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Re: dormant mold in exterior walls of new construction home.

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linda <rfarnen@...> wrote:

The only smell I can identify is one of

smoke, as if there had been a mild fire. Has anyone experienced anything similar

I knew I wasn't crazy! I told months ago that I can " smell " mold and that

it smelled like rubber burning or after fireworks are set-off!! He can

experience mold " hits " , so can I, but he said he couldn't smell the burning

odor. Now I think all of us smell the musky odor of mold so I wonder why she and

I can smell some mold which is like the burning odor and I can smell others like

the musky or mildew odor?



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Yes. It is very likely they will be aggrevated again, probably at a higher

level, due to

becoming sensitized to it before. This just happened here (my area, not my home)

when an area that had previous mold problems became wet from a water leak on


floor. 3 people grew very ill from the mold that went to town with the increase

in humidity

and condensation.

Now, I don't really believe in the " dormant " mold theory. If it is there, it is

going to cause

problems whether it is wet or not. When it is wet, the problems tend to


exponentially. If someone tells you otherwise, they just don't have all the

facts. If they tell

you to just seal it into the walls, run from them. Maybe you won't be as

susceptible as

some people, but think of those in the house with you, including your pets, if

you have

them. My dog gets affected, too.

> For the past year we have been living with a major mold contamination

> in our 3 yr old home. It originated in our master bedroom, and now is

> identified in most exterior wall caviities. During the spring, we

> were suffering from the effects of the mold which was aggravated by the

> wet weather. We have photos of the water coming through the block. Now

> we have experienced a very dry summer here in Florida, and the noticable

> odor and symptons have eased. The only smell I can identify is one of

> smoke, as if there had been a mild fire. Has anyone experienced

> anything similar or can tell me if once the mold is exposed to water

> again, will our health problems resurface?

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> I knew I wasn't crazy! I told months ago that I can " smell "

mold and that it smelled like rubber burning or after fireworks are

set-off!! He can experience mold " hits " , so can I, but he said he

couldn't smell the burning odor. Now I think all of us smell the

musky odor of mold so I wonder why she and I can smell some mold

which is like the burning odor and I can smell others like the musky

or mildew odor?


> Bob

Bob, remember MANY months ago I was trying to pursuade you that your

complaints were consistent with mold reactivity than the

formaldehyde that you were implicating.

The VERY common experience of not making the association with mold

even after it is suggested tends to discount the belief that induces

people to exclude mold: " If I were reactive to mold, I would KNOW

it " argument.

PLEASE try to make your attributions of my statements consistent

with what I actually said. It's not that I cannot smell odors

associated with mold, it is that the various smuts, yeasts bacteria

and decaying material odors are UNRELIABLE indications of

mycotoxins, which tend to have a pungent effect rather than an

identifiable odor.

" Mustiness " may not necessarily be " The Bad Stuff " and sometimes

the " hits " can arrive without ANY noticeable " odor " so I advise

against relying on sense of smell to detect mold.

It is the deniers who consistently claim that we are complaining

about a " bad smell " when what we are trying to describe is a

neurotoxic irritant characterized by neurological manifestations of



> " In addition to mucous membrane irritation, fungal volatile

compounds may impact the " common chemical sense " which senses

pungency and responds to it. This sense is primarily associated with

the trigeminal nerve (and to a lesser extent the vagus nerve). This

mixed (sensory and motor) nerve responds to pungency, not odor, by

initiating avoidance reactions, including breath holding,

discomfort, or paresthesias, or odd sensations, such as itching,

burning, and skin crawling. Changes in sensation, swelling of mucous

membranes, constriction of respiratory smooth muscle, or dilation of

surface blood vessels may be part of fight or flight reactions in

response to trigeminal nerve stimulation. Decreased attention,

disorientation, diminished reflex time, dizziness and other effects

can also result from such exposures (Otto et al., 1989) " <

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erikmoldwarrior <erikmoldwarrior@...> wrote:

Bob, remember MANY months ago I was trying to pursuade you that your

complaints were consistent with mold reactivity than the

formaldehyde that you were implicating.

The VERY common experience of not making the association with mold

even after it is suggested tends to discount the belief that induces

people to exclude mold: " If I were reactive to mold, I would KNOW

it " argument.

PLEASE try to make your attributions of my statements consistent

with what I actually said. It's not that I cannot smell odors

associated with mold, it is that the various smuts, yeasts bacteria

and decaying material odors are UNRELIABLE indications of

mycotoxins, which tend to have a pungent effect rather than an

identifiable odor.

" Mustiness " may not necessarily be " The Bad Stuff " and sometimes

the " hits " can arrive without ANY noticeable " odor " so I advise

against relying on sense of smell to detect mold.

It is the deniers who consistently claim that we are complaining

about a " bad smell " when what we are trying to describe is a

neurotoxic irritant characterized by neurological manifestations of



, maybe you are having a bad day but you read more into my comments that

what I meant. Yes, you have been preaching mold to the CFS groups but not me in

particular. boy do I ever wished I had paid more attention to what you had to

say and have a mold test or crawl under the trailer years ago. I didn't even

think I was saying anything that you would feel was misrepresenting anything you

have ever said? If I did, I apologize as it was not intentional. You have took

phones calls from me in the past months and I truly am thankful for your help

and knowledge. I just remember one time telling you I thought I could smell

mold, the burning type odor and asking you if you could. I clearly remember,

though maybe I don't...lol, you saying that you couldn't and that is why I said

what I did but meant nothing derogatory.



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Bob, funny, could have sworn that I was just shaking my head when

you were trying to do all sorts of stuff to the floor of your

trailer to alleviate chemicals, and thinking " He's describing mold

perfectly " , and told you about it.

But I've had a tough time trying talk people out of relying on smell

as an indicator of places to be avoided and it sounded to me like

this gave gave the impression that I was unable to smell mold.

Been in PLENTY of smelly musty - moldy places that don't bother me

at all. When I smell mold, I don't even flinch anymore - unless I

start to feel the warning signs of a " mold hit " .

Relying too much on smell is of the " obfusticators " that adds

confusion to identifying mycotoxins as an irritant.

I rely on " The Depression Response " and signs of capillary

hypoperfusion far more than olfactory stimulus, although smelling

mold does add to the clues.


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erikmoldwarrior <erikmoldwarrior@...> wrote:

Bob, funny, could have sworn that I was just shaking my head when

you were trying to do all sorts of stuff to the floor of your

trailer to alleviate chemicals,

NO, you are right about that. I took my carpewt off in early 2003 and saw the

" warning " signs about the formaldehyde and as you know, I bought that expensive

AFM sealant to seal the floor and cabinets but it didn't help. You are right

that you told me that it sounded like mold to you and you would think that me of

all people would have listened!! This shows you that people who have not had CFS

for 25 years and gone to over 150 doctors and probably less than five believed

that CFS existed. I cannot remember why I was deaf and blind to at least testing

for Stachy's?? However, I am not yet ready to say that mold is the cause of CFS.

I just got some information about Dr Hokama sending two new researches to be

published and he has found some new good stuff. From what I am told, he is going

like a house afire! He asked the university for six more PhD's and they said he

could hire them! He must be on to something for the university to okay that.

Only time will tell though that if treating the CFS will help our mold

sensitivities. I would think that it would.

Does most people on this list have CFS or Fibro?



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Does most people on this list have CFS or Fibro?

My wife.Yes to both

> Bob, funny, could have sworn that I was just shaking my head when

> you were trying to do all sorts of stuff to the floor of your

> trailer to alleviate chemicals,


> NO, you are right about that. I took my carpewt off in early 2003

and saw the " warning " signs about the formaldehyde and as you know,

I bought that expensive AFM sealant to seal the floor and cabinets

but it didn't help. You are right that you told me that it sounded

like mold to you and you would think that me of all people would

have listened!! This shows you that people who have not had CFS for

25 years and gone to over 150 doctors and probably less than five

believed that CFS existed. I cannot remember why I was deaf and

blind to at least testing for Stachy's?? However, I am not yet ready

to say that mold is the cause of CFS. I just got some information

about Dr Hokama sending two new researches to be published and he

has found some new good stuff. From what I am told, he is going like

a house afire! He asked the university for six more PhD's and they

said he could hire them! He must be on to something for the

university to okay that.


> Only time will tell though that if treating the CFS will help our

mold sensitivities. I would think that it would.


> Does most people on this list have CFS or Fibro?


> Bob






> ---------------------------------

> for Good

> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.



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tigerpaw2c <tigerpaw2c@...> wrote:


Does most people on this list have CFS or Fibro?

My wife.Yes to both

If most people on this mold list has CFS or Fibro, or both, then wouldn't it

make sense that either mold causes CFS/FM or that people with CFS/FM are very

suspectable to mold. I know that it is very common for PWC's (persons with CFS)

to have multiple infections.



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Yes Bob the same thing occured to me. I also have had hypothyroid for the past

ten years which is an autoimmune disease. Maybe we can help them all see the

whole picture. I do believe it will happen.


Bob <blue74730@...> wrote:

tigerpaw2c <tigerpaw2c@...> wrote:


Does most people on this list have CFS or Fibro?

My wife.Yes to both

If most people on this mold list has CFS or Fibro, or both, then wouldn't it

make sense that either mold causes CFS/FM or that people with CFS/FM are very

suspectable to mold. I know that it is very common for PWC's (persons with CFS)

to have multiple infections.



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Yes the mold can effect you even when it is dry if you happen to disturb

it....like in my case it was under the carpet so every time I vacumed or walked

it would send spores in the air for me to breath. And yes it will start growing

again when it is exposed to water. I have done a lot of research and find this

to be the case on the sites where they know what they are talking about. You

sould do somthing about your problem. Find out if you can sue the builder and

get some air sampling done.

Good luck Skye

linda <rfarnen@...> wrote:

For the past year we have been living with a major mold contamination

in our 3 yr old home. It originated in our master bedroom, and now is

identified in most exterior wall caviities. During the spring, we

were suffering from the effects of the mold which was aggravated by the

wet weather. We have photos of the water coming through the block. Now

we have experienced a very dry summer here in Florida, and the noticable

odor and symptons have eased. The only smell I can identify is one of

smoke, as if there had been a mild fire. Has anyone experienced

anything similar or can tell me if once the mold is exposed to water

again, will our health problems resurface?


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Yes, Yes and yes the spore is in the Sheetrock, on the stud`s, Three thing`s

are needed for an outbreak. temp, food and water. I saw Florida in one of the

post`s. Walk out your front door and look at the roof`s and sidewalks. mold

grow`s on everything in Florida, even glass. Spore`s ( the seed) are already on

everything! I am a Sheetrock and rehab contractor in Pensacola Florida.

currently 80% of my business is cutting out and replacing molded Sheetrock (

hurricane`s IVAN, DENNIS ) The condo`s my crew is doing today. the walls look

like the were painted black. I have customers that doctors told them, mold was

actually growing in their lungs. TOM

linda <rfarnen@...> wrote: For the past year we have been living

with a major mold contamination

in our 3 yr old home. It originated in our master bedroom, and now is

identified in most exterior wall caviities. During the spring, we

were suffering from the effects of the mold which was aggravated by the

wet weather. We have photos of the water coming through the block. Now

we have experienced a very dry summer here in Florida, and the noticable

odor and symptons have eased. The only smell I can identify is one of

smoke, as if there had been a mild fire. Has anyone experienced

anything similar or can tell me if once the mold is exposed to water

again, will our health problems resurface?


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Absolutly will return, can go dorment for long periods, when moisture

returns, it can grow with a vengense, putting out mycotoxins that

could kill you, get out while you have your health. Smoky or musty

oders are a bad sign

> For the past year we have been living with a major mold


> in our 3 yr old home. It originated in our master bedroom, and now


> identified in most exterior wall caviities. During the spring, we

> were suffering from the effects of the mold which was aggravated by


> wet weather. We have photos of the water coming through the block.


> we have experienced a very dry summer here in Florida, and the


> odor and symptons have eased. The only smell I can identify is one


> smoke, as if there had been a mild fire. Has anyone experienced

> anything similar or can tell me if once the mold is exposed to water

> again, will our health problems resurface?

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