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Post # 19

Posted by D on 7/11/05

Ditto...except for the mold is in the Bible...that is the mold victims'

ultimate proof that it was considered harmful even then....not a

defense arguement.


On 7/11/05, JD wrote:

> Saint Sharon-


> You are truly amazing, tenacious and brave! You inspire me more

every day!

> Keep the posts coming in-- Have you contacted any newspapers, like

the NY

> Times, or LA Times, to do a story on you and your family? I have a

feeling this

> will probably happen soon enough, perhaps after the trial? I've seen

you in

> several articles, you're certainly due for a new one! The publicity

of your case

> is sooooo great for this cause; just talked to an insurance broker


> admitted that their " House of Cards " is falling fast! The defenses'


> opening statements: " Mold is ubiquitous " and " It's in the Bible...on

Earth since

> the beginning of time " ...routine is finally catching up with the,

born to bill,

> attorneys and their despicable rent-a-docs!


> And, finally, the truth shall be self-evident....


> JD

Post # 20

Post: CWCI Wants No Other Guidelines Before ACOEM

Posted by Serena on 7/11/05

An insurance industry group is urging the California

Division of Workers' Compensation to change draft medical

utilization review regulations to make sure that any

treatment guidelines other than those written by the

American College of Occupational and Environmental

Medicine " measure up to the standard of scientific

reliability. "



Given that GlobalTox (provider of professional defense

expert witnesses) managed to get the ACOEM to publish their

biased report claiming that indoor mold can't do to people

what it's done to so many of us, why am I not surprised

that the insurance industry favors ACOEM for setting

the " standard of care " in Worker's Comp cases? Hmmm...or

that ACOEM touts the Chubb Insurance Group as their

business partner? Does anyone doubt what this would

ultimately mean to California workers exposed to mold in

their workplaces?

Post # 21

Re: CWCI Wants No Other Guidelines Before ACOEM

Posted by _Sharon_

(http://counsel.net/cgi-bin/chatscripts/mailform.cgi?uid=kfc1955 & dmn=sgd.uge & nam\

e=Sharon & subject=Re:+CWCI+Wants+No+Other+Guidelines+Befor

e+ACOEM) on 7/12/05

Hi Serena,

Read this. By following the ACOEM Guidelines here in

California, workers are not being properly treated. Our

doctors are leaving the state because of this situation. They

can't treat their patients. People are committing suicide

because they are in chronic pain, can get no treatment and

are treated like dirt. But, the good news is....the ACOEM's

Insurance Company Clients are happy. The ACOEM is not an

organization that is here for the good of the public. They

appear to be frontmen for the insurance industry.


I House of Horrors

We are witnessing a horrific suicide outbreak. among

California’s ... Dr. Sylvain said that “the care allowed by

the ACOEM guidelines is inadequate for ...



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