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Re: Re: anti-virals valacyclovir

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Your doctor lied or is a moron. Acyclovir and valacyclovir are not the same

thing with a different choosing. They are two different, but similar drugs.

Acyclovir has a poor bioavailability, so they combined it with valine to

create valacyclovir, which has better bioavailability.

Some of the generic valacyclovir is coated and some isn't. People tend to

do better on Mylan, Ranbaxy, and Greenstone, but EVERYONE that I've talked

to has done HORRIBLY on Roxane.

Steve M in PA

On Mar 11, 2012 6:30 PM, " Joy " <joyhealth08@...> wrote:

Hi Marti-

I had another consult with Dr Dantini this week and got a rx for Valtrex.

Now I will go to my pharmacy & work out details of generics & costs etc.

Just wanted to relay that the doc told me that acyclovir & valacyclovir

were the same except that valacyclovir is coated. Didn't elaborate, just

found that interesting. He wanted me to try acyclovir again at a lower

dosage just to see how I respond. He said the side-effects are stomach

upset, headaches & dizziness. So far its making me pretty nauseous even

when taken with Zantac. Thank you for all your info - will certainly help



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I used to, but not anymore, sorry. You may be able to find what you're

looking for with some Googling. Did you check the full prescribing

information for any of the generic valacyclovir?

Steve M in PA

On Mar 11, 2012 9:02 PM, " marti_zavala " <marti_zavala@...> wrote:

Hi Steve,

Do you know of anyone who is replicating valacyclovir by taking valine with


I have tried to play with this to see what the dose of valine is needed but

I am wondering if it is in the breakdown of the two that makes a difference

in bioavailability. I have too chicken to really test this out long term.

I have pored over the GSK valtrex.pdf to find the amount of valine

incorporated but have not discovered it. I initially tried 500mg then

1000mg valine with 500 mg acyclovir then 800mg acyclovir...


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I tested positive for the same viruses as you in 2003 (plus a few more)

and took Valtrex 1 gm three times daily with Zantac one hour before to

buffer my stomach. There was no generic back then and I was grateful for

insurance since it would have been $600/month. I took this dose for over

a year with no problems. I also did a food allergy rotation diet, really

watched what I ate (lost weight, good thing for me). It took six months

to clean out my system, but I remember getting so much more done and

feeling so much better the seventh month!!! I was treated with Valtrex

for ALL the six viruses I tested positive for, at the same time with

Valtrex. I also felt my body was very actively showing symptoms from

viruses that were " past " infections, because I had constant sore

throats, swollen glands, lack of energy, felt like I had the flu all the

time, etc. Hang in there, it takes time to get over what has made you

sick all these years. Now I don't get sick as much, have more energy if

I watch what I eat, and if I have swollen glands under my throat (where

mine show up) I take valcyclovir 500 mg twice daily for 2-3 days and it

goes away. I also take l-lysine daily (1500 mg twice daily) and notice

if I forget, so it really helps keep the viral load in check more


in La Selva Beach CA

On 3/13/2012 2:22 PM, yoganandaom wrote:


> Hi Marti,


> Thank you so much for answering my questions.


> Do you treat one virus at a time with anti-virals and then go to the

> next one or all at once.


> Do viruses mutate and get around the antivirals like bacteria get

> around antibiotics?


> I tested above normal antibody levels for EBV, HHV6 and Parvo 19, The

> lab says this means past infections but I feel that whatever has been

> causing ME.CFS in my body is some kind of infection either these or

> something else.


> Right now i am doing a few protocols to hopefully help my immune

> system be able to suppress the viruses and keep them from causing

> symptoms. It seems to be working!


> Best wishes for your health and well being.


> Peace, Love and Harmony,

> Bev



> >

> > Hi Bev,

> > I started with acyclovir 800mg per day in two divided doses around

> 2005. I was prescribed this for high EBV and HSV I levels.

> >

> > I am planning on staying on them until I can see an ME/CFIDS

> specialist who will test me for remaining possible pathogens and

> oversee my treatment. I am hoping that will be sometime next year, I

> will have enough money saved to do this.

> >

> > It depends on what dose I have been on and for how long that

> determines when symptoms come back - but they always do.

> >

> > If I have been on the shingles dose - 1 gm Valtrex three times per

> day for a week then it may be 3 weeks before symptoms return. At 500mg

> valacyclovir or around 1000mg acyclovir, the symptoms return in about

> a week and a half.

> >

> > It is not good for your liver to be on high doses of valacyclovir or

> long term treatment but I do not feel that I have a choice. My liver

> enzymes are monitored (not as regularly now).

> >

> > Thankfully, I have never developed a tolerance.

> >

> > Once I have other treatments in place so that I don't reactivate the

> viruses or my body can keep them suppressed, I would be willing to get

> off. At this point, I don't plan on getting off as I would be totally

> non-functional.

> >

> > Let me know if you have additional questions,

> > Marti

> >

> >


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I concur. I have managed all my bugs- be they viral, bacterial or parasitic with

homeopathic remedies and/or herbal remedies.  Some are mixed specifically for

me by my homeopath and some are pre-mixed like Jernigan's or Byron White (which

is very potent, so go easy).


From: cbwillis9 <cbwillis9@...>

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:06 PM

Subject: Re: anti-virals valacyclovir


Classical homeopathy is another way to deal with viruses

that does not involve suppression, and costs pennies per

treatment round. I like the elegance of this approach.

Carol W.


Articles in Files.

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Actually, not true for me. I have had very strong reactions to strict

homeopathics as well. If you're sensitive, you'll be sensitive to detox for

instance, and if the homeopathic encourages detox, for instance, you could have

an issue. It all depends on what the homeopathic is doing. 


From: cbwillis9 <cbwillis9@...>

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:56 PM

Subject: Re: anti-virals valacyclovir


Kaimowitz <nanjkay@...> wrote:


> I concur. I have managed all my bugs- be they viral,

> bacterial or parasitic with homeopathic remedies

> and/or herbal remedies.

> Some are mixed specifically for me by my

> homeopath and some are pre-mixed like Jernigan's or

> Byron White (which is very potent, so go easy).



Just a note that *classical* homeopathy does not use

combination remedies, and uses the lowest effective

potency (does not use potencies too strong for the vital

force of the patient, and does not require an " aggravation "

for healing), so should not run into the

" very potent, so go easy " problem.

[Ref: for more info, see my article " homeohow " at url below/end.]

Carol W.


Articles in Files.

> > Classical homeopathy is another way to deal with viruses

> > that does not involve suppression, and costs pennies per

> > treatment round. I like the elegance of this approach.

> >

> > Carol W.

> > willis_protocols

> > Articles in Files.

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