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I'm back from vacation

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Hope you enjoyed your vacation . Good for you for getting right back on track :)DarcyOn 8/14/06, fitgrl222@...

<fitgrl222@...> wrote:

Welcome back !!! I hope you had a great time.


* " Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. "

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We just returned home from a 2-week family vacation. We rented a house

on the Big Island of Hawaii. Had a great time! Arrived home early

this morning. Plane landed in Chicago about 5:30 AM. Got back to our

house about 9:00 AM -- stopped for breakfast along the way home.

While we were gone we found out that our basement flooded. We live

about 1/2 mile from the Rock River in southern Wisconsin. Ground was

so saturated that the water was seeping up through the basement floor

and thru the foundation. Friends were watching the house for us -- and

we have really, really good friends. They emptied everything out of

the basement -- it is now in our garage and spread around the house.

They got a couple of pumps and pumped the water out -- on a daily

basis. We had a finished basement with our family room, office and exercise area down

there. We've lost the carpet in the basement. We will probably lose

the paneling -- you can see the mold growing up the walls. Said today

was the first day that it was dry down there. Insurance won't cover

any of it. Will be starting the process to see if we can get any help

from FEMA -- we know that won't be a quick thing.According to my scale, I only gained two pounds while on vacation -- figure most of that is water weight and will come off soon. Wasn't really careful about what I ate -- didn't over eat at any time. Did a lot of walking. Had a pool in the backyard and did a lot of swimming.Have come home ready to refocus and get back on track. Just need to figure out how and where to set up a temporary exercise area and then go from there. Dacia<><Deaf Lutheran Missionswww.DeafJesus.org Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." 14:27

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> We just returned home from a 2-week family vacation.

Welcome back!

> While we were gone we found out that our basement flooded.

I glad it was only the basement. I kept watching those weather reports

and wondering how you rplace was doing with you guys gone.

> Insurance won't cover any of it.

Not unless you had flood insurance. My dad found that out the hard way

when a hurricane came through and flooded one room of his home in FL a

few years back.

Will be starting the process to see if we can get any help

> from FEMA -- we know that won't be a quick thing.

Good luck!

> According to my scale, I only gained two pounds while on vacation

Not bad! I usually lose a pound or 2 on vacations because although I eat

worse I get more exercise in with all the walking.

>Had a pool in the backyard and did a lot of swimming.

You went to Hawaii to swim in a backyard pool?? ;^)

Sue in NJ

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We didn't have flood insurance. Our insurance guy told us we didn't need it and wouldn't sell it to us.We did make trips down to the beach to do some swimming in Hawaii -- but we were on the Big Island. Big Island's coastline is mostly lava rock. Not too many swimming beaches available. Also, my husband's profession (ordained clergy) is a very "people" profession. We have found that when we go on vacation -- we prefer to be as far away from other people as possible. So, the pool in the backyard gave us some much needed privacy. Dacia<><Deaf Lutheran Missionswww.DeafJesus.org Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." 14:27

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