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Re: Day Twelve at the Gym!

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Hey Girl,

Today on top of my boss coming in unexpectedly she brought her boss with her we went over all kinds of numbers and walked the property, I didn't eat my morning snack and was late on my lunch and by the time they left the last thing I did was want to work out. I considered skipping and then just making up on my rest day but then I pushed myself just to get it over with. I went got through all but the last 10 minutes and a woman I have never met or even seen came up to me and invited me to try her class. I have never gone to one of these classes I am so not coordinated. When you tell me right I will go left that is just the way I work. I told her this and she said "come on you will love it just give it a try" so I went, figured The Lord sent her to me. I looked like a fool but I did it, I made it through the whole thing and I am even thinking of going back again. After I got home I looked at my

Polar Heart Rate watch and usually I burn about 700 calories per workout in 1 hour and today I burned 1155 calories in 1 hour 39 minutes. After it all I was so pumped I didn't even remember my work day I am on such a high I will sleep like a baby. Just thought I would share this with you and everyone else. That women at the gym her name was Terry and today she was my angel.

From: Sapphyre <sapphyreonalosingstreak@...>Subject: Day Twelve at the Gym!"100Plus List" <100-plus >Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 7:46 PM

I must admit, every workout day, somewhere around 3 p.m., I start trying to talk myself out of going to the gym. But I stay strong and go. I get on the tread and get started. At first I tell myself ok, you don't have to do as much today as you did Tuesday. Relaxes me a little and I keep putting one foot in front of the other. At 1/2 mile, I'm upping the speed and thinking You can do 2.0 today if you wanted! Unfortunatly the gym was crowded today and I only got in my mile at 3 incline and 2.6 speed. I did 4 weight machines (abs, lats, chest and butterfly) and got the 15 minutes on the bike. I feel great and wish I'd stop trying to talk myself out of a workout!*~*~*~*

"You can deprive the body, but the soul needs chocolate" -Sapphyre


"Giving Up Is Not An Option ..." - Sapphyre


Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.~English Proverb


"I will not brood about how far I have to go, but will celebrate how far I've come" - Sapphyre


Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.-Buddha

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I'm so not coordinated too! I have to lightly hold the bars on the tread, but I do go some ways swinging my arms. My feet are funny, not only do the toes turn in and I'm flat footed, but the top of my foot turns down too. I never got that fixed when I was a kid. But any thing we do is that much we've done and it all counts! You did great, gonna try to keep up the pace? I'm adding a machine tomorrow (leg extension)!


"You can deprive the body, but the soul needs chocolate" -Sapphyre


"Giving Up Is Not An Option ..." - Sapphyre


Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.~English Proverb


"I will not brood about how far I have to go, but will celebrate how far I've come" - Sapphyre


Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.-Buddha

From: Sapphyre <sapphyreonalosingst reak (DOT) com>Subject: Day Twelve at the Gym!"100Plus List" <100-plus@group s.com>Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 7:46 PM

I must admit, every workout day, somewhere around 3 p.m., I start trying to talk myself out of going to the gym. But I stay strong and go. I get on the tread and get started. At first I tell myself ok, you don't have to do as much today as you did Tuesday. Relaxes me a little and I keep putting one foot in front of the other. At 1/2 mile, I'm upping the speed and thinking You can do 2.0 today if you wanted! Unfortunatly the gym was crowded today and I only got in my mile at 3 incline and 2.6 speed. I did 4 weight machines (abs, lats, chest and butterfly) and got the 15 minutes on the bike. I feel great and wish I'd stop trying to talk myself out of a workout!*~*~*~*

"You can deprive the body, but the soul needs chocolate" -Sapphyre


"Giving Up Is Not An Option ..." - Sapphyre


Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.~English Proverb


"I will not brood about how far I have to go, but will celebrate how far I've come" - Sapphyre


Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.-Buddha

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You rock I have to hold the bars on the treadmill especially when I am on an incline. Keep up the good work.

From: Sapphyre <sapphyreonalosingst reak (DOT) com>Subject: Day Twelve at the Gym!"100Plus List" <100-plus@group s.com>Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 7:46 PM

I must admit, every workout day, somewhere around 3 p.m., I start trying to talk myself out of going to the gym. But I stay strong and go. I get on the tread and get started. At first I tell myself ok, you don't have to do as much today as you did Tuesday. Relaxes me a little and I keep putting one foot in front of the other. At 1/2 mile, I'm upping the speed and thinking You can do 2.0 today if you wanted! Unfortunatly the gym was crowded today and I only got in my mile at 3 incline and 2.6 speed. I did 4 weight machines (abs, lats, chest and butterfly) and got the 15 minutes on the bike. I feel great and wish I'd stop trying to talk myself out of a workout!*~*~*~*

"You can deprive the body, but the soul needs chocolate" -Sapphyre


"Giving Up Is Not An Option ..." - Sapphyre


Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.~English Proverb


"I will not brood about how far I have to go, but will celebrate how far I've come" - Sapphyre


Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine.-Buddha

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> I must admit, every workout day, somewhere around 3 p.m., I start

trying to talk myself out of going to the gym.  But I stay strong and


You are doing great! Keep staying strong!


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>  I considered skipping and then just making up on my rest day but

>then I pushed myself just to get it over with.  I went got through

>all but the last 10 minutes and a woman I have never met or even

>seen came up to me and invited me to try her class.  I have never

>gone to one of these classes I am so not coordinated. 

Good Job going!! It is always nice to meet new people and have

someone invite you along :)

> I made it through the whole thing and I am even thinking of going

>back again.  After I got home I looked at my Polar Heart Rate watch

>and usually I burn

> about 700 calories per workout in 1 hour and today I burned 1155

>calories in 1 hour 39 minutes.  After it all I was so pumped I

>didn't even remember my work day I am on such a high I will sleep

>like a baby.  Just thought I would share this with you and everyone

>else.  That women at the gym her name was Terry and today she was my



Congrats !! Keep up the good work!


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  • 11 months later...
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> Better on food today, few fewer calories.

Since my doc visit Monday I'm really paying attention to foods, too. The

party's finally over for me, the one that started last October and

continued through this past Sunday.

>Am chomping at the bit right now to get to the gym

Now that my foot's feeling a bit better I'm back to my exercise, and

thanks to my doctor's um, let's just call it a " motivational speech " I'm

stepping it up a bit. I'm working with a new qigong video that's leaving

me stretched out and a little bit sore, and because I still can't walk

without pain I'm using the exercycle instead of the treadmill, and I

hate to admit it but after I'm done for the morning it does feel good to

have moved and sweat, for the first time in years.

> But I'll hold strong and go. I really need this.

Same here. My blood work was fine except for the triglycerides, and they

were probably up in part from following *his* food plan (SparkPeople)

which had a lot of white flour and more sugary products than I usually

eat, and the lack of exercise. But the blood pressure had been creeping

up again. Being in near constant pain for a few months can do that, as

well as lack of adequate exercise, but low thyroid levels can also cause

the increase. He doubled the thyroid dosage, so between everything I'm

now doing it should go down again and I won't have to take that pill he

wants me to but I can't because of interactions with another med I'm on

for the foot.

> Well going to go check mail, I'm at lunch inside because of the heat.

More later.

How bad is it over there - probably close to 100º this time of year?

>One of my cacti was knocked off the table and probably will die

The local critters again?

> I did 1.5 miles on the tread I'm bathed in sweat and TIRED. That's a

good thing, actually.

Congrats! Now go ahead and do it again tonight, and I'll do my new

routine again tomorrow, deal? :)

Sue in NJ

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From: Sue in NJ <sue_in_nj@...>

Subject: Re: Day Twelve at the Gym!


Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 12:52 PM

> Well going to go check mail, I'm at lunch inside because of the heat.

More later.

How bad is it over there - probably close to 100º this time of year?

105 to 112, and that's not counting the heat index.

>One of my cacti was knocked off the table and probably will die

The local critters again?

This time I think just the lil cacti got too big for it's pot and toppled over.

I repotted it I hope it lives.

> I did 1.5 miles on the tread I'm bathed in sweat and TIRED. That's a

good thing, actually.

Congrats! Now go ahead and do it again tonight, and I'll do my new

routine again tomorrow, deal? :)

Actually I went flying out of the house this morning, not only did I forget my

cellphone but my gym clothes as well :(


Sue in NJ

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