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Re: CFS sufferers listen up!! What has worked for me!!

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Pizza !!!

I didn't even read your post and JUST sent off a long email about what I

have been taking !

My list / research lead me to the exact same conclusions as you and am

taking nearly the exact same regimen !!! Coincidence?

Natren (this stuff is incredible) , Alpha Lapoic Acid, Glutathione boosters,

Silymarin (Milk Thistle), Magnesium, Biotin, NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)

.....and more ... I mean our lists are nearly identical !!!

Everything you said is exactly what my researched showed helps and what I

take now.


I feel better too ! My CSF and mold symptoms have gone as well. (Outside of

re-exposure hits)

Fellow Moldie


Northern California

[] CFS sufferers listen up!! What has worked for me!!

> Most CFS sufferers have a depletion of the master antioxidant

> Glutathione. Also, many have elevated levels of Epstein-Barr Virus.

> Also everyone has low levels of magnesium which is important in an

> incredible amount of bodily processes. This leads me to my wife's and

> my doctor. Dr. Schaller, co-author of Mold Warriors. He has

> changed our lives and I first saw him just over 3 weeks ago when I

> began treatment. My wife began treatment just over a week ago. His

> website personalconsult.com has an index of over 500 articles that

> pertain to mold,lime etc. I have read nearly all of them and they have

> educated me greatly. I suggest you read them to, even the one's that

> do not pertain to mold as they have info you can use as well. My CFS

> is pretty much gone in just days. Here is what I did. I've been

> taking CSM for just over 3 weeks along with Nystatin 500,000 IU 2 pills

> a day for candida. A week and a half in I received my prescription to

> Testosterone Cream since mine was 188 along with Healthy Trinity

> probiotic/ 1 a day, Fisol fish oil because it is entericaly coated, 4

> 3x a day, total of 12, to push my VEGF of 24 plus it has other benefits

> for sure as well. I also received enteric charcoal and I take 7-8 a day

> at once when I can as doc said it works better than CSM for some and it

> probably helps remove toxins that CSM won't. Okay so I am on day 24 of

> treatment right now so it was about day 21 when my supplements arrived.

> A day later CFS for me is pretty much gone. Many of the supplements Dr.

> Schaller suggested and some I got because I know they are good and

> help. So this is what we take. All NSI products because they are

> cheap and the purest and best tested out there. On vitacost.com, link

> from personalconsult.com. My wife and I take 4 MGC-6 a day to boost the

> immune system. It is 4 mushroom extracts plus Beta 1,3-D glucan along

> with L-Theanine. We are taking 4 a day just for the first week to

> super boost our immune systems. We also are taking CoQ10 Q-gels 100mgs

> a day because CoQ10 is very good stuff/ it also has vitamin E in it.

> Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mgs a day since it boosts glutathione and

> regenerates other antioxidants as well as boosting the energy you get

> from food. Acetyl L Carnitine HCL/Arginate as it is good for losing

> fat, memory and nervous system and I have a disc herniation as well. A

> couple grapefruit seed extract pills because gfs is used to kill mold

> so it can't hurt. Vitamin-B complex for a host of reasons and it has C

> in it. N-Acetyl Cysteine 600mgs 3x a day as it is a direct precursor

> to glutathione and it is fda approved for acetaminophen overdoses. I'm

> also taking Magnesium since everyone usually is low in it and it has so

> many functions. As well as Milk Thistle and zinc I had laying around

> since Milk Thistle cleans toxins from the liver and zinc is good for

> the immune syatem. If this sounds like alot it is, but I am over this

> mold crap and my CFS left the day I added all of these supplements. I

> really think that the MGC-6 is vital for immunity restoral. N-Acetyl

> Cysteine because it boosts glutathione and that is very low in most CFS

> sufferers. I hope this helps some of you!!














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Oh, I just love when suddenly I get hit with the lazy and stupids!!

When that happens to me, I'll take a double csm and it will clear

quick!! I am worried about this pressure/pain I get, in and behind my

right eye sometimes though. I'm supposed to get a sinus cat scan and

I'm afraid it will show something bad with all the aspergillus I was

exposed to!! Now that my health and energy are much better, I'm

really, really pissed at the bastards who caused this to happen to

me. By the way the N Acetyl Cysteine also helps with MCS which we

both acquired!

> Pizza !!!


> I didn't even read your post and JUST sent off a long email about

what I

> have been taking !

> My list / research lead me to the exact same conclusions as you and


> taking nearly the exact same regimen !!! Coincidence?


> Natren (this stuff is incredible) , Alpha Lapoic Acid, Glutathione


> Silymarin (Milk Thistle), Magnesium, Biotin, NAC (N-Acetyl


> ....and more ... I mean our lists are nearly identical !!!


> Everything you said is exactly what my researched showed helps and

what I

> take now.


> Amazing.

> I feel better too ! My CSF and mold symptoms have gone as well.

(Outside of

> re-exposure hits)


> Fellow Moldie

> Angelika

> Northern California




> [] CFS sufferers listen up!! What has worked

for me!!



> > Most CFS sufferers have a depletion of the master antioxidant

> > Glutathione. Also, many have elevated levels of Epstein-Barr


> > Also everyone has low levels of magnesium which is important in


> > incredible amount of bodily processes. This leads me to my

wife's and

> > my doctor. Dr. Schaller, co-author of Mold Warriors. He has

> > changed our lives and I first saw him just over 3 weeks ago when I

> > began treatment. My wife began treatment just over a week ago.


> > website personalconsult.com has an index of over 500 articles that

> > pertain to mold,lime etc. I have read nearly all of them and they


> > educated me greatly. I suggest you read them to, even the one's


> > do not pertain to mold as they have info you can use as well. My


> > is pretty much gone in just days. Here is what I did. I've been

> > taking CSM for just over 3 weeks along with Nystatin 500,000 IU 2


> > a day for candida. A week and a half in I received my

prescription to

> > Testosterone Cream since mine was 188 along with Healthy Trinity

> > probiotic/ 1 a day, Fisol fish oil because it is entericaly

coated, 4

> > 3x a day, total of 12, to push my VEGF of 24 plus it has other


> > for sure as well. I also received enteric charcoal and I take 7-8

a day

> > at once when I can as doc said it works better than CSM for some

and it

> > probably helps remove toxins that CSM won't. Okay so I am on day

24 of

> > treatment right now so it was about day 21 when my supplements


> > A day later CFS for me is pretty much gone. Many of the

supplements Dr.

> > Schaller suggested and some I got because I know they are good and

> > help. So this is what we take. All NSI products because they are

> > cheap and the purest and best tested out there. On vitacost.com,


> > from personalconsult.com. My wife and I take 4 MGC-6 a day to

boost the

> > immune system. It is 4 mushroom extracts plus Beta 1,3-D glucan


> > with L-Theanine. We are taking 4 a day just for the first week to

> > super boost our immune systems. We also are taking CoQ10 Q-gels


> > a day because CoQ10 is very good stuff/ it also has vitamin E in


> > Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mgs a day since it boosts glutathione and

> > regenerates other antioxidants as well as boosting the energy you


> > from food. Acetyl L Carnitine HCL/Arginate as it is good for


> > fat, memory and nervous system and I have a disc herniation as

well. A

> > couple grapefruit seed extract pills because gfs is used to kill


> > so it can't hurt. Vitamin-B complex for a host of reasons and it

has C

> > in it. N-Acetyl Cysteine 600mgs 3x a day as it is a direct


> > to glutathione and it is fda approved for acetaminophen

overdoses. I'm

> > also taking Magnesium since everyone usually is low in it and it

has so

> > many functions. As well as Milk Thistle and zinc I had laying


> > since Milk Thistle cleans toxins from the liver and zinc is good


> > the immune syatem. If this sounds like alot it is, but I am over


> > mold crap and my CFS left the day I added all of these

supplements. I

> > really think that the MGC-6 is vital for immunity restoral. N-


> > Cysteine because it boosts glutathione and that is very low in

most CFS

> > sufferers. I hope this helps some of you!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

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Thank You.....Thank You.....Thank You

to pizzahuttoxic and Angelika for the valuable info.

Exactly what I was looking for!

Now I'm going to do some research on these items and visit the sites

you mentioned. Then I have to find a way to afford this stuff, as my

short term disability has not been approved yet. I'm flat broke.

Does anyone know if Matol products are any good for treating this

toxic problem? Just curious about Matol products as my aunt is a big

believer in them for every condition.


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" Angelika wrote:

> I didn't even read your post and JUST sent off a long email about

what I have been taking ! My list / research lead me to the exact

same conclusions as you and am taking nearly the exact same

regimen !!! Coincidence?


> Natren (this stuff is incredible) , Alpha Lapoic Acid, Glutathione

boosters, Silymarin (Milk Thistle), Magnesium, Biotin, NAC (N-

Acetyl Cysteine)

> ....and more ... I mean our lists are nearly identical !!!


> Everything you said is exactly what my researched showed helps and

what I take now.

> Amazing.

> I feel better too ! My CSF and mold symptoms have gone as well.

(Outside of re-exposure hits)


> Fellow Moldie

> Angelika

> Northern California

Great stuff, but not exactly a coincidence.

Someone should do a survey of the shopping bags full of vitamins and

supplements that ALL CFSers have in their kitchens...

It's all the same stuff.

We were doing all these very things, plus a few more, fifteen years

ago without much success. The health food stores are selling Natren

like hot cakes but it hasn't done people much good if they haven't

moved out of a moldy place. I remember when Bounous first

introduced the first Glutathione precursor Whey Protein " Immunocal " .

Tasted terrible.

I finally got sick and tired of PAYING for all these vitamins when

they weren't doing much good, and since being " (Outside of re-

exposure hits) " made more difference than anything else, just

proposed to Dr that I do THAT alone.

Bailed out of the ampligen program and have been climbing Mt

Whitney (and others) ever since.

As for the NOTICEABLE difference that " altitude " and " going to the

mountains " has on people, see Mold Warriors for an explanation of

the EPO " Erythropoietin " release induced by barometric pressure

shift that and I took advantage of as described in our


At least for me, this made a real difference when all the vitamins

did not.

I'm not trying to stomp on people's vitamin concepts, it's just

that we've all gone down this road and paid thousands of dollars

when it might just be that staying outside of mold exposure, which

you just may have to do anyway - could concentrate your economic

resources on the most helpful course of action.


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You are very welcome. I don't know about Matol, but NSI at

Vitacost.com is very inexpensive and better quality than most. Dr.

Schaller along with like 8 or 9 others endorse these products. You can

read about the differences on the site. I'm a believer.

> Thank You.....Thank You.....Thank You

> to pizzahuttoxic and Angelika for the valuable info.

> Exactly what I was looking for!

> Now I'm going to do some research on these items and visit the sites

> you mentioned. Then I have to find a way to afford this stuff, as my

> short term disability has not been approved yet. I'm flat broke.


> Does anyone know if Matol products are any good for treating this

> toxic problem? Just curious about Matol products as my aunt is a big

> believer in them for every condition.


> mary

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> the first priority is to throw every dime you have into getting

away from this insidious, hideous, horrible, deadly stuff. It

absolutely turns a body into a toxic waste dump. Mold kills. Period.


> Angelika

Agreed, and afterward, if you still have any money, go for the FIR

sauna, intestinal cleanse and all the vitamins and supplements you see

fit to invest in.

Unfortunately, I see the usual thing is for people to spend years

trying to find that magic formula, and they just keep going downhill.

It was too funny to find a CFS doctor and his wife who were both ill,

along with many of their staff, in a sick doctors office that I

diagnosed for them.

They had access to virtually everthing in the book and had tried it

all without success for themselves, though they had no problem selling

these therapies to patients on a continuous basis.

They even used the example of a patient of theirs who had started

following my advice and started feeling better away from mold, as an

example of how well their wonder vitamins worked.

I lost all sympathy for them after that.

I'm all for vitamins, but from where I sit, avoidance is the priority.


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I realize that not everything works for everybody, but someone was

asking for help and this has helped us. I tried to put my reasons

behind what I was taking. Some of the things were recommended by

Dr.Schaller, some I added myself as I know a little to. My wife's

and my health started going downhill as soon as we started working at

that place in 12/03, I see looking back. We were sick on and off

practically the whole spring of 04. It got better in the summer,

then worse in the Fall of 04 with me getting strange eye pains.

Winter, the eye pains went away, but in the spring of 05 the rains

came and the mold took off for a number of reasons. It was only in

the spring of 05 while doing an internet search that I realized what

was going on. Our sicknesses got much worse very quickly and we

decided we had to go as management did nothing. After leaving there,

we initially started feeling better than we were. But in no way did

we feel good at all. Then the fatigue and chemical sensitivities set

in and things started getting worse until we saw Dr. Schaller. In no

way are we cured, but my brain is working better than I ever can

remember and my energy is as good as it has been since last winter

before we took extreme hits in the spring. I realize this may not

help some, but I'm not the type of person to sit by and let anyone

suffer when I may be able to make a difference!! I have dual

multisusceptible genes. MSH was less than 8, VEGF 24. Leptin a point

in the high range, and EBV was over 170. My testosterone was 188.

These were all taken on the first day I met Dr. Schaller. I started

feeling better after about the third packet of CSM, not good but

better, brain fog started to lift. In the book Mold Warriors, it says

that they can't usually help someone with my genes. They have!!

, SERENA EDWARDS <pushcrash@y...> wrote:

> erikmoldwarrior <erikmoldwarrior@e...> wrote:

> Great stuff, but not exactly a coincidence.

> Someone should do a survey of the shopping bags full of vitamins


> supplements that ALL CFSers have in their kitchens...


> This is very much in line with my own experience. In fact, on my

attorney's advice, I actually do keep all the bottles and jars in big

trash bags. On a bad day, I can't even lift one of those feather

light bags of empty plastic bottles - representative of many

thousands of dollars worth of medicines and supplements (those

listed, and others). It's not that the bags are filled with

completely worthless things, though I have hated that bag at times

when I was broke and needed food and saw the evidence of the cash I

wish I still had. There were some things I used that had some

benefit. Not many, but a few. I have a couple of ideas about that:


> One is that various OTC supplements may be helpful to people in

certain physical states. CFS, despite the official description, is

NOT a single physical state. It's a " syndrome " - a collection of

dozens of states that change so rapidly that the efficacy of any

given treatment is nearly impossible to spot subjectively -

especially if you're doing " supplement cocktails " . And objective

results are almost never offered. Which thing or combination of

things worked? For how long? To say you have CFS is merely to say you

feel like hell most of the time.


> The other idea (I didn't invent this line of thought myself, by any

means!) is that this illness definitely goes through stages, and

those stages depend on a number of factors - age, gender, overall

toxin load, present exposures, individual genetic make-up,

comorbidity (other illnesses, which may or may not have been

diagnosed), and probably a lot of things we haven't yet considered.

If somebody tells me they took " X " and they feel great or they feel

rotten, I totally believe them! Then I wait and watch, because

neither condition tends to last forever, though I always hope the

good days will. Then I look at my trash bags again. They are a

museum. They are my own personal reality check. And they are a

reference library for all the stuff I still can't remember on my own -

names, dates, dosages, etc. The fact that I still can't remember

without looking probably says a lot on its own. The fact that I may

have to wait days or sometimes weeks before I can heft that hefty

bag to look it up

> says a lot, too. So. The only thoroughly disproven treatment for

CFS is that of throwing large sums of money at it. Target your

expenditures, demand results.


> It might actually be that if you catch this illness early enough,

you can do a lot more with supplements than you can do later on. It's

hard to say, because very few of us get an accurate diagnosis until

years have passed. Studies show that a small percentage of people

with CFS make at least a partial remission in about 2 years no matter

what they do. Are those Moldies? No way to tell. But that's part of

the problem. CFS is almost a garbage can diagnosis (which makes my

trash bags fairly...poignant :).


> When you know the cause (mold), you can be treated for

mycotoxicosis or any of the other mold-related illnesses you got. We

know what those are, where they come from, and can get objective

results. Maybe not instant results (as with me, since I've been sick

from this stuff for years), but measurable results. My Hefty Bags are

ultimately what drove me to demand these kinds of results. My

illness, my cash, my rules. Results have to be objectively measurable

and progressive in their improvements. These demands are tied closely

to Shoemaker's protocol and philosophy in the way he practices.


> Anything else I do at this point is only a stopgap - like

painkillers. They might work right now, and I might need them right

now, but they don't produce any lasting improvements. They only allow

me to survive the journey to repaired health. If feeling better right

now was the only goal for me, well then, heroine and cyanide both

work, too. They will even end the illness. But the outcome is not

exactly, uhhh...optimal. Ending the illness is NOT the goal. Restored

health is the goal. Biggggg difference!


> I'm not really disparaging trying other things. Some things I have

tried worked pretty well on a specific problem or at a specific time.

Just please don't be thinking that there is this magic list somewhere

that's gonna get you well. If there was, we'd all be well by now.


> Congrats to Pizza Guy and Mrs. Pizza Guy. I really hope you caught

it early enough with the right stuff! One of my greatest wishes is

that more people could get properly diagnosed sooner so as to

hopefully avoid long term damage and more difficult treatment.



> Serena

> www.freeboards.net/index.php?mforum=sickgovernmentb


> __________________________________________________


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