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Moldy Landlord

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I've mentioned that I'm now working in a place full that was

intolerable five years ago - thanks to the avoidance measures I've


Well, I just ran into my landlord and we were discussing my mold

experiences when he said " I'm really interested in this subject

because mold made me sick about three years ago " .

He said " I know exactly when and where it happened. I was ripping into

a wall doing a remodel on an apartment when I just opened up an area

full of mold and collapsed. I thought that I was going to die for

about two days, and wasn't so sure if I was going to live for the next

three months. I was coughing, rashes, felt feverish and poisoned and

had intestinal problems - lost thirty pounds. The doctors wouldn't

believe me when I told them how it started. They kept saying that I

was exaggerating my symptoms no matter how sick I was. Kept saying it

must be the " flu " and that's what they wrote down in their diagnosis

and there was nothing I could do or say to stop them.

While I was in the hospital, describing how I couldn't get enough

oxygen, they had that little clip on my finger that tests your oxygen

level and kept telling me that everything was just fine. I kept

insisting that something was wrong until they drew blood for a venous

blood gas test and suddenly the expression on my doctors face suddenly

changed. He couldn't believe it. My levels were so low that he

said " You should be dead " . They never took me seriously until then. "

I was amazed and asked " All they did for me was the finger clip and

they refused to do any further testing. How on Earth did you get them

to test your blood? " and my landlord replied, " It wasn't easy. I had

to yell at them and even then it took a lot of yelling " .

Then he went on to describe how ever since, he had strange episodes of

suddenly collapsing in various places for no apparent reason, and that

no doctors were able to help him.

So I described how once a person is " primed " , running into spore

plumes will have this effect.

We talked for an hour about mold and doctors. It was a very typical

example of what mold sufferers are going through at the hands of

people who simply refuse to listen when you describe coming in contact

with mold and collapsing. The words are so simple and straightforward,

the observation so compelling, and a test could be devised so easily

that is is absolutely staggering that thousands of people can describe

this and the universal response from doctors has been to deny and

dismiss everything the mold victim says. He was amazed finally find

answers to his questions is going to order Mold Warriors immediately.

I suppose that I shouldn't just limit my surprise that mold could be

dismissed so quickly by just doctors. It was even stranger to go to

CFS support groups and tell my story to people complaining about the

identical symptoms and reeking with mold, yet have them reject the

concept even more vigorously than doctors. One would think that

desperation and the desire to relieve their suffering would have given

them a vested interest in considering strange concepts which would

have opened up their minds a bit more, but this was not the case.

The bottom line of this is that my landlord owns a moderately moldy

building and had no idea. He was fighting to get answers as much as

anyone else and was having his mold complaints denied. A couple of

years ago, his building knocked me flat and might even have created

the impression that it was the causative and driving force in my

illness if I hadn't already known what was doing this to me.

The fact of the matter is that my landlord is also a mold victim who

was in a similar enough plight that if I had made the association

between his building and my mold illness, and decided to blame him, it

would have been a grossly unfair injustice to a fellow Mold Warrior

who is just like me, - looking for a way out of this mess.


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Why do you think people like him lose so much weight? I have lost a lot of

weight and look sickly but don't understand why. I'm eat usually better

than I used to.

I only weight 107 pounds when before this started I was about 135+ pounds.

Marcie is down to 95 pounds!!!

Also, I wonder why finger clip oxygen test didn't show anything but venous

test was a shock! You would think if venous test was a shock, finger clip

test would have been off in some way. I don't think my lungs are involved

which I know is unusual. My finger clip tests always shows 100% oxygen

level and nurse assistant says I am one of only a few of doctor's patients

with 100% oxygen level using finger clip. I have systemic Candida and have

never been tested for aspergillus I was in contact with but Candida gave me

extremely itchy skin which broke frequently due to all the itching so I

think blood infection and perhaps sinus infection (lots of allergies). Now

concerned about validity of finger clip test. When you say venous blood

test for 'gas' do you mean oxygen or other gases in addition to oxygen? I

guess I don't understand what test meant.

----- Original Message -----

From: " erikmoldwarrior " <erikmoldwarrior@...>

> The fact of the matter is that my landlord is also a mold victim who

> was in a similar enough plight that if I had made the association

> between his building and my mold illness, and decided to blame him, it

> would have been a grossly unfair injustice to a fellow Mold Warrior

> who is just like me, - looking for a way out of this mess.

> -

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Someone posted that here or in my Candida group. I must have confused you

with someone else but anyway your weight is way down. I feel like incred

shrinking woman also. Unexplained weight loss is not healthy.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Marcie McGovern " <marcie1029@...>


> Where did you get that I was down to 95 lbs. ? I weigh 133@ 5ft.9in. I

> went from a size 14 to a 6-8 in about 8 months.

> I would like to know why I am losing weight also. Is it because of my

> Immune System? Granted, I could eat better but with no appetite, it is a

> struggle to eat twice a day. I usually eat once a day but try to get fruit

> down or something. I had a very bad problem is stomach pain.

> A Ft. Worth Police Officer friend of mine saw me the other day and asked

> me where I went!!!

> He stated I used to be the strongest women he knew.

> So k....what is going on????? I feel like the Incredible Shrinking

> Woman. :-}


> Thanks,

> Marcie

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> Where did you get that I was down to 95 lbs. ? I weigh 133@ 5ft.9in. I

> went from a size 14 to a 6-8 in about 8 months.

>> So k....what is going on????? I feel like the Incredible Shrinking

>> Woman. :-}>

> Thanks,

> Marcie


This is an interesting thread. I gained weight fast after my mold exposure

in our home. Must have gained 20 pounds in about a week.

Would love some discussion on this,


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In Dr Shoemaker's book he talks about weight gain. This is apparently

common. I haven't completed his book yet so may not have it right but I

think because of toxins affects on hormones and also body's way of storing

toxins safely. I don't think it addresses unexplained weight loss though.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Healthier4all " <Healthier4All@...>

> This is an interesting thread. I gained weight fast after my mold

> exposure

> in our home. Must have gained 20 pounds in about a week.


> Would love some discussion on this,

> Rosie

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Hello Rosie,

My husband and I gained a lot more than 20 lbs each, a lot of it was caused from

the consumption of milk we drink trying to replace the vitamin D that the mold

strips from the body. We have been out of the house almost 3.5 years and are

still carrying a lot of weight. We have been on several diets but haven't been

able to regain our original weight. I still get sick at the smell of mold.

However, mold is about the only thing I can smell. I lost my sense of smell

because of this mold exposure. But boy can I pick up on the smell of mold.


Barbra BW <bbw@...> wrote:


In Dr Shoemaker's book he talks about weight gain. This is apparently

common. I haven't completed his book yet so may not have it right but I

think because of toxins affects on hormones and also body's way of storing

toxins safely. I don't think it addresses unexplained weight loss though.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Healthier4all " <Healthier4All@...>

> This is an interesting thread. I gained weight fast after my mold

> exposure

> in our home. Must have gained 20 pounds in about a week.


> Would love some discussion on this,

> Rosie


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> Marcie,

> Someone posted that here or in my Candida group. I must have confused


> with someone else but anyway your weight is way down. I feel like


> shrinking woman also. Unexplained weight loss is not healthy.

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Marcie McGovern " <marcie1029@y...>

> >

> > Where did you get that I was down to 95 lbs. ? I weigh 133@

5ft.9in. I

I was down to 95 a few years ago. You are probably thinking of my

weight Barb. About 110 now but still very little. Also my husband is

thin, we both have chemical sensitivity, and my hair is thick. Mostly

lung, sinus, mucus membrane trouble, candida, muscle pain, lol the list

goes on.

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The landlord lost a lot of weight in the acute phase of the illness

and now has trouble with weight gain.

Cholesteral values also 'flip flopped' during the course of his


I lost twenty five lbs. when my reactivities turned 'hyper'.

I'm now back to my normal weight of 160.

Most of the people I seen turn into 'hysterical eaters' who need a

constant supply of snacks to get them between meals.

Despite this alteration in eating habits occuring after an acute

illness, this " behavorial change " is always attributed to character

flaws, lack of discipline, and poor nutritional choices.


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> Most of the people I seen turn into 'hysterical eaters' who need a

> constant supply of snacks to get them between meals.

> Despite this alteration in eating habits occuring after an acute

> illness, this " behavorial change " is always attributed to character

> flaws, lack of discipline, and poor nutritional choices.

> -

HI : The above was not the cause of my weight gain. Since I have Lupus

I'm on a very strict diet to control the Lupus, no grains, no dairy and no

sugar plus I was too ill to eat. As soon as the mold was remediated I lost

the 20 pounds. Another time I had to attend an herbal conference close to

Asheville, NC in the YMCA's original buildings. Unfortunately the room I

was assigned was in a very moldy building. I asked for another building but

they were full. Next morning I started bloating again (no snacks in the

room other than water) plus major reactions.


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Group --

I gained 30 lbs, and was craving sugar constantly. This intially led

me to belive that I had a Candida infection. This was not the case,

but at the time I had not yet made the connection between my onging

illness and my continuing exposure to my contamintated belongings.

After practicing avoidance for 20 months, and using CSM for 7, I am

now back at my fighting wieght of 175, and enjoy lots of outdoor

activities with minimal symptoms.


> The landlord lost a lot of weight in the acute phase of the illness

> and now has trouble with weight gain.

> Cholesteral values also 'flip flopped' during the course of his

> exposure/illness.


> I lost twenty five lbs. when my reactivities turned 'hyper'.

> I'm now back to my normal weight of 160.


> Most of the people I seen turn into 'hysterical eaters' who need a

> constant supply of snacks to get them between meals.

> Despite this alteration in eating habits occuring after an acute

> illness, this " behavorial change " is always attributed to character

> flaws, lack of discipline, and poor nutritional choices.

> -

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Just this past week I spent two days in court room #1 of our county courthouse

for jury duty. This past June 14, 2005, I spent the day in the same court room

and was sick BOTH times. On the 14th of June, the air conditioner was turned

off at 5:00 p.m. I had to ask the JUDGE for a break because I simply could not

breath. Our case lasted until nearly 7:00 p.m., we are in the south and it was

nearly 100 degrees that day. This past week, some of the jurors were cold and

had the court turn the a/c off. It became hot in the court room and I again

could not breath. There is MOLD in the A/C system and on the ceiling in this

courtroom. I have been sick since Tuesday with a migraine headache and blurred

vision. This happens every time I enter a building that has MOLD in it. Why

cannot people understand that you cannot turn off A/C systems and mold NOT grow?

I am in the process of contacting the court clerk about this problem in this


I have managed apartments in our town. Many landlords are putting MOLD clauses

in their leases now to cover themselves.

Keep Looking up.....


erikmoldwarrior <erikmoldwarrior@...> wrote:

I've mentioned that I'm now working in a place full that was

intolerable five years ago - thanks to the avoidance measures I've


Well, I just ran into my landlord and we were discussing my mold

experiences when he said " I'm really interested in this subject

because mold made me sick about three years ago " .

He said " I know exactly when and where it happened. I was ripping into

a wall doing a remodel on an apartment when I just opened up an area

full of mold and collapsed. I thought that I was going to die for

about two days, and wasn't so sure if I was going to live for the next

three months. I was coughing, rashes, felt feverish and poisoned and

had intestinal problems - lost thirty pounds. The doctors wouldn't

believe me when I told them how it started. They kept saying that I

was exaggerating my symptoms no matter how sick I was. Kept saying it

must be the " flu " and that's what they wrote down in their diagnosis

and there was nothing I could do or say to stop them.

While I was in the hospital, describing how I couldn't get enough

oxygen, they had that little clip on my finger that tests your oxygen

level and kept telling me that everything was just fine. I kept

insisting that something was wrong until they drew blood for a venous

blood gas test and suddenly the expression on my doctors face suddenly

changed. He couldn't believe it. My levels were so low that he

said " You should be dead " . They never took me seriously until then. "

I was amazed and asked " All they did for me was the finger clip and

they refused to do any further testing. How on Earth did you get them

to test your blood? " and my landlord replied, " It wasn't easy. I had

to yell at them and even then it took a lot of yelling " .

Then he went on to describe how ever since, he had strange episodes of

suddenly collapsing in various places for no apparent reason, and that

no doctors were able to help him.

So I described how once a person is " primed " , running into spore

plumes will have this effect.

We talked for an hour about mold and doctors. It was a very typical

example of what mold sufferers are going through at the hands of

people who simply refuse to listen when you describe coming in contact

with mold and collapsing. The words are so simple and straightforward,

the observation so compelling, and a test could be devised so easily

that is is absolutely staggering that thousands of people can describe

this and the universal response from doctors has been to deny and

dismiss everything the mold victim says. He was amazed finally find

answers to his questions is going to order Mold Warriors immediately.

I suppose that I shouldn't just limit my surprise that mold could be

dismissed so quickly by just doctors. It was even stranger to go to

CFS support groups and tell my story to people complaining about the

identical symptoms and reeking with mold, yet have them reject the

concept even more vigorously than doctors. One would think that

desperation and the desire to relieve their suffering would have given

them a vested interest in considering strange concepts which would

have opened up their minds a bit more, but this was not the case.

The bottom line of this is that my landlord owns a moderately moldy

building and had no idea. He was fighting to get answers as much as

anyone else and was having his mold complaints denied. A couple of

years ago, his building knocked me flat and might even have created

the impression that it was the causative and driving force in my

illness if I hadn't already known what was doing this to me.

The fact of the matter is that my landlord is also a mold victim who

was in a similar enough plight that if I had made the association

between his building and my mold illness, and decided to blame him, it

would have been a grossly unfair injustice to a fellow Mold Warrior

who is just like me, - looking for a way out of this mess.



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Someone posted that landlords are now putting clauses in leases re:

mold-- to cover themselves

What type of clauses are they wrining in? How can they word it? Elie

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It's the Hazardous Disclosure Clause, which first had lead and asbestos, now

adds Mold, at least in Purchase, and maybe rental, too. From what I see in

California, legislation is being hashed out, but I think the Realtors assoc. or

something is requiring it be signed. It does not require testing, but to

disclose any reasonable knowledge or suspicion of mold.

I am not sure status of law, but one is being worked on (with resistance) to

make it mandatory.

2 issues are A) They are doing it to protect from future litigation

B) The law is being resisted, also because of financial interests.

It all seems in flux. I think contractors and realtors are well aware of

it...but in a meeting of the group I mentioned, there was silence or hostility

from those groups when we inquired about it. (I heard more outside the meeting,

but learned most on my own.)


> Someone posted that landlords are now putting clauses in leases re:

> mold-- to cover themselves

> What type of clauses are they wrining in? How can they word it? Elie

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-I also thought I had a candida infection, and had all the symptoms

you discribe, but it was just the mold. In women, cysistitis and

vaginal infections are some of the primary indicators, so if you

don't have those-I just might look into detoxing from mycotoxins. I

also gained 60 lbs -then crashed and burned -loosing 60 lbs in 3

months-- and of course the Allergist said- all just allergies, I

would like to string that guy up buy his feet and get my $2000 back

from him.

In , " J. " <carrie_j00@y...>


> After lots of research I think I may have a candida infection. I

have such a nasty craving for sweets; weak, shaky, sick to my

stomach, etc. Often times I am not even hungry, then I eat M & M's or

something and I feel better after about 10-15 minutes. Now what???

Candida or food dependency?


> I have read about a couple of different treatments and I know I

can't do the diet...my willpower just isn't strong enough and I

really can't deny my family. I swear, I thought I would be better

once I was completely out of the building that made me sick.


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Re: [] Moldy Landlord

> Hello Rosie,


> My husband and I gained a lot more than 20 lbs each, a lot of it was

> caused from the consumption of milk we drink trying to replace the vitamin

> D that the mold strips from the body. We have been out of the house

> almost 3.5 years and are still carrying a lot of weight. We have been on

> several diets but haven't been able to regain our original weight. I

> still get sick at the smell of mold. However, mold is about the only

> thing I can smell. I lost my sense of smell because of this mold

> exposure. But boy can I pick up on the smell of mold.


> Jane


> Barbra BW <bbw@...> wrote:

> Rosie,

> In Dr Shoemaker's book he talks about weight gain. This is apparently

> common. I haven't completed his book yet so may not have it right but I

> think because of toxins affects on hormones and also body's way of storing

> toxins safely. I don't think it addresses unexplained weight loss though.

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Healthier4all " <Healthier4All@...>

>> This is an interesting thread. I gained weight fast after my mold

>> exposure

>> in our home. Must have gained 20 pounds in about a week.


>> Would love some discussion on this,

>> Rosie












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Can't blame the landlords for protecting themselves.

The landlords are just as helpless to control this madness as anyone

else. A simple water leak that could happen anywhere and is a normal

occurrence in buildings now turns houses into toxic waste dumps.

I've seen so many laundromats, RV's and new houses 'turn bad' in the

last ten years that it is pretty apparent that something fairly major

has happened to the environment.

It has been pretty bizarre to watch all the people who used to tell

you " It's just YOU " are now screaming about mold in the same frenzied

way that they called you " crazy " for back in the old days.


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