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MA. Mold problem mushrooming out of control

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Letter: Mold problem mushrooming out of control

Friday, July 29, 2005

Harvard Post - Harvard,MA


To the Editor:

The members of the Harvard Board of Health, School Committee

and Board of Selectmen are dedicated and well-meaning citizens

serving our town. It is puzzling and disappointing that they have

been unable to work out a reasonable and collaborative approach to

resolving concerns about carpet mold levels in the kindergarten wing

classrooms. The mold issue is chronic and should be handled through

thoughtful long-term planning. It should not be turned into an

emergency situation causing unnecessary hardship for our children

and escalated expenses for the town.

Therefore, we request that our representatives promptly select

a mediator to assist in working out an acceptable plan that will be

supported by the three town committees. The process should begin

immediately and, failing an amicable resolution, binding arbitration

of the issue (not more costly and time consuming litigation) should

be our last resort. If carpets are to be removed, this should be

done when classes are not in session so as to minimize taxpayer

expense and disruption of education. From a very concerned mother

and her fungi,

Janice and Kennedy

Myrick Lane

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