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12 Secrets to Weight Loss Success from Roche

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I know several group members belong to FLY Lady's group. Did you join the No Excuse Workout group? Even if you don't want to join another group forever, you could go in and download the workouts, etc and then unsubscribe.

Here's the email from FLY Lady's digest:


Happy New Year to all the FlyBabies!This is Roche writing (the FlyBaby Virtual Personal Trainerand Fitness Expert). I want you to make this the year that you get inthe best shape of your life and we have the motivation and the FREEtools to help you lose weight and get fit!The FLYing with Momentum Fitness Challenge:You can join thousands of your fellow FlyBabies in a fun andmotivating fitness challenge that is set to launch on Friday, January11th. Find out about how to sign up by visiting:NoExcuseWorkOut/* The File section contains all the details about this fun 11 weekchallenge and you don't have to be a Momentum member to participate.You just need to want to improve your health and have fun!You can join the group and receive my Daily Fitness Mission and dailyarticles on exercise, weight loss, motivation, etc. Over 2,800FlyBabies have already joined the group in just 2 months and you cansign up for Special Notices if you want to minimize the e-mails.Make 2008 the year you get in the best shape of your life!Please remember these important keys to success as you move forward onyour wellness journey:- Take Baby Steps- Avoid Making Excuses- STAY POSITIVE- Be Proud of Yourself when you are done exercising- HAVE FUN!12 Secrets to Weight Loss SuccessFrom Roche1/1/081) Always Eat Breakfast - and try to have it within 1 hour of wakingup. This will help keep your metabolism buzzing.2) NEVER Skip Meals - this causes your metabolism to slow down andsends the signal to your body to store your next meal as fat in orderto avoid starving.3) Drink 64 Ounces of Water Per Day and one additional ounce perminute of workout time - you should be going to the bathroom at leastonce per hour.4) Eat Something Every 2 Hours - so make sure to have healthy snacksmid-morning and mid-afternoon. This again helps keep your metabolismbuzzing.5) Do Interval Workouts 2 or 3 days per week ­ intervals help you BURN30% MORE CALORIES PER WORKOUT and can help leave your metabolismelevated for up to 12 hours after each workout. You can access a FREEsample workout by going to:www.momentumfs.com/flylady6) Do the 6-minute No Excuses Workout 2 or 3 days per week ­ you cando this quick and highly effective strength training workout right inyour living room and no equipment is required. You can access theFREE sample workout by going to:www.momentumfs.com/flylady7) Concentrate on Your Health as opposed to losing weight. And if youhave kids, concentrate on your kids and how you losing weight willhelp improve the energy you bring to your relationship with them.8) Hold Yourself Accountable and Don't Make Excuses. We are allextremely busy, but you can fit movement into your schedule. You oweit to yourself to have some personal time at least 3 times per week.9) When you exercise, Be Proud of Yourself and know how much that itpositively effects your energy, health and life10) Stay Positive. Life is too short to be beat yourself up overweight that you have gained. Stay positive and it will help all areasof your life.11) Have Fun. If your workouts are not fun, than you are not going tokeep doing them. So if you dread going to a gym, than don't go.Instead go for a walk, play with your kids in the yard, etc. If youcan turn the dreaded exercise word into a fun activity, than yourchances of being successful go up dramatically.12) Throw the Rear View Mirror Out the Window. Concentrate on todayand tomorrow. You can't change the past and beating yourself up overweight you gained, etc. is only going to drag you down and move you inthe wrong direction. Today is a new day so take advantage of it.December 27, 2007Momentum TestimonialWhen Flylady told us about Roche, I started listening in tohis shows on Blogtalkradio and that's when I started walking aroundthe neighborhood on a regular basis. Just listening to the show whileI was walking took my mind away from the fact I was walking and beforeI knew it I'd accomplished a half hour walk! Although I know thewalking was benefiting my health, it didn't seem to shift the excesspounds I was hoping to shed. I knew that I really needed to get myheart rate cranking a lot more and get some significant cardio actionhappening. I hated the idea of running and just wasn't really surewhat to do ­ so I decided to buy the Momentum System and give's workouts a go.At first even the idea of running for 3 minutes was just overwhelming­ but once I got going, I started to feel so much better and now Ireally look forward to doing my interval workouts and no excusesworkouts. I love how my heart, lungs and bones feel after intervaltraining. I feel a "should do" has turned into a "want to".I've now lost 7lbs between Thanksgiving and New Year ­ at the mostdifficult time of year to lose weight ­ so I'm feeling quite proud ofmyself. I've also worked out almost every day ­ the last couple daysI have not because I got a fever ­ but the funny thing is I've had tocheck myself and resist the temptation to go interval training or do aNo Excuses Workout! Who'd have thunk it?! There have been timesalong the way (particularly time of the month!), where my weightseemed to not want to budge at all and it was frustrating but I justkept letting 's words wash over my brain: "be consistent,don't quit and keep a positive attitude!" I'm looking forward to theNew Year and meeting my goal weight before the summer! I lovelistening to 's show because it makes you really feel likepart of a community that's all working together. Also, is sopositive and caring. He even sent me an e-mail wishing me get wellwhen I was sick! Now that's a REAL rock star!!Nashville, TNPlease remember these important keys to success as you move forward onyour wellness journey:- Take Baby Steps- Avoid Making Excuses- STAY POSITIVE- Be Proud of Yourself when you are done exercising- HAVE FUN!Take care Ladies.aka "Your Biggest Fan"Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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