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No, Seriously. Save the Bananas.

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In a way this is very upsetting,(article below) whether we are

dealing with crops, wildlife, domestic animals fungi/fungus/mold has

had the capabilities for many years of destroying our economy and

all that surrounds it. A fungal contamination is their (industry)

worst nightmare, because it is so difficult to treat, destroy and

get the upperhand on the infestation. Most of your soy crops today

throughout the US are being destroyed by fungus. I get reports daily

on this, along with blackberries and some other crops that are being

effected, again by fungus that have never been effected in the US


Not only is this wiping out many of our commodities, but it is also

effecting the human population. Nothing new, I know and this has

been going on for many years. Who is in danger here? Mankind?! We

are either inhaling it, ingesting it or absorbing it through our

skin on a daily basis. And yet our medical community is walking

around with their nose in the air. Ignoring what is going on around


Why is it a couple of years ago in Kentucky a few race horses and

their foals where dying either shortly after birth or they were

stillbirths and they called experts in from all over the world,

mainly Europe to test toxins. First they had determined it was from

the blue grass seeding (in an open field, hardly any trees) in early

spring because of the warm weather and then had gotten another

freeze, that killed the budding seeds and they started to

rot/ferment/fusarium. This sounded very logical, but at the last

minute suppressed that research and claimed it was from caterpillar

droppings that have the possibility of carrying diseases/small

amounts of cyanide. Please, this is so ridiculous.

But when we have many reports of possible infestation, in schools or

other public buildings where children and human lives are being

affected, they all seem to run in the other damn direction. I guess

that means a horse or foal is more important than human lives. Go


Federal Environmental agencies don't you think it is long over due

that you step up to the plate and warn the public of the hazards of

mycotoxins in our working and living environments?! You hold the

position that you are in and paid well to protect the public. What

is it going to take, how many more lives are going to be destroyed?

It's time to get your heads out of the sand or a.. and do the job

that the taxpayers are expecting, entrusting in you and ARE FINALLY

DEMANDING FROM YOU. What is more sickening is that when you or your

family members become ill from toxins, you manage to see a doctor,

have the proper tests and treatment done and yet the general public

is thwarted in their endeavors to do the same. We must stop the

double standard for our government officials and the public in

general. Slowly and painfully our country is dying. When will our

government wake up to this fact and step in to save the future. We

keep hearing our children are our future, but what future are you

giving them when you allow them to remain in contaminated schools

and housing? NONE... At least none that is worth living. Walk proud,

for you are sealing our fates... We are not a FREE nation, our

elected/appointed officials are bought and paid for by big industry.

You are a child that every parent wishes they could be proud of. If

they only knew the truth.....


No, Seriously. Save the Bananas.



Published: August 13, 2005

A two-pronged frantic race is under way to save the banana.

It's no joke, as Popular Science reports in a fascinating account

this month. The Cavendish, the version of the banana that rests on

top of American breakfast cereals, is " on a crash course toward

extinction. "

Skip to next paragraph

A fungus dangerous to the Cavendish was discovered in Asia 13 years

ago and has since " wiped out plantations in Indonesia, Malaysia,

Australia and Taiwan and is now spreading through much of Southeast

Asia, " Don Koeppel writes.

It is inevitable, the experts say, that the fungus will eventually

wipe out Cavendish bananas worldwide.

That would be a devastating loss of billions of dollars annually for

growers, shippers and retailers. Each American consumes 26.2 pounds

of bananas a year, making it by far the most popular fruit. (Apples

are a distant second at 16.7 pounds.)

To save the banana, two strategies are being employed. Scientists,

primarily in Europe, are trying to genetically alter the Cavendish,

to make it able to resist the fungus.

The problem, of course, is many consumers are leery of genetically

altered food.

Option 2 is to develop another variety that consumers would find


As the article points out, growers in Central America are " trying to

create a replacement that looks and tastes so similar to the

Cavendish that consumers won't notice the difference. "

That strategy worked before.

Up until the 1960's, Americans ate Gros Michel bananas, " a banana

that was larger and, by all accounts, tastier than the fruit we now

eat. " Those plants were killed off by a different fungus, and the

Cavendish replaced them.

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