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My message to the board ( KC, moderator)

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Excuse any misspellings or any words that may have been left out,

but I did not proof read it and you'll understand.

We all know that there is no silver bullet and this is stated by

Dr.Shoemaker, Dr.Marinkovich, Dr.Johanning and many other treating

physicians. If there was, we won't be here. And even some that say

they are cured are kidding themselves and everyone else. You can not

say you are cured when you still react. The correct answer would be

my symptoms have subsided because of..... None of this type of

treatment is shortterm. There are many type of detox treatments that

are available to us and every single one has its pros and cons. But

they are all just as important as the next, from dieting, saunas and

whirlpool, exercise, antifungals, natural medications/vitamins, CSM,

hyperbaric chamber, oxygen therapy, some have even gone as far as

liver,kidney, bowel flushes, chelation, so on and so on and so on.

All of these forms of treatment are absolutely useless if you can't

get out of or cleanup your environment and then some. And even this

may not be enough, but it is a step that must be taken. What works

for you is all that matters, because that is what is affecting your

life and there should not be anything more important than that. This

is not to say, I'm sicker than you, I've been exposed longer, none

of this should come to light. Everyone's situation and body makeup

is different.

This is the main reason I WILL NOT ever slam anyone else for doing

what they are doing, especially if they are getting a great results.

Or really question with any negativity that it is working for them.

This is the hardest part about moderating a board, at times I feel

like a referee and there is a fine line of how much I really try to

control. So we can all see both sides. I don't like it anymore than

anyone else, but it is a fact of life and yes it is stressful. This

is not a pissing match between members who can do what better or my

way is the only way or mold caused this or mold didn't cause that.

If ANYONE wants a heated debate about such things, then please take

it to your emails.. Between one another or call me. I like a good

debate at times.

We all get sensitive every now and then because we are dealing with

enough BS in our lives and yes even I at times go off the deep end,

because I have seen/heard the destruction more than many and what

this stuff is capable of doing. Yes there is only one member of my

family that is sick and I personally have not been exposed, but

talking to many of this board what affects you and your family does

affect me also.

I know how much and the strain that this mold issue has put on many

of you, it sucks to have your life revolve around mold. It's kindof

sickening isn't it?! When you know it should not be happening,

because we can't get this issue through to some real thick heads and

how it has affected us.

We are fighting our own natural/national disaster and have been for

many years and we have lost absolutely everything or on the verge

of. I just spoke to a family husband, wife, father and at least 7

kids, all severely sick and they went to the Red Cross for help.

They were turned away and would not receive anything. I don't know

what the answer is to this and when I hear this coming from someone

that is so desperate to help themselves and their families it rips

out my damn heart. And there is silence on the phone. I know there

are many of us in the same position. Including myself that is ready

to lose everything because I have become so determined to stop this

from happening to one more family. This can be prevented and has

been completely ignored by those that should know better.

I am not a real religious person, only because I don't attend church

every Sunday (my wife can't take the various smells) and I may be

walking a very fine line here with some of you and I apologize, but

I do pray and I do believe because sometimes that is all we have

left. Many of you will know that know me personally where I am

coming from. I can vouch that there are miracles and they do happen.

And it has made me a believer due to firsthand experience. We must

have hope and we must continue our fight to bring this to light.

I have thought many times of giving up this fight and stop

addressing those on this group and many other groups I participate

in. I've become very angry, disappointed in those agencies that are

supposed to help us, government officials and many more. I've become

very quiet, withdrawn within myself, thinking that's it, I'm

finished. Not knowing what direction I'm going in next. And then one

more person calls me, scared, not knowing or the reason they are

feeling the way they do, along with their children. Damn it, here we

go again and the fight is on. Everything that I was just feeling is

gone again, til the next time. So you see you can't get away from

it, no matter how hard you try, because there is always one more

person out there that NEEDS YOU, THAT NEEDS US and that is why we

are here.

There are many of us that need hope and pray just to get through the

next day, but forgive me, everyone, for bringing to light one person

that comes to light because I don't want to compare one from the

next or to say one is sicker than the other. But at this time I must.

This is very difficult....

But please everyone on this board to send their prayers, their hope,

their faith or their healing powers wherever they may come from, in

the direction of Marcie McGovern. Your compassion and understanding

and piece of mind is more important than anything right now that can

come to light.



There are other posts on here that I need to address, mainly just to

say " Thank You " and they are well appreciated, but they will have to

wait for right now.

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