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Okay, I sent my letter.

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Dear Ms. Larson,

I was forwarded the reader comment that ran in your paper and was

written by a Mr. Darrel Watkins regarding his understanding of mold. In the

commentary by Mr. Watkins, he indicates that those who are concerned about the

serious illnesses caused by mold exposure within an indoor environment are

dimwits. I am not certain why one would write such a paper that is so hurtful


the families that have experienced the devastation of mold induced

illnesses. It is obvious Mr. Watkins is either a cruel man or one who has


knowledge of a matter he has chosen to write about publicly.

Mold illnesses can be physically dibilitating. Breathing in large

amounts of molds such as aspergillus, pennicilium and stachybotris can cause

neurological damage. They are known toxin producing fungi and can do permenent

damage to the respiratory tract and cause cognitive dysfunction. Thousands of

people from across the US are experiencing these illnesses. For one to suffer

this and then be called a dimwit is hurtful insult to tragic injury.

People should understand that if you have a small amount of mold in

your shower, this is more than likely not any threat to their health. It is no

need to panic over. But if you are someone who has had a long term leak or

excessive water damage with resulting mold growth, it is important to remove

the problem promptly.

Some of the symptoms that people experience yet do not understand may

be caused by a moldy environment are: shortness of breath, difficulty

concentrating, irratibility, sleepy all the time, numbness in extremities


chronic sinus infections. As the fungal illness progresses, other symptoms are

ringing in the ears, hair loss, blurred vision, digestive problems and chronic

skin rashes or bumps under the skin.

Over the past thirty years there has been a dramatic increase in the

number of people with asthma and autoimmune diseases in this country. The

construction standards that have been used in an effort to increase energy

efficiency have made our homes, schools and office building airtight. The


materials used, such as wall board, have been made out of cellulose

materials with paper coatings. These types of materials act to wick up the


when they are made wet. This causes the materials to stay damp and encourages

mold growth.

Just add water to our energy efficient homes, schools and offices and

they become gigantic, airtight petrie dishes that encourage the growth of

toxin producing fungi. One can internet search the phrase " sick building

syndrome " to understand how pervasive this problem is. One can also search the

phrase " green buildings " to understand the steps being taken to change the

building requirements and materials in an effort to eliminate the nationwide



In the meantime, many are suffering needlessly because they are not

informed of the matter. Letters written such as the one authored by Mr.

simple serve to further the misunderstanding. They perpetuate intolerance of

those who are truly ill and have already suffered enough without the cruel and

ignorant words of the likes of Mr. .


Mrs. Sharon Kramer

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