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's motd Monday Dec 29, 2008

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Monday, 29 December 2008

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you have just three more days to shop! Everything is 40% off and, if you use our store's credit card, we'll give you 50% off! But wait! If you come in between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00AM, we'll give you an additional 10% off! on all your purchases. That's right, we're ready to deal, folks! So hurry on in because we know we have something great just for you!

Now let me tell you about a few of our specials. We have our gotta-have bottles of Self-Worth! Oh, just put a little bit on and you'll feel like you're on top of the world. You'll feel good about yourself and that great feeling will carry on for you into the new year. This large bottle of self-worth is guaranteed to last you all year long!We have something else that's going to do you so-o-o much good. It's available only in our store and it's our big boxes of Motivation. Careful now, you don't want to spill it! Sprinkle our one-of-a-kind Motivation on your heads each morning and you'll feel like staying on program every day of the week, eating right and exercising.Over here in our fashions department are our Career Shirts. Put one on and you'll feel like going back to school to increase your skills by going back to school or taking those advancement classes on the Internet. And every time you wear it, you'll increase your knowledge and you'll get where you want to go with your career dreams.

Oh, and one more thing I have to show you. It's hanging right over here. It's our Rainbow Mobile and you can't get it anyplace but here. Look at those colors, ladies and gentlemen. Feast your eyes on the colors and on the way it moves. Our rainbow will give you direction and hope. The clouds may form, the rain may come but afterwards, the rainbow is put there by our Creator to give us all that sense of hope. And that's what our exclusive Rainbow Mobile will do for your life. I know you're going to want all of these items. And you know what? I like you! And because I do, I'm packing all of these wonderful items up and giving them to you! No, I'm not kidding. I think you're a good egg! And by looking into your eyes, I can tell that you can use all of these products.But if you don't use them, they'll simply disappear from your life right before your eyes. Don't let that happen...put 'em to work for you! You should start using all of this merchandise right away so you'll have just a grand-old day, come Thursday followed by a grand-old year! Well, I've gotta be going now. I'm heading for the next town to meet some more very nice people. And I hope all of them are just like you. Hurry now! You've got just three more days to get these great bargains and you've gotta have 'em all!

Thanks for stopping by and please, don't pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity!Love From You Super-Saleman,

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