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crazy schedule

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> With the crazy schedule you keep - and running around with your

kids -

> I'm surprised you found time even to lurk. :)

Well, it isn't as hectic as it once was... I resigned as president of

the parents group and the girls decided they no longer wanted to

attend dance class. We still have girl scouts and pleanty of

appointments going on. I am down to working 3 days a week right

now. The newest thing is the girls wanting their friends over every

week, but we try to stick to every other week. The friends come over

and eat us out of house and home!!! For such skinney little kids

they sure do eat a TON!


> I'm sure we're all saying prayers and sending healthy vibes your


> Can you feel them? :)

Thanks Sue!! I finally broke down and took a look at the x-rays

today and could definatley see the mass... I was under the delusion

that I wouldn't be able to see it and that it would be small enough

and close enough to the surface that maybe just a local anesthetic

and quick snip at the Dr's office would take care of my " mass " .

*sigh* not going to happen. It was kind of a wake up call to

actally take a look at it. I've had the x-rays in my posession for

over a week now. I told Jeff (husband) that maybe ignorance is

bliss!! LOL..... nothing like the gyn/onc telling me how he was

going to remove my uterus with the laproscopic surgery, he discribed

it as a " meat grinder " that they inserted in there and well.... you

can go from there. Ok.. yes I like to be informed and understand

what they are going to do but some times too much infomration too

fast isn't the best way to go about it.

> You're an old pro at this and know how to solve that problem. It's

> probably hard, trying to feed yourself one way and the rest of the


> another, but it *can* be done.


Yes... especially now that the kids are back in school!

> How about during your break times at work?

What is that?!?! A break? Never hard of it or had one in the almost

3 years that I have been working there!

Is there any way to just walk

> the aisles back and forth a few times, or do your back and feet


> you so much from all that standing at the register that you just


> to sit the short time you're allowed to?

OH I get waking in.. to and from the ciggarettes and the deli and

don't forget the movie computer... washing the deli dishes and

cleaning the meat room. I basically do what ever needs to be done...

cut chicken, grind burger, stock shelves, fill the coolers... I could

go on, but you get the idea. Basically the only thing I don't do

there is cut pork and beef and order the groceries.

Speaking of which I get to head in to work in a bit, I am working for

a co-worker today so they can have the day off... so an extra day

this week for me.


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> The friends come over

> and eat us out of house and home!!! For such skinney little kids

> they sure do eat a TON!

When Henry was young we always had a housefull, and yes, the skinny ones

*are* the biggest eaters! It got to the point where I would just do a

load of baking on Fridays and that would hold them through the whole

weekend. During school vacations I think I was cooking for those kids

every day, feeding one of them lunch and dinner every day, too, as his

mom worked nights and slept all day so as soon as she got home from work

he got kicked out until she woke up or his father came home, whichever

came first. That's the Filipino kid I call my second son, who eventually

went to the same college as Henry and is now living in Arizona and is

*finally* attending nursing school, like he wanted to do when he first

graduated high school.

>I've had the x-rays in my posession for

> over a week now. I told Jeff (husband) that maybe ignorance is

> bliss!!

My dad used to get his own x-rays to carry from doctor to doctor and

would go around with a ruler measuring everything from one film to the

next. With 15 years of various cancers under his belt he had a lot of

x-rays and a lot of measurement charts hanging around.

>nothing like the gyn/onc telling me how he was

> going to remove my uterus with the laproscopic surgery, he discribed

> it as a " meat grinder "

That's quite graphic enough, thank you.

> Ok.. yes I like to be informed and understand

> what they are going to do but some times too much infomration too

> fast isn't the best way to go about it.

Like when Ed had the " tumor " in his knee a few years ago. When our GP

gave him the news he fainted in the examining room. When he finally got

in to see the orthopedic oncologist and showed him the x-rays he said it

was nothing, definitely not a tumor, and most likely something he's had

since infancy. He was also annoyed at our doc doing so many x-rays and

scans because of a shadow, that so many doctors do so many tests and

panic at any abnormality, scaring the patients along the way.

> > How about during your break times at work?


> What is that?!?! A break?

Yeah, as a part-timer I was afraid that was your life.

> OH I get waking in.. to and from the ciggarettes and the deli and

> don't forget the movie computer...

Was it this list just a few weeks ago there was a post about how even if

we have the most active job on the face of the planet we stall have to

add *more* formal exercise on top of it if we want to lose weight. Man,

I got tired just reading it! LOL

Sue in NJ

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