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Mold Exposure Has Affected This Person's Life

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Mold Exposure Testimonies

Mold Exposure Has Affected This Person's Life


Submitted by FuzzyLogic:

Household Mold, also called " Black Mold " or " Toxic Black Mold "

or " Black Toxic Mold " , is at epidemic levels in the USA and is

infecting people's houses and causing serious health problems. When

toxic mold infects a house or building it is called " Sick Building

Syndrome " . A new mold called Stachybotrys atra, now called

Stachybotrys chartarum, is infecting homes schools and buildings

throughout the USA. The mold produces toxic vapors called mycotoxins.

My personal experience:

In 1994, I returned after a three month stay in the Philippines on

the island of Mindanao in the mountainous area of the province of

Bukidnon. Specifically I resided in the town of Impasugong. I stayed

with a family in their little shack made of partially decayed second

hand lumber. On the final day of my stay, I was forced to pack some

of my clothing while still wet because it had rained on them.

After arriving in Ohio, USA I didn't unpack the suitcase for at

least a month. When I opened the suitcase I was surprised to see

that a black mold had completely covered a shirt of mine and had a

light fuzzy growth covering it that was about two inches thick. I

knew this fuzz was spores. I did not want to get the spores of

something capable of completely covering my shirt in the apartment

so I took the shirt outside and ignorantly blew the spores into the

wind. My shirt was ruined so I disposed of it.

A couple of months later circular patches of black mold started

appearing on the ceiling in the bath room growing right on a painted

surface. Later, I began developing health problems. First, I

developed sinus problems with thick yellow sinuses. Later, it got so

bad that I was coughing up hard clumps of blood along with the thick

yellow mucus. Later I developed breathing problems and asthmatic

attacks. I also had chronic nose bleeds. I also had a flu like

condition that I thought I was going to die from. I never

experienced anything like it.

When I forcibly exhaled my throat made a horrible gurgling sound.

Later still, I started breaking out with an itchy rash all over my

body with welts up to the size of quarters. I developed memory

problems and difficulty thinking. I would stare at my computer while

on the Internet as if I were in a trance. I was chronically fatigued

all the time. My eyes would burn and itch. I developed partial

paralysis in my left leg. It was as if the muscle in my leg did not

want to respond. I knew something was horribly wrong with the

apartment because I could not hardly breathe in it. When I entered

the apartment it was as if I were choking and gasping for air. I

still did not know the source of the problem.

I was forced to move out of that apartment. Later my health

returned. But my experience was a horrible one. I finally understood

what had happened to me after I saw a report on television stating

that toxic black mold was epidemically infesting people's homes in

the USA in every state in the continental USA. I regret that I may

have introduced a new species of mold into the USA when I blew those

spores into the wind way back in 1995. I now believe that the recent

epidemic increase in asthma among children may be my fault. If I am

to blame then I offer my humblest and sincere apologies to the

people of the USA and state that when I blew those spores into the

wind I did it out of ignorance not realizing the potential

consequences of my actions. I should have rapped that mold up very

carefully in a plastic bag and buried it. If it is any consolation

to those who have suffered ill effects from toxic black mold, then I

state that I know first hand what it feels like to be exposed to the

horrible vapors called mycotoxins.

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Please somebody relieve this man of his guilt!!!!! I succumbed to

toxic mold in 1990-from the smallest amount that had a 1 year

recovery- with winds whipping around the planet, I hardly think he

is the Typhoid of Toxic mold. Insulation and building practices

are to blame as far as I am concerned , and the public health

athorities who do nothing to warn people of the problem!!!!!

> spores into the wind way back in 1995. I now believe that the


> epidemic increase in asthma among children may be my fault. If I


> to blame then I offer my humblest and sincere apologies to the

> people of the USA and state that when I blew those spores into the

> wind I did it out of ignorance not realizing the potential

> consequences of my actions. I should have rapped that mold up very

> carefully in a plastic bag and buried it. If it is any consolation

> to those who have suffered ill effects from toxic black mold, then


> state that I know first hand what it feels like to be exposed to


> horrible vapors called mycotoxins.


> Back to the list of submissions Next page of mold


> testimonies

> Want to share your experience with mold exposure? If so, please

> complete the user submission form.

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" carondeen " wrote:

> Please somebody relieve this man of his guilt!!!!!

I was put down for the count in " Hitlers Headquarters " in 1976.

Really pissed me off that I was laying flat out - scarcely able to

move while others were celebrating the Bicentenniel.

Didn't know what it was back then, but I remember others in my unit -

especially the supply sgt. who was stationed down in the worst part,

the subterranean armory, who all got sick and were med - evac'd back

the " The World " with none of the doctors able to figure out why

soldiers were dropping with weird neuro problems.

I told 'em on About.com of my experience telling Dr Cheney and Dr

about the mold during the first day of the " CFS epidemic " .

That oughtta assuage his guilt feelings.


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