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My Dear Rashelle,

As is heavily on my mind these past few days; and my prayers

continue to hold and comfort our ; I cannot begin to tell you

how important and beautiful your words of poetry to your precious Dad

mean to me; and how much strength will have when she see's your

note to her. This note has helped me greatly in remembering and

cherishing those I have lost with tears of happiness.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Love, Wanda.



> Dear Sweet ,


> I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart is aching for you.

There is no person more important to us than our mother. For 9 months

they nurture us in their belly's and hold us near their hearts. It is

no wonder that the love of a mother is so strong and all encompassing.


> Close your beautiful eyes and imagine her there holding your hand

and giving you her most wonderful smile. Treasure the moments you had

with her. They were a great treasure and gift from God.


> I have been traveling for several weeks to be with my family so I

have not been on line. is finally doing better so I was able to

come home to get some rest. We came close to losing her several times

over the last few weeks, but by the grace of God and the power of all

of the prayers that were said on behalf of and our family, she

is doing relatively well now. I am sorry I was not here for you when

you first sent out the news. I know you were one of my dearest

friends who was praying. Now you can count on my prayers for you and

for your entire family.


> When my Daddy died I felt as if the light had gone out in my heart

for awhile. I prayed each day for peace. I wrote the poem below for

him but now I will share it with you with the hope that it helps you

find some comfort in the loss of your precious Mom.


> Why do they call this grief?




> Don't the see that all I am doing is crying?


> It is surely not because you are dying.




> It is because I know at the end of the road


> You will be relieved of your heavy load




> You will see a light that is waiting for you


> A brilliant light will shine and bring you through


> To the other side of a golden dream


> To a place where nothing will be what it seems




> I know if I ever feel myself fall


> I will open my lips and softly call


> You will rush to my side when I think of your name


> It will be like it was before when you always came




> I will not see you with my worldly eyes


> But my heart will see through your new disguise




> I will know that this is the real you


> The one I loved when your heart shone through




> To many this may seem like the end


> But I know so well it is really a bend


> A bend in the road that we all will travel


> And the secrets of life with all unravel


> We will see with our spirits instead of our eyes


> We will know the truth as our fears dies




> And when we reach the end of that road


> We will both feel lighter as peace is bestowed


> And the light I will see will take me to you


> My precious beloved you will see me too!




> So I am not crying for grieving,


> I cry not from sorrow,


> I cry instead for a new tomorrow


> A tomorrow filled with your love and your light


> For I will see you shining so pure and so bright




> I know in my heart that love does not die


> So please don't feel bad if you see me cry.




> To Daddy, with endless love.- Rashelle




> I love you, , my sweet friend. I will hold you and your Mom in

my heart and in my prayers.




> Be blessed, be comforted and know you are loved,




> Rashelle






> Hi All

> I had some very saddened news to share

> I found my mother yesterday and she had passed

> She died very unexpectantly

> The blessings she was with us all Christmas day and with

home she had some special time with him talking and looking at his


> had to leave this morning he starts Survival training

this weekend

> Please pray for the family the next few days

> Blessings






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Dear Rashelle,

Your poem is beautiful and so true. I lost my dad in 1991 and the pain

lessens but things are never the same.

The thing that has always given me hope, joy and peace is exactly what you

wrote. We will see each other again and it will be forever.

I know will find comfort in your writings; I did.

Thank you for sharing.

Praise God for 's recovery. Welcome home.


winwithlifelift <winwithlifelift@...> wrote:

My Dear Rashelle,

As is heavily on my mind these past few days; and my prayers

continue to hold and comfort our ; I cannot begin to tell you

how important and beautiful your words of poetry to your precious Dad

mean to me; and how much strength will have when she see's your

note to her. This note has helped me greatly in remembering and

cherishing those I have lost with tears of happiness.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Love, Wanda.



> Dear Sweet ,


> I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart is aching for you.

There is no person more important to us than our mother. For 9 months

they nurture us in their belly's and hold us near their hearts. It is

no wonder that the love of a mother is so strong and all encompassing.


> Close your beautiful eyes and imagine her there holding your hand

and giving you her most wonderful smile. Treasure the moments you had

with her. They were a great treasure and gift from God.


> I have been traveling for several weeks to be with my family so I

have not been on line. is finally doing better so I was able to

come home to get some rest. We came close to losing her several times

over the last few weeks, but by the grace of God and the power of all

of the prayers that were said on behalf of and our family, she

is doing relatively well now. I am sorry I was not here for you when

you first sent out the news. I know you were one of my dearest

friends who was praying. Now you can count on my prayers for you and

for your entire family.


> When my Daddy died I felt as if the light had gone out in my heart

for awhile. I prayed each day for peace. I wrote the poem below for

him but now I will share it with you with the hope that it helps you

find some comfort in the loss of your precious Mom.


> Why do they call this grief?




> Don't the see that all I am doing is crying?


> It is surely not because you are dying.




> It is because I know at the end of the road


> You will be relieved of your heavy load




> You will see a light that is waiting for you


> A brilliant light will shine and bring you through


> To the other side of a golden dream


> To a place where nothing will be what it seems




> I know if I ever feel myself fall


> I will open my lips and softly call


> You will rush to my side when I think of your name


> It will be like it was before when you always came




> I will not see you with my worldly eyes


> But my heart will see through your new disguise




> I will know that this is the real you


> The one I loved when your heart shone through




> To many this may seem like the end


> But I know so well it is really a bend


> A bend in the road that we all will travel


> And the secrets of life with all unravel


> We will see with our spirits instead of our eyes


> We will know the truth as our fears dies




> And when we reach the end of that road


> We will both feel lighter as peace is bestowed


> And the light I will see will take me to you


> My precious beloved you will see me too!




> So I am not crying for grieving,


> I cry not from sorrow,


> I cry instead for a new tomorrow


> A tomorrow filled with your love and your light


> For I will see you shining so pure and so bright




> I know in my heart that love does not die


> So please don't feel bad if you see me cry.




> To Daddy, with endless love.- Rashelle




> I love you, , my sweet friend. I will hold you and your Mom in

my heart and in my prayers.




> Be blessed, be comforted and know you are loved,




> Rashelle






> Hi All

> I had some very saddened news to share

> I found my mother yesterday and she had passed

> She died very unexpectantly

> The blessings she was with us all Christmas day and with

home she had some special time with him talking and looking at his


> had to leave this morning he starts Survival training

this weekend

> Please pray for the family the next few days

> Blessings






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You are so right

this is precious



Re: Re: Please pray

Dear Rashelle,

Your poem is beautiful and so true. I lost my dad in 1991 and the pain lessens

but things are never the same.

The thing that has always given me hope, joy and peace is exactly what you

wrote. We will see each other again and it will be forever.

I know will find comfort in your writings; I did.

Thank you for sharing.

Praise God for 's recovery. Welcome home.


winwithlifelift <winwithlifelift@...> wrote:

My Dear Rashelle,

As is heavily on my mind these past few days; and my prayers

continue to hold and comfort our ; I cannot begin to tell you

how important and beautiful your words of poetry to your precious Dad

mean to me; and how much strength will have when she see's your

note to her. This note has helped me greatly in remembering and

cherishing those I have lost with tears of happiness.

Thank you for sharing with us.

Love, Wanda.



> Dear Sweet ,


> I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart is aching for you.

There is no person more important to us than our mother. For 9 months

they nurture us in their belly's and hold us near their hearts. It is

no wonder that the love of a mother is so strong and all encompassing.


> Close your beautiful eyes and imagine her there holding your hand

and giving you her most wonderful smile. Treasure the moments you had

with her. They were a great treasure and gift from God.


> I have been traveling for several weeks to be with my family so I

have not been on line. is finally doing better so I was able to

come home to get some rest. We came close to losing her several times

over the last few weeks, but by the grace of God and the power of all

of the prayers that were said on behalf of and our family, she

is doing relatively well now. I am sorry I was not here for you when

you first sent out the news. I know you were one of my dearest

friends who was praying. Now you can count on my prayers for you and

for your entire family.


> When my Daddy died I felt as if the light had gone out in my heart

for awhile. I prayed each day for peace. I wrote the poem below for

him but now I will share it with you with the hope that it helps you

find some comfort in the loss of your precious Mom.


> Why do they call this grief?




> Don't the see that all I am doing is crying?


> It is surely not because you are dying.




> It is because I know at the end of the road


> You will be relieved of your heavy load




> You will see a light that is waiting for you


> A brilliant light will shine and bring you through


> To the other side of a golden dream


> To a place where nothing will be what it seems




> I know if I ever feel myself fall


> I will open my lips and softly call


> You will rush to my side when I think of your name


> It will be like it was before when you always came




> I will not see you with my worldly eyes


> But my heart will see through your new disguise




> I will know that this is the real you


> The one I loved when your heart shone through




> To many this may seem like the end


> But I know so well it is really a bend


> A bend in the road that we all will travel


> And the secrets of life with all unravel


> We will see with our spirits instead of our eyes


> We will know the truth as our fears dies




> And when we reach the end of that road


> We will both feel lighter as peace is bestowed


> And the light I will see will take me to you


> My precious beloved you will see me too!




> So I am not crying for grieving,


> I cry not from sorrow,


> I cry instead for a new tomorrow


> A tomorrow filled with your love and your light


> For I will see you shining so pure and so bright




> I know in my heart that love does not die


> So please don't feel bad if you see me cry.




> To Daddy, with endless love.- Rashelle




> I love you, , my sweet friend. I will hold you and your Mom in

my heart and in my prayers.




> Be blessed, be comforted and know you are loved,




> Rashelle






> Hi All

> I had some very saddened news to share

> I found my mother yesterday and she had passed

> She died very unexpectantly

> The blessings she was with us all Christmas day and with

home she had some special time with him talking and looking at his


> had to leave this morning he starts Survival training

this weekend

> Please pray for the family the next few days

> Blessings






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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm scared. My grandma is in the hospital in the CCU (cardiac care unit) and her doctor was trying to fly back to Spokane and his flight was diverted (?) due to the SW Airline flight that slid off the runway. :'(So my grandma is being treated by the on-call, staff physicians right now. Poor grandma. I don't even know what her "problem" is to be in the CCU because no one can get decent information right now.

I am pretty sure her boyfriend-type person is there as much as possible with his own health and the weather. My aunt/uncle are probably in contact with them all so will find out information as it becomes available. It is just that with her doctor out of town, not a lot will be happening unless drastically urgent. My grandma is that way: she won't let just anyone work on her, ya know? I think she needs to have some kind of a catheterization (sp?) but I really don't understand what's up yet.

I'll let you know as I learn things - thanks and hugs!

in WAStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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  • 1 year later...

Dear ,

I am meeting with my prayer group this morning and will add your name to

our list. Isn't it awful how nowadays people have to worry more about

how to pay the Dr. or the ins. bill (in our case) than the actual

illness? You are in my thoughts and prayers.



On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 01:20:10 -0000 " bellegoo " <brellegood@...>


I would appreciate prayers for me. I am having problems with my heart and

have no insurance. I don't really know what is wrong. I was at my

grandson's football game last Thurs nght. I almost passed out and my

daughter-in-law(nurse), who was sitting beside me started taking my

pulse. She said it was erratic(sp). The paramedics were called and said

my blood pressure was difficult to get while we were in the stands. By

the time they got me to the ambulance my bp was better. I went to the DR

my DIL works for. He had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs. I haven't

heard the results yet. But my bp was high the last 2 days, so he put me

on a different blood pressure pill.

What is a person supposed to do if they don't have insurance? I lost my

insurance when my husband retired. The Dr says he is pretty sure

something is going on with my heart, but these tests would cost an arm

and a leg were his words. I am a Christian and know where I would be if I


Sorry this is so long. I wonder if continuing the Lifelift would help me.

Thanks so much for listening.


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Dear ,

I will absolutely keep you in my prayers. I will also forward your request to

our prayer group LinktoGod@...

Doing LifeLift has helped my heart so much that I do hope you will keep up your

LifeLift breaths. There are so many benefits and personally that is one that has

made a huge difference in my life.

I will pray for a complete and simple solution for you for everything, including

the doctor and insurance bills.

Be blessed, be healthy and take good care,


Harness the Power of Oxygen.

It is Oxygen that burns fat. Age better, look better, feel better.


Re: Please pray

Dear ,

I am meeting with my prayer group this morning and will add your name to

our list. Isn't it awful how nowadays people have to worry more about

how to pay the Dr. or the ins. bill (in our case) than the actual

illness? You are in my thoughts and prayers.



On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 01:20:10 -0000 " bellegoo " <brellegood@...>


I would appreciate prayers for me. I am having problems with my heart and

have no insurance. I don't really know what is wrong. I was at my

grandson's football game last Thurs nght. I almost passed out and my

daughter-in-law(nurse), who was sitting beside me started taking my

pulse. She said it was erratic(sp). The paramedics were called and said

my blood pressure was difficult to get while we were in the stands. By

the time they got me to the ambulance my bp was better. I went to the DR

my DIL works for. He had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs. I haven't

heard the results yet. But my bp was high the last 2 days, so he put me

on a different blood pressure pill.

What is a person supposed to do if they don't have insurance? I lost my

insurance when my husband retired. The Dr says he is pretty sure

something is going on with my heart, but these tests would cost an arm

and a leg were his words. I am a Christian and know where I would be if I


Sorry this is so long. I wonder if continuing the Lifelift would help me.

Thanks so much for listening.


Criminal Lawyers - Click here.



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Dear , I don't know what a person is supposed to do without insurance, it

is becoming criticle in our country.

I have you lifted in prayer. Love. Connie


> I would appreciate prayers for me. I am having problems with my heart and have

no insurance. I don't really know what is wrong. I was at my grandson's football

game last Thurs nght. I almost passed out and my daughter-in-law(nurse), who was

sitting beside me started taking my pulse. She said it was erratic(sp). The

paramedics were called and said my blood pressure was difficult to get while we

were in the stands. By the time they got me to the ambulance my bp was better. I

went to the DR my DIL works for. He had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs. I

haven't heard the results yet. But my bp was high the last 2 days, so he put me

on a different blood pressure pill.


> What is a person supposed to do if they don't have insurance? I lost my

insurance when my husband retired. The Dr says he is pretty sure something is

going on with my heart, but these tests would cost an arm and a leg were his

words. I am a Christian and know where I would be if I die.


> Sorry this is so long. I wonder if continuing the Lifelift would help me.

Thanks so much for listening.




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Thanks, Liz

-- In LifeLift , " lizkins9@... " <Lizkins9@...> wrote:


> Hi ,


> I'll be praying for you.


> Love, Liz


> ____________________________________________________________

> Best Weight Loss Program - Click Here!





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Thanks for the prayers, Wanda. I am digging out the Reflexology book. It tells

some points that strengthen the heart.

-- In LifeLift , " winwithlifelift " <winwithlifelift@...> wrote:


> Hi ,


> I will be praying for you. We are all here for you.


> Love, Wanda




> >

> > I would appreciate prayers for me. I am having problems with my heart and

have no insurance. I don't really know what is wrong. I was at my grandson's

football game last Thurs nght. I almost passed out and my

daughter-in-law(nurse), who was sitting beside me started taking my pulse. She

said it was erratic(sp). The paramedics were called and said my blood pressure

was difficult to get while we were in the stands. By the time they got me to the

ambulance my bp was better. I went to the DR my DIL works for. He had me wear a

heart monitor for 24 hrs. I haven't heard the results yet. But my bp was high

the last 2 days, so he put me on a different blood pressure pill.

> >

> > What is a person supposed to do if they don't have insurance? I lost my

insurance when my husband retired. The Dr says he is pretty sure something is

going on with my heart, but these tests would cost an arm and a leg were his

words. I am a Christian and know where I would be if I die.

> >

> > Sorry this is so long. I wonder if continuing the Lifelift would help me.

Thanks so much for listening.

> >

> >

> >


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Thanks for the prayers, Chris. Did you ask about WW awhile back. I posted, but I

don't know if you saw it.

-- In LifeLift , dinkidino@... wrote:


> Dear ,


> I am meeting with my prayer group this morning and will add your name to

> our list. Isn't it awful how nowadays people have to worry more about

> how to pay the Dr. or the ins. bill (in our case) than the actual

> illness? You are in my thoughts and prayers.

> Hugs,

> Chris


> On Wed, 23 Sep 2009 01:20:10 -0000 " bellegoo " <brellegood@...>

> writes:


> I would appreciate prayers for me. I am having problems with my heart and

> have no insurance. I don't really know what is wrong. I was at my

> grandson's football game last Thurs nght. I almost passed out and my

> daughter-in-law(nurse), who was sitting beside me started taking my

> pulse. She said it was erratic(sp). The paramedics were called and said

> my blood pressure was difficult to get while we were in the stands. By

> the time they got me to the ambulance my bp was better. I went to the DR

> my DIL works for. He had me wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs. I haven't

> heard the results yet. But my bp was high the last 2 days, so he put me

> on a different blood pressure pill.


> What is a person supposed to do if they don't have insurance? I lost my

> insurance when my husband retired. The Dr says he is pretty sure

> something is going on with my heart, but these tests would cost an arm

> and a leg were his words. I am a Christian and know where I would be if I

> die.


> Sorry this is so long. I wonder if continuing the Lifelift would help me.

> Thanks so much for listening.






> ____________________________________________________________

> Criminal Lawyers - Click here.






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Thanks Connie, I lost my insurance when my husband retired.

-- In LifeLift , " conistar12 " <conistar12@...> wrote:


> Dear , I don't know what a person is supposed to do without insurance,

it is becoming criticle in our country.

> I have you lifted in prayer. Love. Connie



> >

> > I would appreciate prayers for me. I am having problems with my heart and

have no insurance. I don't really know what is wrong. I was at my grandson's

football game last Thurs nght. I almost passed out and my

daughter-in-law(nurse), who was sitting beside me started taking my pulse. She

said it was erratic(sp). The paramedics were called and said my blood pressure

was difficult to get while we were in the stands. By the time they got me to the

ambulance my bp was better. I went to the DR my DIL works for. He had me wear a

heart monitor for 24 hrs. I haven't heard the results yet. But my bp was high

the last 2 days, so he put me on a different blood pressure pill.

> >

> > What is a person supposed to do if they don't have insurance? I lost my

insurance when my husband retired. The Dr says he is pretty sure something is

going on with my heart, but these tests would cost an arm and a leg were his

words. I am a Christian and know where I would be if I die.

> >

> > Sorry this is so long. I wonder if continuing the Lifelift would help me.

Thanks so much for listening.

> >

> >

> >


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