range, which make sense, as I'm still able to

walk about. Yet I imagine norepinephrine, a vasoconstrictor, has

probably been high for sometime and now recently fallen into the normal

range. Unfortunately this doesn't keep my altered immunity in check. I

believe the catecholamines or possibly even DHEA play an important role

in controlling that tendency to sensitize to foods. Though take this

with a grain of salt as I'm hardly a scientist. Also, I wonder what the

role of corticosteroids is in this, I imagine there's some. Did the

hydrocortisone you were taking help at all with your sensitivities? Is

it possible you sensitized to the HC itself, thereby limiting its

effectiveness in the fashion I described above?

So what's the cause? People can live without their adrenal medullas if

in otherwise good health. So that alone does not explain the problem.

Cheney said in his 2009 lecture that it was P-450 malfunctioning under

low energy conditions that was to blame, but my experience inicates this

to not be the case; I sensitize to transdermal minerals and I.V. drips

too, which should rule out the P-450 explanation. Extreme TH2 dominance

might explain it, or even parasitic infection which is known to turn

people into " universal reactors " . Just some ideas. I'd be interested to learn

what your symptoms are.

Let's hope we figure this out.


From: csharpham@...

Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2011 09:09:15 +0000

Subject: Re: In hospital, worst ever been.

Hi all.

Thanks.. I haven't heard of tenofovir.. though I know I likely have some

sort of persistent viral illness. I WISH I could tolerate glutathione.

Makes me tremendously sick in every form. One reason Im so sick right

now is it feels like my entire detox system has just bottomed out, as I

feel I can't detoxify anything, including food byproducts etc. Hence

only feeling well on water alone. Allergies, especially chemical

sensitivities etc have gotten severely worse, can't tolerate almost

anything in the world.

Actually, the only thing 'saving my life' I feel right now is Sam-e

& DMG. I have always gotten great responses from these in the past,

but they cause huge headaches if I do them every day. Hence only usually

did them about twice a week. Now though, I'm so very toxic and non

functional, that if I dont have a tiny bit of either one every day, my

body really feels shut down & unable to function at all. Ive had to

play with doses in hospital and just take tiny bits of the tablets. It

gives me a few 'windows of relief' at least. The windows are still far

from anything normal, but at least they help the severe systemic pain,

brain function and nervous system pain flare ups etc for a while.

Thanks Rich, I wish they would have given me TPN. They won't though

because even though I'm losing weight, its slow because Im still eating,

even if it isn't enough and makes me tremendously sick. Anyway If I get

down too low a weight (which I suspect I might), they would first give a

nasogastric tube with that other nutrition in it. Even though thats

easier than solid food and would help weight gain, it wouldn't help the

situation of my health. I've read about those CFSer's that got TPN and

health turned around in a week. I put it to the docs but they say thats

'too drastic' and wouldn't do it. Shame because I feel it could save my

life and heal my gut a lot in a week. Well in theory anyway.

Unfortunately my path seems similar to Sophia Mirtaza (from youtube, who

died). She was my age, and even though she went through different

mainstream medical 'torture', it seems similar, as her mother said

eventually she became intolerant to all foods. That's when she went

right downhill & died. I hope I find a way around this but I'm

rather alone and not tolerating most foods, so it's very scary, and I

have no answers.

Not sure if anyone knows why i'd have such severe food reactions. Ive

never heard of anyone with CFS (except sofia) having SUCH bad reactions

as I'm having without *something* else being wrong. Not sure if leaky

gut alone could have such a tremendous effect as this.

I think if I could somehow tolerate glutathione or other detox

treatments I'd have a better chance, seeing as how Im 'haning in there'

with Sam-e & DMG. Must be because of the Methylation and detox

effect of them. I still cant do too much or my brain feels 'swollen' and

body is weak in a different way (feels 'overdone'). So delicate a

balance, very frustrating, as with everything at the moment.

Sorry my posts are few & far between, I find it very hard to get to

emails and groups, because my brain is so bad I can hardly use it in a

day. Can barely use the comp compared to before as its mostly stuck,

groggy and tingling with nerve pain. :/

Going back to a 'rehab' hospital tommorrow, been home for the Christmas

weekend. Was nice to be with people but I couldnt participate in any of

the celebrations or food, not the Christmas I had planned. This rehab

hosp isnt familiar with CFS, so I'm likely up for a battle

unfortunatley. I have some good documents on CFS and excercise to give

them, and really hoping they will take it in and not just try to force

me to do things at the wrong time, or too excessively, because that

causes SEVERE pem crashes at the moment and ruins me.

One more thing, does anyone have any suggestions for pain? They breifly

mentioned Oxycontin but didnt end up giving it. Dont know how I'd

tolerate it anyway as I can barely tolerate any drugs, but am in SUCH

incredible pain systemically most of the time.

Thanks guys, love to you all.


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