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Re: Oh Dacia! Where are you?

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In a message dated 1/1/2008 8:19:30 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, DEReinke@... writes:

I plan to schedule my day around my exercising -- instead of trying to fit it into my day.

Good point! I have done much much better with my exercise the month of December by having my calendar all printed out with "obstacles" to overcome (like Curves being closed, wacky work schedule days, etc)

Have a nice, relaxing (I hope) January.

See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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I'm still here!December is always a crazy time for us -- and this year was no different. (My husband is a pastor. There are so many "extra" things for us to do during December.)We also took a few days off to visit his family in south central Minnesota (near Mankato). Knew it was useless to be on program during that time. One niece was home from college -- she is going to college to be a pastry chef. I didn't do any baking this year; because I knew we would have all sorts of goodies available at the in-laws. We did bring some home with us -- but most will be going back to college with my son tomorrow morning.I am ready to start focusing again on this healthier living journey. That kind of slid of the radar the past few months. But, going home to

visit my overweight, diabetic (not-so-healthy) mother-in-law always helps put things in perspective for me. I don't want to end up living her life -- she is very not mobile.Tomorrow I will start working on establishing my daily routine -- and it will include exercise. I plan to schedule my day around my exercising -- instead of trying to fit it into my day. I work at home -- so it is doable.Today also includes a trip to the grocery store -- time to restock the pantry & fridge. The rest of the day includes sitting in my sun room watching it snow and watching the birds, squirrels & turkeys come to feed. Filled up the feeders this morning and it is always fun to watch the turkeys & the squirrels fight over the feed. Dacia<><Deaf Lutheran Missionssouth Wisconsinwww.DeafJesus.org For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 Oh Dacia! Where are you?

Christmas is over and you and your husband can catch your breath now.Come on and say Hi again!Sue in NJ100-Plus Files page 100-plus/files100-Plus Links page 100-plus/links

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>We also took a few days off to visit his family in south central


So *this* is why you didn't check in. Hope you had a great time and feel

no guilt about enjoying the special foods during the holiday season.

>One niece was home from college -- she is going to college to be a

pastry chef.

Deadly! LOL

My god-son trained to be a chef, and then decided his specialty will be

wine and restaurant management. He's now an assistant manager or

something of a restaurant down Atlanta, I think.

> but most will be going back to college with my son tomorrow morning.

So early? Most of the colleges around here don't go back until after

Luther King day on the 22nd.

> The rest of the day includes sitting in my sun room watching it snow

Better you than me! LOL I'll take grey and gloomy with the drizzles any

old day.

> and watching the birds, squirrels & turkeys come to feed.

This is one of the things I miss about having my own home. I had a

number of feeders out there and enjoyed watching the critters from my

kitchen window. I used to buy Birds and Blooms magazine just to see the

various birdhouses and feeders people would make and read stories about

life at various bird feeders. I let that lapse a few years ago, but

maybe it's time to subscribe again.

Sue in NJ

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So *this* is why you didn't check in. Hope you had a great time and

feelno guilt about enjoying the special foods during the holiday season.Yep. We decided NOT to take the laptops with us. The area we go to just doesn't have a good internet connection anyway. I was able to go four days with no email. Proved to myself it could be done! > but most will be going back to college with my son tomorrow morning.So early? Most of the colleges around here don't go back until after Luther King day on the 22nd.Josh decided to do a winterterm -- it is one class compressed into three weeks. Figured he might as well make use of the time and get some more credits in. He can also get some more hours in at

work. It is either that or sit around and do not much of anything during that time. I'd rather he make use of the time instead of waste it.Better you than me! LOL I'll take grey and gloomy with the drizzles anyold day.Today is sunny -- but very cold. This morning's temp when I got up was 3 -- with a windchill of -10. Today's high is supposed to be 15. A good day to stay home. I used to buy Birds and Blooms magazine just to see thevarious birdhouses and feeders people would make and read stories aboutlife at various bird feeders. I let that lapse a few years ago, butmaybe it's time to subscribe again.I used to subscribe

to Birds & Blooms too -- as well as some of their cooking magazines. I'm thinking of subscribing to their "Light & Tasty" magazine again. (For those of you who are not familiar with the Rieman Publications, check out their website at: http://www.reimanpub.com/Revise/Magazines.asp). I'm thinking that maybe a good reward for reaching some of my goals. Dacia<><Deaf Lutheran Missionssouth Wisconsinwww.DeafJesus.org For

it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from

yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can

boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

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>I was able to go four days with no email. Proved to myself it could be done!

No! Say it ain't so! I'm as addicted to email as I am Tetris! LOL

>Josh decided to do a winterterm -- it is one class compressed into three weeks.

That explains it. Henry did that for 2 of his winter breaks as an undergrad. It was those courses, plus the summer oens, why he was the only guy out of all the people he knows who graduated in 4 years. Some of these guys are in their 6th year and still no whre near ready to graduate because courses either just weren't available to 4 (or more) of the courses needed were all on the same day and time.

Too bad thre were no graduate level courses offered this semester or he could have gradduated sooner than next May.

>Today is sunny -- but very cold. This morning's temp when I got up was 3 -- with a windchill of -10. Today's high is supposed to be 15. A good day to stay home.

And here I am complaining about the 20º wind chill we're having today, wishing I were back in Florida! You hardy folk who can survive in those temps year in and year out!

Since the kid decided he doesn't want to drive today (Wind gusts around 40mph) I finally got my pot of soup going for tonight's dinner and as soon as I get through some more email I'll pop a video on. Or maybe finally try that other Foreman walking one. It's late enough that I can make a lot of noise and not disturb the lady in the apartment beneath me.

>(For those of you who are not familiar with the Rieman Publications, check out their website at: http://www.reimanpub.com/Revise/Magazines.asp).

Thanks for the link - I was too lazy to go find it before. :)

The best thing about those magazines is that they contain no advertising, not one word. Are they still like that? I guess I'll find out when I click the link now, won't I? :)

Sue in NJ

Gardening: A labor that begins with daybreak and ends with backbreak.

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