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Re: NH Update

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I have not decided on my course of action yet. Either the mover OR ww points. I just know accountability is key. Today I have to clean a few items out of this house. I know it is bad to waste food BUT it is trash day tomorrow and it is a must.

To much snow. Got another 6 inches yesterday. I think dec we had around 30 plus inches. April here I come.

N.H.See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

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> The last few weeks have been crazy.

I figured you were busy. Life in NH is never dull in winter!

Between > depression and just not getting along with anyone.

Are you fighting with or about a certain pregnant lady? Or just hubby again? :)

> I would be thrilled to get a job at the school.

That would certainly make your life a bit easier.

> Weighed in yesterday at 248.

Not oo bad. I see on the chart that you were 242 in October, so only 4 pounds in 2 months.

> I got a microwave for xmas. Can you believe it?

Halleluiah! Now you can finally make those quick & healthy baked apples! LOL

> Hubby took the last 10 days off.

My condolences! LOL

At least *he* was there to do the shovelling for a while and not you. How much snow do you have already?

CAN YOU SAY I cant wait for 8 am tomorrow. > Everyone will be gone for the day. YES....

Coming home from the laundromat I saw the kids went back today here, too. Usually they don't go in until Jan 3rd, but I guess the school board figured they get enough days off already. Henry doesn't go until the 22nd, but it's 3 night classes again, so once more he'll be home all day until 4pm, later if he actually does start to drive and takes the car to school, as it's under a 30 minute ride by car but 90 by trains.

Glad to have you back, ! Did you decide what, if any, formal food plan you'll be following? I now you were asking about Weight Watchers new stuff, but you did have luck with the Foodmover before, too, and that you already own. And knowing you, you already started a new journal. :)

Sue in NJ

One of life's mysteries is how a 2-pound box of candy can make a woman gain 5 lbs.

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> I know it is bad to waste food BUT it is trash day tomorrow > and it is a must.

Over the years I have read so many times that "We are not garbage cans. If a food is unhealthy, toss it out!"

I hate to toss food, too, and know your budget is stretched as thin as mine, but I give the boys a deadline, and if a food isn't gone by that time I *am* learning to toss it without too much guilt.

> To much snow. Got another 6 inches yesterday. I think dec we had around 30 > plus inches.

You can keep it! LOL Every now and then Ed and I have the "Where do you want to move to when retirement rolls around?" talk, and I can't believe that we once actually thought about Alaska, a place that has even more snow than you guys. Luckily the prices in the towns we looked at on-line are just about as high as they are here, so that was dropped pretty rapidly. We're probably just going to go back to Florida. We can get part time jobs in Disney to supplement our income if we need to.

>April here I come.

One of the blogs I visit has a countdown to Easter challenge going on. It looks so far away right now. :(

Sue in NJ

Follow your dream - unless it is the one where you're at work in yourunderwear during a fire drill !

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  • 3 months later...
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, you are starting out right by picking a plan to stick with for a couple of weeks, but I would try it longer than that. I say give it a month at least. A good website for counting calories is www.my-calorie-counter.com I use it daily. it is a great site. It has lots of features that you can use. It will track your progress for you too. Sorry you are having so many health issues. I know how that is, I have a lot myself. OUCH on the ear drum. That sounds really painful. I think I would definitely have the reconstruction if it keeps bursting like that. That must be really painful. My ear drum has burst one time and it was excrutiating. I was so dizzy I couldnt' walk, eat, or do anything of any importance. Hope you get over the ear problem soon. Get on track and stay focused. Jase0157@...

wrote: After a crazy week I am back to my Mon routine of trying to get on track with my LIFE. So I figured I have to pick a method of losing and try it for a week. Now that the snow is almost gone it is time to walk again. BUT I think this week it will be slow do to some ear issues. So to get ready for good walking the exercise bike and me have a few dates this week. Weigh in 245. Goals eat less, move more, and to finish to do lists OR fly list. I also have a new theory stick to one thing (one diet plan) or FLY things and do IT WELL... So I am going to do counting calories for 2 weeks and see how it goes. HEALTH wise I need to do some big changes. Going outside more. Found out I am vit D deficient. REMEMBER to take HBP pills. AND my daily aspirin. I have been struggling with my ear. (for the newbies. I have had many surgeries on my right ear) Now 20 year plus later there is so much scar tissues the drum is so weak my drum bursts a lot. This week it has decided to drain slowly. Which causes PAIN and unbalance ness for me. I know

what I have to do but with no car not possible. Most likely in the near future will have to have my eardrum reconstucted. So even though I have many issues going on period issues, ear issues, vit d issues, weight issues, mental issues, and high blood pressure. I have to not give up and try my best to address each issue at a time. N.H. It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance.

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In a message dated 4/14/2008 8:10:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, geomadtraem@... writes:

ear drum has burst one time and it was

It is painful BUT not as bad as it would be for someone who doesn't have ear issues. The eardrum is so thin it doesn't take much to burst. I find it more of a pain to drain slowly. At least with bursting it is over with. LOL

N.H.It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms and advice on AOL Money Finance.

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>BUT I think

> this week it will be slow do to some ear issues.

Who now, you or one of the girls again?

> Weigh in 245.

You seem to gravitate to this number a lot.


> have been struggling with my ear.

That answers the question I asked above.

> This week it has decided to drain

> slowly. Which causes PAIN and unbalance ness for me.

I know that feeling all too well. And the beginning of allergy season

isn't helping any either, I'm sure.

> I have to not give up and try my best to address each issue at

> a time.

There's nothing else you *can* do, really.

Sue in NJ

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