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Re: Hello... do you know my friend, Cinnabon??

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In a message dated 1/16/2008 6:51:38 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, bryefield@... writes:

Live, Love, Laugh

8 days, 22 hours, 48 minutes and 5 seconds smoke free.268 cigarettes not smoked.

$67.50 and 2 days, 1 hour of your life saved.

Your quit date: 1/7/2008 11:00:00 PM

How awesome is THAT!! You totally rock, girl!! Praise God!! Keep going!!

And *YOU* call *me* strong for passing on 2 cinnabons?? You are doing great!

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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you are one strong woman LOL - weigh to go!

Live, Love, Laugh

8 days, 22 hours, 48 minutes and 5 seconds smoke free.268 cigarettes not smoked.

$67.50 and 2 days, 1 hour of your life saved.

Your quit date: 1/7/2008 11:00:00 PM

Hello... do you know my friend, Cinnabon??

Hope you are all off to a good start this week. I am still more behind than getting caught up on the posts, so thought I would at least toss out an update or two on me as the week progresses.

TOM showed up today. This is an ok thing, I guess. I don't feel like I gained 17 lbs (LOL) due to the trip and now TOM, so this could just be a good week on-the-scale.

Anyway. I am W-A-Y-Y-Y-Y- Y over my points this week. "SOME" of my eating choices were alright this weekend. Others were extremely compromised. I'm not concerned. I only get to see my hunny a handful of times a year and only eat in restaurants "like those" when I am with him. OK, so a visual? You know in the realm of WW that you "get" your daily set amount of points to eat, plus an extra 35 "flex points" for the week and then any activity points you earn and want to "eat"..... well, it is usually my goal to come in just under the total for the week of all of those, if not break even.

Don't ask. But, like I said, I am WAY over this week.... maybe to the tune of 50-70 pts. Yikers. Hey, at least I wrote them all down. Owning up to it is half the battle LOL!!

I have to tell you, if you go to Olive Garden and it is still on the menu, get the apricot chicken from their garden fare menu. I only ate half of the food, so it came in at 5 points!! The breadsticks are only 1 pt each and I couldn't figure out the salad, but there's not much to it other than a little cheese and a handful of croutons LOL!! I don't think that "dressing" they put on it is "bad"....

Remember last week when we had SEVEN inches of snow to shovel in the morning (Wed)?? My arm hurts so bad still!! I have been babying it, but it sure hurt last night at Curves. Tonight's my off-night from Curves, so not an issue, but I might have to C25K stuff or a video with no major arm work until this heals completely. I know it isn't broken or anything, just overworked on the shoveling last week.

This week.... it is the DEEP FREEZE in Spokane. Our annual Arctic Blast. I am not sure the technical, weather related term for it (other than mother nature is not nice to freeze us out this way) but it feels like the south or north pole here right now. It was 14 degrees outside this morning. I don't think that was counting the "wind chill" - oiy!!

Do you know my old friend, CINNABON?? You know those... oooie gooooooie cinnamoney goodies with frosting out the gazoo on top??

Yesterday, our team lead brought two boxes (dozens?) of the mini-bons for the team. I went back, opened the box and leaned over to breathe in the yummy smell. I don't think you have to count points for sniffing.

Someone (ok, several someones) said "go ahead, they're small... can't hurt you, blah blah blah" like the food pushers they are and I said "nah, don't want one.... just want to smell them LOL!!"

So someone else said don't breathe all over them. I said I am not breathing OUT, I am breathing IN!! Hahaha!!

Sure, I could have had one. Sure, it wouldn't have "hurt me" (not like it's going to karate chop me.) But, I know how it would have made me feel afterward. So I walked away.

That was yesterday.

Today, the remainders were still there. Probably half dozen or so of them. I saw that and part of me got excited that there were leftovers LOL!! So, again, I picked up the lid and looked/breathed in and then walked away.

Cinnabon = 0 = 2

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA!! I did it!! Thank you God, for strength to walk away from goodies!!

in WA310/258.2/170 (WW Flex) - 2.2 this week!!)WOOOOHOOOOO - 51.8 lbs gone!!Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet.-Anonymous

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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> Don't ask. But, like I said, I am WAY over this week.... maybe to the


> of 50-70 pts. Yikers. Hey, at least I wrote them all down. Owning

up to it

> is half the battle LOL!!

I told my doc Monday of my holiday (and beyond) indescretions and his

attitude was, well, you know what you have to do, so do it. He does want

me to return to the vegan food plan, though, because that's the best

thing for my cholesterol and triglycerides. Since the switch to " real "

foods again I know I've been eating more junk (pastries, cakes and even

candy, stuff I haven't touched in *years*) so I agreed with him. Funny

though - my weight was the same Monday as it was in October when I was

there, so he was happy about not gaining.

But he was unhappy that I didn't lose any more weight and the fact that

my lab work still showed my thyroid to be too fast instead of slow, so

after a bit of discussion with him and the 6 - count 'em, six med

students he had that day working with him, we decided to wean me off all

thyroid meds, stay off for 3 months to allow my body to reset itself,

and then get more labwork done and go from there.

The over-whelming fatigue I'm experiencing is probably just menopause

related, and for the first time in 25 years he acknowledged that yeah,

probably a touch of chronic fatigue syndrome made worse by the hormonal


Shocker of shocks!

And all my aches and pains that have no obvious cause are probably

fibromyalgia, too!

Be still my beating heart!

I've been trying to get him to recognize CFS as a disease for 25 years

now, and he was one of those hold-outs that claimed it was the

disease-of-the-week and non-existent. I guess having all those students

around all these years did something to him - first he agreed I was

hypothyroid with a TSH of 5.6 for at least 25 years (and maybe my entire

life) and now he believes in CFS! Maybe next time I'll remind him of my

24 year battle with hypoglycemia, too, another disease that he has

always denied was " real " because I'm not diabetic!

> I have to tell you, if you go to Olive Garden and it is still on the


> get the apricot chicken from their garden fare menu.

We're not restaurant people, but if we *were* I know I couldn't trust

myself. I always over-eat when someone else is preparing the food. This

could probably be easily made at home with a bunch of chicken breasts

and a jar of all-fruit apricot jam in a crockpot. I did an orange

chicken like that once and YUM!

> Remember last week when we had SEVEN inches of snow to shovel in the


> (Wed)??

Yes, which is why everyone on the east coast panicked when we heard we

were supposed to get that same amount of snow Sunday night. Luckily all

but one forecaster was wrong (And BOY did he gloat about it the next

day!) and all we had were some sprinkles. At least my weekly laundomat

trip got done early and we did 2 weeks' worth of grocery shopping in one

day. We also got the aunt's freezer and pantry so well stocked she can

go a month without another visit from us, if necessary.

>My arm hurts so bad still!!

Be very careful shovelling wet snow, and if you're not 100% positive

it's just muscle you may want to go to the doctor and get checked out.

My mom died at age 44 because she, too, spent time shovelling out the

car after a snow storm, throught her arm pain was just sore muscles, and

it turned out she was having a massive heart attack that killed her a

few hours later.

> This week.... it is the DEEP FREEZE in Spokane. Our annual Arctic


(Knocks on wood) We've been having a pretty nice winter over this way. A

few cold days in the 20's (and a few more expected this weekend), but

nothing too extreme. But it's only mid-January - winter has a long way

to go yet.


> am not sure the technical, weather related term for it

" Cold as a witches t. . " Ah, well, it's not *really* the correct

technical term, but the meaning is pretty universal. LOL

> Do you know my old friend, CINNABON?? You know those... oooie


> cinnamoney goodies with frosting out the gazoo on top??

Get thee behind me, Satan!!

Yesterday the aunt had a big box of cheese danish she insisted we take

home, thanks for Ed taking the day off work and the running around we

did for her yesterday. I really wanted to leave the stuff at her house,

but Ed said she would only eat those and not her regular food, so he was

in fact doing her a nutritional favor by accepting them. Of course, as

the co-runner-arounder, he insisted I join him when he ate one last

night. :(

> So,

> again, I picked up the lid and looked/breathed in and then walked


> Cinnabon = 0 = 2

> HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I did it!! Thank you God, for strength to

walk away from goodies!!

Congrats, ! *THAT* is what I'm trying to get back ever since the

weeks before Christmas. I've just been too worn out to resist.

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I had a slip - had 2 - but it was also an aha moment - it didn't make me feel better, my stress didn't dissapear etc - mmm sounds a lot like eating for comfort, something I gave up long ago so this should be asy LOL

Live, Love, Laugh

Re: Hello... do you know my friend, Cinnabon??

In a message dated 1/16/2008 6:51:38 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, bryefield (DOT) com writes:

Live, Love, Laugh

8 days, 22 hours, 48 minutes and 5 seconds smoke free.268 cigarettes not smoked.

$67.50 and 2 days, 1 hour of your life saved.

Your quit date: 1/7/2008 11:00:00 PM

How awesome is THAT!! You totally rock, girl!! Praise God!! Keep going!!

And *YOU* call *me* strong for passing on 2 cinnabons?? You are doing great!

Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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In a message dated 1/17/2008 4:43:40 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, sue_in_nj@... writes:

Be very careful shovelling wet snow, and if you're not 100% positiveit's just muscle you may want to go to the doctor and get checked out.My mom died at age 44 because she, too, spent time shovelling out thecar after a snow storm, throught her arm pain was just sore muscles, andit turned out she was having a massive heart attack that killed her afew hours later.

YIKES!! It has progressively gotten better this week, so I am sure it was just over-work/abuse from the shoveling. I'll uhhhhh be sure to remember this though. ;-)

"Cold as a witches t. ." Ah, well, it's not *really* the correcttechnical term, but the meaning is pretty universal. LOL

LOL!! OK - that's funny!!

Cinnabon = 0 = 2 HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! I did it!! Thank you God, for strength to walk away from goodies!!Congrats, ! *THAT* is what I'm trying to get back ever since theweeks before Christmas. I've just been too worn out to resist.

It really felt empowering to walk away from those. I didn't know the points-count until that night when I looked them up (7 pts for a minibon)..... no thanks!!

in WAStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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> YIKES!! It has progressively gotten better this week, so I am sure it


> just over-work/abuse from the shoveling. I'll uhhhhh be sure to

remember this

> though. ;-)

Good gal. :) I can be *such* a mother hen at times.

> It really felt empowering to walk away from those. I didn't know the

> points-count until that night when I looked them up (7 pts for a

minibon)..... no

> thanks!!

Wow, that's a lot of points for a tiny treat! Hoe big are a mini-bon,

about the size of a standard home-made cupcake? I've never had a

Cinnabon so have no idea.

Sue in NJ

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In a message dated 1/20/2008 2:01:53 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, sue_in_nj@... writes:

How big are a mini-bon, about the size of a standard home-made cupcake? I've never had aCinnabon so have no idea.

I would say yes. They aren't huge, I am sure it is all the butter, sugar, etc in them. The amazing thing is I used to be able to eat a big "normal" size one with EXTRA frosting on top too..... now it gags me to think of it LOL!!

in WAStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I used to work at Cinnabon when I was a teenager. Basically it's dough, butter, cinnamon and sugar frosting.Luv,DebbySan , CA147 pounds lost! 100% of health issues reversed!Find out about the diet that helped me:Group: curingcandida/Website: http://www.naturallythriving.comStudying nutrition for 13 years. Currently pursuing Nutritional Consultant license. Being perfect can cost far more than good enough.Reverse disease with nutrition.. my group Curing Candida: curingcandida/----- Original Message ----From: "ABrite@..." <ABrite@...>100-plus Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 3:13:48 PMSubject: Re: Hello... do you know my friend, Cinnabon??

In a message dated 1/20/2008 2:01:53 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, sue_in_nj@... writes:

How big are a mini-bon, about the size of a standard home-made cupcake? I've never had aCinnabon so have no idea.

I would say yes. They aren't huge, I am sure it is all the butter, sugar, etc in them. The amazing thing is I used to be able to eat a big "normal" size one with EXTRA frosting on top too..... now it gags me to think of it LOL!!

in WAStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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