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100 calorie snack test

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My diet doctor suggested I take this online test to see how well I did. (15

out of 24).


A few I think I missed simply because I never heard of them before.

I am still working on re-doing my recipes and menus .......sigh. Need more

veggie's less starch.

And it needs to be something I will really eat. Low calorie bread with low

fat peanut butter and an apple is not going to be my lunch 5 days a week

either. One day, maybe but all 5 no way!


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I got 21/24! Good at judging calories, not good at actually eating only 100 calories!

Suggestions for lunches:

Salads. I LIVED on them for about 6 months. I was all for convenience and ease... I bought my veggies and lettuce for the week. I cut all the different veggies and put them in individual containers. Then the night before I would mix up the concoction I wanted for the next day. I would grill a bunch of chicken for the week and cut it in pieces to add for protein. I would also boil eggs for a change or use canned tuna. I used salsa as my dressing most of the time to save some calories/fat.

Smart ones, Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice frozen meals. Not the best for processed foods, but very handy and good to have so you are not tempted to go fast food.

Soups... low calorie...watch the sodium content though.

When I make dinners, I always make more than I need so I can divide the left overs into individual gladware and save for lunches.

To get some veggies in, I started drinking low sodium V8 with lunches where I didn't have many veggies. It is quick and easy to travel in the individual cans. My sister doesn't like the "tinny" taste of the can, so she buys the plastic jugs and transfers into recycled water bottles.

a apmleehere@...

From: J <jelayne@...>"100-Plusgroups (DOT) Com" <100-plus >Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 5:06:42 PMSubject: 100 calorie snack test

My diet doctor suggested I take this online test to see how well I did. (15out of 24). http://www.womenshe althmag.com/ nutrition/ 100-calories- quiz A few I think I missed simply because I never heard of them before. I am still working on re-doing my recipes and menus .......sigh. Need moreveggie's less starch. And it needs to be something I will really eat. Low calorie bread with lowfat peanut butter and an apple is not going to be my lunch 5 days a weekeither. One day, maybe but all 5 no way! Jelayne

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At home where I can use my scale I am ok on portion control. Its away from

home, at times when I have to " eye ball it " that I have trouble with portion

control. I will see my diet doctor for private sessions about once every 3

months as needed, the rest of the sessions will be group sessions for now.

Its a small group. 4 of us on last Monday. Portion control was the topic. I

could have used some of her suggestions before the holidays. For example.

At the buffet line, don't be the 1st in line. Take your plate and do a quick

scan to see what is available further down the line and get and idea of the

foods you like best. Choose 4 items. Choose 1 meat item the size of a deck

of cards. Choose one starch item, no matter if its, bread, dinner roll,

stuffing, potatoes, corn, peas ect. Try to keep it to 3 or 4 oz (deck of

card size or computer mouse size). Next choose 2 yep 2 veggie items to fill

up other 1/2 of your place. Like green bean casserole, tossed salad, carrot

sticks. Limit (or skip) any " toppings " to 2 tps or less. IE Reddi whip on

coffee express drink. Since once I start eating it find it very hard to put

on the breaks, she suggested I skip the finger foods / snacks and only eat

the " main " meal. And try to get at the end of the line and not at the

beginning. And one serving of desert is not a bad thing. Just need to choose

a " single serving size " and stop at one serving. Not super size it. For

example a slice of birthday cake is about 2 inches by 2 inches. Or a piece

of pie would be about 1/8 of the pie.

We also talked about drinks. Soda, diet soda, coffee, eggnog ect. And how

those calories count too. So a cup of hot cocoa is ok. Hot cocoa with reddi

whip and sprinkles is not the better choice. We played a game. She had names

of drinks written on index cards. We had to put them in order lowest

calories to highest calories. I was fooled by grape juice. It had more

calories then I thought it did.

For those who have better control, then eating the finger foods at parties

is ok IF you can stop at 100 calories. (That is why she suggested the 100

calorie test). I lack the will power to stop at 100 calories once I get

started. I find easier to avoid it completely then to stop after that 1st

bite. Knowing that should help me out at the next party I go to. The drink

game helped me some too.

I love the idea of salsa instead of dressing. The only dressings I like are

1000's Island (hard to find low fat one), Low fat French (I get tired of

having too often) and Western (hard to find in Monroe - let alone find in

low fat.).

For a long time I lived on Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and a few other

Healthy - low fat " types of TV dinners. But I cant have them any more.

Something in them seems to be triggering Migraine headaches. The doctor

suspects its the MSG or the amount of salt in them. I had to keep a diet

journal and that seems to be the common factor.

I love soups. I cant find a good low salt soup at the store either. Even the

ones that say low sodium are high enough to trigger a migraine. I am having

to learn how to make them on my own. Sigh.

I hate cooking. I am not really very good at it.



-- Re: 100 calorie snack test

I got 21/24! Good at judging calories, not good at actually eating only 100


Suggestions for lunches:

Salads. I LIVED on them for about 6 months. I was all for convenience and

ease... I bought my veggies and lettuce for the week. I cut all the

different veggies and put them in individual containers. Then the night

before I would mix up the concoction I wanted for the next day. I would

grill a bunch of chicken for the week and cut it in pieces to add for

protein. I would also boil eggs for a change or use canned tuna. I used

salsa as my dressing most of the time to save some calories/fat.

Smart ones, Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice frozen meals. Not the best for

processed foods, but very handy and good to have so you are not tempted to

go fast food.

Soups... Low calorie...watch the sodium content though.

When I make dinners, I always make more than I need so I can divide the left

overs into individual gladware and save for lunches.

To get some veggies in, I started drinking low sodium V8 with lunches where

I didn't have many veggies. It is quick and easy to travel in the individual

cans. My sister doesn't like the " tinny " taste of the can, so she buys the

plastic jugs and transfers into recycled water bottles.




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