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Re[2]: Re: One in six US high school students has asthma

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That's quite interesting. When I worked in a " Love Canal " building in

Kingston NY, I had hemorrhagic cystitis for the first time in my life.

I hadn't had a bladder infection in decades!


TOXIC MOLD SURVEY: www.presenting.net/sbs/sbssurvey.html


V> and this is an aside point, sharon, but did you & the gang know that they

V> are now treating interstitial cystitis (of the bladder) with antifungals?

V> SUCCESSFULLY? and that's at the cleveland (ohio) clinic!!!!!!!!

V> victoria

V> Re: [] Re: One in six US high school students has

V> asthma


>> Ya know there is a WHOLE LOT of double talk going on here. They need to

>> define what " asthma " means today. Does mycotoxicosis and hypersenstivity

>> pneumonitis now fall under the term " asthma " ? One can't find the

>> statistics for HP

>> anymore on the NORMS website.


>> In England, they are finding that antifungals are being used effectively

>> to

>> treat " asthma " and opposed to all those useless and dangerous antibiotics

>> and

>> steriods they prescribe for- and here's a new one for you, Fungal Asthma

>> (FA). But here in the US, the FDA has not approved antifungals for such

>> purposes. NOT EVEN GONNA LOOK AT IT! Why? Because to acknowledge we are

>> sick with

>> FA, would increase the financial liability for whoever owns, sells,

>> builds,

>> maintains or insures the structure that is responsible for FA.


>> The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology has a huge meeting

>> coming up in Nov in LA. On Nov 9th, a group of them are giving a

>> presentation

>> on the state of toxic mold. One of the presenters, Hardin, is one

>> of

>> the biggest and best paid naysayers out there. Another presenter will be

>> speaking about the psychological aspect of the toxic mold issue.


>> Okay, these are the boys that suppose to be helping people get better. I

>> say BS. They want to make money selling us a ton of useless

>> pharmaceuticals

>> while also making money defending stakeholder industries in courtrooms.

>> It is

>> so perverted, if I hadn't already been sick, this would make me sick.


>> If the people in Canada, who are experiencing an outbreak of blastomycoses

>> lived in the United States, I would be willing to bet money that in the

>> year

>> 2005, with all that is known, these people would be diagnosed with asthma

>> and

>> given a bunch of useless steriods, inhalers and antibiotics....until the

>> died. By the way, what type of treatment is being used to treat these

>> people?

>> Does anyone know?


>> If they want to play word games, and say we have Asthma, then so can we.

>> I

>> say, we have Fungal Asthma. Proper treatment should be to eliminate the

>> fungi and the toxins they produce. Here is another term what they are

>> feeding us

>> is Poisoned Truth. I believe there is even a new environemental

>> financial

>> risk corporation whose names even admits its.


>> Sharon


>> In a message dated 8/12/2005 11:39:35 PM Pacific Standard Time,

>> grimes@... writes:


>> Sharon,


>> It's based on the post of Aug 12 by " carondeen "

>> <kdeanstudios@...> where said some doctors at an ALA

>> meeting were citing those numbers. I wondered where they got it. So

>> there is no more confusion, her post is as follows:


>> I participated in the Asthma walk, awareness day here in VA, as the

>> American Lung Ass is making asthma #1 on its agenda, and has

>> promised to go after it with fervor. At the kick off meeting, which

>> was every doctor in the area and me, I spoke out for finding out

>> what enviromental factors are leading to this, and got the docs to

>> admitt that enviromental toxins are responsible for the rise, but

>> their entire object is to medicate, medicate- being docs, that is

>> all they think they can do. They site the incredible statistical

>> rise in people who drop dead within 24 hrs of seeing a doc for the

>> asthma as a failure of the health care system to medicate fully and

>> explain medication- Seeing that meds never helped me much- the only

>> thing that helps my breathing is avoidence of our old friend mold- I

>> think it will only be a matter of time before a light bulb turns on

>> over their heads. Please, those who have the strength , go to these

>> Lung Ass meetings and tell your stories- they give us an opportunity

>> to speak to a captive audience of Doctors. Maybe someone will listen








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