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Didn't Need a Crystal Ball for This One...

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It's already begun. The following was found on a Katrina Survivors

message board - right here on .

A tip for those going back

by: xana_bana 09/13/05 02:52 pm

Msg: 3880 of 3888

I got an ozone generator to kill the mold in my house, worked like a

charm and saved me a fortune. You can search for them or email me and I

will give you the name of the place I got mine from. Just remember not

to run it while you are in the house.

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I am wondering if this is really spam? Some people are always there to take

advantage of people.


pushcrash <pushcrash@...> wrote:

It's already begun. The following was found on a Katrina Survivors

message board - right here on .

A tip for those going back

by: xana_bana 09/13/05 02:52 pm

Msg: 3880 of 3888

I got an ozone generator to kill the mold in my house, worked like a

charm and saved me a fortune. You can search for them or email me and I

will give you the name of the place I got mine from. Just remember not

to run it while you are in the house.


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Yup. There's an awful lot to do (I mean, for real). Despite the mold warnings

beginning to come out, the folks that need to hear them most are least likely to

hear them. And we already know the misinformation and disbelief drill by the


We number over 1,500 people in this group. We may have poisoned brains and a lot

of sick years behind us - but that's still a lot of brains and a lot of

experience. It's time to be thinking about what we (as a group) can bring to the


1) We could, for example, get in touch with the volunteer folks delivering

supplies to the area. They can help bring the message, if we want to deliver it.

2) We could invite those getting ready to rebuild to join us here. Problem is

that they still don't have reliable power and communications - let alone

internet connections.

3) We also could be preparing for the inevitable illnesses in those families who

aren't going to listen to anything we say right now. They are already so damaged

and freaked out, many can't think beyond just getting home any way they can.

4) As the hospitals begin to re-open, and as teams of medics and nurses go down

to help out, we could consider supplying them with copies of Mold Warriors so

they at least know what to look for and begin to have some understanding of the

health problems they are about to begin seeing.

5) The county/parish governments will no way be able to supply enough building

inspectors to cover all the construction that's going to be happeneng. Most of

the local governments are pretty small to begin with. But they are begininning

to come back online now. That is one potential point of contact with the

homeowners. The most obvious toxic and flood wipeouts are in Metro New Orleans.

But hundreds of thousands nearby got severely flooded as well, and those are the

ones who will be trying to stay.

6) The building supply stores in the affected areas are another potential point

of contact. We don't have to be builders ourselves to try working with the store

managers in educating staff. These people get asked more home repair questions

in one day than just about any other people anywhere on earth. We live more of

the results of those failed/overlooked repairs than just about any other people

anywhere on earth. Do we have a match here? We know they'll try to sell

mold-resistant materials if they can. But we could arm them better with

information about the real risks of not doing proper repairs. I think they would

certainly see the advantage of staff that is more knowledgeable and therefore

more persuasive in their selling.

7) Anything else we can think of. I'm fading here and need to borrow you guys'

brains for more ideas.

I know. I Know! We're sick already, and many of us dont have a lot, either. I

despair of this every day, and have to forgive myself every day for not being

able to do more. It's not my fault that I'm in this condition, and it isn't

gonna be their fault that so many are gonna make the wrong choice here and wind

up like me. But we still have more than they do. I think we could do some things

for some of the gonna-be Moldies if we pitched in and tried. If we've seen

nothing else, we've seen that government just isn't gonna get it done. It's

really on us. We've already overcome all kinds of distances and differences just

to do . With a little thought, I bet we could wig out some more

ways to use this technology to do a bit more.

(BTW - the account listed for the person who posted that ozone generator ad was

already dead by the time I spotted it. But they won't be the last, and you can

take that straight to the bank.)




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We number over 1,500 people in this group. We may have poisoned brains and a

lot of sick years behind us - but that's still a lot of brains and a lot of

experience. It's time to be thinking about what we (as a group) can bring to

the table.

I am with you 100% and now is the perfect time to act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

have written Bill O'Rielly about my illness and what the mold will do to all

the water damaged buildings down south. I gave him the information on how to

get a copy of Mold Warriors from the office(410.957.1550) or through


We need to contact Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, Mayor & Gov. of New

Orleans, other local authorities & ANYONE who will listen!! I heard a

gentleman by the name of Doug Rice talking about mold one evening, don't know


network it was. He is from the Univ. of Colorado. Maybe someone in that area

could call him and tell him about Dr. Shoemaker's book & how to get it.

Pick up the phone and start calling!!!!!! INCLUDING YOUR CONGRESSMAN!!!

Ask them to please support the Melina Bill & Congressman Conyers. Go to

_http://www.house.gov/conyers/mold.htm_ (http://www.house.gov/conyers/mold.htm)

for a summary of the bill. If you don't know your congressman go to

_http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/_ (http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/)

I called my congressman about a month ago and received an invitation to his

DC office to discuss my concerns further. Myself and four others are going

this Friday!! Very exciting!!

I challenge everyone to pick up the phone and please start



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If you don't hear anything back keep calling!!! Call anyone you can think

of even a local newspaper reporter who would do a story about toxic mold. Have

them read Dr. Shoemaker's book. I'm going to the office tomorrow if you

want a book let me know. I can mail it to you.

In a message dated 9/14/05 6:40:22 PM Atlantic Daylight Time,

marcie1029@... writes:

I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will



We number over 1,500 people in this group. We may have poisoned brains and


lot of sick years behind us - but that's still a lot of brains and a lot of

experience. It's time to be thinking about what we (as a group) can bring


the table.

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America needs to



Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote:

I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will



Marcie, I have also had CFS for 30 years. I have emailed Kay at least

15 times about that illness and never ever received at least an

acknowledgement from her. I use to email Senator Phil and the same thing. I was


Bill Maher last night and I agree with him that we are not a democracy

anymore. big business runs the USA

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I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will see!


ssr3351@... wrote:

We number over 1,500 people in this group. We may have poisoned brains and a

lot of sick years behind us - but that's still a lot of brains and a lot of

experience. It's time to be thinking about what we (as a group) can bring to

the table.

I am with you 100% and now is the perfect time to act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I

have written Bill O'Rielly about my illness and what the mold will do to all

the water damaged buildings down south. I gave him the information on how to

get a copy of Mold Warriors from the office(410.957.1550) or through


We need to contact Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, Mayor & Gov. of New

Orleans, other local authorities & ANYONE who will listen!! I heard a

gentleman by the name of Doug Rice talking about mold one evening, don't know


network it was. He is from the Univ. of Colorado. Maybe someone in that area

could call him and tell him about Dr. Shoemaker's book & how to get it.

Pick up the phone and start calling!!!!!! INCLUDING YOUR CONGRESSMAN!!!

Ask them to please support the Melina Bill & Congressman Conyers. Go to

_http://www.house.gov/conyers/mold.htm_ (http://www.house.gov/conyers/mold.htm)

for a summary of the bill. If you don't know your congressman go to

_http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/_ (http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/)

I called my congressman about a month ago and received an invitation to his

DC office to discuss my concerns further. Myself and four others are going

this Friday!! Very exciting!!

I challenge everyone to pick up the phone and please start



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Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote:

I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will see!


Marcie, I have also had CFS for 30 years. I have emailed Kay at least 15

times about that illness and never ever received at least an acknowledgement

from her. I use to email Senator Phil and the same thing. I was watching Bill

Maher last night and I agree with him that we are not a democracy anymore. big

business runs the USA. Politicians are not concerned for poor or ill people,

they are concerned about business. I read where the mayor of New Orleans ran on

a platform of bringing new " businesses " to New Orleans. Shouldn't he have been

more concerned about the poor? I use to work for Procter & Gamble and they are a

good example of how rich people think. Almost every employee in management is

looking out for only his/her selves. I like to watch Bill O'reilly but even he

thinks that it is poor people's fault that they are poor. Many of us are poor

because we are ill. I am educated and use to make good money but when you become

so ill that it is hard just to live through the

day, how are we suppose to be thinking about getting raises and joining the

country club?

I know this isn't a political site but I do not see how our illnesses cannot

involve politics. Does anyone of this list really think that pharmaceuticals

company are going to do research in finding cures for illnesses? They believe in

treating symptoms and doctors and they both get rich. I stopped voting along

party lines years ago and frankly, I would like to see every politician voted

out until they get the message that we are not going to listen to their lies and

false promises anymore. I think Katrina is going to even help change

government's view on poor and ill people. Politicians first concern should be

the health and welfare of it's people, this includes taking care of the

environment. But, I think most would agree that it is too late, it is like a

snowball that has turned into an avalanche. It is a shame that most of us were

successful at one time before we became ill and it takes something like this to

make one realize what is really important in life.



for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Re: [] Didn't Need a Crystal Ball for This One...

Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote:

I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will



Marcie, I have also had CFS for 30 years. I have emailed Kay at least

15 times about that illness and never ever received at least an acknowledgement

from her. I use to email Senator Phil and the same thing. I was watching Bill

Maher last night and I agree with him that we are not a democracy anymore. big

business runs the USA. Politicians are not concerned for poor or ill people,

they are concerned about business. I read where the mayor of New Orleans ran on

a platform of bringing new " businesses " to New Orleans. Shouldn't he have been

more concerned about the poor? I use to work for Procter & Gamble and they are a

good example of how rich people think. Almost every employee in management is

looking out for only his/her selves. I like to watch Bill O'reilly but even he

thinks that it is poor people's fault that they are poor. Many of us are poor

because we are ill. I am educated and use to make good money but when you become

so ill that it is hard just to live through the

day, how are we suppose to be thinking about getting raises and joining the

country club?

I know this isn't a political site but I do not see how our illnesses cannot

involve politics. Does anyone of this list really think that pharmaceuticals

company are going to do research in finding cures for illnesses? They believe in

treating symptoms and doctors and they both get rich. I stopped voting along

party lines years ago and frankly, I would like to see every politician voted

out until they get the message that we are not going to listen to their lies and

false promises anymore. I think Katrina is going to even help change

government's view on poor and ill people. Politicians first concern should be

the health and welfare of it's people, this includes taking care of the

environment. But, I think most would agree that it is too late, it is like a

snowball that has turned into an avalanche. It is a shame that most of us were

successful at one time before we became ill and it takes something like this to

make one realize what is really important in life.



for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Thanks SOOOOO much for the positive feedback! I have heard enough of people

slamming the door in my face and JUST ONCE would like some support. I am trying

the best I can and I don't know what to do anymore. I too am very educated and

you made me feel like I was a complete idiot to do what I did.

Thanks so much for all the negativity. I GIVE UP!!!!!!! I was fighting for my

life here but why bother .....even the support group is negative. ( most of



elvira52 <Elvira52@...> wrote:


Re: [] Didn't Need a Crystal Ball for This One...

Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote:

I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will



Marcie, I have also had CFS for 30 years. I have emailed Kay at least

15 times about that illness and never ever received at least an acknowledgement

from her. I use to email Senator Phil and the same thing. I was watching Bill

Maher last night and I agree with him that we are not a democracy anymore. big

business runs the USA. Politicians are not concerned for poor or ill people,

they are concerned about business. I read where the mayor of New Orleans ran on

a platform of bringing new " businesses " to New Orleans. Shouldn't he have been

more concerned about the poor? I use to work for Procter & Gamble and they are a

good example of how rich people think. Almost every employee in management is

looking out for only his/her selves. I like to watch Bill O'reilly but even he

thinks that it is poor people's fault that they are poor. Many of us are poor

because we are ill. I am educated and use to make good money but when you become

so ill that it is hard just to live through the

day, how are we suppose to be thinking about getting raises and joining the

country club?

I know this isn't a political site but I do not see how our illnesses cannot

involve politics. Does anyone of this list really think that pharmaceuticals

company are going to do research in finding cures for illnesses? They believe in

treating symptoms and doctors and they both get rich. I stopped voting along

party lines years ago and frankly, I would like to see every politician voted

out until they get the message that we are not going to listen to their lies and

false promises anymore. I think Katrina is going to even help change

government's view on poor and ill people. Politicians first concern should be

the health and welfare of it's people, this includes taking care of the

environment. But, I think most would agree that it is too late, it is like a

snowball that has turned into an avalanche. It is a shame that most of us were

successful at one time before we became ill and it takes something like this to

make one realize what is really important in life.



for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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I would love a book but I do not have any money. NONE! If someone has a used one

I could read and then send it back, I could do that.

My addres is: 513 Signal Hill Ct. S.

Ft.Worth,Texas 76112

Marcie McGovern



ssr3351@... wrote:

If you don't hear anything back keep calling!!! Call anyone you can think

of even a local newspaper reporter who would do a story about toxic mold. Have

them read Dr. Shoemaker's book. I'm going to the office tomorrow if you

want a book let me know. I can mail it to you.

In a message dated 9/14/05 6:40:22 PM Atlantic Daylight Time,

marcie1029@... writes:

I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will



We number over 1,500 people in this group. We may have poisoned brains and


lot of sick years behind us - but that's still a lot of brains and a lot of

experience. It's time to be thinking about what we (as a group) can bring


the table.

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You can add another to your list and that's me I live in HUD Housing any one

feeling bad Read my story it's the story of many that has to live under HUD

Housing!?. If they don't care where do we go from there?

2. I have To June 2 to get Help to Prove my case I can't do a Thing with out

the Help of and Attorney Please Help me give me a day in Court I can't fight

this Power alone.

Case Name: Elvira


HUD CASE NUMBER: 04-03-0696-8

CASE NUMBER: 04-2860

On September of 2001, Ms. Elvira moved into the Tennis Club II

Apartments after entering into the agreement with the landlord that She, Ms.

, would ONLY residing at the Tennis Club II Apartments until Venice

Cove was completely constructed from the ground up. The completion of which

was suppose to occur in a year of move-in.

Ms. was harassed by the tenants and management of the Tennis Club

II and singled out. Most of which falls into the category of discrimination

based on Ms. ' Section 8 HUD VOUCHER AND THE FACT THAT

MS. is a recipient of and based on her financial and economic

status and disability.

In August 2002, Ms. received a 3 Day Eviction Notice To VACATE the


Ms. communicated with Joe Newman and Josie Whom said get out

that's the man's apartment. They Work for the City of Fort Lauderdale

Housing Authority about the eviction.

Ms. was informed she had to move by the City of Fort Lauderdale

after the fact.

Venice Coves was accepting applications for Venice Coves Apartments.

, an employee of Venice Coves who was located in the trailer Venice

Coves Development had established on the premises.

Ms. showed evidence of the poor state of the apartment at the

Tennis Club II Apartments and the large extent of the mold infestation.

Ms. equally showed the eviction notice that she had been

served and reiterated the urgency for which she had to move from the Tennis

Club II Apartments for due to her declining health and the mold intoxication

she was enduring. As well as the eviction.

Ms. was then, immediately instructed by the employee of

Venice Cove, who appeared concerned ,instructed Ms. to go down to

Okeechobee in West Palm Beach, off of I-95, to put in the application. Ms.

ailing condition from the toxic mold infestation was then carried

down to the West Palm offices of Venice Cove Apartments by an individual by

the name of Judy who also helped Ms. fill out the application due

to Ms. ' poor health and inability to do so.

Ms. then returned to Venice Coves trailer to submit the application

and have her credit check run on the background check.

, Venice Cove employee, informed Ms. that the ONLY credit

history problem on her credit that needed to be resolved prior to VENICE

COVE accepting her application was an CABLE BOX PAYMENT Of $125.00, U.S.


informed Ms. to make the necessary payment to the Cable

Company and return with proof of the payment of CABLE Box and then her

application would be accepted.

Ms. was then assigned by to Apartment # 202, when Ms.

requested a 2 bedroom, 2 bath Apartment.

Ms. then requested to see the apartment. Ms. was denied

the initial request.

Ms. then returned 2 days later to make another attempt to see the

apartment for which she believed was to be her new home, her new residence.

Krissy Parrish, the Manager of Venice Cove, then made entrance and

instructed to remove Ms. from Apartment # 202 to # 204.

They still refused to allow Ms. to see the apartment.

The next day Krissy had call Ms. to inquire if Ms.

had called HUD and the Housing Authority that she, Ms. , had been

moved from # 202 to # 204.

Ms. stated that she had.

Ms. also had her transferred her electricity over from TENNIS CLUB










Venice Cove continued to deny Ms. access to view the apartment #

204 which Ms. was led to believe was a 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment


Ms. was ONLY and POSITIVELY able to view the apartment when she was

secretly allowed on the premises by an employee of VENICE COVE.

Ms. then, AND ONLY THEN, discovered that #204 which Krissy Parrish

had led her to believe and for which she had applied for on the application

was not in fact a 2 bedroom, 2 bath but a Two bedroom and Two and a half


That is when Ms. informed Venice Cove by way of , the

employee, Venice Cove that the apartment # 204 was not per the

specifications of her application for Two Bedroom, Two Bath unit.

Ms. reiterated that she wanted a two bedroom, two bath.

Venice Cove then informed Ms. that she would not qualify for the

apartment at 204 due to a past eviction. Ms. states that she had

never been evicted prior to Tennis Club II Apartments.

Ms. states that Venice Cove messed up the credit she had worked so

hard to protect.

The former President of the NAACP, Bill McCormick witnessed false signature

on Ms. paperwork.

Ms. were forced to wait another month and then ,as circumstances

unfolded, ex President of the NAACP, Bill McCormick WHO TOOK MORE THAN


Krissy Parrish that " if it wasn't for the NAACP, Venice Cove would not

exist " and this conversation was witnessed by Ms. . The intervention

by Mr. McCormick led to Ms. being ASSIGNED to yet another apartment

in the Venice Cove Complex, 2nd Building, # 101. After Ms. was all

ready to FINALLY MOVE INTO # 101, that is when The Venice Cove employees

informed Ms. that a SECOND credit check was performed and Ms.

credit was negative. Ms. states that fraud was perpetrated

with her bankruptcy papers.

Ms. was now forced to completely move into a new complex due to

Krissy Parrish's failure to fulfill the agreement at Venice Cove entered

into with Ms. .

Ms. states that her credit to move into the new complex,

BRIDGEWATER, was forced to move into after total and complete abandonment

and failure of Venice Cove to follow through with the agreement they gave

her, that the new apartment complex, BRIDGEWATER, did not have the problems

with her credit being negative other wise they would not have allowed her

entry into the apartment complex.

Lo! and Behold! Krissy Parrish worked as an employee at Bridgewater Place

2700 NW 44th Street with Jill DeBoys, before she went to work for Venice


After a year, Bridgewater put Ms. on the street homeless.

Then Ms. discovered her credit was permanently damaged and she

became homeless for 3 months and falsely placed in a hospital 2 times?!. at

her Hearing Venice dismissed Krissy Parrish nor did they have there

it was the woman Mari Peccira living in the two Bedroom 2 bath apartment

waiting for her home to be built. MS. had nothing to do with Mari

but to ask for her Boxes Ms. is Packed in those Boxes to this day

11/04. Yet this woman and the new manager is who Venice Coves Brought in as

Witnesses they had nothing to do with any thing other than she had the 2

bedroom 2 bath Judge E. Meale, Ask Her How long did she live there,

She replied it took a year for her home she also asked MS. if she

wanted to see her new apartment Ms. said yes and took the Boxes.

this is the only thing Ms. had to do with Mrs Mari Peccira she lied

under Oath, WHY? The bet goes on to this day 11/4/04 Long story? The County

Placed Ms. in a Hotel from 9/15/03 to 11/15/03 Illness from Mold

with legal aid as her attorney? Again she was on the street or back to the

Moldy apart she that evicted her because of Krissy Parrish Ms. had

no Choice in the matter Ms. is Disable and in need for safe living

from Toxicant HUD did care about the Doctor advice to remove Ms. .

Again Long Story

Elvira Krissy is spelled Krissy

There's More 5/05 Elvira



Civil Division

FortLauderdale FL.

Case No:03-17148


Judge: Streitfe






Comes Now, Plaintiff, Elvira Moves this Court not to Dismiss My

Amended Complaint and as grounds therefore Would State:


1. The Necessary Documents was not Filed by Mrs. it was done by the

Attorney Miss Fired who had no Respect for his Client.

2.Mr.Cocking had the agreement with HUD HOUSING

3. As For as a Lease From HUD at this time Miss only received paper

work that said She was to pay Mr. Cocking $245.00 a month

4. This should go to Miss Attorney he's the one that Filed the case

he never ask for this information.

5.The Plaintiff never Failed to attach anything it was the Attorney Lubell &

Rosen Counsel For Plaintiff (305) 655-3425 this is why my case must not be



6 . Again Lubell & Rosen was my Attorney and there was and offer from Mr.

Cocking Attorney Ramona of $15,000?

7. The Breach of Contract was on Mr. Cocking Defendant I lived on a

HUD Voucher!?.

8.Lubell & Rosen Failed to attach a Copy of Contract the that Mrs. Ramona

Made and offer of $15,000?

9. If this is so then why make and offer?

10.Again it was not the Plaintiff Failure it was the Attorneys


11.Plaintiff had an Attorney & Plaintiff is ILL and Indigent.

12. Plaintiff had Not only her Attorney on this case but also The President

of the FortLauderdale Branch of the NAACP Bill McCormick? Also Miss

Filed Complaints with State of Florida Commission on Human Relations on this

and other matters FCHR No.23-91453H; HUD Case No.04-03-0696-8, DOAH Case

No.04-2860; FCHR Order No.05-009. Question How does and Indigent Fight this

power with out Good Attorney!?. The list goes on this cause me bad Health

and cause me to become Homeless and Fraud perpetrated on my credit go


13.Again this goes back to Lubell & Rosen!?.

14.I say the Judge should be the Judge about this and do not dismiss my



15. Again this matter goes back to the Attorney Lubell & Rosen and Ramona


16.I'm not and Attorney I'm Indigent

17.My case must not be dismissed the Attorneys was wrong on both sides

Wherefore, Based on the above, the Plaintiff requests this Honorable Court

to not dismiss the Plaintiff's complaint I put this in the Hands of the

Courts Thank You.




January Term 2005






No. 4D05-600

[June 1, 2005]


Appellant's response to this court's May 18, 2005 order to show cause is

accepted for filing as appellant's initial brief. The court has

reviewed said brief and finds that

No preliminary basis for reversal has been demonstrated. Therefore, the appeal

is affirmed pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.315 (a).


Appeal from the State of Florida, Commission on Human Relations; L.T. case N0.

FCHR 05-9.

Elvira , Boca Raton, pro se.

e A. Sawyers of Law Offices of Lowenhaupt & Sawyers, Miami, for


Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.

All this and some!!! will happen to Victims of Katrina I pray they will have

more protection then people like myself and other has I have Chronic Pain Mold

and Toxin learn about MCS on the group above I'm not in the group,I'm on

my own after all this Shame what a Shame. again I would like to Thank for

Publishing my story I had to protest the NAACP the things they do 2 Toxic sights

in Fortlauderdale I'm 55 years old and my father side of the family lived there

they are all dead all but 3 one my age the other two my kids age. Where's my

people because this is wrongs of the NAACP HUD Housing Legal aid No one cares!?.

we need a voice If another Katrina comes along I couldn't go any place I would

have to stay where I'm I don't know any safe places to go. last year the Media

wanted to know if a new School in Broward had the Mold and Toxins in it. the

media called me and told me to go to the School for safety my Brother was here

at the time and tried to take me to Northern Florida they said we will run out

of gas but because I had Flyers with information on Mold to pass on to the

people so I went and they got their free test the School that open last year

the Mold and Toxin was so bad I could only stay in the Jim and when I could

stand out side this went on for 3 days Long story.


Any one feeling bad I hope this makes you feel better.

Bigger Problems my dear Joan, Bigger problems A to Z


This isn't going to be the only problems Katrina??? has done, check out what's

going on in your AC Systems I no because of what they did to me in the Hospital

last year and also have been spread into my bedroom window. Next time they do it

oh boy will they be surprise, they think because you live under HUD Housing no

one cares. that's now changing you see I can tell my lips get dry my eyes my

noise feel like it's going to blow up, and I get very weak sometimes 4 or more

days Depending on how much I take in. Store's are NO NO's for me and please as I

have said don't take my word investigate. I went to see a Doctor today when he

look at my paper work You see I suffer from Mold and Toxin & Chronic pain the

Doctor didn't want to hear a thing about Mold, then he asked me who sent me to


I said I just ask the Doctor for another Doctor and he said go below his office

and I should fine a Doctor there, he said don't talk to me about this problem I

know nothing. then he started talking to me and said something that made me say

this! You do know about Mold You are a doctor...... he stood up and told me to

get out of his office and who sent me? I told him you are a Doctor I don't

understand how you could ignore this problem? then I said to him you must have

grandkids and they are the one's that will suffer over what you do I wouldn't

want a doctor like that..... Those poor people from Katrina and all those before

her. They know but don't want you to know? any one out there that knows about

the AC or use it...... AC is just as dangerous these day's I can't enter my 90

year old Aunts house nor her yard her house is so bad my skin look like I was

burn it took less than 15 Min.

I get very weak can't get out of bed for days sometime over a week, and Now two

of her Boy's are Dead the baby boy his body really need to be tested Wake Up

people test do your own testing on your jobs home the list goes on.

It is now time to think of the Children and their children's, Children mark my

words just look at the poor children and all the problems they have and this is

not just a HUD Housing thing. meaning you don't have to live under HUD to have

this Problem Nick Jagger's X wife has this problem ask her


Top Stories from AlterNet for September 16, 2005




Makris, AlterNet

Water quality in New Orleans -- and throughout the South --

has been deplorable for years. In Katrina's wake it just

got dramatically worse.



Jeff Chang, Thenmozhi Soundararajan, Anita , AlterNet

To Barbara Bush, the Astrodome is a poor people's heaven.

From the floor of the Dome, however, life seems a lot

closer to hell.



Liza Featherstone, The Nation

After Katrina, Wal-Mart sent truckloads of water and

emergency supplies. A business capable of operating so humanely

should do so every day -- not just in a disaster.



Marcotte, AlterNet

In a desperate attempt to protect the president, the right

wing has resorted to blaming the hurricane victims.


-->Read AlterNet's comprehensive Katrina coverage:



Zack Pelta-Heller, AlterNet

Fiery British MP Galloway speaks out about mobilizing

opposition to the war, his new book, and the U.S. role in

global politics.


Re: [] Didn't Need a Crystal Ball for This One...

Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@...> wrote:

I contacted my Congressman here in Texas just a few minutes ago.....we will



Marcie, I have also had CFS for 30 years. I have emailed Kay at least

15 times about that illness and never ever received at least an acknowledgement

from her. I use to email Senator Phil and the same thing. I was watching Bill

Maher last night and I agree with him that we are not a democracy anymore. big

business runs the USA. Politicians are not concerned for poor or ill people,

they are concerned about business. I read where the mayor of New Orleans ran on

a platform of bringing new " businesses " to New Orleans. Shouldn't he have been

more concerned about the poor? I use to work for Procter & Gamble and they are a

good example of how rich people think. Almost every employee in management is

looking out for only his/her selves. I like to watch Bill O'reilly but even he

thinks that it is poor people's fault that they are poor. Many of us are poor

because we are ill. I am educated and use to make good money but when you become

so ill that it is hard just to live through the

day, how are we suppose to be thinking about getting raises and joining the

country club?

I know this isn't a political site but I do not see how our illnesses cannot

involve politics. Does anyone of this list really think that pharmaceuticals

company are going to do research in finding cures for illnesses? They believe in

treating symptoms and doctors and they both get rich. I stopped voting along

party lines years ago and frankly, I would like to see every politician voted

out until they get the message that we are not going to listen to their lies and

false promises anymore. I think Katrina is going to even help change

government's view on poor and ill people. Politicians first concern should be

the health and welfare of it's people, this includes taking care of the

environment. But, I think most would agree that it is too late, it is like a

snowball that has turned into an avalanche. It is a shame that most of us were

successful at one time before we became ill and it takes something like this to

make one realize what is really important in life.



for Good

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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I have two books right now loaned out to friends. As soon as I get them back

I'll be happy to lend it to you. If I should forget PLEASE remind me!!!! It

shouldn't cost much to mail it to you.


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Thanks Sue...I appreciate your kindness. When I am done, I will send it back.



ssr3351@... wrote:


I have two books right now loaned out to friends. As soon as I get them back

I'll be happy to lend it to you. If I should forget PLEASE remind me!!!! It

shouldn't cost much to mail it to you.


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