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Re: Digest Number 2533

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Jerry, I'm extremely glad that you're back in the group. My concerns are much less, now that I know that you're here to help members who need information and clarification. I rarely write, now that you're back; I can just sit back and read!


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Harper.... I was wondering where you've been lately. I got this message

nice and clear but some of the ones you sent were indecipherable on my

screen. No slouching... I'm not always right so jump in as much as you

can...as you know We can learn much from everyone here....

love jerry

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 4/8/2004 2:23:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


Message: 4

Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 20:18:23 -0700

From: Kayte Sisler <kayte@...>

Subject: RE: Deep Tissue Oil Formula

And if you decide to buy some...it can be expensive and hard to find.

Please buy pharmaceutical grade. It is a solvent. Don't buy it if it is

stored in a plastic bottle...just the brown glass bottles. It will absorb

some of the yummies from the plastic and you don't want that!




And, that is why I use MSM instead of DMSO as a transporter.



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  • 1 year later...

A State Farm Senior Claims Representative stated today that all State Farm

representatives are required to read Ritchie Shoemaker's book, Mold Warriors.

It appears that the word is out. It can be ordered directly from Dr. Ritchie

Shoemaker at ......... _ritchieshoemaker@..._


I trained 1,800 claims adjusters in Florida in the last 7 months on how to

handle mold claims. It was stated by mold defense attorneys that all mold

claims are by definition water intrusion claims, therefore, mold exclusion

clauses resulting in lack of effort by claims adjusters, could result in bad


claims where punitive damages could result.

Dr. L. Lipsey ( 904 ) 398-2168

Toxicologist and Instructor

University of North Florida, HazMat/OSHA

Univ. Fla. Medical Center Jax, Poison Control Board

Fla. Comm. College Jax, Institute of Occ. Safety & Health

_www.richardlipsey.com_ (http://www.richardlipsey.com/)

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AMEN!!!!!!!! And now I just learned that one of my wonderfulllllllllll

doctors has a " mass " of inflammation in his brain..... & he works in the same

building where I got sick! To say I'm EXTREMELY upset, would be putting it



Re: [] Digest Number 2533


> Dr. Lipsey,


> That's wonderful news!

> Let's hope & pray that it will soon be mandatory reading for insurance

> reps

> everywhere!!!!!


> Thanks for all you do,

> Sue




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  • 10 months later...
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Well, here's my opinion on all of this. My daughter has an N24 and it is

going through a soft failure. We first thought it was the 3G (that took

Cochlear four weeks to replace) but now we know that there is more to the

picture here! I'm glad the USA allows us the freedom to chose devices.

Recommending just one device takes away from my freedom and ability to be

involved in my medical care. Managed care places like Canada sometimes take

away that choice and purchase the company that makes the lowest bid on a

device. Not always in the best interest of the patient takes place in these


The way this group treats other individuals just amazes me! This group is

by no means a representation of all companies.

I'm signing off this forum as I was disappointed to see the name calling

that took place here! Learn to share and respect! Learn to answer questions

and be polite!


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