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RE: Re: Acid Reflux - Mold Related?

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Hello all,

I have all but cured completely my digestive issues of the last year.

My tummy feels great and I am able to digest and absorb things much better.

Of course that means I am a little more sensitive to certain foods and must

be careful when taking vitamins etc. I mean they really get into the system


If any one is interested in what dietary changes I made I'd be happy to post

what " work for me " . Otherwise I won't bore you all with this.

BTW - it is not an easy diet to follow - but it did work for me and I am

adding things back now in very small stages. My colon loves me again.

I should note that for me enzymes did not work and only made things worse.


[] Re: Acid Reflux - Mold Related?

> Kim,


> I can only pretty much go by our personal experience and from what I

> have learned from talking to so many mold survivors. My wife wasn't

> diagnosed with it, no sense in paying a physician for something that

> we already knew.


> The reflux started getting worse over time, along with the bloating,

> indigestion to where it started keeping her from getting any sleep or

> she would wake up in the middle of the night throw up bile. We

> definately didn't need this, because she doesn't get much sleep as it

> is with the headpain. Someone had suggested to me several times about

> trying digestive enzymes (natural.) I must admit probably like many

> others you have your doubts with some natural medications. But to our

> amazement, it worked. She followed the instructions, took it for two

> days and didn't have to touch it again for several weeks. Also a close

> family member always had acid reflux real bad and I had recommended

> the digestive enzymes, but they didn't believe me because the doctor

> had them on nexium, that really was not working. The doctor then

> suggested digestive enzymes and it worked for them also. The old

> saying goes of course, what may work for one, may not work for

> another. But it can't hurt.


> Also, most who experience acid reflux are told it is from too much

> acid, when in fact is it just the opposite, it is not enough. And this

> is most likely the case with us " moldies " . The reason is that your

> whole digestive tract is completely screwed up from over use of

> antibodics, steroids and other medications due to misdiagnoses, not to

> mention what the mycotoxins are doing to it. Your enzymes, flora,

> stomach acids, bacteria, yeast are all out of whack because of this

> type of exposure to where your system is not capable of digesting food

> normally the way it is used to. Once all of this gets out of kilter it

> is very difficult to get them all back on tract. All of these used to

> live in harmony with one another, keeping each other in check and once

> this has been disrupted something is bound to go haywire and that is

> exactly what has happened.


> This is my personal opinion, I am not a doctor, but this is what I

> have learned over the years by speaking to many professionals. I am

> curious why our medical field prescribes Nexium for acid reflux, when

> Nexium is an azole (antifungal.) Just food for thought.


> KC



> > I was wondering how many mold survivors have been told they have acid

> > reflux?

> >

> > If you've been told you have it, did you realize you had it, such as

> having

> > heartburn or uncontrollable gas? Were you told that your vocal chord

> > dysfunction (loss of voice or raspy voice) was due to acid reflux?

> >

> >

> >

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That’s the point I was trying to get at in my original post. I never

experienced any reflux, heartburn or anything like that; however, when I was

referred to an ENT doctor for “vocal chord dysfunction” because I kept

losing my voice… mind you, I only lost my voice when I was at the office –

my place of exposure, he told me I should try Prilosec OTC because my

esophagus was red, which indicated I might have acid reflux. When I told

him I never experienced any symptoms like that, he said it could be silent

reflux. I also asked, why then would I only lose my voice when I was in the

office where the mold was, and not at home, even on the weekends. No

answer, just told me to try the Prilosec for a month. Well, I didn’t and I’

ve been away from the building since March and have had no problems

whatsoever with my voice or so-called reflux. By the way, the list of

things they tell you to do to prevent or lessen reflux didn’t even apply to

me. If I didn’t do them to begin with, how could I stop? And if I’m not

overweight, how can losing weight help?

Since then, I’ve known three other people whose allergists or family doctors

have told them they have reflux. Two I know have been exposed to mold. The

other isn’t sure. One is from my former place of employment where he is

still being exposed.



-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto: ]On

Behalf Of tigerpaw2c

<<< And yes, acid reflux is a symptom that happens to alot of people

after their exposure, along with asundry other symptoms that they

never had before. When these fungi take hold in the body and mess up

the organs anything is possible.>>>>

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It’s scary to think of how many others out there are being treated for it

when it’s possible they have been exposed to mold.

[] Re: Acid Reflux - Mold Related?

I allso experience extreme horseness around mold, and developed a

very scarry sore spot that has gone away about 80% now that I am not

exposed. It is true that if you have a hammer in your hand, everything

looks like a nail. When I went to the chiropractor, the pain was from

a rib mal-adjustment- go to the ent-it was silent reflux- But in the

end it was our old friend.

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I am problems with acid reflux, belching and stomach pain since my exposure to

Stachybotrys.I am taking " Aciphex " which seems to help a little. It helped more

when I first took it but I have been having some setbacks with it.

My voice is still very hoarse and sometimes I loose it all together. I was going

to have a test where I swallow a camera to check out my vocal cords, but could

not afford the co-pay at the time.

Are your glands on your throat ( neck area ) swollen? My have been that way

since they scraped the mold off the wall, sending the spores airborne.

I also found out after the exposure, I have Granulomatous Disease all in my

body. ( fungus growth) Do you or anyone else have this problem?



Kim Kauffman <tkkskauffman@...> wrote:


That’s the point I was trying to get at in my original post. I never

experienced any reflux, heartburn or anything like that; however, when I was

referred to an ENT doctor for “vocal chord dysfunction” because I kept

losing my voice… mind you, I only lost my voice when I was at the office –

my place of exposure, he told me I should try Prilosec OTC because my

esophagus was red, which indicated I might have acid reflux. When I told

him I never experienced any symptoms like that, he said it could be silent

reflux. I also asked, why then would I only lose my voice when I was in the

office where the mold was, and not at home, even on the weekends. No

answer, just told me to try the Prilosec for a month. Well, I didn’t and I’

ve been away from the building since March and have had no problems

whatsoever with my voice or so-called reflux. By the way, the list of

things they tell you to do to prevent or lessen reflux didn’t even apply to

me. If I didn’t do them to begin with, how could I stop? And if I’m not

overweight, how can losing weight help?

Since then, I’ve known three other people whose allergists or family doctors

have told them they have reflux. Two I know have been exposed to mold. The

other isn’t sure. One is from my former place of employment where he is

still being exposed.



-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto: ]On

Behalf Of tigerpaw2c

<<< And yes, acid reflux is a symptom that happens to alot of people

after their exposure, along with asundry other symptoms that they

never had before. When these fungi take hold in the body and mess up

the organs anything is possible.>>>>

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I would have occasional stomach pain as well. I have been away from the

exposure since March, so I am doing really well. The avoidance helped me a


I had that test you are talking about. You don’t really swallow the camera.

They number your throat and then put the rod into your mouth with the camera

on the end and put it at the back of your throat. I had to hold my tongue

out and then she had me try to say different things and make my voice go

into different ranges. It was quite difficult to do when you restrict your

tongue. Of course, they didn’t find anything. By the time I got to the

appointment and went back for the test, I had already been away from the

exposure for 40 minutes and my throat was feeling better. The speech

pathologist could even tell the difference from the time I started until the

end of our visit… but, she had no explanation for that. Claimed that it was

probably from me “clearing” my throat. But, I didn’t do it at anytime other

than when I was in the moldy office.

I had a lot of inflammation in my face, nose, throat & neck when I was at

the office and being exposed. I am pretty much back to normal now. Thank

God I figured it out before my illness became chronic like so many others.

I’ve never heard of that disease. What exactly is it and the symptoms?


RE: [] Re: Acid Reflux - Mold Related?


I am problems with acid reflux, belching and stomach pain since my exposure

to Stachybotrys.I am taking " Aciphex " which seems to help a little. It

helped more when I first took it but I have been having some setbacks with


My voice is still very hoarse and sometimes I loose it all together. I was

going to have a test where I swallow a camera to check out my vocal cords,

but could not afford the co-pay at the time.

Are your glands on your throat ( neck area ) swollen? My have been that way

since they scraped the mold off the wall, sending the spores airborne.

I also found out after the exposure, I have Granulomatous Disease all in my

body. ( fungus growth) Do you or anyone else have this problem?



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If you just read the article by Rick Hollister on 08/17/05, it will tell you

what Granulomatous is. It is Fungus growing in your body and forming hard shells

around it. They calciafy and cause a lot of pain. They are cause by inhalation

of mold spores and by ingesting them. ( whatever you inhale, you swallow) The

mycotoxins went systemic into my bloodstream.

The mycotoxins is what crashed my Immune System.

My throat (voice) did go back to normal after I left work and was off work for a

couple of days, but after they scraped it off the wall sending it airborn.....I

had no chance.The area was NOT sealed off and the doors to the remodel area were

left open for all to see and smell.



Kim Kauffman <tkkskauffman@...> wrote:


I would have occasional stomach pain as well. I have been away from the

exposure since March, so I am doing really well. The avoidance helped me a


I had that test you are talking about. You don’t really swallow the camera.

They number your throat and then put the rod into your mouth with the camera

on the end and put it at the back of your throat. I had to hold my tongue

out and then she had me try to say different things and make my voice go

into different ranges. It was quite difficult to do when you restrict your

tongue. Of course, they didn’t find anything. By the time I got to the

appointment and went back for the test, I had already been away from the

exposure for 40 minutes and my throat was feeling better. The speech

pathologist could even tell the difference from the time I started until the

end of our visit… but, she had no explanation for that. Claimed that it was

probably from me “clearing” my throat. But, I didn’t do it at anytime other

than when I was in the moldy office.

I had a lot of inflammation in my face, nose, throat & neck when I was at

the office and being exposed. I am pretty much back to normal now. Thank

God I figured it out before my illness became chronic like so many others.

I’ve never heard of that disease. What exactly is it and the symptoms?


RE: [] Re: Acid Reflux - Mold Related?


I am problems with acid reflux, belching and stomach pain since my exposure

to Stachybotrys.I am taking " Aciphex " which seems to help a little. It

helped more when I first took it but I have been having some setbacks with


My voice is still very hoarse and sometimes I loose it all together. I was

going to have a test where I swallow a camera to check out my vocal cords,

but could not afford the co-pay at the time.

Are your glands on your throat ( neck area ) swollen? My have been that way

since they scraped the mold off the wall, sending the spores airborne.

I also found out after the exposure, I have Granulomatous Disease all in my

body. ( fungus growth) Do you or anyone else have this problem?



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