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Public release date: 13-Sep-2005

Contact: Barbara Hyde



American Society for Microbiology


Hurricane aftermath: Infectious disease threats from common, not

exotic, diseases

Washington, DC--September 13, 2005--In the wake of Katrina, the

public health threats from infectious diseases in hurricane-

devastated areas are more likely to come from milder, more common

infections rather than exotic diseases. These common infections can

often be prevented using simple hygiene measures and a little common


" Deadly diseases, such as typhoid or cholera, are unlikely to break

out after hurricanes and floods in areas where these diseases do not

already naturally occur, " says Ruth Berkelman, MD, Chair of the

Public and Scientific Affairs Board of the American Society for

Microbiology. " The greatest threats to the people in the affected

areas are going to be from diseases that were already there. "

Dr. Berkelman is the Rollins Professor and Director of the Center

for Public Health Preparedness and Research at the Rollins School of

Public Health at Emory University. She is a former Assistant Surgeon

General of the United States and former deputy director of the CDC's

National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID).

Common infectious disease problems in New Orleans in the coming

weeks are likely to be skin and soft-tissue infections, most likely

from cuts, abrasions and wounds. The primary culprits will be

Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria, both of which can

generally be treated with available antibiotics. Diseases caused by

consumption of contaminated food or water as well as diseases caused

by mosquitoes or other insect bites are also a threat.

Vibrio vunificus can also cause serious infections, either wound

infections or blood poisoning (septicemia); V. vulnificus is a

bacterium that is normally present in Gulf Coast waters and is

usually contracted by eating tainted seafood. It is primarily a

threat to people with weakened immune systems or liver dysfunction.

The CDC has confirmed 15 infections with V. vulnificus, 3 of which

were fatal. These cases have occurred in areas other than New

Orleans where the water has greater salinity.

Another concern is diarrhea and gastrointestinal illnesses from the

flood waters. Short bouts of diarrhea and upset stomachs sometimes

occur after natural disasters and can be caused sewage contamination

of the water. Although at high levels in floodwaters, the E. coli

found in New Orleans is the type commonly associated with fecal

contamination and is not the E. coli H7:O157 strain that can cause

serious kidney disease and bloody diarrhea.

" At this point in time, I think it is just common sense to continue

drinking only bottled water unless authorities have tested the water

now being piped into some facilities and have declared it safe to

drink, " says Berkelman. " To also prevent risk of infection, people

should practice basic hygiene, frequently washing their hands with

soap and clean water or disinfecting hands with an alcohol-based

hand cleaner. Individuals should not eat food that has been exposed

to flood waters or that has not been properly refrigerated. "

One common misperception is that the body of a person who died as

the result of the hurricane and is still in the city poses a risk of


" Decaying bodies pose very little risk for major disease outbreaks, "

says Berkelman. Furthermore, mosquitoes do not spread disease by

feeding on dead bodies. There is, however, a risk of mosquito-borne

diseases such as West Nile because mosquitoes breed in standing

water. Appropriate pest management, including addressing the need to

get rid of standing water, is an important public health measure,

she said. A bacterial disease, leptospirosis, may be caused by

exposure to water contaminated by rodent urine and can be treated

successfully with antibiotics.

Over the long term, mold may also pose a threat. Mold growth is an

indicator of excess moisture, and much will need to be done to dry

out New Orleans and clean up mold growth. Some environmental molds

can cause allergic reactions.


For more information on the potential health effects from Hurricane

Katrina and what can be done about them, visit the CDC website at


The American Society for Microbiology, headquartered in Washington,

D.C., is the largest single life science association, with 42,000

members worldwide. Its members work in educational, research,

industrial, and government settings on issues such as the

environment, the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases,

laboratory and diagnostic medicine, and food and water safety. The

ASM's mission is to gain a better understanding of basic life

processes and to promote the application of this knowledge for

improved health and economic and environmental well-being.

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