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's motd Friday December 26, 2008

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Friday, 26 December 2008

So how was your Christmas Day? Did Santa leave you something great under the tree? Were you careful and watched how much you ate? Did you cook? Did you clean? Did you have to pick up and toss out mountains of wrapping paper and ribbon?

Did you entertain or did you go to someone else's house and let them entertain you? Did it seem you stood on your feet too much yesterday? Did you get to bed late last night? Oh, believe me, I know what you mean!As I told you earlier this week, I have my brother Lenny and his wife visiting me from New Orleans all week. I had friends coming in and out of the house all day to visit them. It seems the doorbell was ringing every half hour! I wish I would have been wearing a pedometer yesterday. I'm sure it would have shown me racking up about 20,000 steps. Oh! I don't know how many times I went upstairs and then back downstairs. And in the middle of all that entertaining and walking around chatting with everyone, I was also in the kitchen cooking.

I also had a few phone calls to make to people I care about who're in the hospital or rehab centers during these holidays.And the dogs! They were so excited by all the Christmas activity at my house. It's so rare that we have company but yesterday, we had company...all day long! Everyone was rubbing and petting them as Hattie and Dolly were running all over the place to show they approval. Children just love my Dalmatians. And when it's time for them to go home, sometimes they'll cry because they have to say good-bye to Hattie and Dolly.After that last guest left, I straightened things up a bit and took that last walk up the stairs to get ready for bed. I'm telling you, every part of my body from my neck down was tired. In fact, I was so tired that I almost fell asleep right there in the shower! I feel so-o-o much better today after getting a good nights sleep.

Today I'm going to spend some more time with Lenny and . We're just going to sit around, talk and relax. And I hope you'll get in a little time to relax today, too. I know your minds are filled with so many wonderful memories of Christmas Day. I know mine is. And today, I'll replay all those memories with my brother and sister-in-law as we spend a cozy afternoon at home. It's a perfect day for that because it's been a little chilly here in Los Angeles this week.Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing. I did get on the scale this morning and I was so happy to see that I had not gained any weight from the food I ate on Christmas Day!My biggest conquest yesterday was to not nibble while I was cooking, saving those calories and my appetite for Christmas dinner itself. And we ate dinner a little earlier in the day, too. My body really appreciated that.Did you get on the scale today?Love,

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